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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

D3 killed the PvP Queue


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I don't know what in my post gave you the idea that I thought D3 was an MMO. My whole point is that D3 will not hurt SWTOR. Within 2 weeks, only D2 fanboys will be playing D3 still. Everyone else will stop playing it. Any hit on SWTOR will only be very short lived. I only bought D3 because my brother wanted to play it with me. He still plays WoW and I play SWTOR. So it will be a chance to game with him again. That being said, I don't think gaming with my brother will make me want to stop SWTOR because D3 is not good. I just wish he'd stop WoW and come over to the dark side with me. He's been playing that for 6 years or whatever. It's time to move on.

As many problems as SWTOR has, they are all fixable. People forget how long it took WoW to be as polished as it is. It certainly wasn't as polished as SWTOR after 6 months. It probably took 2 years.

^^ THIS!!!


I have played MMO's as they are now for almost 20 years, I have played text based mmo's in the late 80's early 90's and I can say these things...

  • SWOTOR was one of the smoothest openings
  • The free content roll out has been excellent
  • End game expansion has not been the only focus


What I find in QQ forum world is a bunch of people who are convinced WOW started when they did (second expansion pack or later) and had an expectation that was unrealistic. I played around with WOW for a few weeks and was fed up with it, mainly because of how Galaxies ended, and Galaxies was the genre I wanted. People who really want this genre are not going anywhere, and in a year from now the unsubs will have a sad face.


On the point of not being able to get into the game at all, I remember Asheron's Call, the 15 minute que time to log in, the loss of your place in que because of timeouts, I prefer to have lighter server pops than to have to deal with that and the laggy experience.


Be careful what you wish for.

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hey ! you can all slag Funcom off all you like, I like to give prizes to companies who admit their mistakes, after recieving years of criticism. As for TSW, afraid to say there's PvP in it, Fight CLub (For starters) and factional controlled territories and standard BG's. Also a persistant battlezone with over 100 players at any given time on same map.


TSW like GW2 does look nice, So Kudos to devs that listen too their communities.

Edited by KassKass
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hey ! you can all slag Funcom off all you like, I like to give prizes to companies who admit their mistakes, after recieving years of criticism. As for TSW, afraid to say there's PvP in it, Fight CLub (For starters) and factional controlled territories and standard BG's.


TSW like GW2 does look nice, So Kudos to devs that listen too their communities.


I'm in the closed beta, and let me just say that I wouldn't get my hopes up...... and also... they may have admitted their mistakes, but they certainly did not actually learn from them.


The atmosphere and lore is phenominal, but that's about where the good stuff stops.

Edited by Scoobings
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As someone who has played MMOs on and off for the last 12-13 years, starting with Everquest, I can tell you they are very similar to addictions. It takes a few weeks of not playing to stop caring about an MMO. D3/Tera add to that by taking players away for a few weeks, after that they don't care nearly as much about going back to the MMO they liked before. With more time they are much less likely to give it another try. Even if they do it most likely won't feel the same as they remembered and they won't stick around for long.


I've experienced this many times personally, as well as have seen the same thing happen to many friends. Don't expect a huge influx of people back to the game, unless there is something groundbreaking happening. Like a huge patch, maybe expansion.

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I'm in the closed beta, and let me just say that I wouldn't get my hopes up...... and also... they may have admitted their mistakes, but they certainly did not actually learn from them.


The atmosphere and lore is phenominal, but that's about where the good stuff stops.


Fair point ! I am also in Beta, yeah its rough round edges in places, but SWTOR had to be perfect before release, and its far from perfect. tbh I am just sceptical on the whole now about MMO's especially all the claims, but yeah the lore is great in TSW and the types of missions are dammed decent, so time will tell i guess :p

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Fair point ! I am also in Beta, yeah its rough round edges in places, but SWTOR had to be perfect before release, and its far from perfect. tbh I am just sceptical on the whole now about MMO's especially all the claims, but yeah the lore is great in TSW and the types of missions are dammed decent, so time will tell i guess :p


It'll be a niche game, to be sure... the PVP is just not good though. The skill wheel, though adding some real depth and level to character creation, creates the inherent problem of now no longer having brackets to base pvp off of.


All the games I've PVPed in so far, one side has had twice as many as the other 2 factions and usually there is one player in CL 10 gear, with 3 times as many ability points as everyone else. That person usually destroys. I dunno... I'll be watching the game on release but I predict F2P in 3 months.

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