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I thought we was suppose to feel powerful?


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99% of the game was a faceroll, if the other classes are easier than marauder then I dread to think how boring it must be for them.


One of the reasons I never post here, I love the amazing contributions that are made by the community... so useful


Edit: Didn't mean it as a personal attack, just my observations

Edited by RAndrews
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im not tryin to be mean when i say this, but if others find the class amazing and easily solo content that you cant, its not the class, its you. either research and learn more abot how to optimize your class, or choose another class. dont blame the game mechanics when others obviously have no problem succeeding with the same class.
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Since we're on the topic of Sith "Warriors" I do kind of feel like the Immortal seems off.


A few hours ago I tried to solo a lvl 40 Elite as a lvl 40 Immortal with Quiin, Jaesa and vette.


This Elite did one of those AoE's that drops a droid and shoots fire in a radius. This quest was not Heroic or anything yet I was only able to get it down to 15%-20% before dying. I used every defensive cooldown and semi defensive cooldown available.



I understand more of what people are saying; though this is my view. Sith Warriors are supposed to be more battle hardy than the other Empire classes yet does not have a significant advantage than them in combat. Marauders are supposed to literally smash targets to pieces and Juggernauts are supposed to withstand assaults that would normally kill everyone else without cooldowns.


I am confident that this will get looked at soon however.



This isn't a class problem, you were straight up standing in fire dude.

Move and if the mob doesn't follow...learn to line of sight.

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my bro plays marauder and i play jugg, ve're prety even at elast as i see it


soem tips to marauders:

you're a medium-armored class dont expekt to be able to take the big hits.


you can tank for a durasion limited to your defensive cooldowns


evryone in this game got a "cc" its caled a companion, have you and your companion have difrent attackers on them, vile you fokus 1 at the time


you have sevral DoTs, use them and no need to owerkill, if you know a target vil die form your dots leave it to its fate and find something else to hit


if you die a lot dont jump into fights at 50% hp... you're not the first sith to die form overconfidense and you vont be the last


strenth in numbers if nesesary, if you have truble with someting ask in /1 if anyone else is doing it...


dots who runn all the way out are jsut as good as any instant dmg, they do a lot more dmg for being just one abilety doue so maybe aply them early?

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my bro plays marauder and i play jugg, ve're prety even at elast as i see it


soem tips to marauders:

you're a medium-armored class dont expekt to be able to take the big hits.


you can tank for a durasion limited to your defensive cooldowns


evryone in this game got a "cc" its caled a companion, have you and your companion have difrent attackers on them, vile you fokus 1 at the time


you have sevral DoTs, use them and no need to owerkill, if you know a target vil die form your dots leave it to its fate and find something else to hit


if you die a lot dont jump into fights at 50% hp... you're not the first sith to die form overconfidense and you vont be the last


strenth in numbers if nesesary, if you have truble with someting ask in /1 if anyone else is doing it...


dots who runn all the way out are jsut as good as any instant dmg, they do a lot more dmg for being just one abilety doue so maybe aply them early?

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The soloability of a Class doesn´t say much of its power. Just because a Sorc can handle 3 golds with CC and destroy one after another doesn´t really mean that the class is stronger than other classes.


If my 50 marauder could stun multiple targets AoE knockback and root/slow as well as deal obscene amouts of elemental damage(which isn't mitagated by armor) then marauder would be justs a tough. but my 50 marauder does none of the things i have listed. i cant stun someone other then driods, my 50 marauder has one aoe defence ability thats intimidating roar 6 second aoe knockdown cant hit that target or it breaks but its there claok of pain has 2minute CD and saber ward has 3min CD explain how often i can use that to the folks at home would you. medium armor melts when fighting anything in pvp and why do i need TWO throw saber abilities, and bth are 10m range only. why cant force choke OR ravage have a talent to eliminate the need to channel said ability. make saber damage elemental not energy(mechanics). no marauder can take 3 elites period.

Edited by Flameseeker
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Once you get higher level your class quest has some gold rank mobs that will give you trouble.




This is not a l2p or skill matter, this class really is weak. Im sure end game it will be fine, but leveling up this class is a joke at best. The very fact that I have to twink him out just to be on par with everyone else is a joke in itself.


no, it IS a l2p issue.

had zero issues soloing all the way to 50.

99% of the time I was questing 2-3 levels above my level and I died LESS than 20 times the entire way to 50.

The class is a powerhouse,but you need to play it correctly, don't have to be twinked out.

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my bro plays marauder and i play jugg, ve're prety even at elast as i see it


soem tips to marauders:

you're a medium-armored class dont expekt to be able to take the big hits.


you can tank for a durasion limited to your defensive cooldowns


evryone in this game got a "cc" its caled a companion, have you and your companion have difrent attackers on them, vile you fokus 1 at the time


you have sevral DoTs, use them and no need to owerkill, if you know a target vil die form your dots leave it to its fate and find something else to hit


if you die a lot dont jump into fights at 50% hp... you're not the first sith to die form overconfidense and you vont be the last


strenth in numbers if nesesary, if you have truble with someting ask in /1 if anyone else is doing it...


dots who runn all the way out are jsut as good as any instant dmg, they do a lot more dmg for being just one abilety doue so maybe aply them early?


thancs 4 tips ?

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I guess no one cares about the next patch notes?.... Too busy insulting people about how they dont know how to play their class when they're already at high levels.... they got there some how, did something right. To tell a person what or what they do not know is only showing your own ignorance. I have an idea what about constructive criticism? OMG thats impossible in this lulzy world of interwebs xD
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I used to be like most of the people in here, however, the more I play my marauder (44), the more I disagree. As Anni spec /w Broonmark, neither one of us goes below 80% health on strong+ norms or strong+ strong mobs. Some elites can take me below 50%, but it is a rare occurrence. So while I agree that we are underpowered a bit (made a BH and played it for a while and it was hilariously easy), the more you play and get abilities and learn when and how to use them, the easier it becomes.
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Got a Marauder lvl 35, and i've been able to solo everything so far.

I'm going with the annihilation spec, as it has some self-healing through bleed effects; which helps abit + it does quite a lot of damage.

Carnage is a PvP spec as far as i know.

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I think the OP was saying that it feels weak compared to other classes, not that it isn't at all viable for leveling. I'm at lvl 22 with rage jugg and although I do feel squishy sometimes, I don't really think the challenge is unreasonable. It's about your roll in a group for heroics. My SI/IA buddies handle crowd control and DPS respectively. I still fill the more tanky roll even in rage. Do I die? Sure from time to time, but the mobs are usually pretty jacked up as long as I can keep them fighting me and away from my buddies. Have only ran into a couple of frustrations solo leveling. So challenging yes. Broken? Not really. But I play with a pretty decent group so that makes a difference I'm sure.
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Oh one other prob was figuring out a good rotation for my abilities. But once I felt I got the hang of it, it made a huge difference. I'd say for people havin a hard time with it just ask other SW who aren't having problems what kind of ability rotations they use. It is a bit tricky with our laundry list lol
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