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Your own personal 'head canon'...


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I can picture Risha trying to help Ayang shop for clothes online, and insisting that she buys something that actually looks like women's clothes...and poor Ayang looking bored out of her mind. Or Risha doing her hair, and Ayang being skeptical of whether it's going to make any difference. Then Akaavi walks by and looks disdainfully at them, but inside she's crying that she doesn't have hair.


I can also see both Risha and Ayang, after a few drinks, trying to dress up Akaavi's horns with ribbons and such.


don't forget bowdaar all braided up and curled, like that one scene in beauty and the beast.

speaking of drunk girl makeover shenannegins... i'm pictureing a bound quinn in makeup right about now....

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don't forget bowdaar all braided up and curled, like that one scene in beauty and the beast.

speaking of drunk girl makeover shenannegins... i'm pictureing a bound quinn in makeup right about now....


Risha will try to teach Ayang to do hair, and tell her she can practice on Bowdaar. Poor Wookiee. :(

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don't forget bowdaar all braided up and curled, like that one scene in beauty and the beast.

speaking of drunk girl makeover shenannegins... i'm pictureing a bound quinn in makeup right about now....


I'm trying to imagine what FemWar, LS Jaesa and Vette are possibly doing to Quinn who's been tied up. All I can really picture is that combination of exasperated-humiliated look he pulls off so well. That is he's got that expression on his face until Pierce saunters in and backs out as fast as humanly possibly without drawing the attention of the drunk females. Granted FemWar could just say that this was all payback for "The Incident," or unleash Puppy Eyes on him and Quinn would take it like a trooper.


Oh, Vette dying Broonmark's fur while he's sleeping while FemWar looks on giving suggestions for colours.

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I'm trying to imagine what FemWar, LS Jaesa and Vette are possibly doing to Quinn who's been tied up. All I can really picture is that combination of exasperated-humiliated look he pulls off so well. That is he's got that expression on his face until Pierce saunters in and backs out as fast as humanly possibly without drawing the attention of the drunk females. Granted FemWar could just say that this was all payback for "The Incident," or unleash Puppy Eyes on him and Quinn would take it like a trooper.


Oh, Vette dying Broonmark's fur while he's sleeping while FemWar looks on giving suggestions for colours.


ohh he would loook wooonderful with those feather extensions, and nail polish on his claws

khem val with glitter nail polish and lipstick... and a blonde curly wig... oh hell yes

Edited by Crezelle
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I can just picture Draconia whispering conspiratorily with Jaesa and Vette while giving these secretive looks at Quinn and giggling like a school girl. Pierce walks by on his way to the head and picks up his pace as he knows those looks from the SW version of high school. Quinn chooses to ignore his wife and the brat pack of women she's giggling with.


He saunters to his usual post on the bridge, staring out into space as he does complicated mathematical equations in his head...or thinks about the new historical museum on Dromund Kaas that he MUST go see if he can convince his wife to leave the ship for something other than running Black Talon five million times with some random man (my husband's SW). He's taken completely by surprised when a black sack is placed over his head and the combined strength of three, still giggling women, lift him up like a sack of potatoes and shuffle off to Draconia's quarters. The girls drop him on the bed none-to-gently as they back out and give Draconia winks and nudges.


Quinn sighs the sigh of the long suffering as he finds his wife dressed in a see-through nightie, posing and /clubdancing for Quinn's enjoyment.


He just has to realize there are more important things on board Draconia's ship than standing watch. She prefers snuggles and many f-t-b scenes. Thxmuchly!

Edited by Eanelinea
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So this just came to me, I havn't played on my Smuggler since she hit lvl 50, my poor girl is yearning for adventure.


On a large homestead on Dantooine, It's dusk and the sky glows pink in the sunset, Corso Riggs is walking along his land checking the fence, making mental notes in his head of which sections need repairing. The ship he knows so well is sitting on the landing pad, quiet, also needing some work. It's been nearly three years since he and his wife settled on Dantooine, started a family and left the hyper lanes behind.


Corso opens the hatch and makes his way to the cockpit, knowing that's where she would be. Her blonde hair glows in the fading light, he loves her, even more then the day they met, but his heart is breaking looking at her. Ainsley doesn't hear him come in, she's sitting in the captains chair, hands on the stick, eyes closed, remembering.


