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Your own personal 'head canon'...


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Smuggler and Bounty Hunter, as promised. Somewhat in the style of the codex entries.


Spoiler tags just keeping post length reasonable. Nothing in here that you wouldn’t learn from opening the character creation screen.


Jesp Rixik (Bounty Hunter)


Jesp Rixik has told so many lies about his past it’s a wonder he can keep them straight, and official records are frustratingly few. He takes full advantage of the Twi’lek stereotype, relying on charisma and fast-talk to get what he wants. Any list of people (and organizations) he’s deceived is bound to be incomplete, though it includes both Republic and Imperial Law Enforcement. His risk-taking, devil-may-care attitude makes him popular with women and men alike. Beneath his handsome, captivating façade, however, lurks a dark, sardonic heart and a quick finger on the blaster trigger.


Republic records include warrants for both slave and spice trading. Strangely, an archive search of the courts in question turns up no evidence that these charges were ever presented to a judge. Regardless, it’s quite likely he was involved in one or both. Whatever his previous professions, it appears Rixik found his true calling in bounty hunting. There’s always a guaranteed buyer, and no one cares how damaged the merchandise is on delivery.


Thus Rixik’s personality can best be summed up as “mercenary opportunist”. Yet he’s far less concerned with credits than with what credits can buy: luxuries, women, and independence. Of these, he treasures independence most of all. Unlike many operating on the fringe of legality, he harbors no illusions about retiring in style. He approaches life with the outlook that he might as well enjoy himself today, “cash out on a winning hand” so to speak. He might not be around tomorrow.




Kirya Bilali /Emeraldas(Smuggler)


You always remember your first love. Kirya does. She was a nobody. Barely fifteen, the third daughter of Adoko Bilali’s fourth wife, heir in name only to his business, destined to be married off to one of his slave-broker partners to cement a deal or alliance, no doubt. Jesp Rixik was dashing, handsome, and mysterious. He swept her off her feet. They married in secret and she helped him steal a half-dozen of her father’s most valuable courtesan stock. She joined his “Free Ryloth” movement without hesitation; thumbing her nose at her father. It was like living a holodrama.


Until she discovered it was all a con. Rixik and his gang were poachers. They stole slaves from other dealers, rebranded them, and sold them on at a tidy profit. Worse, she’d helped him. Furious, she plundered his accounts and sliced his record, planting false arrest warrants and alerts in the Republic databases. Some of the charges were a bit ridiculous under the circumstances—she didn’t know what ‘perjury’ was back then but it sounded bad. A shame being a complete jerk wasn’t a crime.


After some false starts on a number of careers (sabacc dealer, fortune teller, social worker, to name a few) she finally decided to invest everything in a decent (used) starship. She had enough to purchase through a reputable dealer, thus avoiding loan sharks and other entanglements. Though to be frank, the legal loan terms are almost as bad. The collections officers, however, are more polite.


She positioned herself as an independent, discrete transporter-for-hire. She really hoped to help freed or escaped slaves to atone for her earlier actions. She wanted the rest of her business to be legitimate. But activism doesn’t pay the bills and legal isn’t always better. “Shady”, on the other hand, has a risk-to-reward ratio she’s comfortable with. She can always refuse the job.





I imagine these two having a really awkward reunion on Hoth. Then there would be the really really awkward conversation later with her new husband, Corso.


No question Rixik would take the opportunity to look her up, especially (minor smuggler spoiler)

since Rogun the Butcher still has a bounty out on her. Revenge doesn’t pay…unless someone else is footing the bill.

And then his yeah-whatever conversation with Mako.

