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No cross server lfg. THANK YOU BIOWARE!!


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I would add one more:


3) So you want to respect the already developed communities by adding a singe-server LFG. But aren't you completely destroying most of the said communities by implementing the Character Transfer Service right before LFG? How does this make any sense?


This guy has clearly no clue what he's talking about.


The sense it makes: those on populated servers (The Capitol) have no problems with LFG on their own server. Those in the outlying districts get to starve.

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Just going to look at the bold.


First, they are offering extra rewards in the form of Black Hole commendations for using LFG random heroic.


Second, do the math on the servers. The most densely populated server SWTOR can support has LESS players at peak than the average WoW server. Single-server LFG failed in WoW.


There is no way single-server LFG is going to succeed in SWTOR, especially not for the sub-50 crowd and especially not at off-peak times.



Fair point. But I will say two things in Bioware's favor. 1st is only requiring 4 for a group instead of 5. 2nd is you will still be able to queue up anywhere. So it WILL make a difference. How much remains to be seen. But I can guarantee you there will be more groups running heroics/flashpoints after it goes live than before... Will it make it so you can get an insta-queue?? Nope, but you can't get an insta-queue in WOW right now either....

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Fair point. But I will say two things in Bioware's favor. 1st is only requiring 4 for a group instead of 5. 2nd is you will still be able to queue up anywhere. So it WILL make a difference. How much remains to be seen. But I can guarantee you there will be more groups running heroics/flashpoints after it goes live than before... Will it make it so you can get an insta-queue?? Nope, but you can't get an insta-queue in WOW right now either....


While you could accuse some of us of being overly pessimistic, I do believe you are being overly optimistic. When I do a "who" and see precisely 55 people online on the Imperial Side...a server only LFG isn't going to be a whole lot of help for me.

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Fair point. But I will say two things in Bioware's favor. 1st is only requiring 4 for a group instead of 5. 2nd is you will still be able to queue up anywhere. So it WILL make a difference. How much remains to be seen. But I can guarantee you there will be more groups running heroics/flashpoints after it goes live than before... Will it make it so you can get an insta-queue?? Nope, but you can't get an insta-queue in WOW right now either....


I'm sure it will improve things. At primetime. On servers that have populations. For level 50 characters.


Part of the problem is that so many players have zero chance at getting into a flashpoint before 50. This won't help them.


When you pop a level 50 flashpoint through LFG, do you want that to be the first flashpoint your tank ever tanked?

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Mergers are not coming. They are messy, complicated, cause more problems than they are worth, and are bad publicity outside the game (more than a few angry forum posters are able to generate).


Huh? How are they messy and complicated. It's simpler and smoother than server transfers, at least this way you are guaranteed to be with friends who come back. Merges are cleaner and simpler.

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They just don't know how to make one, that's all. Their single-server LFD is a notch better than what they have now, which is Stone-Age.


u think they r stupid?

they sure know how to make a cross server LFD.

single server lfg is pointless, because ur server will die again.

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Huh? How are they messy and complicated. It's simpler and smoother than server transfers, at least this way you are guaranteed to be with friends who come back. Merges are cleaner and simpler.


The messiness comes from character and Legacy names.


However, non-mergers require you to abandon your guild, including newly implemented Guild Bank slots which are not exactly cheap to purchase.

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Not really. The longevity of a person's account on these forums is absolutely irrelevant to the validity of their opinion or theories.


Actually it does... He mostly likely pick a heavy pop server since things settled down... Its alot easier to pass judgement when you dont have to log into a server with 3 people on fleet at 1am central time...

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Actually it does... He mostly likely pick a heavy pop server since things settled down... Its alot easier to pass judgement when you dont have to log into a server with 3 people on fleet at 1am central time...


That does make me nostalgic for the days of the Proudmoore server, original home of the Oceanic players (before WoW had Oceanic servers.) The place was packed at any hour of the day.

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Sorry again, i too wish it were true and bioware magicaly pulled their heads out of you know where.


They said it in beta

The said it at the guild summit

And they said it again today on ign "We still want to respect the communities that have developed on servers so it does not support cross-server play. ---Daniel Erickson


Now i know it doesnt say "we hate x server lfg tools", but they also didnt say "we are just going to see if this works", or "we are working on x server tech".


OK. Today has been a disappointment. "Respect the communities that have developed on servers.." WHAT!? The only thing that's developed is an Exodus OFF the servers.


I'm tired of playing a game run by Ewoks. I unsubbed just now. I see my Sub as an investment to the game and Mr. Erickson gave me a reason not to invest any more. I still have gametime remaining so I'll continue my ALT play until it ends.

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X-Server LFG is needed regardless. I read most of the lame arguments against it and I still disagree with them fully.




Arguement 1 : If you play with people from other servers you won't care about them and they won't care about you. They will need on stuff that they don't actually use...


Response: First off the chances of this happening are low. Who is to say people from the same server won't do the same crap anyway. I've personally been in groups with the common noob Jedi Guardian who needed on Trooper gear because it was Heavy Armor.


