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Arsenal vids


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I know how people feel about the arsenal spec, but is there anyone who could post avideo showing how to be as god as possible with the spec as it is, some tactics etc. This is not for arguing or something i work fulltime and have kids so rerolling my arsenal BH is not an option. and i like ranged. so basically some tips to make my play better would be great, and i think i learn lots from seeing.


once again reroll or change to PT is not option, i want to be better as arsenal regardless of its the worst spec in the game


Thanks for help


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I know how people feel about the arsenal spec, but is there anyone who could post avideo showing how to be as god as possible with the spec as it is, some tactics etc. This is not for arguing or something i work fulltime and have kids so rerolling my arsenal BH is not an option. and i like ranged. so basically some tips to make my play better would be great, and i think i learn lots from seeing.


once again reroll or change to PT is not option, i want to be better as arsenal regardless of its the worst spec in the game


Thanks for help



I don't think you're going to find any vids because Arsenal spec is quite possibly the worst spec for PvP, of any class in this game.


Anyone claiming Arsenal is okay in PvP is most likely lying or confused, and will not produce a video of them owning with it, because they can't.


With that being said, if anyone has any good vids of Arsenal in PvP post 1.2 I'd love to see one. :)


Consider the gauntlet thrown.


Edit: Let me prequalify my statement. Need to see some good 1v1s against melee. Just pew pewing unnoticed or high damage output screenshots don't really mean that much.

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I don't think you're going to find any vids because Arsenal spec is quite possibly the worst spec for PvP, of any class in this game.


Anyone claiming Arsenal is okay in PvP is most likely lying or confused, and will not produce a video of them owning with it, because they can't.


With that being said, if anyone has any good vids of Arsenal in PvP post 1.2 I'd love to see one. :)


Consider the gauntlet thrown.


Edit: Let me prequalify my statement. Need to see some good 1v1s against melee. Just pew pewing unnoticed or high damage output screenshots don't really mean that much.




i don't video, just SS's...but, i did respec to Arsenal for a day to play it out, pvp, pve, run some dailies, etc.


here's the problem with Arsenal:


-your main attack, which also is you main debuff/damage dealing ability, TM, is easily interruptable.

-your main attacks (TM, PS, UL) are all casted abilities, which can be interrupted.

-burst and main source of damage requires 5heat sigs (3 TM's), (RS HSM)


i've played about 8 rounds, top in damage every round, but, i did have some difficulties vs warriors. just can't do anything except rapid shot. therefore, no heat sigs, no bonus damage from RS, HSM, UL.


i think there is a couple things that could be done to correct this. since smart players know how to shut down an Ars mercs.


-make tracer missle uninterruptable

-allow PS to be instant cast, thru advanced talents (perhaps increase heat cost if damage is unbalanced, which it might be, altho slight)


the main source of Arse's damage (see what i did there? :p ) comes thru an easily interrupted ability, which some classes, warriors/jedi, can easily shut down. multiple jumps, slows, interrupts make beating an intelligent warrior VERY difficult.


Arse has huge damage potential if your left alone, or paired with a good sniper (OMG, now that's fun!! coordinate KB's and stuns...LOL!! it's too fun)


versus other classes, you need to know your opponent..i had little problems killing assy/shad, sorc/sage...snipers, well, just LOS ambush/series, and your damage should be greater. (kb out of cover/stun after 5 stacks, LOS if entrenched).


fighting warriors is frustrating, for sure, and i do agree no classes should be able to "shut down" other classes, but, warriors can be beat...it just takes a lot more work!! :) and maybe a bit of luck w/ CD's.


i do have to ask tho, where are your teammates when you are getting pounded?


i ask cuz, i had 2 warriors jump me in VS (i was nukin the crap out of their healers :p ), so i ran them off, well back towards our spawn/team...warrior had to burn both his jumps, i burned both my KB's...but it was just enough to kite him to my teammate (another warrior who slowed him) so i stopped and light him up...


then, i went back and killed the other warrior that peeled off once they saw the odds change in my favor...(oh, i killed him in 5 shots TM, TM, RS, HSM, UL when his CD's were out)

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oh, if he's talkin PvE and your having problems...


seriously, reroll or go play in traffic.


the only problems i have in PvE is pulling agro!!




Thanks for answers. i was looking for pvp vids


Best regards Kraros

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If you make the tracer missile uninterruptible, then it has to be converted into a ranged attack instead of tech.


which would be completely fine!! (force shroud...pfft)


lose some crit, but that would go a long way at improvements in PvP.

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Yeah if he isn;t good at this game he should just commit suicide right...


WTH is your problem man?


here is my problem:


i've done everything on this board except play their toon for them.


