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Jedi Knight is dull class


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ok I finished yesterday mu Jedi Knight (Guardian tank, light side) story... it was so boring and not fun that since balmorra I've just rushed with help from my guild friends through all of the class story missions until I've ended chapter 3.


Basicly as a tank I find the class rather boriung and less effective then powertech. I've leveld in the past a powertech tank to level 50 and get boost to your heals, AOE spells, bost to sheild and END from skills, also you get decent looking gear while jedi knight gear looks like clowinsh all the way.


Gameplay wise it was much fun on pvp where I did well with him but story wise (boring and not fun it was like watching from the sidelines) and gameplay pve wise (grinding boring combos and basicly easy mode all the way) was both just horrible.


I've played number of classes until level 50 and completed their class story missions,

Inquisitor = Far the best by my opinion.. it's my main character. story was interesting and gameplay is just damn fun.

Bounty Hunter = Kinda slow start but then the story becomes well made and total fun. gameplay is one of the best in the game as you get nice combo of dps skiils, self heals and lot of boost to tanking when going sheildtech.

Trooper = many missions are like puzzles mixed with military ops. very interesting story as you get from mission to mission as a true spec ops soldier and some of the most diffcult choices there are was seen on this class.



Jaxo :confused:



few more points:

1. the Jedi Knight first companion is T7 which is a droid. good luck finding a droid gear when starting to play.

2. the other companions of the Jedi knight are dull and not interesting... more then all is Doc. If I had an option using legacy powers I would have sent him to my Inquisitor ship so Khem Val will eat him.

3. As a jedi you supposed to be mostly light side but light side is plain stupid! example: while waging war on a planet you have 2 choices:

A. Save convicted criminals while leaving enemy elite troops to attack your main force which will cause major casualties.

B. Destroy the enemy landing zone saving countless troops and leave the criminals in the hand of the enemy.


A is Light and B is Dark.



That's my personal opinion about the knight...

Edited by lironBD
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As a jedi you supposed to be mostly light side but light side is plain stupid! example: while waging war on a planet you have 2 choices:

A. Save convicted criminals while leaving enemy elite troops to attack your main force which will cause major casualties.

B. Destroy the enemy landing zone saving countless troops and leave the criminals in the hand of the enemy.


A is Light and B is Dark.


I don't think that's true. It's been a while since I played that mission, but I thought you got no alignment points for that. It changes the ending, deciding whether

you become an official jedi master, or whether you are denied the title and unofficially get it from the military


Course, I could be wrong.

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I think it's rather telling why you found it boring. The three classes you claim to have leveled to 50 are widely regarded as easy-mode classes. You were bored because you couldn't kill stuff fast enough with a tank spec JK, and so you brought in your guildmates to help you. Edited by Cerion
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ok I finished yesterday mu Jedi Knight (Guardian tank, light side) story... it was so boring and not fun that since balmorra I've just rushed with help from my guild friends through all of the class story missions until I've ended chapter 3.

It takes all kinds -- I've loved playing my Sentinel and I like the story. Although I don't much care for Sgt. Rusk, I find the other companions interesting, and except for Lord Scourge, even charming.


I agree that some of the lightside/darkside choices seem weird.

Edited by SweetOldBob
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its my fave class man. i love my knight. in fact i had to make another one to stick on my second server.

althouigh i didnt just make a carbon "light" or "dark" side character. i more roleplayed it.

i do that for all the decisions so although he is rather lightsided he has alot of darkness in him.

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ok I finished yesterday mu Jedi Knight (Guardian tank, light side) story... it was so boring and not fun that since balmorra I've just rushed with help from my guild friends through all of the class story missions until I've ended chapter 3.


Basicly as a tank I find the class rather boriung and less effective then powertech. I've leveld in the past a powertech tank to level 50 and get boost to your heals, AOE spells, bost to sheild and END from skills, also you get decent looking gear while jedi knight gear looks like clowinsh all the way.


Gameplay wise it was much fun on pvp where I did well with him but story wise (boring and not fun it was like watching from the sidelines) and gameplay pve wise (grinding boring combos and basicly easy mode all the way) was both just horrible.


I've played number of classes until level 50 and completed their class story missions,

Inquisitor = Far the best by my opinion.. it's my main character. story was interesting and gameplay is just damn fun.