Edited by Striges
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i am certain he made sure to make his moves right when f!agent was at her .. peak of the cycle. *bionerd chime in* human females actually do go into heat..it's..just a lot less noticeable than other animals


lol, I am glad I am not the only bio nerd, but really, who isn't fascinated by pheromones and reproduction? Right? Amongst other things. Just be thankful humans don't act like female cats when they are in heat. :p

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lol, I am glad I am not the only bio nerd, but really, who isn't fascinated by pheromones and reproduction? Right? Amongst other things. Just be thankful humans don't act like female cats when they are in heat. :p


I could think of one companion who might be turned on by that though... heheheh


But yeah, the female IA and SW to me seem to get the most females out of the bunch and really it wouldn't surprise me terribly if they synched up over time. Those poor guys would be running in terror every single month.


I'm still trying to flesh out my Chiss-human JK who has an IA for a dad and a SI for a mom, with an aunt who's the CO for Havoc. The most I've figured out is her sister is my human SW, this should make for an interesting family reunion though.

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On an unrelated related note, my “head canon” for my characters also includes my husband’s characters, since we level together.


For example, Grayson (his trooper, leveling with Emeraldas) sometimes uses his Republic military clout to smooth things over with the authorities, like a certain overzealous customs agent on Taris. And its nice to have a well-armed squad available for those times when she needs some extra firepower or intimidation value. In return, she gets him and his squad into places where a Republic troop ship would attract too much attention (Cargo hold is off limits, people. See the caution tape? Minor reactor leak, nothing dangerous, but it might, uh, compromise the seals on your armor. In fact, you probably ought to stay here in the main part of the ship. Play some pazzak or dejarik or something.) Her underworld connections come in handy, especially as a counterpoint to official information.


Aric and Corso spend hours in (generally) good-natured debates on the finer points of weaponry. They might progress to swapping war stories, but Aric’s going to have to quit calling Corso an amateur because he’s not in the Republic military.


Umrahiel (my sith warrior) met Xathras (his inquisitor) at the academy on Korriban. They’ve been colleagues ever since. Xathras’ skill manipulating the Force was a perfect counterpoint to Umrahiel’s more kinetic approach. He also set a very vicious example, and contributed to Umrahiel eventually going down the dark path.


I wish there were some way to reflect these relationships in the Legacy.


Anyone else involve friends’ characters in their stories?

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On an unrelated related note, my “head canon” for my characters also includes my husband’s characters, since we level together.


For example, Grayson (his trooper, leveling with Emeraldas) sometimes uses his Republic military clout to smooth things over with the authorities, like a certain overzealous customs agent on Taris. And its nice to have a well-armed squad available for those times when she needs some extra firepower or intimidation value. In return, she gets him and his squad into places where a Republic troop ship would attract too much attention (Cargo hold is off limits, people. See the caution tape? Minor reactor leak, nothing dangerous, but it might, uh, compromise the seals on your armor. In fact, you probably ought to stay here in the main part of the ship. Play some pazzak or dejarik or something.) Her underworld connections come in handy, especially as a counterpoint to official information.


Aric and Corso spend hours in (generally) good-natured debates on the finer points of weaponry. They might progress to swapping war stories, but Aric’s going to have to quit calling Corso an amateur because he’s not in the Republic military.


Umrahiel (my sith warrior) met Xathras (his inquisitor) at the academy on Korriban. They’ve been colleagues ever since. Xathras’ skill manipulating the Force was a perfect counterpoint to Umrahiel’s more kinetic approach. He also set a very vicious example, and contributed to Umrahiel eventually going down the dark path.


I wish there were some way to reflect these relationships in the Legacy.


Anyone else involve friends’ characters in their stories?


my bf has a..."special" sith gal pal my agent hangs out with a lot... vector doesn't seem to mind much ;)

then my other SW friend, another girl player, one whos all over quinn... her poor quin gets stripped naked while several girl players whistle at and harass him. he was told it's for the good of the empire.

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my bf has a..."special" sith gal pal my agent hangs out with a lot... vector doesn't seem to mind much ;)

then my other SW friend, another girl player, one whos all over quinn... her poor quin gets stripped naked while several girl players whistle at and harass him. he was told it's for the good of the empire.


