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No cross server lfg. THANK YOU BIOWARE!!


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Excellent choice on your part. Single server lfg is going to be more than adequate with the server transfers coming.


You must think every server is bustling with people anxious to do to similar things...


I can understand not going cross server for Ops... but for those of us at successful endgame level...or unguilded who wants to pester anyone for a run/group thru Black Talon for the 100th time.


People can be finicky to the point of ignorance. YOU DONT WANT RANDOM PEOPLE? THEN FORM YOUR OWN GROUP!!

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Once again go check your facts. Since the release of LFD in WOW...It has lost 2.2 Million subs.


One does not equal the other. WoW is a stale old game anyway. That it has retained its subscriber base this long is nothing short of amazing. They have lost a ton of subscribers since announcing the Panda expansion though.

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Thats probably the worst retort I've heard all day.


I see more griefers because I'm running more dungeons...as if, its okay to grief because its a dungeon? No.


Ganking is another matter, thats open world PvP. If someone on your server griefs, and becomes a known griefer, than they will get labeled as one.


Really is moot in WoW anyway with their server transfer policy.


If at any point your jerk-i-ness (new word!) gets too pronounced, pay Blizzard $30 and start over!


Its really no wonder why, in my experience, at least 75% of the people who play WoW are major jerks. Seems to have carried over into other games a bit as well...


I think you missed his point. He's not saying that its ok to grief, he's saying that the reason you notice griefing more with x-server LFG is simply because you have the opportunity to run more dungeons. Its simply a matter of odds. If you can run 10 dungeons a week without a LFD tool and you encounter 1 griefer for every 10 dungeons you run, then you run 100 dungeons a week with the LFD tool, you'll encounter about 10 griefers per week at the same rate.


It doesn't mean its ok to grief, it just means that citing griefing as a reason not to have X-Server LFD is a weak argument.

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Got check you facts....you won't be happy.


Dont listen to this guy he is just another anti x-server fanatic who tries to back up his claims with feelings and numbers that have nothing to do with an lfg tool because they have ZERO facts to show why a same server tool will work in this game yet has never worked in any other mmo.


Wows sub numbers started dropping in cata, and are now stable, and wow is expanding their lfg tool even further becuase IT IS SUCCCESSFUL.


He tries to make a false point by never actualy saying that wow lost subs because of x-server lfg, that in itself is proof that these people have no facts to stand on.

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K? point? That still doesn't make cross-server better when it comes to griefers.


The current LFG tool doesn't work because /who doesn't work


So your pre-made is somehow a basis for the reality the rest of us face?


I made my point, you obviously completely missed it... Grief'ers are going to be in game, whether they're on your server or not, you can't fight that fact


The LFG tool doesn't work, whether /who worked or not... If it did, people wouldn't be spending hours spamming in General chat LFG...


No, my point, that you've obviously completely missed twice now, was stated, you said it was IMPOSSIBLE, I proved you wrong in saying that it is completely possible... The reality you have to face is that there are no groups forming because there is no big player base to match people up together...


When their LFD tool goes live, it will make LITTLE difference, why? Because there aren't enough players on any one server to make it worth while, mergers NEED to happen, otherwise this is yet another useless tool much like the current LFG tool!

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I think you missed his point. He's not saying that its ok to grief, he's saying that the reason you notice griefing more with x-server LFG is simply because you have the opportunity to run more dungeons. Its simply a matter of odds. If you can run 10 dungeons a week without a LFD tool and you encounter 1 griefer for every 10 dungeons you run, then you run 100 dungeons a week with the LFD tool, you'll encounter about 10 griefers per week at the same rate.


It doesn't mean its ok to grief, it just means that citing griefing as a reason not to have X-Server LFD is a weak argument.


LOL good luck, i alredy tried logic on that guy and he left the thread.

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No, 3 a DAY. Basically, every other group I ran, had someone ninja loot...always a boss drop, usually the last boss, just because they could and knew nobody could do anything to stop them.


