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Arena in SWTOR (a formal request).


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I have seen a few threads about getting an Arena System implemented into this game. I just wanted to create a thread without all the talk of combos and overpowered classes and all the reasons why an Arena system is a bad idea. This thread is just to find out how many people want to put in a formal request for an Arena system. So please only reply if you think an Arena system is a good idea and possibly state a few reasons why you think it would be good for you.
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Only if it provides no rewards period so there's no real incentive to play it besides fun. The game doesn't need to be balanced around 2v2 situations. But it would be fun to see how 2v2, 3v3, and 4v4 could go.


My bets on tankasin and merc or op heals being best, at least in this current set up.

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Implement arena and people will learn how to play against specific classes, instead of wondering who's killing them in warzones or attacking the worst classes for them to attack.


It will also identify serious shortcomings of certain classes, as well as test the soft counter/hard counter ideas.


Of course the two classes that shall not be named would dominate arenas right now, but we're not talkin now anyways.


Besides, more is better. You gonna keep people who want this feature from doin their thing just cause you don't want to? I fail to see a downside. They're not gonna make arenas anyways so...

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PvP-ers never cared about gear. Its all about competition. (atm there is none, pvp in this game is boring and repetitive, and no farming gear =/= content)


PvE players who pvp care about gear.

Edited by Dmasterr
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Implement arena and people will learn how to play against specific classes, instead of wondering who's killing them in warzones or attacking the worst classes for them to attack.


It will also identify serious shortcomings of certain classes, as well as test the soft counter/hard counter ideas.



Yeh this would be lovely if the number of AC´s per warzone would be regulated somehow. Having 5 sorcs or whatever class in a wz just makes your point in having an arena useless if you want to learn about hard counters etc. duel alot.


Also the 1.2 changes make certain classes useless in 2v2 while back in pre 1.2 settings any class had a fighting chance.


Oh ye sorry i would like to have arena for you who still play. :p

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A 1v1 arena system would be all the game needs right now - with separate brackets for each of the advanced classes (8 in total). The person currently ranked one in his bracket gets a cool title. If he loses the #1 spot, he also loses the title.


No additional balancing needed, no additional gear needed.

Edited by CmdrCD
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I agree arenas with no gear rewards ftw. Hell maybe even change the entire way pvp is done.. Increase cash from pvp and lose comms. Make all gear purchasable. Have just one set of pvp gear- win
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it would be fun if they implemented a skirmish system, a 2s and 4s brackets without any rank or special reward whatsoever (aside from wz comms).


would be a nice alternative to wzs and a good way to gauge the effectiveness of some classes in small scale combat.


we all know the devs like metrics but IMO the numbers generated in a 8v8 voidstar door fest might deceive the devs because any class can look good while spamming aoe (heals or dps).


smaller scale fight might help more with the devs number game just saying.

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I liked arenas simply because they were a way to even things out and look for ways to improve your play. With the rating system as you got better your ratings went up and if they didn't go up then you could look for ways and strategies to improve; it was like a very fast paced chess match in terms of strategy. As well, with nearly all of the match ups after getting established you were up against people with the same to an extremely similar gear level so the gear advantage was negated. It also showed which classes were really strong or weak and in which situations and against whom. The only thing I didn't like about arena is that it gave you better gear than other players but in my opinion arena that is just an alternative method to get the same gear as other players is a great diversion.
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Some of you guys are getting of topic. I didn't ask for reasons why Arena is bad or if you think it is bad. I asked for those who do want an arena system to show some interest. Please another another thread if that's how you feel. I was specific in my question because I have already heard almost all the reasons why arena would be bad.


On a different note. I would welcome a new gear grind as right now the game is repetitive for those who actually raid regularly and pvp a lot and already have gear because of it's lack of content.

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