Oh Crezelle, I love your SW friends. I'd almost feel sorry for Quinn, if he didn't so totally deserve the humiliation. :D


I actually miss running with the "trooper" squad on my RT and my hubby's JK. We're all dressed in trooper armor so it's just silly fun times. One JK friend though likes to pretend he had a trooper entourage while we were leveling together.

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my bf has a..."special" sith gal pal my agent hangs out with a lot... vector doesn't seem to mind much ;)

then my other SW friend, another girl player, one whos all over quinn... her poor quin gets stripped naked while several girl players whistle at and harass him. he was told it's for the good of the empire.


Poor Quinn. What a choice, get force-choked or die of embarrassment.


I put my Vector in the Imperial Containment outfit from the rakghoul event, which seemed appropriate since we were on Taris at the time. Now that we're on Quesh my powertech friend keeps mistaking him for a hostile mob.

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Oh Crezelle, I love your SW friends. I'd almost feel sorry for Quinn, if he didn't so totally deserve the humiliation. :D


one time a SW and i went outside so my kaliyo could "play" with his quinn. she wasn't in the " fade to black" kind of playfull mood that day. poor poor quinn

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one time a SW and i went outside so my kaliyo could "play" with his quinn. she wasn't in the " fade to black" kind of playfull mood that day. poor poor quinn



Now that's just mean..... like.. really really mean...

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I could think of one companion who might be turned on by that though... heheheh



Yes, *that* companion had better be careful around me at the moment - I am still trying to compose myself after seeing that image in the skimped thread....rawr, lol, he might find himself...well I might keep this PG since its the forums.


On a side note, I got myself a Quinn last night, on my baby warrior. Interested to see how this romance line goes, although I already read all the damn spoilers. He will never be an Aric, but still, he has stubble and a nice voice.



And holy crap at the amount of flirts that come up right away with him, making him embarrassed and blushy is quite fun



Vector is next. I really need more time. Maybe I should roll my agent on the Vector Party Server - ie Crezelle's server. :D lol

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Yes, *that* companion had better be careful around me at the moment - I am still trying to compose myself after seeing that image in the skimped thread....rawr, lol, he might find himself...well I might keep this PG since its the forums.


On a side note, I got myself a Quinn last night, on my baby warrior. Interested to see how this romance line goes, although I already read all the damn spoilers. He will never be an Aric, but still, he has stubble and a nice voice.



And holy crap at the amount of flirts that come up right away with him, making him embarrassed and blushy is quite fun



Vector is next. I really need more time. Maybe I should roll my agent on the Vector Party Server - ie Crezelle's server. :D lol


hell yah! <3


heck, give me a shout and i'd happily plow your toon thru the story/give tips on what turns him on the most ;)

Edited by Crezelle
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Yes, *that* companion had better be careful around me at the moment - I am still trying to compose myself after seeing that image in the skimped thread....rawr, lol, he might find himself...well I might keep this PG since its the forums.


On a side note, I got myself a Quinn last night, on my baby warrior. Interested to see how this romance line goes, although I already read all the damn spoilers. He will never be an Aric, but still, he has stubble and a nice voice.



And holy crap at the amount of flirts that come up right away with him, making him embarrassed and blushy is quite fun



Vector is next. I really need more time. Maybe I should roll my agent on the Vector Party Server - ie Crezelle's server. :D lol


Oh yes, the amount of those that come up so quickly is just phenomenal, especially after playing what is essentially a space nun (JC) and getting shot down repeatedly by Aric for the first couple of conversations. *sigh* I really do like the amount of fun Quinn can provide in-game.


An acquaintance and I were discussing the first few conversations you get with Quinn and he (the acquaintance) was loving just making Quinn flustered. We were at a party full of nerds, and that's really all we discussed, I'm actually interested to see how he reacted to The Incident.


Ummm... I went and had another look at that pic of which you speak. He looks like such a grumpy kitty, like someone poured water all over him and now he's mad.