I had the same thing happen to me, but who even cares when lvl'ing an alt you replace that gear so damn fast does it really matter. And once you got to decent lvl content most of the groups i ran were pretty resonable about gear when it dropped. For the most part the only gear that mattered was hardcore raiding gear other than that it was just random stuff that noone cared about.


This game need some kind of LFG tool for WZ's most of all but i wouldn't frown on the idea of one for anything else(i.e heroics, ops, flashpoints) I have been playing this game since day one and i log on once a week now just to see if i can find a group. i refuse to reroll on a new server and lose everything i worked so hard for. they need to give those of us that just keep subbing (just because we believe that they will fix it sooner then later) an idea of when they will fix the problem not some notion of sometime this summer. my clander says summer already started and my patience is runnin thin on waiting on a sunday afternoon at 3 p.m central time for 3 hours and no ques poping and not even another person to b.s with while u wait around for nothing. i enjoy this game but like other before it i don't wanna see it fall by the wayside because of a people making the experience bad for everyone. And yes as far as a community goes in-game there really isn't one i talk to more people on the forums then in-game because most people are cheese di%*s and won't be reasonable and respectful enough to even say hello. thats if they aren't bots ne ways


sorry for ranting im just annoyed with how game-play ahs gone for the last mth. or so. (or lack there of)

g/l to all and hopefully i will see u in-game

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I tried logic too, he reported me for calling him stupid, he called me uneducated hahahaha


They just have no solid evidence of anything they say, and stacks of evidence agaisnt nearly everything they post, yet they will not budge in their beliefs.


Its really too bad that bioware listened to these same people in beta, if i had known these ignorant people were campaigning on the beta boards to ruin this game i would have tried to stop them.

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I have a novel idea here. It's miind blowing and maybe even a new way of thinking some of you might not have even tried before.


How about we actually try something before we decide we hate it? Mind blowing I know but I hear parents use this concept on their kids and it works.

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I made my point, you obviously completely missed it... Grief'ers are going to be in game, whether they're on your server or not, you can't fight that fact


The LFG tool doesn't work, whether /who worked or not... If it did, people wouldn't be spending hours spamming in General chat LFG...


No, my point, that you've obviously completely missed twice now, was stated, you said it was IMPOSSIBLE, I proved you wrong in saying that it is completely possible... The reality you have to face is that there are no groups forming because there is no big player base to match people up together...


When their LFD tool goes live, it will make LITTLE difference, why? Because there aren't enough players on any one server to make it worth while, mergers NEED to happen, otherwise this is yet another useless tool much like the current LFG tool!


Well, at least you've settled down to the point where you can talk like a actual person.


I'm only going to address the last thing you said.


Enough players: Transfers are also coming, this helps with having enough players.


Even still, the new LFG tool will introduce more people into grouping than before, because it'll be easier to get a group.


Even beyond that, allowing me to queue up for Taris 4 man heroics while I'm start on Hoth...thats more people in the system....not to mention anyone on Fleet who wants to queue up as well.


You are not looking at the big picture as to how things actually WORK in this game, you are seeing "I can't get a group now, this doesn't make groups 100% of the time, so its broken", (don't take that too literal, its generalization), when thats simply not the case.


There are many factors here. Why not try something yourself once 1.3 drops. Roll a new toon, maybe on a new server...play it when you're burned out on your dailies or something. Use the LFG tool a LOT and report your results.


I frankly feel it'll be a LOT more successful and look forward to running more heroics and FPs.

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I have a novel idea here. It's miind blowing and maybe even a new way of thinking some of you might not have even tried before.


How about we actually try something before we decide we hate it? Mind blowing I know but I hear parents use this concept on their kids and it works.


