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Will You Trust Bioware Again?


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Well everytime I typed, "/played" in game, I know how much time I've invested into this game. I'm on Master Dar'Nala, and often there's less than 100 people on fleet come midnight now. It used to be 300+ strong before D3. I see the game dying before my eyes and it's sad. Mostly beacuse of the issues that I pointed out earlier, which have gone unresolved and ignored for the last several months.


And before anyone questions my loyalty to the game, I'm one of the few who are still waiting in 20+ min ques for PvP at 3am in the morinng on a weeknight. I'm always on chat trying to stir up conversations and make it feel more like an MMO and actively helping low-levels when they need someone to run them through a flashpoint. I make it a point to run flashpoints with low-levels at least once a week just to hepl them out (in fact did so last night despite the fact that my alignment point are locked and frozen). I've spent my time and energy trying to build this community, but really, that should be Bioware's job, not mine.


I feel you. I finally gave up for D3. I'll be back of course, but I'm just tired of beating my head up against the wall.

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Granted the instanced planets things wouldn't have been avoided unless you had some sort of seemless ship take off and onto the planet (which Hero Engine probably would catch on fire if implemented), I agree with everything you say.


Let's not forget the lead designer lied about 400k subs cancelling, I'm going to say no, I don't trust Bioware at all anymore. That's what happens when you get into bed with Electronic Arts. Look at Westwood Studios for proof.

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This decision model only works for short term poor quality products.


BTW you don't win wars with fighter pilot model of decision, at best you might win a battle. MMO are long term models. You build them lke skyscrapers with very solid and deep foundations.


you could also claim that crap for a "relationship" as well, which BW did poorly with our relationships

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As an intelligent, objective individual who understands game development and does not look for out-of-context material to force arguments that forward my own poor assumptions, yes. I trust Bioware.


It is counter productive to refer to yourself as both objective and intelligent. I am sure you are very intelligent. You might even be brilliant. However, that is hardly an objective opinion. It is good to have self confidence, but intelligence and objectivity (especially objectivity) are better assessed by people other than yourself.


Since this is a question to each posters trust in Bioware / EA (A Subjective Question By Its Very Nature), I am finding it difficult to see a combination of personal experience and press articles covering the topic as "out-of-context" or "poor assumptions". The context seems very much focused on the main topic of trust in the brand Bioware / EA (its development process is apart of its brand).


An assumption would allude to not having played the game, and I can assure you those who are disappointed have played the game. They are not assuming anything.

Edited by AeSaar
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TOR has been one of the biggest MMO flops I have ever seen. There's no community, dead servers everywhere, a player base leaving by the hoard. They lied to us about Ranked PvP, they are dragging their feet with every little thing that would help the game. And that's just TOR. On top of that we have DA2 and ME3 and I don't even need to get into those. TOR isn't even one of EA's top 5 games! EA is putting more time and money into Metal of Honor and the Sims then TOR.


Bioware showed what they are about over the last few years. And my money is on Bioware just leaving the game to rot.

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Yes because it's working SO well at the moment. The game is doing fantastic and the servers are bustling with people. The amount of serious raiding guilds in this game is staggering and the GTN is full of stuff and the economy is doing great.


Get your head out of the sand and wake up.

What's this to do with adding newer tiered gear? Because that was all I was referring to. Am I speaking a different language? Stop trying to infer things I did not imply, it was a straight forward post.
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A lot of us bought this game believing that Bioware would come through with a great game. Plus it was Star Wars. Then we started seeing the warning signs within a few weeks of launch:



I am seriously disgusted at Bioware right now. My subscription ends at the end of July (I did the 6 month subscription). Next time Bioware releases a game I think I will wait 3 months after reading all the reviews and forums before investing my time and energy into their product.


Will you do the same?



Nope, this is my last purchase from them, I gave them 3 chances. Dragon Age 2, SWTOR and Mass Effect 3. They failed me three games in a row, I have washed my hands of them. I will sub to this off and on ocassionally but they will get no more box sales from me.

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I have plenty of faith in bio ware, even though i am very disappointed in this game. I have loved every game I've every played that bio-ware has made. this is the first time they have ever let me down. this is also there very first MMO. I do not think one bad game in the online realm, which they have never attempted that i know of warrants my faith being ruined with them. They will learn from this game and i will be the first to buy their next MMO. Bio ware should have done better than this. Bio ware is better than this garbage of a game, and i am sure they are ashamed of their selves; I would be. but they will have better games in the future; this i am sure of'. and if anyone can bring SWTOR to a major bounce back bio-ware can.
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Bioware has definitely shifted direction in the last 4 or so years. Mass Effect 2 was a very simplified and linear sequel to a great game, and Mass Effect 3 even more so. Dragon Age 2 was a very simplified sequel as well. TOR is just another game on the list of uninspired development efforts.


Gone are the days of buying a Bioware game simply because it's made by Bioware. I'm not boycotting them or anything, but they're name has lost all of it's value.

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As an intelligent, objective individual who understands game development and does not look for out-of-context material to force arguments that forward my own poor assumptions, yes. I trust Bioware.


This +1

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As an intelligent, objective individual who understands game development and does not look for out-of-context material to force arguments that forward my own poor assumptions, yes. I trust Bioware.


You’re self-professed as intelligent, possessing an insight into game development and yet still objective? Odd. I consider myself to be quite intelligent (thought I may be alone in that) and I have some understanding of game development and the behaviour of game publishers. I’m clearly not objective as my viewpoint is coloured by my knowledge of game development, publishers and my first-hand experience with the game. My subjective viewpoint is that BW released a game that was not fit to be classed as a professional retail product. They have failed to deliver and subsequently support a polished game and as a result have seen a massive drop in subscriptions. As to whether I “trust” BW, I’m not sure trust is the right word. I’ve lost confidence in them as a developer, both due to SWTOR and the end of Mass Effect 3. It comes down to this. If they released another MMO in a couple of years would I be there from day 1. The simple answer is not a chance in hell.

