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Players vs. Devs (Best of 3 WZ). Vote Now!


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let the devs sit and wait for a q pop fist tho for real world experience. say 30 mins. hell a mish mash of noob pugs would be awesome to watch against the devs! streaming entertainment.


I would watch the matches.

yes i am a noob for the record

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This would be fun but I would like to see them face a team of 3 Counslers, 3 Commandos and two whatevers with at least 2 sorc healers and one PT tank. I want to see how they counter the AOEs, Knockbacks, stuns and endless healing and damage. Just come play on Jung'ma aginst one of the two top rated Reb guilds if you beat them best 3 out of 5 I'll believe sorc healing is fine and PT tanks have the right level of survivability.
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Then after this, we can have the entire team ofthe NBA Lakers face off against the 5 best basketball coaches in all of history.


derp let's see how much the coaches actually know about the game in that obviously valid test!


I'll watch this too as long as you take the 5 best couches in their prime: they were all damn good ball players.


MM Larry bird, Lenny Wilkens, Pat Riley and Phil Jackson, Jerry Sloan, John Kundla, Gregg Popovich, Avery Johnson, Byron Scott.. with Red Auerbach couching.. Yeah I would watch that.. They might not beat the current hormone feed crowd but they would give a hella fight.

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Except obviously the developers would all roll concOps/scrapScoundrels and stunlock everyone with their insane stunlocking and burst damage. Think of it, teams of operatives just stunlocking the players, proving that Sc/Ops are overpowered and need to be nerfed again.


Butthurt detected.


Ops are fine.

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I will be happy to provide my services as a healer for this. :D Given how clueless the devs seem about the mechanics of their own game in relation to how it actually plays out (I am looking at YOU James), it would be a slaughter. Of course if we threw James on a sorc/sage healer, it would most likely get my operative nerfed when I out heal him 5 to 1 :)
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I'll watch this too as long as you take the 5 best couches in their prime: they were all damn good ball players.


MM Larry bird, Lenny Wilkens, Pat Riley and Phil Jackson, Jerry Sloan, John Kundla, Gregg Popovich, Avery Johnson, Byron Scott.. with Red Auerbach couching.. Yeah I would watch that.. They might not beat the current hormone feed crowd but they would give a hella fight.


To be fair and more accurate, it would have to be anyone involved with running a team at any point, because the 'dev' team isn't just upper management. We could add Jordan, Johnson, Kareem, and others to Bird, etc. for their involvement as coaches, execs, etc.


Jordan, Johnson, Kareem, Bird, Bill Russel in there prime vs. Kobe, Wade, Lebron, Howard, and Durant..... for example. Hell of a game imo.

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Let the Devs sit and wait for a queue pop first though for real world experience. Say 30 mins.




Also, they are not allowed to spacebar opening cut scenes. And they have to buy things on the GTN while they wait.


They also have to play from home, not LANed in to the server, so all their force pushes go over their heads towards the goal line.

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8 players vs 8 devs. the players would hands down win.


the devs very plainly do not play their own game, and judging by a lot of them gameplay videos they are clickers and keyboard turners


oh, and id like to see gabe amantangelo, daniel erickson, james ohlen, and stephen reid. these guys are responsible for every catastrophe pvpers have had to deal with in this game, it would be fun to kick their butts around for a while


I would like to pvp against these guys too. Shoot, they can even have their choice of OP class I don't care, I'd still roll em :rak_03:

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Also, they are not allowed to spacebar opening cut scenes. And they have to buy things on the GTN while they wait.


They also have to play from home, not LANed in to the server, so all their force pushes go over their heads towards the goal line.


HaHa Dev's would have natural speed hack LAN'd to the server =P

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This would be pretty funny.


Have an 8 man player team consisting of DPS Powertechs, Marauders, Tankasins, and Healing Operatives. They will be limited to only those types and can play as many/as little of any of them as they like to create an 8 member team.


The developers get an 8 man team consisting of anything else that isn't those 4, whatever combo they prefer. Tank PTs, any flavor Jugg, any flavor Sage, any flavor merc, DPS Assassins, DPS Operatives, and any flavor sniper. They will make a team of 8 with any combination of those they prefer.


Since everything is working as intended, the developers should have no problems competing and winning their fair share of games with those classes. They even get more options than the players and thus should win more right?





Then after the developers get curbstomped, that same player team will play again minus one player, same combination of classes/specs as before. THIS TIME THE DEVELOPERS PICK A PLAYER AND REMOVE THEM FROM THE ENEMY TEAM, making it 8 v 7. The players all have to play the exact same spec/classes they did the first round, while the developers get to reselect any of the class/specs they were allowed to pick the first time to optimize against the exact enemy composition of 7 players in whatever combination they prefer.


Then after the developers get curbstomped...

This is a very valid post and you have my support however few points:


The devs view the classes balance more through data crunching than in game experience. Not that they don't play but rely more on hard facts than in game feeling for balancing. Also it's a proven fact the players are always better than the devs: from data mining the real DPS output to point at issues because players are more dedicated, spend more time on a very specific point and are much much more numerous. You can't beat that.


As such the CC and team play is less taken in consideration and leads to issues. For example no matter how you build you data model, it's quite impossible to analyse the impact of CC in a game and even more in a Warzone.


Now if you want a real test you have to sit all the players in the same room with the exact same network and hardware configuration. Next you have to gear up all the characters with the exact same level of gear. Finally you have to set the teams in two separate rooms so they can talk to each others.


In short you have to do a PvP summit ;)



Final word: as long as we'll have over 5% of difference between characters DPS or healing output because of gear, PvP will keep sucking in MMO as based not on skill nor team play but GEAR.

Also as long as PvP skills == PvE skills the balance will be painful both for PvE and PvP players.

Edited by Deewe
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Over 1000 views.


I wonder how many of them belong to devs.


Let me be the first to say I am not the best, but I am betting their only competency on the game, it's mechanics, and pvp are theory based and from reports they read.

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Over 1000 views.


I wonder how many of them belong to devs.


Let me be the first to say I am not the best, but I am betting their only competency on the game, it's mechanics, and pvp are theory based and from reports they read.

None yet or it would have been locked already ;)

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None yet or it would have been locked already ;)


Well it did get moved from the PVP Discussion forum to this small corner of the forum. Where people try to post interesting things and not simply complain.


I'd love it if they were looking at my character right now and who I normally group with to see if they can take us.


In a perfect world, they accept the challenge, fight alongside players and against other developers and use their expereience there as a means to modify areas of the game. But I will settle for gauging whether or not they are able to display their knowledge in a tangible sense by playing the game competently.


Someone equated them to coaches which means they SHOULD have difficulty. But they are the ones telling the players to learn to play. The question I want to ask is "have they learned to play?".

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It would be funny to watch but imo dev's should have to play Merc/Mando healers because they are right where they should be, basically the devs should have to play every class they nerfed ... maybe then it would sink into their thick skulls.


Edit: you know the devs would cheat, after all their ego's are at stake.

Edited by Nuzt
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