The point people are making is that server based LFG is already in the game. It just doesn't automatically match you up with someone. On many/most servers you can see all 10 or 20 50's that are online. Is a single server LFD really going to pull from enough people to make it worthwhile? Any time money is spent on development they should be asking if you will get enough bang for your buck, and they don't seem to have asked that question.

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Griefing? Hrmm I must be the exception. I have ran an obscene number

of dungeons using the WoW cross server LFG tool, and have yet to be ridiculed

for terrible DPS, and being a "bad" player in general and I'm no spring chicken

either. I guess those that want same server think this wont happen to them. Wrong.

Trust me word will spread not to group with certain players because they are terrible.

Same server will not mask you being carried.

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I have a novel idea here. It's miind blowing and maybe even a new way of thinking some of you might not have even tried before.


How about we actually try something before we decide we hate it? Mind blowing I know but I hear parents use this concept on their kids and it works.


It depends on what you mean.


If you mean try same server tool, we are trying ti, its just that any resonably inteligent person who knows anything about past and futre mmos know that it has failed and been replaced with crosss erver in every single one.


If you mean why dont the fanatics try cross server? because they know once it is in it will work and it wont be removed.

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Griefing? Hrmm I must be the exception. I have ran an obscene number

of dungeons using the WoW cross server LFG tool, and have yet to be ridiculed

for terrible DPS, and being a "bad" player in general and I'm no spring chicken

either. I guess those that want same server think this wont happen to them. Wrong.

Trust me word will spread not to group with certain players because they are terrible.

Same server will not mask you being carried.


Nor will it protect you fron ninjas. Nor will it protect you from grouping with bad players. The players left on your server might just be bad...

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People playing the game =/= Community.


The problem with people like you is that you are MMO dinosaurs(and trust me, I don't mean this in an insulting fashion) .


The concept of "community" in MMO's has been dead for about 8 years now. What you folks forget is that the demographic of people who play MMO's has practically taken a 180 degree turn. Majority of the people that play the game nowadays care more about content and features as opposed to a virtual lifestyle(from which comes this notion of a "community", which was very much dead once EQ died to some extent)

What WoW did was NOT destroy the game, but evolve it. It made MMO's more accessible, simplistic and streamlined. It basically brought a whole new demographic to the MMO industry. Whether that was a good or a bad thing is debatable and I have no interest in invoking that debate.

What I'm trying very hard not to say is "please don't sound ignorant by saying crap like "WOW DESTROYED COMMUNITY" ".

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And heres another Example of why anti cross server fanatics are just wrong.


In Rift 99% of the time i would always que with my guildies and we would then lfm 2 or 3 times and then que if we got no replies. I saw this in wow alot when i last played over a year ago, and it was just normal practice for people in Rift.


I was a tank in Rift and the few times i did solo que in the lfg tool i met guild groups from other servers who asked me to transfer servers and join their guild. If you think that is detrimental to the community youre on crack, that is a community builder.

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Well, at least you've settled down to the point where you can talk like a actual person.


I'm only going to address the last thing you said.


Enough players: Transfers are also coming, this helps with having enough players.


Even still, the new LFG tool will introduce more people into grouping than before, because it'll be easier to get a group.


Even beyond that, allowing me to queue up for Taris 4 man heroics while I'm start on Hoth...thats more people in the system....not to mention anyone on Fleet who wants to queue up as well.


You are not looking at the big picture as to how things actually WORK in this game, you are seeing "I can't get a group now, this doesn't make groups 100% of the time, so its broken", (don't take that too literal, its generalization), when thats simply not the case.


There are many factors here. Why not try something yourself once 1.3 drops. Roll a new toon, maybe on a new server...play it when you're burned out on your dailies or something. Use the LFG tool a LOT and report your results.


I frankly feel it'll be a LOT more successful and look forward to running more heroics and FPs.


Transfers are coming, that doesn't help server populations for those who are already on low-pop servers... If MORE people LEAVE a low-pop server that doesn't help those people still on the low-pop server... How do you not see that? MY POINT: MERGERS need to happen NOT Transfers!!


