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Did you forget my point? It was that an LFG tool is pointless and even detrimental when the playerbase has just started out, and when only a few are even high enough level to use it. Well, TERA is launching in the US with an already established playerbase. Sinking in yet?:


Why is an lfg tool pointless to find groups while leveling? I leveld in rift to 50 with no lfg tool, it sucked. Then i re rolled to another sever and leveld to 50 with an lfg tool, it was alot better. Why are you only considering level 50's? if there are so few 50's that a cross server lfg tool is not getting them groups, then who cares, theres not even enough of them to make a group!


And this is news to me, Tera launched in the US with characters ported over from the korean version?



'Hokay, heheh. If your failure to understand and comprehend is calling me out, consider me "called out". :rolleyes:


I understand and comprehend everything you say, its wrong and youre lying and manipulating facts to support your point of view, and i just pointed out where you did it again,

Edited by Mallorik
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Did you forget my point? It was that an LFG tool is pointless and even detrimental when the playerbase has just started out, and when only a few are even high enough level to use it. Well, TERA is launching in the US with an already established playerbase. Sinking in yet?


Instinctually, this makes no sense to me at all. I've been playing regularly since launch and to this day, I've only had the opportunity to do about three Flashpoints. Here's why? Because I've got a limited budget of time for playing the game, and I really can't afford to sit around on the fleet waiting for a group to form. I would have loved to be able to do all of the Flashpoints with my main character while I was leveling up, but group formation was a huge barrier to me, and remains a huge barrier now on my alts as well as for level 50 hard modes.


As much as I enjoy this game, I can't say that I wouldn't have enjoyed it even more had I more opportunities along the way to get into group content. It's impossible that BioWare could have released a group finder too early. That just doesn't make any sense at all. The people who leveled to 50 in a week and a half and then moaned about lack of end game only to quit a month later would have done the exact same thing with or without a group finder. Smart developers know they can never satisfy players like that, so what do they matter?

Edited by thewatcheruatu
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Yes. Another useless feature. No cross realm LFG. What were they thinking? lol And the server transfers won't help once people realize they can only go to a randomly chosen server.


This is true. People generally act worse when they're not dealing with people they see all the time. However, I'm willing to deal with that to be able to do something other than run my daily quests and log off. Fail move BW not making the group finder cross server.

Your answer to this problem is a server merge. I am glad you made it possible but it doesnt fix things. So, I can go to a server with a higher population and have a better chance of your group finder being useful, then I have to leave the friends Ive had since launch and deal with name and legacy name issues to boot. :(

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I understand and comprehend everything you say, its wrong and youre lying and manipulating facts to support your point of view, and i just pointed out where you did it again,


*facepalm* Let me do this slowly for you, then:


TERA launched in Korea with no LFG : FACT

TERA implemented an LFG at 8 months old: FACT

TERA is launching in the U.S. with an already established playerbase at endgame and bring with it the LFG tool it didn't have at launch: FACT.


How am I lying?

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Instinctually, this makes no sense to me at all. I've been playing regularly since launch and to this day, I've only had the opportunity to do about three Flashpoints. Here's why? Because I've got a limited budget of time for playing the game, and I really can't afford to sit around on the fleet waiting for a group to form. I would have loved to be able to do all of the Flashpoints with my main character while I was leveling up, but group formation was a huge barrier to me, and remains a huge barrier now on my alts as well as for level 50 hard modes.


As much as I enjoy this game, I can't say that I wouldn't have enjoyed it even more had I more opportunities along the way to get into group content. It's impossible that BioWare could have released a group finder too early. That just doesn't make any sense at all. The people who leveled to 50 in a week and a half and then moaned about lack of end game only to quit a month later would have done the exact same thing with or without a group finder. Smart developers know they can never satisfy players like that, so what do they matter?


TOR probably could have used one for the leveling FPs, though it didn't need it at first. FPs were done quickly, and it was very easy to find a group.


My original statement was a postulation as to why no MMO has ever launched with an LFG tool, though.


