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Will You Trust Bioware Again?


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I heard they are using the Hero Engine. TOR uses an unfinished modified Alpha version of the Hero Engine. What they are using will be better than what we have.


Well.better then what we have can still be garbage.

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I trust Bioware....but EA is the destroyer of games....I do not and will not trust EA with any product ever again.

But Bioware is no longer "Bioware", they were bought by EA and are now just a name that EA is using for all its worth to cash in on.. pretty much like Westwood for people who remember that company.

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I rally can't trust BioWare again. I will not pre-order anything from them anymore. I cannot trust BioWare as long as they are with EA.


DragonAge 2..... fool me once.


Star Wars The Old Republic.... loved it at the start! But after these last 2 months..... fool me twice!


Mass Effect 3 and the last GD 10mins of it! Fool me THRICE!!!


And no more.


The only gaming companies I have not lost faith in are CD Projekt RED and ArenaNet. BioWare was my number one!!!

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I heard they are using the Hero Engine. TOR uses an unfinished modified Alpha version of the Hero Engine. What they are using will be better than what we have.


Bioware has also been modifying/rebuilding the engine for 3+ years now, so can you really call it hero engine or their own engine that is based on some early version of hero engine? I am sure Bethesda doesnt use the basic version of hero engine either without loads of modifications.

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All I'm seeing when I read the hater posts is impatient whingers, give it a rest - Rome wasn't built in a day... and neither was WoW for that matter. If you're that bothered please go and play something else and don't let the door hit you on the way out.
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Did you see in the 1.3 video how they showed off the "heavy" and "standard" server populations rofl.


Yep, was that way just a month ago during the Rakghoul Event. Pretty sure that's when the deadline was for shots before editing.


I doubt it's some nefarious plot.

Edited by JeramieCrowe
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Bioware will always remain in my gaming heart.They are the best and could have become just as great or even the best entertainment company in the gaming history.EA? F*ck them and all their future products.Even if God steps down from the heavens to develop a game i and everyone i can convince will not buy another EA published game.Period.
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Bioware will always remain in my gaming heart.They are the best and could have become just as great or even the best entertainment company in the gaming history.EA? F*ck them and all their future products.Even if God steps down from the heavens to develop a game i and everyone i can convince will not buy another EA published game.Period.


Yeah, EA is killing games.

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Bioware will always remain in my gaming heart.They are the best and could have become just as great or even the best entertainment company in the gaming history.EA? F*ck them and all their future products.Even if God steps down from the heavens to develop a game i and everyone i can convince will not buy another EA published game.Period.


You won't buy another game from EA, but you will continue to buy subscriptions?

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BioWare lost my trust with Dragon Age 2. that game was an abortion and obvious rushed cash-in. Ruined the entire series.


there's a lot wrong with SWTOR but, imo, still worth playing.


I have yet to play ME3 but, again, after DA2 I will NEVER blindly buy a BioWare game again.


200% agree with this person's opinion

i would also say about half of my guild have left to play tera

Im staying right now because i love star wars and i live in hope this game can get better with time..but im weary

Edited by Alpha-Llama
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All I'm seeing when I read the hater posts is impatient whingers, give it a rest - Rome wasn't built in a day... and neither was WoW for that matter. If you're that bothered please go and play something else and don't let the door hit you on the way out.


This is the most brilliant post of the week, until you're the last one left and then their won't be any more whiners or complainers.


Or, you can look at the criticism and realize there are problems, and the way your customers feel is legit and work from there. I'm sure either model is just as profitable as the other.


I also hope you can sense the thick sarcasm I'm using. The innerwebz tends to mask sarcasm.

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Hardly. If WoW has proven anything, it's that PvPers are a minority. I know you refuse to believe this (most PvPers do), but "real" PvPers do not play MMOs, they play FPS and RPG games where things are equal. The only people interested in MMO PvP are those looking to exploit gear and class imbalances that are inherent in all MMOs..


LOL? Got some facts and figures there chief? WoW has proven? I'd like to see that proof. I love PvP for me PvP is endgame in swtor. I PvP because I enjoy the competition wether its CoD, Halo, BF, SwToR, WoW, EvE in fact anything that is a challenge against people as opposed to machines is my idea of gaming. So am I not a "Real" pvper?


What you wrote there is a complete pile of garbage and the way you worded it... its as if its fact. Also SWTOR is a RPG its a Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing game. So to quote you.


"real" PvPers do not play MMOs, they play FPS and RPG games"


Really really dumb post there.

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Problem ismost people did not expect a WoW clone, infact the thought was at one time, almost insulting.


Man, those people must have been trying pretty hard to ignore the previews.


SWTOR will never cease to be a wow clone, but there is a possibility that it can grow as big as wow..

Edited by Karkais
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"Will You Trust Bioware Again?"


I lost all faith since I saw what horrors were ME2 & DA2, and I don't expect Bioware to regain their former aura ever again. But I will be checking their games, either rented, second-handed or price dropped.

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I would trust them again but I will likely give any MMO they release a long wait before I buy next time. SW:TOR is at the 6 month point and is showing signs that, like many other MMO's before it, it won't really be a 'complete' game for about a year after launch. It's ironic that so many MMO's launch missing key features that they know people will ask for then the developers act surprised that they get backlash. It's not rocket science.


TOR is a decent game. Unfortunately it launched without several key features and then took far too long (closing on 6 months now) to implement them after launch. I wound up stopping playing around a month ago and still have 23 days play time left today. It's sad, honestly, because I really was hoping TOR would be my end game but I wound up going back to Lord of the Rings Online because so many key features are still missing in this game.


So far it looks like in another 6 months or so SW:TOR will actually be a somewhat finished MMO with the key features it should have had at launch. I'll probably take another look at it then.

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Lol! Will I trust BW again? Of course I will. Some of you act like there are hundreds for choices and devs teams that put out games of a high caliber. Quite simply, there is not. You don't like TOR, OK. Move on. But to use TOR as the excuse to permanently remove BW from your gaming choices is short sighted and I would argue untenable. Your choices are what then... Blizzard and... Bethesda? LOL! Top tier game houses aren't a dime a dozen. You may not think so now but you will be eyeing BWs next big release.


And btw, I just don't understand all the hate and vitriol. Got it, you didn't like the game. You have your reasons A-Z. But some of you are going out of your way to make sure we know it and seemingly taking things personally; attacking BW as if they just stole your MMO mouse. Seriously, the jihad against BW is unnecessary. Do you need validation of the reasons why you are leaving? Why? It is very strange.


But I guess there is always someone else to hate isn't there. Next?

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Why would anyone not 'trust' them again? You shell out circa £50 to buy and try a game.


The risk is its crap .. boo hoo I lost my £50, ah well thats only the cost of a quiet night out


The reward is its a great game and you get years of entertainment from it at the cost per month of 3 beers.


If I had bought SWTOR ,downloaded it, clicked PLAY and my computer went BANG caught fire and burned my house down... Then yeah I probably would'nt trust EA/BW again

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