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My Shadow Tank in DPS gear


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Using only BattleMaster gear without farming the WH ( i am really not into it)


Power +201

Critical +325

Surge +232



(with picture included :D)


Count of normal Commendation


Ear = 625

Implant1 = 625

Implant2 = 625

Wrist = crafting (save 550)

Relic1 = datacron (save 550)

Relic2 = 550

Main Hand = 1550 + 1550

OffHand = 1550

Head = 1075 + 1075

Chest = 1425 + 1425 + 1425

Hand = 875 + 875

Waist = 625

Legs = 975 + 975

Feet = 875 + 875 + 875


we save commandation for 1 datacron 1 wrist (1100wz)

but we spend and extra 9075 commandation in double/triple gear


it means 8000 exrta commandation from a full set of BM that keeping in account you have to buy 3:1 ranked WZ are worth less then the main hand weapon!!!!!!


*this built have 5 augments (I use all Willpower one but that can be customized)

**After you farmed all this next step is to farm HAND+FEET warhero in order to use the Augmented BM and keep the bonus of the survival set that is actually pretty sweet

Edited by Pekish
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I'm not trying to flame or anything, and by no means am I saying you're jumping the bandwagon. Why is it I always see Tank Shadows/Assassins in DPS gear? What happened to the Infiltration/Deception let alone Madness/Balance roles? For the last few days, all assassins/shadows I see across 3 servers have all been Tanking DPS roles. I've only seen 2 who play Deception/Infiltration and 1 player who was playing Madness.


Just putting it out there since I see SO MANY of you guys out there and wonder if anyone like me are even left.

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I think people are probably getting frustrated with how fast TTK is now. Even on my fully geared Sentinel, I die really fast if my CDs are down. As DPS KC, I can actually survive long enough in melee to get some fun out of combat.


On a somewhat related note, I've been seeing a lot of DPS powertechs and vanguards running around.

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I'm not trying to flame or anything, and by no means am I saying you're jumping the bandwagon. Why is it I always see Tank Shadows/Assassins in DPS gear? What happened to the Infiltration/Deception let alone Madness/Balance roles? For the last few days, all assassins/shadows I see across 3 servers have all been Tanking DPS roles. I've only seen 2 who play Deception/Infiltration and 1 player who was playing Madness.


Just putting it out there since I see SO MANY of you guys out there and wonder if anyone like me are even left.


If you haven't tried it yet, then try it and you will find out. :o



Overall you have great survivability with good DPS, and you are overall going to be able to bring more to the table for your team than you will as a DPS spec. Deception/Infiltration are lots of fun but the tradeoff of survivability, self healing and pull just isn't worth it :/


I have never played Balance/Madness to a good extent because DoT's aren't really my style.

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I have never played Balance/Madness to a good extent because DoT's aren't really my style.

Balance is a lot better on a Sage/Sorc. I have the Shadow, Sin, and Sorc, and Balance feels really clunky on the Shadow and Sin.


I don't like being up close in combat unless:

A) I have good survivability or

B) I can unload enough damage to obliterate the opposition within a few GCDs


Balance doesn't bring that. Consequently, it's better to play at 30m.

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I play it because of the utility not to make huge number in DPS (or i would play my sentinel my second ALT)


but utility require that you kill fast when you need to kill (when u are not busy holding a node or controlling the field)


It's not my faul if too many class bypass Shield/absorb/defence it's BW design i just adapt

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If you haven't tried it yet, then try it and you will find out. :o



Overall you have great survivability with good DPS, and you are overall going to be able to bring more to the table for your team than you will as a DPS spec. Deception/Infiltration are lots of fun but the tradeoff of survivability, self healing and pull just isn't worth it :/


I have never played Balance/Madness to a good extent because DoT's aren't really my style.


I have lol


To me, it was very boring playing it because the only thing I can do is Thrash/Double Strike and it is simply dull. I'd rather Voltaic Slash someone over and over and do massive damage over survivability because Voltaic Slash looks so much better and cooler. Plus, Surging Charge or Shadow Technique deals more damage and I'd rather kill 5 guys fast then just sit there and let 5 guys try to kill me while I tickle them to death with Thrash.

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I have lol


To me, it was very boring playing it because the only thing I can do is Thrash/Double Strike and it is simply dull. I'd rather Voltaic Slash someone over and over and do massive damage over survivability because Voltaic Slash looks so much better and cooler. Plus, Surging Charge or Shadow Technique deals more damage and I'd rather kill 5 guys fast then just sit there and let 5 guys try to kill me while I tickle them to death with Thrash.


If thrash is all you used you were not doing a very good job. Tank builds are quite deadly 1v1 vs anyone. If you're good you can even consistently beat back marauders/sentinels before they get you down.

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I have lol


To me, it was very boring playing it because the only thing I can do is Thrash/Double Strike and it is simply dull. I'd rather Voltaic Slash someone over and over and do massive damage over survivability because Voltaic Slash looks so much better and cooler. Plus, Surging Charge or Shadow Technique deals more damage and I'd rather kill 5 guys fast then just sit there and let 5 guys try to kill me while I tickle them to death with Thrash.