I then offered anecdotal evidence as being one of the first to 50 on my server in Rift, and that the general consensus in 50 chat was that there were not enough at 50 for it to work. Some chose to take that personal, I guess.

Edited by JeramieCrowe
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Yes, but wrong thread for that. It's happening before 1.3, thus why it's not part of this subject.


Well, I believe it when it's happening - they told so many things before, they never hold up to. And when it's before server merges (early summer?), can we expect 1.3 in late summer?

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*facepalm* Let me do this slowly for you, then:


TERA launched in Korea with no LFG : FACT who cares this is not korea

TERA implemented an LFG at 8 months old: FACT In korea, it launched here with a x server lfg tool

TERA is launching in the U.S. with an already established playerbase at endgame and bring with it the LFG tool it didn't have at launch: FACT. FALSE


How am I lying?


Ok, trying to be nice. Tera did not launch here with an established player base, you cannot transfer a character from eu or korea to NA tera. They are run by totaly different companies. If you want to play na tera you start at level 1.


That still doesnt change the fact that releasing an lfg tool doesnt drive peopel off, it makes leveling much more fun when you can see all of the instances.

Edited by Mallorik
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So, 1.3 is the new Jesus patch, eh?

I like the way they talk about ranked warzones.....oh wait


Can I ask why people are so worked up on this? Because the gear is no different then the War Hero gear you are already probably wearing...the only difference is 8 man ques other than that its probably the same people you already play...Oh and you're upset it didn't come in 1.2? Then why didn't you join the PTS and test it? You do realize this is why they haven't implemented it your Rated Warzones.

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Ok, trying to be nice. Tera did not launch here with an established player base, you cannot transfer a character from eu or korea to NA tera. They are run by totaly different companies. If you want to play na tera you start at level 1.


Yes, I know that. Do you think they added the LFG tool to TERA just for Americans? No, they didn't. They did it because the population of the game had risen to the point of actually making one as useful as possible. There simply was no reason to waste resources on it, when other things need it. The US is just lucky enough to benefit from a tool that was provided for an existing population.


If TERA would have launched here first, guess what? It'd be WITHOUT an LFG tool!


It will be interesting to see how many people rush to 50 then QQ that the tool isn't working, though. I'll even post the QQ here for you to see.


That still doesnt change the fact that releasing an lfg tool doesnt drive peopel off, it makes leveling much more fun when you can see all of the instances.


What the...:confused: I never said it drives people off!!! I said it causes people who wait in it for hours for an endgame pop when there's no one else at 50! Would you please stop reading into my posts things I didn't say, please?


This is my point: an LFG tool generally isn't needed for leveling because there's enough people during the launch rush to get a group quite easily. An LFG tool is primarily used for endgame hardmodes and raids, which takes a month or two (or more) for enough of the population to even be ready to PuG it. Then I mentioned that the QQ that happens when people sit in it where there is no one else at 50 is only bad publicity, anyway.


Thus, it's usually pointless to waste resources on providing it when pre-launch devs typically work lots of overtime as it is.

Edited by JeramieCrowe
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what an incompetent waste of time. the only thing bioware has improved is their ability to write vague nonsense like any big corporation. it seems they are taking notes from EA. they'll have this ability mastered by 1.4, i'm sure. Edited by Darth_Gao_Gao
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Meh.. so sick of Bioware trying to polish the ugly truth with more lies. The ONLY reason the LFG tool was made single-server is because EA wants to nickel & dime us with server transfer charges. It has nothing to do with "community". That is EA for you, they will squeeze every penny out of you without thinking once what is better for the game or what their consumers need. Somehow they fail to see that actions like this only cost them more subsciptions and end up hurting their profit scale in the long run. All they are concerned with is meeting the current quarter's projected quota. Don't believe me? Check this out: http://consumerist.com/2012/04/congratulations-ea-you-are-the-worst-company-in-america-for-2012.html :rolleyes:


I can't hold Bioware at fault though. On their own they were a great, innovative developer. But financing runs the show, and unfortunately in this case it is EA pulling the strings here, this only confirms it.