"She'll be good to fly tomorrow?"


Corso's voice snapped her out of her day dream.


"Yeah, I'll drop Akaavi off at Fleet and head home, should just take a day. I'll be home in time to tuck the boys into bed"


"Why don't you go with her?"


"Go with Akaavi Spar on a Mandalorian hunting expedition? did you just suggest that?"


Corso pulled her out of her chair, looking into her eyes, dead serious.


"I am, Darlin, you havn't done more then fleet runs for family and friends for the last 3 years. I know what you gave up when you came here with me to raise the boys. I know you miss the fast life, I know you miss the adventure, and Akaavi already offered to bring you."


"But, you and the kids, Cohen's only 2..."


"and he'll miss his mama, but he'll be fine. You need this Ainsley! You've been a ghost, and I miss my wife. So go"


He hugged her tight, and gave her a deep long kiss that took her breath away, "just don't forget to come back."


They walked back to the house hand in hand. Corso not wanting to let go, because he honestly didn't know if she would come back.


Ainsley smiled, and that almost forgotten feeling of anticipation gripped her heart.

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On a large homestead on Dantooine, It's dusk and the sky glows pink in the sunset, Corso Riggs is walking along his land checking the fence, making mental notes in his head of which sections need repairing. The ship he knows so well is sitting on the landing pad, quiet, also needing some work. It's been nearly three years since he and his wife settled on Dantooine, started a family and left the hyper lanes behind.


Corso opens the hatch and makes his way to the cockpit, knowing that's where she would be. Her blonde hair glows in the fading light, he loves her, even more then the day they met, but his heart is breaking looking at her. Ainsley doesn't hear him come in, she's sitting in the captains chair, hands on the stick, eyes closed, remembering.




Ainsley smiled, and that almost forgotten feeling of anticipation gripped her heart.


Oh, this is a delightful teaser. What a great starting point. :)

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playing my trooper, im not sure if it wouldn't fit because it's latter explained otherwise (only gotten to balmorra)


it would be kinda funny if the old havoc squad was vague enough on how they defected as to head cannon it in that my agent and her persuasive husband somehow talked them into defecting instead of killing them :rolleyes:


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playing my trooper, im not sure if it wouldn't fit because it's latter explained otherwise (only gotten to balmorra)


it would be kinda funny if the old havoc squad was vague enough on how they defected as to head cannon it in that my agent and her persuasive husband somehow talked them into defecting instead of killing them :rolleyes:


I think that would be doable, actually. Maybe serving as their contact. The hows aren't gone into too deeply.

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I think that would be doable, actually. Maybe serving as their contact. The hows aren't gone into too deeply.


maybe not contact, my agent has a thing for letting people live, and saying " you serve the empire now, bishes" :D

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My bounty hunter's ship. My girl is sitting at the helm, watching the stars streak by. She can hear Mako giggling way off in the back of the ship and the occasional sound of Torian's voice. She's glad she let those two have a chance at love. Whether it will work out is anyone's guess. Gault is nursing a hangover in his bunk. She can hear Skadge grumbling from the engine room where she put him to work scrubbing the floor and grimly smiles to herself - she's just waiting for him to slip up so she can put an end to his miserable existence.


Blizz comes running in and tells her all about the new gadget he made for her - it polishes armor so it shines really brightly. She doesn't have the heart to tell him that shiny armor is likely to get her killed, he's so excited. He runs off again just as fast as he came to start a project for Torian - he thinks Torian would like shiny armor as well.


My girl looks back out at the stars streaming by and considers how a person can feel alone even in a ship full of people. She snorts at her musings. Life is life, she thinks, you deal with the hand you're played and move on.

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Deleted for duplication.


However, back to the thread at hand. Crezelle, I'm not sure ...



Tavis doesn't seem like the type who'd cave. He'd come to the Empire on his terms or not at all. At least that's the impression I got of him.


Edited by iamthehoyden
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My bounty hunter's ship. My girl is sitting at the helm, watching the stars streak by. She can hear Mako giggling way off in the back of the ship and the occasional sound of Torian's voice. She's glad she let those two have a chance at love. Whether it will work out is anyone's guess. .