Not gonna argue here, Deception/Infiltration is much more fun in terms of gameplay, it's actually my favorite spec to play and it has the coolest lightsaber animation in game imo.

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No what I meant was since Thrash was a primary attack for Tank, and one of the ones you use very often, it gets boring and repetitive to look at.


Yeah fair enough, I figured as much I just meant that on my darkness sin I still feel like I have a LOT to do. I use 30+ bindings for pvp, some situational of course but I push a lot. Building up for HD may not be the most exciting thing but when you consider all of the other buttons you press to assist team mates and such you should feel very busy on darkness, its just not always damage you're doing.


I play my darkness sin to protect people. Sometimes I do that buy guarding/taunting, but I also have a pull, stun, knockback, knockdown, slows and if specced for it an instant mez. And yes, there are times when the best protection is to kill someone as fast as possible in which case darkness does decent, not great as.


Darkness can do damage, and good damage at times. But you will have a lot more fun if you play it to it's full potential and get away from the kill kill kill mindset, and your team mates will LOVE you (at least the ones that notice your work). Assassins are excellent for protecting team mates.


Lately I've been running a 4 man group of me (darkness), carnage mara, pyro PT and sorc heals. It's very easy for me to peel for the healer and guard/taunt while the DPS destroy anyone in sight. I mostly use DPS gear to help kill people but my job is mainly to keep people off our heals. Nobody touches our healer, I keep her safe from melee while the PT and mara wipe out any ranged dps first. The reason darkness is better for this than a DPS spec is because obviously I'm not squishy so it's easy for me to take care of myself especially when I don't need to guard, then heals can be focused on the squishy dps or the healer's self. That's just in addition to all of the added utility you get with a tankish spec. I won't turn a blind eye to how strong the dps I run with are, between the mara speed buff, all of the peeling we can do, my protection and the crazy burst from our pyro and mara people who attack our healer simply don't last very long or get her below ~70% often unless we are just big time outnumbered. But, even without the DPS I've always had a lot of success with just the assassin + healer, not as much so as a duo as pre 1.2 though.


I feel like darkness/KC is the way to go for team play although there are some awesome hybrid builds worth using too.

Edited by Mordeguy
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if i wanted to kill of if my concept of having "fun" was just to kill the enemy i would go sentinel that's the job


shadow is much much more we don't need to top the scoreboard we need to make the team win and nothing is better then a tanksin... we have it all to allow our team to win


other built are decent too but this one is the best to help ur team there is no mistake about it this and the fact that there are quite a lot of sentinel about another pure DPS is not really needed both in pug and in premade

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I'm still an infiltration fan and play infiltration pretty much all the time.


Whilst tank+dps gear is fun coz you have a lot of uptime, I don't find it particularly effective. In terms of actually killing people, both balance and infiltration are much better. Tank+dps gear is just about uptime and in theory, the longer you are alive, the more fun you are having. The utility is nice but lets face it, the utility is basically just force-pull. You gain spinning kick but lose low-slash compared to inf.


So, whilst I've gotten the big numbers with tankasin myself, I've done the 2v1s and been an effective ball carrier in huttball, I still prefer infiltration for pvp.


However, I often have to tank in pve and am quite lazy so often dont respec immediately. So, when I pvp as tank spec, I do switch to dps gear. However, I use fortitude stim instead of resolve, and use survivor ear+implants. This gives me a slight nerf to my damage (lose ~200 willpower, some crit and power), I go from 17k to 20k health (roughly) so I can more adequately perform my role as a tank / defender.

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a real utility tanksin go 24-0-17 so we dont lose any utility we have KICK (that lower to 20 second with BM that is amazinG) we have PULL that is INDISPENSABLE IN HUTTBALL without it it's like not beeing a shadow worrior


and we still have the lifting instant the AOE that heals you we lower the CD of force stun.... etcetc



tanksin are 100% utility yeah we kill a little slower then a pure DPS but again as pure DPS there is a sentinel a Powerteck too they both are great! as full utility as SHADOW-tank there is ONLY US!


and with the INCREASING quantity of SENTINEL and POWERTECH running around having an extra DPS is really not that important for the group


as i said i play for the group and mostly PUG where u cannot decide in advance the composition of ur group

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  • 3 weeks later...

Pekish, you might already know this, but spend the extra time customizing mods/enh's for BM set. I have...

415 pwr

300 crit/surge

96% acc

949 dmg

almost 16k hp


it took me about a week to get full BM set and about the same to get the mod/enh's I wanted, given I'm pretty active and on a dead server like the other 117 servers. The comms I spent fine tuning my BM set would have got me 1 maybe 2 WH pieces.


Barrgil-I think the reason you find most ppl using tank spec with dps gear is utility and for good reason. You sacrifice killer hp/def for more dps. I'd go w/tank gear if I had a dedicated skillful healer on me 24/7...unfortunately I don't have one half the times I pvp, which makes killing ppl w/decent dmg mitigation far more useful and fun.

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