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Everything posted by Procomm

  1. Hahaha! You've been trained by Marines and SEALs, and that helps you play a Star Wars game. Move out of your mom's basement fatty, and get a life.
  2. I'm bored with the game as it stands and close to unsubscribing. I would love to see some of the changes outlined here. One thing is for certain, if they do nothing this game will not last.
  3. To kinda answer your question, the best gear in the game will most likely drop from the hardest raids. Or you will accumulate some sort of currency from doing raids that will allow you to purchase the top gear. Crafting will most likely not get you the best gear. Also,there is a difference between pvp gear and pve gear. They will have different stats. So doing pve scenarios will get you pve gear and pvp rewards will get you pvp gear.
  4. Santa Rosa, CA Nice to see a couple others from S.R. too!
  5. Well that sucks. Im a 10/2 and it looks like i'll be waiting for tomorrow.
  6. Did they email you a product code? If so, copy that code, then go to "my account" in on this site and look for a place that says "redeem code" or something like that.
  7. During the Beta I went from West Coast server to server trying to find the lowest ping. Moomo had about a 30ms ping for me, and was by far the lowest. Does anyone know a way to ping the servers before joining them? I'd hate to have to go through them all again to check.
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