I died a little inside. Course, Tamara is a possessive ***** and was about to jettison Mako out the airlock if she so much as looked sideways wrong at her husband. Er...

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So this just came to me, I havn't played on my Smuggler since she hit lvl 50, my poor girl is yearning for adventure.


Ainsley smiled, and that almost forgotten feeling of anticipation gripped her heart.


This was so sweet. I don't know about your smuggler, but mine would come back. She loves Corso and their son (my head canon son for them I mean...not your version's kids)

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I died a little inside. Course, Tamara is a possessive ***** and was about to jettison Mako out the airlock if she so much as looked sideways wrong at her husband. Er...


hahaha my BH doesn't have to worry. Torian would have to be the stupidest being in the galaxy to cheat on the Grand Champion.

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This is a snippet I had rolling around in my head for awhile. I have a definite preference for writing in 1st person, which I guess is a little odd...but oh well!



I always liked when I got a call during a long journey. I loved my ship, but long trips could get extremely monotonous. So when my comm chimed, I instantly perked up. I grabbed my cup of stimcaf and pressed the button to open the comm channel. "Cardani - oh. Ugh, it's you."


My ex, Kelen, only called me when he was drunk and couldn't find a girl to go home with him. That happened a lot.


"Ayang! It's so nice to see you too. Where are you? Are you in the area?" Part of me appreciated that he was getting straight to the point this time.


"No," I said. "I'm on my way to a delivery, because I have a job. That's something you do and people pay you for it. I know that's a difficult concept for you."


"Don't be so mean," Kelen said. He sounded whiny, and I got the feeling he'd been turned down more than usual tonight. "You know, you're one of the freakiest girls I've ever met, but I think I'm remembering why I broke up with you."


"That's funny," I said dryly. "Because I broke up with you, because you cheated on me. Also, you're an idiot."


"Come on, Ayang..."


"Quit calling me," I said.


"...we're both single, so what's the harm?"


I was fed up. Being bored out of my mind would be better than dealing with my stupid ex-boyfriend. And as usual, it was going to be a fight to end the call. Time to pull out the big guns.


"Oh no!" I said, trying to sound as though I was scared. I wasn't a very good actress, but I didn't care. "My ship is crashing! There's fire everywhere; I'm too young to die!"


"Ayang --"


"I can't believe I'm spending my last moments talking to my loser ex-boyfriend! This is a much less heroic death than I intended! What a cruel world this is!"


"--you are such a child!"


"Well, don't bother calling me again, because I'll be dead. I hope I get a nice obituary!"


I severed the connection.


I couldn't help but smile. Ex-boyfriends: 0. Ayang Cardani: 1.

Edited by elliotcat
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This is a snippet I had rolling around in my head for awhile. I have a definite preference for writing in 1st person, which I guess is a little odd...but oh well!



I always liked when I got a call during a long journey. I loved my ship, but long trips could get extremely monotonous. So when my comm chimed, I instantly perked up. I grabbed my cup of stimcaf and pressed the button to open the comm channel. "Cardani - oh. Ugh, it's you."


My ex, Kelen, only called me when he was drunk and couldn't find a girl to go home with him. That happened a lot.


"Ayang! It's so nice to see you too. Where are you? Are you in the area?" Part of me appreciated that he was getting straight to the point this time.


"No," I said. "I'm on my way to a delivery, because I have a job. That's something you do and people pay you for it. I know that's a difficult concept for you."


"Don't be so mean," Kelen said. He sounded whiny, and I got the feeling he'd been turned down more than usual tonight. "You know, you're one of the freakiest girls I've ever met, but I think I'm remembering why I broke up with you."


"That's funny," I said dryly. "Because I broke up with you, because you cheated on me. Also, you're an idiot."


"Come on, Ayang..."


"Quit calling me," I said.


"...we're both single, so what's the harm?"


I was fed up. Being bored out of my mind would be better than dealing with my stupid ex-boyfriend. And as usual, it was going to be a fight to end the call. Time to pull out the big guns.


"Oh no!" I said, trying to sound as though I was scared. I wasn't a very good actress, but I didn't care. "My ship is crashing! There's fire everywhere; I'm too young to die!"


"Ayang --"


"I can't believe I'm spending my last moments talking to my loser ex-boyfriend! This is a much less heroic death than I intended! What a cruel world this is!"