Bounty Hunter = Kinda slow start but then the story becomes well made and total fun. gameplay is one of the best in the game as you get nice combo of dps skiils, self heals and lot of boost to tanking when going sheildtech.

Trooper = many missions are like puzzles mixed with military ops. very interesting story as you get from mission to mission as a true spec ops soldier and some of the most diffcult choices there are was seen on this class.



Jaxo :confused:



few more points:

1. the Jedi Knight first companion is T7 which is a droid. good luck finding a droid gear when starting to play.

2. the other companions of the Jedi knight are dull and not interesting... more then all is Doc. If I had an option using legacy powers I would have sent him to my Inquisitor ship so Khem Val will eat him.

3. As a jedi you supposed to be mostly light side but light side is plain stupid! example: while waging war on a planet you have 2 choices:

A. Save convicted criminals while leaving enemy elite troops to attack your main force which will cause major casualties.

B. Destroy the enemy landing zone saving countless troops and leave the criminals in the hand of the enemy.


A is Light and B is Dark.



That's my personal opinion about the knight...

I have found the opposite personally. The knight style (playstyle) was practically made for me. Both sentinel and guardian, but especially sentinel. Even funnier, there is literally no spec that defines me as well as the watchman tree; and my main on mmo's for years has always had the name "Watchman" (got in second day of early game access and was fortunately able to get the name before it was taken). I think BW spied on me while I was playing other things lol. I also rather like the story. However, you are totally right on the light/dark stuff. I always say that about all classes republic. How is not killing a mass murderer or something a lightside choice? I still can't figure out what standard they went off of.

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few more points:

1. the Jedi Knight first companion is T7 which is a droid. good luck finding a droid gear when starting to play.

2. the other companions of the Jedi knight are dull and not interesting... more then all is Doc. If I had an option using legacy powers I would have sent him to my Inquisitor ship so Khem Val will eat him.

3. As a jedi you supposed to be mostly light side but light side is plain stupid! example: while waging war on a planet you have 2 choices:

A. Save convicted criminals while leaving enemy elite troops to attack your main force which will cause major casualties.

B. Destroy the enemy landing zone saving countless troops and leave the criminals in the hand of the enemy.


A is Light and B is Dark.



That's my personal opinion about the knight...


I gotta say I agree with A being LS and B being DS. The Jedi would not act out of revenge, and would act to save people, even criminals, from being enslaved by the Empire.


The one that never made sense to me is on the Empire side, where it's LS to kill a village by poison quickly and DS to do it slowly. Huh? Aren't both DS?


I did like the JK story though. It seems more epic than the others. So far I have played Smuggler, Sorc, IA, and JK to conclusion. IA is the best in my book. There are 4 or 5 different endings and titles you can get depending on your choices and who you killed and who you didn't.


But the JK story you were out saving worlds.. All the other stories you are out doing smaller missions. And it seemed tied into the planet quests better.


Tried trooper, find it a snoozefest. Mostly because it is so predictable. Smuggler is fun, and has you laughing on occasion

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It's cool that different people have different opinions. Seems like if we all found the same stuff boring then the game would be full of only one class.


Personally, I am loving JK Sentinel. Never played Guardian, so can't comment on those parts of the thread.


I found gear for T7 really early. By about level 23 (I think) it was equipped with two moddable cores (DL-2 and DL3, both green items but still moddable) and two moddable motors (WD-47). I picked up two moddable parts (HJ-07) in my early 40s and a moddable sensor mid 40s. I found gearing it was easy since almost every quest had a droid part as a reward. Droid parts were also available on the RGTN and the HCTN (not common, but not rare either).


Kira is a very interesting character, a cool street kid with a dark history. Doc is a sleazebag, I don't like his comments and I wish he'd shut up. Still, neither of them are boring. I've never gone out with Rusk or Scourge so can't comment on them.


So, horses for courses. :-)

Edited by Havokk
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The one that never made sense to me is on the Empire side, where it's LS to kill a village by poison quickly and DS to do it slowly. Huh? Aren't both DS?



Poisoning them slowly is about causing pain and suffering, thus it's "more evil." I've got to say, there's a lot of Light Side choices on the imperial side which are far from "good," but are probably as good as an Imperial could be legitimately able to pull off and remain an Imperial.

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