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Yes, I know that. Do you think they added the LFG tool to TERA just for Americans? No, they didn't. They did it because the population of the game had risen to the point of actually making one as useful as possible. There simply was no reason to waste resources on it, when other things need it. The US is just lucky enough to benefit from a tool that was provided for an existing population.


If TERA would have launched here first, guess what? It'd be WITHOUT an LFG tool!




What the...:confused: I never said it drives people off!!! I said it causes people who wait in it for hours for an endgame pop when there's no one else at 50! Would you please stop reading into my posts things I didn't say, please?


This is my point: an LFG tool generally isn't needed for leveling because there's enough people during the launch rush to get a group quite easily. An LFG tool is primarily used for endgame hardmodes and raids, which takes a month or two (or more) for enough of the population to even be ready to PuG it. Then I mentioned that the QQ that happens when people sit in it where there is no one else at 50 is only bad publicity, anyway.


Thus, it's usually pointless to waste resources on providing it when pre-launch devs typically work lots of overtime as it is.


Wow you are really going far to try to keep your bull s theories alive.


FACT: North american tera is new to america, it is run by a totaly different company and it was actualy changed alot to cater to the NA player base. anything you bring up about korean tera has absolutely 0 relevance to swtor.


FACT: an lfg tool is used by everyone, it makes no difference if more people use it at end game when they get there than people do when leveling, it makes both aspects of the game more enjoyable. There for only an idiot would say it is stupid to add one at launch.


FACT: a few hundred 50's qq'ing on the forums is not as bad pr as losing 25% (lol if you believe that) of your player base in 6 months.


You remind me of those crazy people on the first few episodes of american idol, that obviously cant sing and still believe they are good singers even after every person they meet tells them they arent.


Dont you ever take a step back and say wait a minute, why has nobody ever agreed with anything i have posted?

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Wow you are really going far to try to keep your bull s theories alive.


FACT: North american tera is new to america, it is run by a totaly different company and it was actualy changed alot to cater to the NA player base. anything you bring up about korean tera has absolutely 0 relevance to swtor.


FACT: an lfg tool is used by everyone, it makes no difference if more people use it at end game when they get there than people do when leveling, it makes both aspects of the game more enjoyable. There for only an idiot would say it is stupid to add one at launch.


FACT: a few hundred 50's qq'ing on the forums is not as bad pr as losing 25% (lol if you believe that) of your player base in 6 months.


You remind me of those crazy people on the first few episodes of american idol, that obviously cant sing and still believe they are good singers even after every person they meet tells them they arent.


Dont you ever take a step back and say wait a minute, why has nobody ever agreed with anything i have posted?


Yes, actually, people have agreed.


If you can't see that TERA's launch in Korea has everything to do with the fact that it now has an LFG tool, I don't know what else to tell you. That's so abundantly obvious that I can only conclude that you are just covering your ears, closing your eyes, and going 'LALALALALALAL!!'


Which means, since you won't see reason, I have nothing more to add.

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Yes, I know that. Do you think they added the LFG tool to TERA just for Americans? No, they didn't. They did it because the population of the game had risen to the point of actually making one as useful as possible. There simply was no reason to waste resources on it, when other things need it. The US is just lucky enough to benefit from a tool that was provided for an existing population.


If TERA would have launched here first, guess what? It'd be WITHOUT an LFG tool!


It will be interesting to see how many people rush to 50 then QQ that the tool isn't working, though. I'll even post the QQ here for you to see.




What the...:confused: I never said it drives people off!!! I said it causes people who wait in it for hours for an endgame pop when there's no one else at 50! Would you please stop reading into my posts things I didn't say, please?


This is my point: an LFG tool generally isn't needed for leveling because there's enough people during the launch rush to get a group quite easily. An LFG tool is primarily used for endgame hardmodes and raids, which takes a month or two (or more) for enough of the population to even be ready to PuG it. Then I mentioned that the QQ that happens when people sit in it where there is no one else at 50 is only bad publicity, anyway.


Thus, it's usually pointless to waste resources on providing it when pre-launch devs typically work lots of overtime as it is.