Again, even with an LFG tool, one that actually works, WILL NOT HELP those who are on low-pop servers!! Having a tool DOES NOT help if there aren't people there to play with!! HOW can you not see this fact?!


HOW is it that if I get an LFG tool on a server that doesn't have a lot of people going to magically make people appear on my server and start grouping? Please explain WHY you think putting in a tool to find groups is going to magically make people play the game??


People can't get groups because there aren't enough people on their servers to actually MAKE a group... again, putting in a tool to allow more people in an MMO to access each other, on the same server, WILL NOT magically make people appear...


Honestly, I don't care how you 'feel' this tool will do or how you 'feel' about how they game is going, I base my opinions off of FACTS not feelings!! You know what actually works? An x-server LFG tool, you then open up that player base to MANY more people, so instead of JUST being able to play with the 1,000 *I'm being VERY lenient here*, you open that up to Tens of Thousands of players...


You cannot sit there and say you'll enjoy being able to do more groups because of a tool allows you to access the SAME PEOPLE you already have access to!!!!!! You won't be running more FPs because there WON'T be more people you have access to!! THAT'S A FACT!!

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Once again go check your facts. Since the release of LFD in WOW...It has lost 2.2 Million subs.


Since the release of the Cataclysm expansion, they've lost that many subs. Not since LFD was introduced (which happened several months before the expansion).


What was that about facts?

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Transfers are coming, that doesn't help server populations for those who are already on low-pop servers... If MORE people LEAVE a low-pop server that doesn't help those people still on the low-pop server... How do you not see that? MY POINT: MERGERS need to happen NOT Transfers!!


Again, even with an LFG tool, one that actually works, WILL NOT HELP those who are on low-pop servers!! Having a tool DOES NOT help if there aren't people there to play with!! HOW can you not see this fact?!


HOW is it that if I get an LFG tool on a server that doesn't have a lot of people going to magically make people appear on my server and start grouping? Please explain WHY you think putting in a tool to find groups is going to magically make people play the game??


People can't get groups because there aren't enough people on their servers to actually MAKE a group... again, putting in a tool to allow more people in an MMO to access each other, on the same server, WILL NOT magically make people appear...


Honestly, I don't care how you 'feel' this tool will do or how you 'feel' about how they game is going, I base my opinions off of FACTS not feelings!! You know what actually works? An x-server LFG tool, you then open up that player base to MANY more people, so instead of JUST being able to play with the 1,000 *I'm being VERY lenient here*, you open that up to Tens of Thousands of players...


You cannot sit there and say you'll enjoy being able to do more groups because of a tool allows you to access the SAME PEOPLE you already have access to!!!!!! You won't be running more FPs because there WON'T be more people you have access to!! THAT'S A FACT!!


Transfers are to help population, thats the point. If your server is SO dead...MOVE!!!!!!!!!


Really, if the ONLY thing keeping your argument alive is your server being dead, move in 1.3...problem solved!


I re-rolled to Harbinger myself, zero regrets. Now in 1.3, I'll take my characters I still want from my old server that is dead, and bring him over to Harbinger.


Your "facts" are not facts, they are assumptions based around the contingent that you will refuse to leave an empty server with the option to transfer available to you.

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Nor will it protect you fron ninjas. Nor will it protect you from grouping with bad players. The players left on your server might just be bad...


You're correct, it is a gamble. Regardless of same or x-server.

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Transfers are coming, that doesn't help server populations for those who are already on low-pop servers... If MORE people LEAVE a low-pop server that doesn't help those people still on the low-pop server... How do you not see that? MY POINT: MERGERS need to happen NOT Transfers!!


Again, even with an LFG tool, one that actually works, WILL NOT HELP those who are on low-pop servers!! Having a tool DOES NOT help if there aren't people there to play with!! HOW can you not see this fact?!


