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PvP: State of the Union


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losing isnt the issue, the loudmouthed epeen douchebags are

getting gear should be a part of getting better, you honestly think that having no chance of at least getting comms to fight that guy in full WH gear when you are barely sc****** by with normal pve gear is incentive? getting gear goes hand in hand with getting better, evening the odds by having you work to a respectable set of BM gear should be enough incentive

most people generally dont like associating with those kinds of aholes, and if they outnumber normal people, its a big turnoff, and then you have less people to pvp with, what you end up with is some small inbred derp community that really no one likes or wants to be a part of, fewer wz pops, then you lose out on people who might be persuaded to partake and enjoy the content.... sounds like a lose/lose situation to me

i lost plenty when i first started to pvp, but i only do enough to get my dailies/weeklies done, pvp really is nothing more than a timekiller for me

now i win more than i lose

ganking is for scumbags, farming lowbies to get your kicks... its why i will never roll on a pvp server


L2P...Black hole is all 50's i don't gank lowbies. Most 50's can't fight with me. You already play on a pve server what more do you want? Sorry you can't kill people bro...Try rolling a mara lately?

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L2P...Black hole is all 50's i don't gank lowbies. Most 50's can't fight with me. You already play on a pve server what more do you want? Sorry you can't kill people bro...Try rolling a mara lately?


So you can actually see people there? Last time I was there I was the only one in the whole area besides a fresh 50 Merc that was getting pwned by NPCs lol.

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The sad fact is different people have different views what open world pvp is. To some is the ability to gank people much lower level than them. For others it's having superior numbers ensuring a "win". In the rare case it's about finding a challenge in players of their level with a chance of losing and coming out on top.


BioWare didn't kill Ilum. The players did. Yes there were oversights but it was the players who exploited and made it not fun for others. And don't tell me well BioWare should of made sure the exploits are not there. The inconsiderate cheaters are to blame as far as I'm concerned.


In SWG, on Naritus, the rebels never outnumbered the imperials. The ratio was close to 3:1, imperial, most of the time I was there. For 95% of my time, I was rebel. The way SWG had world pvp set up, made it so that ratios weren't near as important as strategy. The imperials could never be everywhere to defend all of their planet controlling assets.


Player placed bases determined planetary control. Terrain made it so that all of the bases couldn't be stacked together. The planets were large enough that bases could be placed in areas that were rarely travelled and the bases rarely discovered. Spys (intelligence) were important to discovering base locations. Players could switch faction and back again within a short time period.


How and why were all these things missed on junior?


Considering the faction imbalances that exist in every game with factions, there needs to be another, deeper way to determine a victor besides raw population.

Edited by Vudu
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Bioware is not working fast enough on addressing the server populations. The 10 50's online for Republic on my server do not want to queue because they are tired of losing and the 50's on Empire do not have enough online for imp vs imp war zones. If players have to play other games while waiting and praying for a queue to pop then something is wrong.
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i never thought id say this but the bags system at least was fun to get gear ( oh how i was looking forward to 1.2) but its pretty bland to grind out the ranked comms and get dailys rewards of 99

pvp is ALL i do and still hoping they get this together by late summer fall


currently on a server that imperials dominate and its pretty depressing to see the queue times increase so much longer now just to have alot if losses against premade healer that have healers groups

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i never thought id say this but the bags system at least was fun to get gear ( oh how i was looking forward to 1.2) but its pretty bland to grind out the ranked comms and get dailys rewards of 99

pvp is ALL i do and still hoping they get this together by late summer fall


currently on a server that imperials dominate and its pretty depressing to see the queue times increase so much longer now just to have alot if losses against premade healer that have healers groups


there was some excitement, but going through 15+ bags with nothing...kills your spirit

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PVP was neglected during development and BW has already admitted that. They didn't expect PVP to be such a large draw for so many. Pretty much all that's left to be honest is people who PVP primarily.


Now they're stuck trying to play catch up and they're slow to do so. Pop's are so low that there aren't even queues anymore and people are leaving in droves.


Open world pvp is not even on the radar right now, they have more pressing issues. Cross server queues would do a lot to alleviate some of these problems. Right now I cannot even get one WZ queue to pop all day long and thus I've had to resub reluctantly because I can't play the game anymore at all.


That first part just baffles me. Have they been absent from MMOs the past 10 years? PVP is a huge part of MMOs.

Merges should & have to be the #1 thing on the to-do list. It will help alot towards keeping subs.

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That first part just baffles me. Have they been absent from MMOs the past 10 years? PVP is a huge part of MMOs.

Merges should & have to be the #1 thing on the to-do list. It will help alot towards keeping subs.


I agree. how could they have NOT known??

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L2P...Black hole is all 50's i don't gank lowbies. Most 50's can't fight with me. You already play on a pve server what more do you want? Sorry you can't kill people bro...Try rolling a mara lately?


i can kill people just fine "bro"

way to miss the point "bro"

you are the exact kind of person that will turn new players off of pvp and then you will be wondering why no one wants to play with you.... you are part of the problem, not a part of the solution "bro"


maybe you should try using your l33t pvp skills in a real pvp game like LoL or something..... oh wait you cant hang with them so you prefer to try and wave your little epeen here.... gotcha "bro"

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I seriously CAN NOT handle another thread talking about,"OH IF ONLY BW WOULD...", or "OH HOW I WISH SOMEONE AT BW HAD THE BRAINS TO...".


They. Are. Honestly. Working. On. THINGS!


You can not just release anything in this time of game quickly. It just doesn't work. Everything we play, everything that gets released, all of the content patches are all the result of months of work. You don't code, tweek, refine, test, polish and release a new WZ or OP in a month.


They told you and everyone else that server merges are coming in Summer. THATS THE ANSWER!! Wait if you can wait, leave if you can't. But either way, SHUT UP about the same old problems.

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