This is an example of the ignorance that abounds. You really have no idea the demographic, target audience, purpose, effect, or benefits of such a tool. It's one of the most brilliant innovations of 3rd generation MMOs for a dozen valid, PROVEN, and legitimate reasons. Had LFG been in place for a short list of great games they'd still be around. Better late than never BIOWARE.

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No ranked WZ?

patch 1.2 a big success????


LFG server wide only??

more use less legacy crap???

i already have 8 alts and all are over the legacy stuff thing, they will implement for million of credits..

oh.. i get it, so when i transfer to a new realm.. i can just unlock new stuffs for my new millions of alts (better start saving millions of credits now!) forgot this is the single player alt game number one, in the market..


1.3 doesnt bring anything new, just another meanless update that should have be release from the launch or very close of it.. sigh, SWTOR will be welcome to the games with less that 1m players now..


sad i had hopes for this new update, but people was right, just another silly update, game wont change its just the same... and looks always will be, developers are blind to they community and game needs.

time for me to unsub, 1.3 just dont cut it. goodluck to all that will endure it, i /salute you, you guys are really survivors!


PS. i find very funny you get a D3 advertisement when you try to play the 1.3 update video first time, LOL poor BW.



Did you all notice how they show a list of servers and all are in standard and some in heavy pop? how many months old is that video record? wth

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In the 1.3 patch video James Ohlen released, he refers to us as "fans". The sooner you wipe that arrogance off your face and see us as "customers", the sooner you'll start behaving like a business that tries to suit the needs of said paying customer. Start with this mindset and you won't bleed out another half a million "fans" errr customers. It had to be said, choose your words more carefully next time you're on thin ice with lots of us.
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Daniel Erickson: "We still want to respect the communities that have developed on servers so it does not support cross-server play."


From the IGN interview. So, you want to support the community on my server? The community that has maybe 5 active guilds on the republic side? The community that has 1 guild on the republic side and 2 guilds on the empire side that basically control when and who wins the level 50 pvp matches? You want to support the community that has so few players I was almost to the point of bribing people with my own credits to get people to tank for my guild?


I'm sorry but this is just asinine. Who is going to tank for these "groups" the group finder will supposedly find on my dead server? How are people going to survive on the server when they start biting each other's heads off because they died to a glitchy boss that none of them have ever fought before? No one on my server is going to want to use the group finder with anyone outside of their own guild, so what's the point?


Again, I'm sorry, but if you really believe that most of the servers in the game right now have a "community" on them that encourages player growth and is worthy of respect, you guys must be delusional. Just come out and admit that you can't figure out cross server technology, or that you don't have the funding anymore to develop the game fast enough to keep up with player expectations. Whatever the reason is, this "respect the communities that have developed on servers" line is like a slap in the face. At the very least, it's a bald faced lie. I guess my respect for Bioware and my subscription will be ending about the same time.

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This is an example of the ignorance that abounds. You really have no idea the demographic, target audience, purpose, effect, or benefits of such a tool. It's one of the most brilliant innovations of 3rd generation MMOs for a dozen valid, PROVEN, and legitimate reasons. Had LFG been in place for a short list of great games they'd still be around. Better late than never BIOWARE.




Even if you took the worst possible scenerios and multiplied them 10 fold... the LFG tool would STILL be worth it.


It's part of a natural evolution that can never be held back for long. People who argue against it are like the people who argued against cars, in favor of horse drawn carriages.


Their logic flows something like this...


Car accidents happen. Car accidents are bad. Therefore the automobile is evil and all it's benefits are to be ignored.

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Good to see what he said about the LFG being server only.


As long as it stays that way they will have my sub. :D


Zomg yes, and once the pop drops down again, you'll be sitting there in the queue for hours with your thumb up your arse. Only then will you realize that server-side only is dumb.

Edited by siegedeluxe
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Hey folks, IGN has the exclusive news and video for now (which is why you didn't see this here on our site), but you'll see all of it on our site soon. For now, please go ahead and use this as the official discussion for this news.




no thanks, IGN is host to a few viruses. i'll wait

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