HOW is it that if I get an LFG tool on a server that doesn't have a lot of people going to magically make people appear on my server and start grouping? Please explain WHY you think putting in a tool to find groups is going to magically make people play the game??


People can't get groups because there aren't enough people on their servers to actually MAKE a group... again, putting in a tool to allow more people in an MMO to access each other, on the same server, WILL NOT magically make people appear...


Honestly, I don't care how you 'feel' this tool will do or how you 'feel' about how they game is going, I base my opinions off of FACTS not feelings!! You know what actually works? An x-server LFG tool, you then open up that player base to MANY more people, so instead of JUST being able to play with the 1,000 *I'm being VERY lenient here*, you open that up to Tens of Thousands of players...


You cannot sit there and say you'll enjoy being able to do more groups because of a tool allows you to access the SAME PEOPLE you already have access to!!!!!! You won't be running more FPs because there WON'T be more people you have access to!! THAT'S A FACT!!


I like most of your points, until you start talking about mergers. They are not coming. They are messy affairs that are more trouble, in both implementation and Internet backlash, than they are worth.


They are the last ditch attempt of dying games to stay alive. We aren't dying yet. Far from it.

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Transfers are to help population, thats the point. If your server is SO dead...MOVE!!!!!!!!!


Really, if the ONLY thing keeping your argument alive is your server being dead, move in 1.3...problem solved!


I re-rolled to Harbinger myself, zero regrets. Now in 1.3, I'll take my characters I still want from my old server that is dead, and bring him over to Harbinger.


Your "facts" are not facts, they are assumptions based around the contingent that you will refuse to leave an empty server with the option to transfer available to you.


So do you think the lfg ques in wow are short enough for a dps in wow right now? and how long is acceptable for you to sit in a que for a flash point?

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Transfers are to help population, thats the point. If your server is SO dead...MOVE!!!!!!!!!


Really, if the ONLY thing keeping your argument alive is your server being dead, move in 1.3...problem solved!


I re-rolled to Harbinger myself, zero regrets. Now in 1.3, I'll take my characters I still want from my old server that is dead, and bring him over to Harbinger.


Your "facts" are not facts, they are assumptions based around the contingent that you will refuse to leave an empty server with the option to transfer available to you.


Oh, so the LFG tool is suppose to help me find groups with people that don't exist, because there are such things that exist like LOW POP SERVERS!! So, instead I should PAY MONEY to transfer instead of them doing Server Merges, which NEED to happen anyways... yeah, that makes perfect sense....


1.3 WILL NOT SOLVE THE LOW POPULATION SERVER PROBLEM, HOLY FREAKING CRAP, how is it you can sit there and call me uneducated yet be so blantantly ignorant to reality?!


My facts ARE facts!! You're sitting there saying things that go against logic and VERY SIMPLE understanding saying that THAT is fact!! SERIOUSLY?!


Just FYI, there are ONLY 4 servers that are considered HIGH pop servers, the other 100+ are ALL LOW, so, your logic says we should ALL PAY TO TRANSFER to those servers instead of server merges happening... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA


I've made MANY arguments, all which prove your 'facts' wrong! I've also stated MANY thing of why 1.3 WILL NOT solve any problems with the game, yet you keep saying, just wait and see, and I'm saying, here's empirical evidence that it WILL NOT HELP... yet you sit there and say I'm wrong... Fine, keep denying factual evidence and live in la-la land for all I care!



So, again, you are saying that everyone on low-pop servers should pay to have their characters moved to a high pop server so they can actually play with other people in an MMO... You REALLY don't see the validity that your argument doesn't hold do you?


You know what ACTUALLY solves that problem... MERGERS NOT TRANSFERS... I'm sick of arguing that FACT with you, you don't want to learn, that's your problem, not mine!


Last time I'm going to ask, stay on topic instead consistently going off-topic to 'prove' your opinions hold water, because as I, and many others now, have proven, they don't...

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