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Max PVE DPS Spec?


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I don't want to tank with a new Assassin I'm making so I what spec should I using for max pve dps?


I've seen other threads & guides, but I didn't know if they were relevant.


And on top of whatever spec I should be using, what skills should I put on the 1-6 hotkeys?

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I'm only level 17, and I only play solo PvE. I've been running deception and there has been no problems. I just either sneak behind them and maul, or send khem in to tank and dps from behind the target. my 1-6 is:

1.saber strike


3. maul

4. force lightning

5. overload

6. stealth


Discharge is on my second row and I use it a bunch. Hope this helps even though I'm a noob:(

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Madness is max dps spec.

http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#200Mc0cZbZcMfRrMkrfz.1 That is the pure dps spec for it.



DF> Dishcharge> shock> CT> Thrash/saber strike> (Raze) CD

You want to make sure to keep your dots up at all times.

As far as what to stack.. ive been gone from pve for so long i hope its pretty much stack power after your hit capped

Edited by Treisababe
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I levelled mine from 10-50 based on deception spec. Tbh if was able to choose again for pve i would go madness due to its aoe ablilities which deception has not. With deception you don't just attack to a group of mobs, but you get them one by one each time using mind trap and your stealth abilities to prevail. Deception is the way for 1v1 like elites and strongs and i think Madness is a must for aoe/dot style of play. At the end is all about the style of play that is suitable for you.
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I levelled mine from 10-50 based on deception spec. Tbh if was able to choose again for pve i would go madness due to its aoe ablilities which deception has not. With deception you don't just attack to a group of mobs, but you get them one by one each time using mind trap and your stealth abilities to prevail. Deception is the way for 1v1 like elites and strongs and i think Madness is a must for aoe/dot style of play. At the end is all about the style of play that is suitable for you.


the only thing deception has on madness is burst damage... and even then...its not a huge 1 up if I had to rate deception a 10 on burst I'd give madness an 8. They may use dots but one of the dots hits like a truck and is ticked off in like 6 or 7 seconds combined with deathfield which does huge aoe dmg...which bypasses armor, + makes all your other dots stronger ( not to mention creeping terror which ALSO bypasses armor ) elites/strongs I have them dead with a dps companion very quickly...


Strongs in about 10 seconds seconds Elites maybe 20 -25 depending on the elite.....


that being said.... for melee mobs, I can generally be completely unharmed because madness is the undisputed king of kiting.


Deception needs some serious replanning because madness IMO beats it out in both pvp and pve

Edited by Metajedi
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Madness has plenty of burst, shock, deathfield and crushing darkness (initial damage) and of course thrash (added 15% crit chance ontop of whatever crit you have) and the 10% melee bonus damage buff from shock. Death field can hit like a truck and so can shock especially when it procs chain. The Stalker Columi/Rakata suit fits perfectly for madness with the 2pc and 4pc bonuses and the mods. I do Belsavis and Ilum dailies including heroics with Ashara and can shred even the champions, I can't get Torvix's mobs down yet though


While levelling, from 10 to 25ish I was darkness and switched to madness and never looked back (fiddled with deception throughout the 40's and again for some HM flashpoint/operations).


I've played both deception and madness, I feel most comfortable with madness, and it has some minor mitigations with heals on death field and dots from creeping terror, discharge and crushing darkness. Deception would be more worthwhile if it had some kind of mitigation.

Edited by Sookster
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