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Who's your favorite companion and why?


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awesomely, i found his worship hive in tumblr.... im not the queen bee apperantly out there as far as vector worship goes o.o


i may or may not have spent the last 2 days cruising thru it with megusta.jpg across my face


You hijacked them all, right? :eek:

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You hijacked them all, right? :eek:


nope, didnt sign up.... i should tho

i gotta upload that pic where my friend did the whole FTB scene, and it showed me and my other friend sitting on her bed in the BG the whole time

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awesomely, i found his worship hive in tumblr.... im not the queen bee apperantly out there as far as vector worship goes o.o


i may or may not have spent the last 2 days cruising thru it with megusta.jpg across my face


There's tumblrs for this game?!

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When first meeting him, Mako goes "awwww hes precious, can we keep him?" YES OH GOD YES


Boss! Boss! Hey boss! did you see that? BOSS!


Oh! Boss! look! SHINY!




Oh I made ship thermostat work, put stool by the sink, remodulated shields- lots of little stuff


Hes so adorable!


Blizz is my favorite, too. :D He's so adorable and awesome at the same time. He's like a child with his enthusiasm ("Ooo! Ooo! Blizz help!"), I guess that's why I liked him so much since the beginning. I tend to dislike companions with negative attitudes but I haven't really found a companion I didn't find somehow interesting so it's difficult to hate anyone.


Recently I started a female Smuggler and I just love Corso. I loved the conversation where he says he'll still be around when other guys are gone.


I also like T7-O1 and Bowdaar, it's just kinda fitting that Jedi Knight gets an Astromech droid and Smuggler a Wookiee companion.

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Im not in for Kira but i have 2 votes, i cant decide which...

> Blizz, as he is a jawa, he is quite casual by saying "Hi" i like how he waddles and i like his customizations

> Doctor Lokin, as i have an imperial agent you get him on the planet of Taris, i like how he talks and how he turns into a rakghoul.

Quote if you agree on 1 of these 2 companions

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Well, still haven't met all the companions yet, but so far my favorite is Vector, hands down. Even though he's not the first companion you get, he has a strong storyline of his own and I was quickly invested in the outcome. He also grows and changes as a character (probably most evident if you romance him) and fits in well with the themes of identity and sacrifice in the agent story. Word to the wise - his story actually intersects with Dr. Lokin's, so if you want to learn some important things about Vector's past, get to know Lokin too! If your agent is light-side and you take him everywhere with you like I did, it really feels like the two of them are developing a strong, loyal bond as they go through incredible amounts of h-e-l-l together. He's the one solid rock in the agent's world full of betrayal and paranoia. As far as the romance goes, the agent's dialogue is a train wreck, but Vector's fascinating personality quirks make up for it. All that extra sensory perception stuff allows for some fun and interesting romancing. Vector has also an awesome voice actor who gives the character a unique way of speaking - in his inflection and cadence Vector really comes across as "different." And he has THE Sexiest...Voice...in...the...Game! That voice could melt steel. :cool:



I like how vector is worshiping me, here are some phrases:

"We fight for you! we fight for the nest!"

"We're running low"

Vector was getting a bit social on my ship with Dr lokin aswell. you might find some clips on Youtube.

Liked the invasion on house cortess aswell,Vector brought his Killik army to attack the throne room.

Just to say, is there somthing wrong with his eyes? I saw the whole of his eyeballs were black....

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These are the best companions per class:


Agent: Kaliyo, obviously. Tha fact that she's the only companions that actually tends to dominate your player character is a giveaway. Agents have a very colourful crew though, and Vector, SCORPIO, Lokin and even Temple sometimes are all fun.


BH: Gault. I find him funnier than Blizz (who's okay too).


SI: Talos Drellik. I'd romance this guy over Ashara any time. (not to mention it would be a more credible story anyway)


SW: Probably a tie between Vette and Quinn. My SW's a girl, so I like Quinn a bit more.


Smuggler: Risha. She shares some traits with Kaliyo, which can only be good.

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Vector is officially THE NEW MAC DADDY OF STAR WARS!


Sorry, Blizz. You're still big pimpin', but Vector went totally Blue x3! :D





" dude... did we..just let him have a 4 way with a bunch of chiss babes? awesome"

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In the JK Story => Kira Carsen, she's a little B, who sure knows how to Ps me off, but I like her character!

In the Consular Story => Is not actually a companion, but a NPC you have on board of your ship: Alauni, she isn't afraid to say what's on her mind. If I had to choose one though, it would be Tharan Cedrax...he reminds me of my uncle xD

In the Trooper Story => Elara Dorne. I just love those two characters! Elara has that voice that MELTS my heart...

In the Smuggler Story => I like Guss Tuno and Bowdaar, but not for their personnality, I like their species... =/

In the BH Story => Blizz, enough said... LOL

In the SW Story => It's a though choice between Lieutenant Pierce and Jaesa Willsaam...Jaesa Willsaam (DS) is like a freaking witch of the wilds, she freaks me out (and that's how well the character is), Jaesa Willsaam (LS) is almost as boring as stereotyped character can be, so she's out of the contest, but Lieutenant Pierce....just the name makes me laugh! xD

In the AI Story => It would be Scorpio. Cunning, Efficient and SEXY...she's like Cobra's partner.

In the Inquisitor Story => I don't know yet, haven't played one to the fullest, but for now, I like the voice of Andronikos Revel...

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My favorite companions so far are DS Jaesa who fit in, personality wise, with my Juggernaut like it was the will of the Force, and Kaliyo. Kaliyo is yang to my Operative's ying and made a great tank for my healer while spouting funny one-liners. Both of those characters I think have great storylines and play well with the characters I rolled.


I'm with you-- sometimes I just stand around fleet and talk to Corso-- he's my all time fav companion in any game!


I dunno, my smuggler is a female Sith Pureblood, and even though he was a good fighter all I did was insult his backwater ways and now I only summon him to use my Sith Punish backhand on him :eek:


Honorable mention to Bowdarr, I just click on him to hear him roaring!

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Khem Val - He calls you little Sith, says that Lord Zash is a witch who smells like death and he threatens to eat people.


Tharan Cedrax - I like his arrogant and witty personality, not to mention that he is a fantastic healer for a Jedi Shadow.


Qyzen Fess - How he is always talking about you as the Herald, and I like the way he lives out Trandoshan culture. When you give him a gift he says, "Shall keep," which I find adorable for some reason.

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