PvP is 8v8. there is MUCH, MUCH more to just pressing buttons in a specific order to win.


i've attempted to, at great lengths, detail how i continue to be successful at Merc, even going so far as playing an Arsenal for a bit to help those struggling.


what do i see. complaints with no backing, claims of getting 4 shot, and massive whining from people that don't understand why they have so much difficulty playing this class successfully, while others, do not.


common sense isn't always that common...but, this isn't really common sense to most. to me it is. i've been trained by Marines and SEAL's (which plays a significant role in battle tactics and seeing the enitre picture), and i'm just good at most video games...this being one of them. (i'll give you my vent info and you can ask ANYONE at ANYTIME how they refuse to play CoD with me :p )


i had a brief moment of troll.


my bad.

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i don't video, just SS's...but, i did respec to Arsenal for a day to play it out, pvp, pve, run some dailies, etc.


here's the problem with Arsenal:


-your main attack, which also is you main debuff/damage dealing ability, TM, is easily interruptable.

-your main attacks (TM, PS, UL) are all casted abilities, which can be interrupted.

-burst and main source of damage requires 5heat sigs (3 TM's), (RS HSM)


i've played about 8 rounds, top in damage every round, but, i did have some difficulties vs warriors. just can't do anything except rapid shot. therefore, no heat sigs, no bonus damage from RS, HSM, UL.


i think there is a couple things that could be done to correct this. since smart players know how to shut down an Ars mercs.


-make tracer missle uninterruptable

-allow PS to be instant cast, thru advanced talents (perhaps increase heat cost if damage is unbalanced, which it might be, altho slight)


the main source of Arse's damage (see what i did there? :p ) comes thru an easily interrupted ability, which some classes, warriors/jedi, can easily shut down. multiple jumps, slows, interrupts make beating an intelligent warrior VERY difficult.


Arse has huge damage potential if your left alone, or paired with a good sniper (OMG, now that's fun!! coordinate KB's and stuns...LOL!! it's too fun)


versus other classes, you need to know your opponent..i had little problems killing assy/shad, sorc/sage...snipers, well, just LOS ambush/series, and your damage should be greater. (kb out of cover/stun after 5 stacks, LOS if entrenched).


fighting warriors is frustrating, for sure, and i do agree no classes should be able to "shut down" other classes, but, warriors can be beat...it just takes a lot more work!! :) and maybe a bit of luck w/ CD's.


i do have to ask tho, where are your teammates when you are getting pounded?


i ask cuz, i had 2 warriors jump me in VS (i was nukin the crap out of their healers :p ), so i ran them off, well back towards our spawn/team...warrior had to burn both his jumps, i burned both my KB's...but it was just enough to kite him to my teammate (another warrior who slowed him) so i stopped and light him up...


then, i went back and killed the other warrior that peeled off once they saw the odds change in my favor...(oh, i killed him in 5 shots TM, TM, RS, HSM, UL when his CD's were out)


Holy mackerel! All of the things that you're describing are exactly what I'm talkiing about! Yes it's very difficult to kill a Warrior/Knight when you're one on one. But most peple seem to forget those other 7 guys in the game... ya know... you're TEAM! War zones are 8 v 8 and what you described is what Arsenal Mercs/Gunnery Commandos need to be doing. The successful ones on my server know this. If you can't beat someone 1v1 then you just have to run the the people who can. It's pretty straight forward.


Now, I can't agree with needing to make TM uninterruptable I can't agree with that. Maybe make the casting time shorter so that it's harder to interrupt. I'd be ok with that. But making it uninterruptable doesn't seem ok. I still don't think they should have made Master Strike/Ravage uninterruptable. I can see the idea behind it but I don't think it was the best decision.

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here is my problem:


i've done everything on this board except play their toon for them.


PvP is 8v8. there is MUCH, MUCH more to just pressing buttons in a specific order to win.


i've attempted to, at great lengths, detail how i continue to be successful at Merc, even going so far as playing an Arsenal for a bit to help those struggling.


what do i see. complaints with no backing, claims of getting 4 shot, and massive whining from people that don't understand why they have so much difficulty playing this class successfully, while others, do not.


common sense isn't always that common...but, this isn't really common sense to most. to me it is. i've been trained by Marines and SEAL's (which plays a significant role in battle tactics and seeing the enitre picture), and i'm just good at most video games...this being one of them. (i'll give you my vent info and you can ask ANYONE at ANYTIME how they refuse to play CoD with me :p )


i had a brief moment of troll.


my bad.


Because your some sort of awesome video gaming god amongst us mere mortals, does not mean the class isn't still under powered. because YOU in your infinite superiority over all men can win the game, does not mean us mortal men want to have to struggle to reach your unassailable heights.




Also, punctuation and spelling. Please. There's a level of leniency, but your posts are a mess to read. And considering how much you post and the lovely eye bleeding orange you post in, and the way you make every topic about you, it is hard to ignore.

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Because your some sort of awesome video gaming god amongst us mere mortals, does not mean the class isn't still under powered. because YOU in your infinite superiority over all men can win the game, does not mean us mortal men want to have to struggle to reach your unassailable heights.




Also, punctuation and spelling. Please. There's a level of leniency, but your posts are a mess to read. And considering how much you post and the lovely eye bleeding orange you post in, and the way you make every topic about you, it is hard to ignore.


