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Thinking of leveling a scoundrel


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Hello, I've recently resubscribed to try the game once more and I'm in the process of picking a class.


I'm thinking of choosing scoundrel for three main reasons. 1st is stealth, 2nd is the story (I prefer it from being a force user) and 3rd is the fact that he can heal. It's the role I would like to fill if I get bored of dpsing (don't think so but you never know).


However, I've read several posts that say scoundrel is a difficult class to play and master. I'm a casual player and I think I'm quite good at understanding a class. Coming from a warlock background (wow) though I do not wish to choose a class that becomes increasingly difficult and frustrating over time.


My second choice is jedi shadow (because of stealth) but I'm worried about his soloing capabilities due to the fact that he gets a healing companion late in the game. I mostly solo and like the challenge (heroics, the random champion encounter, etc). On top of that I don't like the idea of tanking. The 3rd choice is commando but again from what I've read they are not so good at pvp (which is what I'll mostly do at end game). Ow, and they don't have stealth.


Sorry for the long post, and thanks in advance for any advice/suggestions.

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Well, this is my 2 cents...

I have a lvl 31 scoundrel, 35 juggernaut, 24 sorc. I LOVE my scoundrel. It's a BLAST to play. The animations are cool, the damage is decent, and as a full heal spec I'm managing to solo all my H2s (admittedly, it takes patience, practice, and sometimes a few deaths)


I haven't played either shadow or commando so I can't say much other than what I've heard... shadow/assassin is a beast from what I've heard - they have little trouble leveling or soloing, or pvping... they seem to be one of the top classes right now. Commando... from what I've heard currently has issues. I honestly don't know since I haven't wanted to level one and haven't researched it.


Personally, I think my scoundrel is my favorite toon so far. However, I ALMOST wish I had rolled an operative simply for the fact the male agent voice and the cybernetics for the agent look a LOT cooler than smuggler. The story for smuggler has been ok... I have found a few lol moments - but honestly, in the 12 levels I've played an agent I kinda wish I'd gone that route too. So, consider the alternative as well as scoundrel.

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Thanks for your reply.

Well my friends are on republic side so hence I have to choose from there.


I agree (from what I've read) with you on commando. He's off the table mainly because of stealth. I really want to try a stealth class this time.


Any shadow/assasins out there with tips? As I said I'm mainly concerned for the class soloing capabilities.

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if soloing is your biggest concern... I would suggest scoundrel. The ability to heal is invaluable for a lot of things. I say my scoundrel solo's better than my sorcerer does really. Especially now that I've hit lvl 31. I don't like classes that can't heal themselves much.... Juggernaut being the exception because it has such high defense. I imagine that shadow might have that same trait too if you spec tank - they can have the same defensiveness as the heavy armor classes.
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I wouldn't say Scoundrel is a hard class to play by any means. Energy management takes a little bit of getting use to but really isn't difficult to manage. To me (currently 38) if I really had to compare it to WoW I'd compare myself to a resto druid. I have heard from a few people though that once you hit 50 you are more comparable to a Healadin. Either way it's a lot of fun, I have a 50 Sent and while it is fun to dps at times to me it just isn't as gratifying as it is to heal and keep the team alive.


Really though I don't stealth all that much in PvP except when I am solo holding a node or when I am trying to escape combat, other than that generally I am in the mix keeping people alive or LOS keeping myself alive cause I am getting focused. Just be prepared as a healer to be focused and focused a lot. So if I was to say what the hardest thing about being a scoundrel is would be that in PvP you have to learn how to LOS and heal on the run. But again this will come with just regular play.

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I re-rolled onto another server, rolled a scoundrel and wish I had played one from the start, awesome fun. I would not say it is difficult to play, managing your energy levels can be quite difficult in the thick of a fight, but If you play the class properly you can do some pretty sick stuff. Granted I am only level 42 at the mo, but in a huttball match earlier, was fighting against a Jugg + Merc (2v1 they were both level 40+), killed them both including killing the merc twice as he re-spawned pretty quickly and I was fighting them down in the pit near their goal line. I honestly don't think I could have done that on any other class.
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i have a 50 scoundrel, 50 sage, 50 operative and 43 assassin and a 38 shadow. By far the operative and scoundrel are my favorites to play and the ones i'm always on. I aqctually changed my main from sage to scoundrel. The scoundrel story is ok at best, but nothing like the operative. However i lvled my scoundrel as scrapper till about 43, then switched to heals and have never looked back. One of the better healing classes to play IMO (sage is a healer as well) esp in pvp. The 2 tanks you get are decent with the right gear, but as heal spec they are almost godly. I'm basicaly a pvp healer, so my view on pve is not as good as it should be end game, but thats my 2 cents, hope it helps
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My second choice is jedi shadow (because of stealth) but I'm worried about his soloing capabilities due to the fact that he gets a healing companion late in the game.


Consular's get their healing companion fairly quickly on nar shadda if that's one of your main hang ups. Only classes that get them quicker is BH and trooper. But the quest line is pretty boring.

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