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You’re self-professed as intelligent, possessing an insight into game development and yet still objective? Odd. I consider myself to be quite intelligent (thought I may be alone in that) and I have some understanding of game development and the behaviour of game publishers. I’m clearly not objective as my viewpoint is coloured by my knowledge of game development, publishers and my first-hand experience with the game. My subjective viewpoint is that BW released a game that was not fit to be classed as a professional retail product. They have failed to deliver and subsequently support a polished game and as a result have seen a massive drop in subscriptions. As to whether I “trust” BW, I’m not sure trust is the right word. I’ve lost confidence in them as a developer, both due to SWTOR and the end of Mass Effect 3. It comes down to this. If they released another MMO in a couple of years would I be there from day 1. The simple answer is not a chance in hell.


This +1

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This is their first MMO.


I am not sure what happen during development since MMO have been around for a while. If I were to develop a MMO, I would see what tools are out there and what people are looking for. Note I said TOOLS.


SWTOR does have some great moment for solo players. I do love the voice acting for my character and interaction, but it would have made a GREAT single player game. As MMO, it is not as much. There is great single player content, but group content is lacking.


The tools to promote group content are not there :(


I have been playing MMO for a long time and I use to remember back in the old days "don't worry, the devs will come around" but today it is hard to say that since there are MANY other games out there that are trying to get a piece of the MMO gamer pie. There are only so much of us around and many of us go from game to game (we can't afford to play them all) New MMO developers will need to see what tools are popular and working and work around content for it (of course this is MY opinion on the matter)


Would I buy another MMO from BW? maybe

I would buy another single player game for sure (I still like them)

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You’re self-professed as intelligent, possessing an insight into game development and yet still objective? Odd.


Are you implying that you cannot be intelligent, have knowledge about a subject and still have an objective standpoint of view?

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I can't remember the last time I enjoyed an MMO as much as this one. My major complaint is the behavior of some players here on the forums. I thoroughly enjoyed NWN, KOTOR, and DAO. I opted out of the sequels, after reading reviews, except I tried NWN2 but could not complete it (yes, I know NWN2 and KOTOR2 were not developed by Bioware). I will definitely try BioWare again, but only if the game setting appeals to me (I never got into Mass Effect, for some reason). Edited by Kthx
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A lot of us bought this game believing that Bioware would come through with a great game. Plus it was Star Wars. Then we started seeing the warning signs within a few weeks of launch:


-No high-res textures

-Realizing that the Hero engine SUX on MMOs

-Too many servers not enough "concurrent population"

-No World PvP

-Individual instanced planets not conducive to a "grand-scale MMO feel"


Some of the other warning signs came later, and were bearable although irking:


-Taking too long to implement ranked PVP

-Taking too long to implement server transfer

-Taking too long to implement LFG/LFD tool


To be fair, a lot of us were patient. "It's only been 1 month" "It's only been 2 months" "It's only been 3 months" and of course, Bioware promised us these things would come.


As someone who read and posted on these forums everyday since launch, I know that the above issues have been the key critical issues that really got people passionate. It's now been 6 months, and NONE of the above have been resolved at all. NONE. ZERO. ZILCH. We kept waiting, and waiting. And NADA. NONE. Did I emphasize that enough? In half a year, NONE of the major issues that people really really cared about, have been resolved.


In an MMO, it's not as simple as, "well at least we got our 6 months of playtime, well worth the money." MMOs don't work like that. We grind and we continually run the same boring content over and over again because of the future promise that we are building something for the long-term. That this will be our character for the next 2-5 years. With the game showing absolutely no progress on the major issues, what is our incentive to continue grinding, if by the time we have all BiS gear and clear all content, the game dies? We grind in the hopes of being best prepared for the next stage of the game, the new content and ranked content.


I am seriously disgusted at Bioware right now. My subscription ends at the end of July (I did the 6 month subscription). Next time Bioware releases a game I think I will wait 3 months after reading all the reviews and forums before investing my time and energy into their product.


Will you do the same?


p.s. The breaking point for me came when I realized that the Hero engine has crippled this game. From what I've read, my OPINION is that there is no way (without a complete overhaul of the game engine) that SWTOR will ever be able to handle the massive levels of world PvP that we were hoping for without a concurrent massive drop in frame-rate/lag spikes. And the "high-rez" textures will never come. Please feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.


To many servers and extremely long development time. Beyond that I really have no great problems. I like the Hero engine a lot actually. The queuing system annoys me, but I can deal with it until either: a) they fix it or b) swg magically restarts. On the final point, I stuck with SOE for years. Mostly years of BS. But I did, and I'd still go back to swg. BW has done nothing even close to the kind of crap that SOE pulled, so yes, I still do mostly trust BW.

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I can't remember the last time I enjoyed an MMO as much as this one. My major complaint is the behavior of some players here on the forums. I thoroughly enjoyed NWN, KOTOR, and DAO. I opted out of the sequels, after reading reviews, except I tried NWN2 but could not complete it (yes, I know NWN2 and KOTOR2 were not developed by Bioware). I will definitely try BioWare again, but only if the game setting appeals to me (I never got into Mass Effect, for some reason).


I thoroughly enjoy TOR it has a fantastic in game community; the problem is the forum community. Bioware refuses to restrict forum access to non subscribers, meaning you unsubscribe and you can still troll the forums, they also allow and even encourage flame bait threads such as this. The result? TORchan. it's Biowares railroad and they can run it however they wish but doing this has already driven most supporters away from the GF.

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