Oh snap

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i've been trained by Marines and SEAL's (which plays a significant role in battle tactics and seeing the enitre picture), and i'm just good at most video games...this being one of them. (i'll give you my vent info and you can ask ANYONE at ANYTIME how they refuse to play CoD with me :p )


i had a brief moment of troll.


my bad.




Hahaha! You've been trained by Marines and SEALs, and that helps you play a Star Wars game. Move out of your mom's basement fatty, and get a life.

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Hahaha! You've been trained by Marines and SEALs, and that helps you play a Star Wars game. Move out of your mom's basement fatty, and get a life.


You're no better with childish taunts.


If you are going to take the time to insult someone without any other substance in your post, do it well. Read my post for example.

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Hahaha! You've been trained by Marines and SEALs, and that helps you play a Star Wars game. Move out of your mom's basement fatty, and get a life.


your feeble attempts at insulting me do not phase me.


i am secure in who i am and what i do...


none of which you described above.


what's funny is our Soliders now use video games for combat simulation...probably no direct connection or reason tho...you got this all figured out, looks like.


p.s. i'm pretty buff, tbh. 6' 185...i'm happy :)

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your feeble attempts at insulting me do not phase me.


i am secure in who i am and what i do...


none of which you described above.


what's funny is our Soliders now use video games for combat simulation...probably no direct connection or reason tho...you got this all figured out, looks like.


p.s. i'm pretty buff, tbh. 6' 185...i'm happy :)


You're also trying way too hard. But I see some improvement in your posting. But remember, I is to be capitalized.


On the other hand, our soliders... I mean soldiers do not use MMOs for military training. And they aren't combat simulations. Because a video cannot in any way, at current technology, adequately simulate combat. They can help co ordination between a unit, getting them used to acting together. Of course they have an increasing impact on drones, and most drones are actually ironically controlled via xbox controllers. None of this is in any way applicable to an MMO on the PC, which is what we are talking about on this forum. So, please, cut the bluster. It does not impress and it means nothing.

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You're also trying way too hard. But I see some improvement in your posting. But remember, I is to be capitalized.


On the other hand, our soliders... I mean soldiers do not use MMOs for military training. And they aren't combat simulations. Because a video cannot in any way, at current technology, adequately simulate combat. They can help co ordination between a unit, getting them used to acting together. Of course they have an increasing impact on drones, and most drones are actually ironically controlled via xbox controllers. None of this is in any way applicable to an MMO on the PC, which is what we are talking about on this forum. So, please, cut the bluster. It does not impress and it means nothing.


who the **** are you? i'm not here to impress, or try to placate you.


orange happens to be my favorite color, so i choose to use it.


and what do i know, as an 11 year Navy vet about combat training right?


aw, you're right...the testing the Army did trainig Soldiers thru video game simulation musta been something i dreamt up. as well as, the resulting lack of fear and hazardous decision making those soliders showed in actual combat due to the lack of REAL consequences...


here i am rambling, in orange text, not capitalizing my i's again...


i've never done the simulated training, i've only used sim rounds and MILES gear. but, due to my training, and a bit of common sense, i have a pretty decent foresight when it comes to combat...whether it's effing MMO's or paintball.


so, i really don't care how yopu (EDIT: a typo!! HA HA!! in yo' face!!) choose to view my posts...i'm in here trying to help fellas out, using any method, advice, example, color of text i can think of.


what are you doing to help?

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who the **** are you? i'm not here to impress, or try to placate you.


orange happens to be my favorite color, so i choose to use it.


and what do i know, as an 11 year Navy vet about combat training right?


aw, you're right...the testing the Army did trainig Soldiers thru video game simulation musta been something i dreamt up. as well as, the resulting lack of fear and hazardous decision making those soliders showed in actual combat due to the lack of REAL consequences...


here i am rambling, in orange text, not capitalizing my i's again...


i've never done the simulated training, i've only used sim rounds and MILES gear. but, due to my training, and a bit of common sense, i have a pretty decent foresight when it comes to combat...whether it's effing MMO's or paintball.


so, i really don't care how yopu (EDIT: a typo!! HA HA!! in yo' face!!) choose to view my posts...i'm in here trying to help fellas out, using any method, advice, example, color of text i can think of.


what are you doing to help?


Seriously, the whole "Look at my resume, look how impressive I am" schtick is meaningless. Harping on your credentials, real or fabricated, MEANS nothing unless you care to prove it. And I'd ask you not to over ToR forums.


I could say I'm the sergeant major of the army. And I'd have about as much proof on that as you being an 11 year veteran.


the only reason you have to bring it up is that your arguments can't stand on their own merits and you have to utilize an appeal to authority you supposedly have.


As it stands you made a claim (You train with SEALs and stuff) and backed it up with no proof. Then you tried to connect training with SEALs and stuff to being good at ToR, once again without proof.


You are ego stroking and hoping that your background, imagined or not, will impress us suitably that we will take all your arguments as word of god. We will not.


Also why do you post as badly as you do? Is there a reason behind it?

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