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Can SWTOR be Saved ?


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Active subs numbers are down way more than 25%, that isn't hard to figure out.


1.) More than 90% of servers have gone continuously to light status.


2.) Most importantly, EA sacrificed $8m-$15m in a month's revenue as an investment for a reason. Quite simply, there is no other reason for this than to prop up the actual subs numbers at the time of reporting. Q1 and Q2 numbers both benefit from this.


3.) EA is now officially trying to deflect the importance of the title, first in the investor's call and now through other media channels. For those who follow EA's track record, this is a clear indicator they are moving emphasis AWAY from a title and thus their interest as a corporation goes with it.


I still have fun in the game with guildmates and haven't unsubbed (yet) but I am also not putting blinders on to what I see happening on a weekly basis with the steady decline of players.

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I wouldnt even come back if it was F2P.


too many people quit with a bad taste in their mouth, not worth coming back to get ignored more.


Too many bought the game SWToR expecting it to be WoW. I don't feel sorry for them

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I believe that any gaming company today, even Bioware, had better sure as hell have the tools in place to transfer players on LAUNCH day. This isn't the 2nd MMO to ever launch. The drastic decline in subs isn't unexpected. Empty/dying servers aren't unique to SWTOR. NOT having these in place UPON launch is simply negligence.


We have not been told when, we've been given a time frame. Back on January 4th I was told I could emote from my vehicle too...tried it again last night figuring a server reset might fix it...it didn't and I still can't.


I do not believe that expecting a certain level of quality and value for my $, should get me labeled as selfish.


^ This. These are old features in existing mmos. There is no excuse for launching a game without the need and desire for these functions having been anticipated. The massive nerf that was the 1.2 patch was sold to the players as vital to the health of the game while what we who play see as far more critical issues get pushed off to the future. An indeterminate future.


I don't see BW's priorities as consistent with my own, and I don't mean that as just a little different. I did that "vision" thing in another mmo. I'm not going to muddle through some else's again here.

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More than 90% of servers have gone continuously to light status.


To be fair, as of yesterday, only 87 of 215 had an average two week phi value of 1 or less (light).


ø Population (05/02-05/16) 87 of 215 is about 40%.


Data here:








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Elder Scroll Online is going to be too big hit in my opinion. Sad to see this happening to Bioware. I could almost cry. I loved them and still do.


I'm an ES fan as well, but look at the hate being spewed by the fanbase already about the game and it isn't even out yet. The top complaints seem to be use of the Hero Engine, yet another MMO based on passive combat via actionbar skills and "gonna be a WoW clone".


I just hope they succeed where the console/PC games usually fail, the main storyline.I'd like a fun,interesting,well written main plot and not experience all my fun in the sandbox and side quests.


I am a little bothered by the fact that the EA bigwigs have said their franchises like Madden and Medal of Honor bring in more cash and are more important in their eyes(yeah, they backpedaled and said they want TOR to become as important as those). To me, that just showed that they expected huge money from TOR, didn't get what they projected, and will probably gut the dev team,development,marketing and more until this game is a shell of what it was or potentially could be.

Edited by Temeluchus
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Too many bought the game SWToR expecting it to be WoW. I don't feel sorry for them




Too Many Bought The Game Thinking It Was An MMO (Massive Multiplayer)


Only To Find Their Server To Be Anything But Massive


Stop calling Those Who Are Unhappy At Dead Servers Ignorant WoW Fans.


It is just NOT TRUE!

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Too Many Bought The Game Thinking It Was An MMO (Massive Multiplayer)


Only To Find Their Server To Be Anything But Massive


Stop calling Those Who Are Unhappy At Dead Servers Ignorant WoW Fans.


It is just NOT TRUE!


Unless those people just bought TOR, then they did indeed find their server massive. Did you forget about the long queue times and massive QQ that led to increase of population caps on a server and the opening of more and more servers, which resulted in the current ghostown servers after the initial population drop all MMOs experience?