"--you are such a child!"


"Well, don't bother calling me again, because I'll be dead. I hope I get a nice obituary!"


I severed the connection.


I couldn't help but smile. Ex-boyfriends: 0. Ayang Cardani: 1.



Crez is an agent... her exes have a habbit of dissapearing :cool:

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keep the creativity coming!




My smuggler and her ex aren’t even on speaking terms. Their biographies are here on page 11 of this thread.




I imagined this snippet: (spoiler tag for size)




“Oh, this is interesting,” Rixik said.


Mako glanced over his shoulder at the terminal, “What is? You know her?” she asked, pointing at the image of the Twi’lek woman in the display.


“Oh yeah,” Rixik replied.


Mako squinted, “Emeraldas, huh? She’s pretty. Girlfriend?”


“Something like that,” he replied.


Mako put her hands on her hips, “Something like that? Uh-huh. Come on, give,” she said.


Rixik leaned back in the chair and laced his fingers behind his head, “Pretty face, great body, a regular pulse cannon in bed—“


“Ugh, forget I asked,” Mako interrupted with a grimace, “What happened?”


“She ditched me when she found out my business,” said Rixik.


“Which was?”




Mako blinked. “Huh. Doesn’t sound so bad. She must have been a real goody-goody,” she said.


“She was,” agreed Rixik, leaning forward again in the seat to examine the listing, “which is why I’m surprised Rogun the Butcher’s got a bounty out on her.”


“Rogun’s got a short temper. Maybe she made him angry.” Mako suggested.


“Well, yeah,” said Rixik, “that’s usually why people get bounties. But Rogun wouldn’t pay this kind of money just for the hell of it. She must have caused him trouble. Personally caused him trouble. Cost him money. Cost him business. And she’s not the kind to do business with him,” Rixik turned his head to look up at her, “Or sleep with him, before you ask.”


“Sooo,” Mako began, “you want to go after her?” she asked, cocking an eyebrow.


Rixik shrugged, “If the opportunity presented itself I sure wouldn’t mind collecting.”


Mako grinned, “I could look into it, you know. If you asked nicely.”


Rixik wrapped an arm around her slender waist and pulled her close, “I always ask nicely,” he said.


She cuffed his shoulder, “No you don’t. You’re worse than Gault sometimes.”


Rixik chuckled, “Gorgeous, would you look into this bounty listing please.”


Mako cuffed him again, “Now you’re making fun of me.”


“I am not,” he said. He pointed at the terminal, “But seriously. Dig into this one a little. I’m definitely interested.”


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This was so sweet. I don't know about your smuggler, but mine would come back. She loves Corso and their son (my head canon son for them I mean...not your version's kids)



I havn't decided yet if she will, she loves them with her whole being, but she was just never built to stand still, and she's feeling a bit like a caged bird atm. Cohen is going to be my next Smuggler and I don't know if he's going to have a stable childhood yet or not, his brother Aaron still dosn't have a class. I'm playing through all the class stories before I start over again and I'm currently on character #5 out of the 8 so I have some time to think about it. Damn Bioware for only giving me 8 character slots!


Also off topic, but I just hit Taris on my BH, and omg, Torian is yummy!

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Crez is an agent... her exes have a habbit of dissapearing :cool:


My girls don't have any exes. They were all um, virgins? lol Until either the side nookie or their love interest hit it first.


They were 'good' girls...pfft. HAHAHAHAHA! Virgins, yes. Good, no. Hehehe

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My girls don't have any exes. They were all um, virgins? lol Until either the side nookie or their love interest hit it first.


They were 'good' girls...pfft. HAHAHAHAHA! Virgins, yes. Good, no. Hehehe


pfft! They could have dated someone without the nookie :p

Granted, I doubt that's how it plays out in SW but hey....

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pfft! They could have dated someone without the nookie :p

Granted, I doubt that's how it plays out in SW but hey....


I know right? [FLIRT] I like your shirt. Looks good!


*Male flirts back* Thanks. My mom made it. Say, since you obviously want the *****, what say we go back to my place?


[FLIRT] Well, I dunno, but you are cute. OKAY!


*fades to black, leaving the player wondering WTH just happened*


I swear, ALL the flirts are like this. *snickers*

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