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Oh yes, the amount of those that come up so quickly is just phenomenal, especially after playing what is essentially a space nun (JC) and getting shot down repeatedly by Aric for the first couple of conversations. *sigh* I really do like the amount of fun Quinn can provide in-game.


An acquaintance and I were discussing the first few conversations you get with Quinn and he (the acquaintance) was loving just making Quinn flustered. We were at a party full of nerds, and that's really all we discussed, I'm actually interested to see how he reacted to The Incident.


Ummm... I went and had another look at that pic of which you speak. He looks like such a grumpy kitty, like someone poured water all over him and now he's mad.


speaking of jorgan, and little daily life snippets


all is well on phix's trooper ship, when everyone jumps at the roar of

" GDI JORGAN HOW MANY TIMES HAVE I SAID I DO *N*O*T* keep ANY of my munitions in my no-no drawer?! and DONT tell me you haven't been snooping again, there's fur EVERYWHERE"

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And holy crap at the amount of flirts that come up right away with him, making him embarrassed and blushy is quite fun


The best thing about that was every flirt option got you +15 with Vette, until she got sick of it and was like "ew gross." But until that I was totally picturing us going to a cantina and giggling like schoolgirls after all of his convos.

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The best thing about that was every flirt option got you +15 with Vette, until she got sick of it and was like "ew gross." But until that I was totally picturing us going to a cantina and giggling like schoolgirls after all of his convos.


heh, yes. Probably a few drinks too while laughing at the poor Imperial that the big bad SW had been teasing the whole time. I still picture the girls (FemWar, LS Jasea and Vette) sitting around discussing guys or atleast what else they can do to annoy the guys on the ship.


Kas, my FemTrooper, is usually chilling with Elara when she get get her to loosen up long enough, and possibly gossiping about guys. This was all before Kas starting dating Jorgan though and he started shedding on everything she owns. Sometimes, though Elara notices that Tanno goes off and comes back with a load of creds but she's hasn't actually figured out what's going on just yet.

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heh, yes. Probably a few drinks too while laughing at the poor Imperial that the big bad SW had been teasing the whole time. I still picture the girls (FemWar, LS Jasea and Vette) sitting around discussing guys or atleast what else they can do to annoy the guys on the ship.


Kas, my FemTrooper, is usually chilling with Elara when she get get her to loosen up long enough, and possibly gossiping about guys. This was all before Kas starting dating Jorgan though and he started shedding on everything she owns. Sometimes, though Elara notices that Tanno goes off and comes back with a load of creds but she's hasn't actually figured out what's going on just yet.


lol i can see vette egging fwar to make quinn do something utterly indignifying and embarrasing, just to see his reaction, then watch him break down as she unleases the pure darkside PUPPY EYES and uses a saucy voice telling him how much she enjoys seeing him wear that skimpy little thing, or whatnot ... XD

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lol i can see vette egging fwar to make quinn do something utterly indignifying and embarrasing, just to see his reaction, then watch him break down as she unleases the pure darkside PUPPY EYES and uses a saucy voice telling him how much she enjoys seeing him wear that skimpy little thing, or whatnot ... XD


Wait a minute! How did you know that's exactly what Kanpeki unleashes upon Quinn to get him to do things? He is powerless before the awesome darkside power that is the PUPPY EYES. Pierce is usually snickering every single time that she pulls that on Quinn. Granted it's usually LS Jaesa that has to restrain the antics of the FemWar and Vette, the kill joy that she is.


On Thrass' ship, Kaliyo's usually pulling pranks on Temple just for giggles, that and Thrass is usually encouraging this because he he thinks Temple really really needs to lighten up.