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Too Many Bought The Game Thinking It Was An MMO (Massive Multiplayer)


Only To Find Their Server To Be Anything But Massive


Stop calling Those Who Are Unhappy At Dead Servers Ignorant WoW Fans.


It is just NOT TRUE!


You really should look up the definition of MMO. Heck CoD is an MMO. SWToR is an MMORPG

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When will people understand that the problem is morale?


When you watch your server die... when you see the guilds emptying out... when you witness fleet and planet numbers dropping... when you observe the warzone queues getting longer...


It has an effect on you as a subscriber.


You can say "Suck it up and re-roll", but I doubt you'd take that advice if given to you.

Edited by Blistrich
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Unless those people just bought TOR, then they did indeed find their server massive. Did you forget about the long queue times and massive QQ that led to increase of population caps on a server and the opening of more and more servers, which resulted in the current ghostown servers after the initial population drop all MMOs experience?


Blame The Customer Is Bad For Business And Just Plain Wrong.


Long Que Times Are Unacceptable for 200$ Box.


Dead Servers Are Unacceptable For 15$ A Month.


The Customer Is Never Wrong Even When We Are.

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When will people understand that the problem is morale?


When you watch your server die... when you see the guilds emptying out... when you witness fleet and planet numbers dropping... when you observe the warzone queues getting longer...


It has an effect on you as a subscriber.


You can say "Suck it up and re-roll", but I doubt you'd take that advice if given to you.


I was proactive. Re-rolled and didn't feel butthurt about it, mind you I didn't have a level 50 but even if I did, I don't care because I am enjoying the game for what it is. If i really wanted to mindlessly run dungfeons all day without a care in the world i'd play WoW or Rift but I want an MMORPG not an MMO

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You really should look up the definition of MMO. Heck CoD is an MMO. SWToR is an MMORPG



Your really want to bring in a free to play shooter into this debate? Really??!!??!!??




That F2P Shooter MMO generally has more people competing against each other than the number of people playing on fleet in prime time on the Pay-To-Play light servers.


There...there is your CoD vs SwToR comparison.


Next, you will attack my misspelled words for lack of a better argument.




Go Shut Up Re-Roll Lol Lulz....



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I was proactive. Re-rolled and didn't feel butthurt about it, mind you I didn't have a level 50 but even if I did, I don't care because I am enjoying the game for what it is. If i really wanted to mindlessly run dungfeons all day without a care in the world i'd play WoW or Rift but I want an MMORPG not an MMO


Yeah I rerolled too and I also think it's a proactive decision. You have two main choices: keep subscribing or leave. If you choose to keep subscribing AND you're on a "dead server", you reroll or you don't.


I've even seen an entire guild rerolling and planning to bring their previous characters to their new server (Jedi Covenant)! That really impressed me!


Of course, no matter you'll say, some will always think it's lame, dumb, stupid, narrow-minded but honestly do we really care about their opinions when we're having so much fun?


Join Jedi Covenant, join the fun!

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Yeah I rerolled too and I also think it's a proactive decision. Of course, some will always think it's lame or dumb but honestly do we really care about their opinions when we're having so much fun?


Join Jedi Covenant, join the fun!


Selfish player On Good Server Is Selfish.


Good For You.

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Selfish player On Good Server Is Selfish.


Good For You.


I don't understand, you know a player named Selfish who plays on the server "Good" or is it the server "Selfish"? Are we talking about the same game? SWTOR, right?






Ooohhh!! Now I get it! I think you're calling me a selfish player! Is that right? I think we don't have the same definition of selfishness. Selfishnes is "harming someone else in order to help oneself". What does it have to do with the fact that I don't care about the players who tell me that it's dumb/stupid/narrow-minded/lame to reroll on another server?


Or maybe, maybe it is the fact that I encourage players to reroll on my new server Jedi Covenant. Naaahh, trust me on that too, that isn't selfishness, we call that cooperation. Cooperation is "helping someone else and also helping oneself". By inviting them to my server, I'm actually trying to help them to have fun in SWTOR but also it helps me because I'll be able to team with them for heroics and flashpoints, helping each other.