But here is the MAIN issue here, people are leveling from 10-50 not doing and FPs because they are unable to get groups unless they goto the fleet and spam without much success most of the time. Even if they make this LFG system for Same Server it will only be beneficial to the high pop servers and even then they will have some type of wait time.


With X-Server you will run the chance of grouping with that annoying guy who ninjas gear but you can always just leave the group and look for another one. (even if they give you some debuff for leaving it will be more worth it) I really feel that people are saying this stuff like everyone is out to ninja loot.


Arguement 2: X-server LFG will take away from the servers community...


Response: lol no it won't, when it comes to OPs people will still need to run together on the same server. Even if they do add the X-Server LFG OPs any OP beyond EV and KP will fail because EC is not gonna happen in a full pug raid by any means. I honestly think not having an X-server LFG system takes away from the community because if people can't find groups for anything then why the hell are they even playing the game.

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The messiness comes from character and Legacy names.


However, non-mergers require you to abandon your guild, including newly implemented Guild Bank slots which are not exactly cheap to purchase.


with the character and legacy name they can just add your server name to your tag so it won't bug anything up.

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X-Server LFG is needed regardless. I read most of the lame arguments against it and I still disagree with them fully.

Response: lol no it won't, when it comes to OPs people will still need to run together on the same server. Even if they do add the X-Server LFG OPs any OP beyond EV and KP will fail because EC is not gonna happen in a full pug raid by any means. I honestly think not having an X-server LFG system takes away from the community because if people can't find groups for anything then why the hell are they even playing the game.


So totally true.. I kept saying to myself it will get batter after 50 so I can skip this stuff.. Well its not. I guess I could reroll once again or just wait for them to figure out transfer..


Well I picked the 3rd I voted with my wallet and unsubbed... I can play for free and get a group in less then 10 sec in D3. And I can play the game when I want to play not the other way around when then the stars line up just right I MIGHT get a group...

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Excellent choice on your part. Single server lfg is going to be more than adequate with the server transfers coming.


Single server LFG will probably be far from adequate... but... we have to hope that this band aid on a gushing bullet wound will buy enough time to save the patient...


Cross Server LFG does not kill server communities... not sure where this stereotype came from, but it's inherently false. Keep on repeating your mantra though, maybe if you say it enough it'll make it true...

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Cross Server LFG does not kill server communities... not sure where this stereotype came from, but it's inherently false. Keep on repeating your mantra though, maybe if you say it enough it'll make it true...


What's bad about it is, BioWare bought into this bunk belief -- hook, line, and sinker. What? What objective proof is there that cross-server LFG is harmful to "communities"? The rest of the industry is moving beyond the archaic notion of "servers" and BioWare is busy trying to cater to decade old MMO tropes.

Edited by Korusus
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Actually it does... He mostly likely pick a heavy pop server since things settled down... Its alot easier to pass judgement when you dont have to log into a server with 3 people on fleet at 1am central time...


I chose Begeren Colony which was one of MANY standard servers at the time. It's now in the light range more than standard. While I wouldn't call the original thought you put down as an attack, I am curious about the "negative connotation" that it had.

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With their hesitation of combat logs, you're naive if you thought this was going to go any other way. It'll be implemented at some point down the road.


I do agree with you in that it will come. I think its just the level of arrogance and/or just complete ignorance on the side of EA Bio.


" We still want to respect the communities that have developed on servers so it does not support cross-server play."


What an absolute joke of a statement to make. Many servers are dead, just what "community" are they talking about?

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Sorry again, i too wish it were true and bioware magicaly pulled their heads out of you know where.


They said it in beta

The said it at the guild summit

And they said it again today on ign "We still want to respect the communities that have developed on servers so it does not support cross-server play. ---Daniel Erickson


Now i know it doesnt say "we hate x server lfg tools", but they also didnt say "we are just going to see if this works", or "we are working on x server tech".


you would think that someone, anyone, at BW would by now be raising their hand at group meetings and say "..umm guys...you think we may have been wrong about some things"


OR maybe they only want a small niche community of players and don't have designs on being very massive. if thats the case, then I would have to agree with those that say get rid of most of the servers. they're only alienating the few players left on those servers.

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So totally true.. I kept saying to myself it will get batter after 50 so I can skip this stuff.. Well its not. I guess I could reroll once again or just wait for them to figure out transfer..


Well I picked the 3rd I voted with my wallet and unsubbed... I can play for free and get a group in less then 10 sec in D3. And I can play the game when I want to play not the other way around when then the stars line up just right I MIGHT get a group...


And this, my friends, is why the game needs cross-server LFG. Anything else simply won't get groups often enough and people will keep leaving. The more people leave, the harder it will be to get groups.


Call it a death spiral if you'd like. That what it seems like to me.

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I do agree with you in that it will come. I think its just the level of arrogance and/or just complete ignorance on the side of EA Bio.


" We still want to respect the communities that have developed on servers so it does not support cross-server play."


What an absolute joke of a statement to make. Many servers are dead, just what "community" are they talking about?


That statement caused me to unsub today.

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