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My Ideas for 1.3 and Beyond, what are yours?


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First off this isnt some gimmie this or im out and the sky is falling doomsayer thread. No I want it now, or else. Or with out this stuff BW doesnt know what it is doing.


Just some thoughts on things I feel would benefit the game and community. No order or greatest to least importance to me, just whenever they pop in my head.


An Official Bioware Armory. An place to look up your friends and guild size, placement, crew skills, specs, and gear. to help out to see who is doing what, has gotten what done, preview gear choices, etc.


LFG System yes i know its coming, but hopefully for me, I think it should only be cross server for PVP realms. Perhaps later add the option to queue across all realms types or not to.


Full helm/hood option aka the Darth Revan look. Selectable for you and your companions, separate from each other. If i want nothing showing on my SI, but showing everything on Nikos, we should have that option.


Better communication from Bioware. If we can get an email from them everytime we get an alt to level 10, how come they cant send one out when there is going to be an emergency patch/maintenance? How come some CM's like twitter better than the forums? Or some class forums rarely get visited?[/u]


Name gear. Like a level 35 blue " Darth Trayas Sith Blade'' or '''Canderous Ordo'' Raiders helm'' or flavor text. "This blaster destroyed thousands of Jedi in its day'' at the bottom of item stats.


Gear Updates like why dont early than 50 gear set dont get bonus's? Like an increase in endurance, or reduce the CD on a talent? Or how about the color crystal in melee weapons with a energy arc on it change the color of enery, or some that look like Gen. Grevious Magna Guards blades, glowing on both or one end.


Make the Containment gear from the World event Legacy bound. Even if we got it modded up and on an alt's companion, let us send it around. Some of us wanted the gear on alts but they were to little to take part. And with the RNG for the companion apperance mod, that could make up for it. I know it was the first World Event, so the RNG factor isnt a major thing for me, but please check out WoW's St. Valentines Day event for how badly it can get.


Legacy options. Again I know it just got started so there is plenty to come, but what i would like in its expansions is: More options for the family tree. More branches off one toon, like add cousins, or more than one ally, or family but they hate each other.

I know we cant ''re-birth'' our toons into new species, but edit at some point should hopefully be coming. For instance I'd like to change the eye-piece on my Miraluka JK-G cause some helms look horrid with what I choose.

Legacy buyables: I bust butt to earn the right to pay loads of credits for 3 hours off a 18 hour CD? Really? The prices need some slashing, a'la Walmart.


New Species. Semi-confirmed. Just some options would like to have over the years. Kiffar facial markings for humans-not a separate species. Togruta's, Natolauns, Cereans, Wookies, Chargians, Droids, Cathar, Mon Cal, Voss, and some more character slots. 2-4 would be perfect IMHO.


New companions for xpacs. A Bothan for IA, HK-47 for everyone, and a Voss for everyone. He or she would be the righteous good person to the evil *** kicker that we all love in HK-47.



Ship DroidsSome apperance mods, and perhaps buyable crew skills abilities for him-just not at the level the other crew members get-as to not mess up the economy of the servers.



Again, this isnt a gimmie now or else the game will die thread. I played WoW for years, so I know this things take a long time, I can wait. :D

Edited by Kellorion
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You're right - everyone should definitely get both an HK-47 and a Voss.


The only problem I see is HK would convince your new Voss NPC the bathroom is located right through the emergency escape hatch - while you're cruising through deep space.

Edited by jgelling
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Ugh sounds like you want a completly gear based game like WoW and Swtor already are. Bleh if anything I want more character advancment options that have nothing to do with gear and more skill progressions that have nothing to do with Trades. That way the ppl like myself who want to just play in an online Star wars world and arent interested in Raiding or PvP have something to do.
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Forgot some.



Open World PVPI remember fondly this in WoW. Hours of fun in Gankshore just killing people. And why? For honor marks, gold, valor points? No. Because it was fun, mindless killing the opposite faction for no reason. Getting a group of friends together, charge a town, kill noobs/newbs who flagged trying to be a hero.Waiting for the word to spread to the major citys, for the endgamers to stop crafting and come join the fun. We take a town, hold it, beat them back, then take it back, and then come for our towns, or citys. Give us a area where we can fight for low drops spawns or nodes. Let us go to the Capitol Planets fight them on there own turf. If you want gear and tokens from PvP, by all means, queue up and play.


Arena System. Let people form teams, 2v2, 3v3, 5v5, or 6v6, and prove just how good they are. Have ranked season play, and non ranked off season play. Titles, pets perhaps, vehicles-the first in game animal mounts, maybe.


Vendor pets with vendor.I love vendor pets, Wish there were more in game, like a Nexu cub, or a Rancor pet, or even a Kowakian monkey-lizard for the BH's out there. Have a vendor on the fleet or home-worlds.]

Edited by Kellorion
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I can care less about the lame vanity crap.


I would like to see Actual class balancing in 1.3 instead of this "well we almost got it right" stuff we are getting from Bioware when they say anything at all.


I would like to see server mergers so there is something to do other than sit and hope enough people log in to do ANYTHING.


I would like to see the PVP system worked on and balanced.


I would like to see ANYTHING from Bioware that shows they want to keep their PVE or PVP communities.


Oh ya. How about an option to hide those lame hoods they have on everything?

The ability to turn off the waste of space bar cut scenes in Void Star and Nova Coast.

The ability to turn off the massive amounts of error message spamming that can fill your entire screen with red text.

Edited by laiboch
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More. With a minor spoiler.


Companions tasking. Would be nice if they could loot for us. Or if we could send them to get your winnings/expired's off the GTN mail.


Daily Comm vendor. Unless im messing something, why isnt there one of these on each of the Fleets.


More interactivity with the environment. Have npc's walking around trying on gear. Or have the guards talk to you. Or some having a race in vehicles on some stretch of land on tattoonie. Or have them interactive with each other on your ship, or with other peoples companions. Shouldnt Bowdaar and Fess not trust each other? Or

Kayilo and Talos

look at each other funny? Maybe have BH's and Nikos be old friends/rivals.



Quest Log. We should be able to see the mission rewards in our quest logs. To be able to plan ahead, in case we go to the GTN in-between quests. To know what we are going to get and what we should buy.

Edited by Kellorion
some more ideas
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Armor Preview Would love options in the GTN to autoview any and all gear when you click on them. Also an option to show opposite faction gear skin, so we can see what they look like on IMP side if we are buying on Republic side, to see if we like the looks of it on that side too. And of course weapon preview, but Bioware has said that is inc. soon. Edited by Kellorion
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Play as Companions. I wish there was an option like in KoTOR where we could switch positions and play as a companion. When we get to a quest item or convo, we would auto switch back. All companions have the base attack like we do, and the Character would be fierce to see run around and fight. Edited by Kellorion
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