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speaking of jorgan, and little daily life snippets


all is well on phix's trooper ship, when everyone jumps at the roar of

" GDI JORGAN HOW MANY TIMES HAVE I SAID I DO *N*O*T* keep ANY of my munitions in my no-no drawer?! and DONT tell me you haven't been snooping again, there's fur EVERYWHERE"


See this is why I keep Jorgan with me at all times and never leave him alone on the ship. Because you just never know what he is getting up to whilst you are not around. Its worrying enough to leave Tanno on my ship without supervision, I can imagine him going through my stuff. :eek: As long as he doesn't plant explosives anywhere, I am happy. I entrust Elara with the job of making sure my crew behave themselves when I am not around. But don't let her strict protocol-loving persona fool you - as they say - its always the quiet ones that you should watch out for! :)

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I've got this image in my head of the trooper crew after a long day. My girl is half asleep at one of the tables with her feet propped up on a nearby chair. Aric's sitting across from her, cleaning the guns and watching her. You can tell he's making plans cause he occasionally gets that intent sly grin on his face. She grins back cause well...dang.


4X is sulking in the conference room because there are Imperial scum that threaten the freedom of every noble Republic citizen, and the group isn't chasing them down 24/7.


In the next room you can hear Tanno trying to teach Elara how to play cards. She picks up the rules really quickly and dang can that girl remember what's been played, but she's not terribly good at bluffing. Yuen is watching them intently, trying to figure out what the purpose is. Elara starts laughing till she almost falls off the seat when Yuen asks Tanno why he's not adhering to the same rules he just gave Elara. Tanno starts swearing, shakes his head and starts laughing.


Aric stores away the firearms and then he and my girl quietly head off to the bedroom where.....[omitted for PG ratings].

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lol i wanted to make a one page comic of temple waking up, and b*tching about her being a freak due to her little powers. She walks into the lobby, where the f!agent is flirtatiously encompassing an indignant vector with kolto probes, giggling like a freak ( this was pre-1.2 dang i miss the giggle) while he's trying to medidate. Then you hear kaliyo roar-cheer and she comes busting into the room, riding a 'ghoul form of lokin like a rodeo bull...they're prolly both drunk. she walks into the cargo bay for some breakfast rations, and scorpio just stands there...stareing at her.. all " some day... when you least expect it..muahahaha"


yeah...shes actually rather normal, all things accounted for.

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A moment in time on my Smuggler Ainsley's ship.


After a big pay day, everyone is safely back aboard the ship, Ainsley Fires up the ship for take off, and as she does everytime she takes off, CRANKS the tunes to an almost deafening level, anything from (something sounding like) LMFAO or just some good classic rock. Once she makes the jump to hyperspace, she jumps out of the captains chair and starts dancing and singing along, dragging Corso into it. Eventually Risha, Bowdaar and even Guss join her. Akaavi dosn't dance, and just stares at them with a look that depicts both mild amusement and annoyance. Eventually she just goes back to cleaning and tuning her weapons. The scene ends as it always does, making fun of Corso's terrible dancing, and Corso planting a kiss on his wife's smiling face, as Bowdaar heads off to mix everyone a drink.


It's a happy ship....

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Aric stores away the firearms and then he and my girl quietly head off to the bedroom where.....[omitted for PG ratings].


Mentioning Aric and firearms in the same sentence is.....hawt. And because you omitted the rest for PG ratings I will just have to make up my own ending to that story in my head right now.


After they move off quietly to the bedroom <lots of time passes and *things I can't say on PG forums* and suddenly its 10am> Where did all the time go? My trooper is hungry!


F!Trooper calls Tanno on intercom to bring them breakfast in bed. Believe it or not - he is a fantastic cook! You wouldn't think it but its true. Breakfast arrives but before my f!trooper gets a chance to eat it Aric looks at her in *that way*.


<more time passes> and breakfast gets cold and has to be thrown away.





lol I need to behave. :D You are all a terrible influence!

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I can picture Risha trying to help Ayang shop for clothes online, and insisting that she buys something that actually looks like women's clothes...and poor Ayang looking bored out of her mind. Or Risha doing her hair, and Ayang being skeptical of whether it's going to make any difference. Then Akaavi walks by and looks disdainfully at them, but inside she's crying that she doesn't have hair.


I can also see both Risha and Ayang, after a few drinks, trying to dress up Akaavi's horns with ribbons and such.

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