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I don't understand, you know a player named Selfish who plays on the server "Good" or is it the server "Selfish"? Are we talking about the same game? SWTOR, right?


You Realize I Care About As Much For You Opinion As You Have Stated That You Care For Mine.

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You Realize I Care About As Much For You Opinion As You Have Stated That You Care For Mine.


Yeah I realized it quickly. Oh well, what can I do beside wishing you a nice day!


Oh wait, I have to modify this. Silly me...


Yeah I Realized It Quickly. Oh Well, What Can I Do Beside Wishing You A Nice Day!


There, better.

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Blame The Customer Is Bad For Business And Just Plain Wrong.


Long Que Times Are Unacceptable for 200$ Box.


Dead Servers Are Unacceptable For 15$ A Month.


The Customer Is Never Wrong Even When We Are.


So Customers Can Be Never Satisfied, Because The Customer Always Expects Too Much And Acts Like A Pampered Princess.

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I generally stay away from the game forums, particularly forums like this. But the last couple weeks have made me very worried about the future of this game. I like it, and I don't want it to come crashing down. But I don't think Bioware has long to make this right.


I hope they figure it out.

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I generally stay away from the game forums, particularly forums like this. But the last couple weeks have made me very worried about the future of this game. I like it, and I don't want it to come crashing down. But I don't think Bioware has long to make this right.


I hope they figure it out.


I hope too, but honestly, the game is lost already. MMOs never recover from a lose of subscriptions. A huge waste, because this game would have deserved more, but that's the way it is. Now the only way is down if BW isn't able to do something that no one has never done before and lure those subscribers back and find new ones.


I think they could pull it off, but I fear that they won't try anything not seen before by other MMOs, stuff that has already failed. In short, they should spend big on marketing when 1.3 comes out. Create and keep up new hype. Only 2.4 million people have bought the game from about 10-15 million people who play MMOs in the areas on which the game has launched. The game should, with good marketing etc, be able to pull another half a million or a million people to buy it.

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I generally stay away from the game forums, particularly forums like this. But the last couple weeks have made me very worried about the future of this game. I like it, and I don't want it to come crashing down. But I don't think Bioware has long to make this right.


I hope they figure it out.


Yeah, staying away as much as possible from the General Discussion and Community sections is a really good idea!


I have to agree on this one. The next three months (June, July, August 2012) should be really critical for the next years for SWTOR. The free transfers + paid transfers phases and eventually a server merge will play a big part for the future of this game. I'm a positive guy so I think it will work.


Alright, time to raise my negave replies shield! :sy_havoc:

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I hope too, but honestly, the game is lost already. MMOs never recover from a lose of subscriptions. A huge waste, because this game would have deserved more, but that's the way it is. Now the only way is down if BW isn't able to do something that no one has never done before and lure those subscribers back and find new ones.


I think they could pull it off, but I fear that they won't try anything not seen before by other MMOs, stuff that has already failed. In short, they should spend big on marketing when 1.3 comes out. Create and keep up new hype. Only 2.4 million people have bought the game from about 10-15 million people who play MMOs in the areas on which the game has launched. The game should, with good marketing etc, be able to pull another half a million or a million people to buy it.


I agree. When you analyze the history of mmos, especially the ones in the third generation, reaching the subscription loss phases is quite bad. Like you said, the logical ways to increase back the total subscribers are "next-gen" features, aggressive marketing (free weekend passes, awesome trailers, interviews, conventions, ads, etc.) and I'd also add bug fixings.

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MMOs never recover from a lose of subscriptions.


Counter-example: last year was absolutely disastrous for CCP, the developers of EVE Online. They had a huge dip in subscriptions - not just that, but a huge dip in subscriptions after a huge and much ballyhooed update. There were titanic threads sailing majestically through the forums, lots of people threatening to quit, and quitting, and giving evidence of it.


But CCP acted fast, admitted their mistakes, turned the game around in a few months, and now EVE has more subscribers than it's ever had, and the trajectory is up again.


And what's more: this isn't the first time CCP has pulled back from such a disaster.


So it is possible.

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