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patch 1.3, savior or RIP?


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Scuttlebut says early/Mid June for GW2. They have had a few beta weekends, and did the big stress test a few days ago.


I would be very suprised if a AAA mmo like Gw2 tried to launch in summer, i cant think of any that have tried it. it might work to keep less people trying to play initilaly and make their launch smoother but i dont know, it will be interesting to see and i hope for swtors sake they wait for sept/oct.

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I thought 1.2 was savior or RIP? Oh well I guess 1.3 is now. Then 1.4 will ask the same question.


I resubbed for 1.2 to check out Legacy, saw how pointless it was, got caught in the free 30 days stuff and now I have 20 days left on my account. I imagine a lot of people fall into this category (conveniently just before the quarterly report). 1.3 will not be a savior patch because 1) a server restricted LFG tool will be useless on dead servers, and 2) server transfers aren't going to fix the problem of dead servers.


It's not even up for debate. On a scale of 1 to 10, 1.3 will be a meh. And what's funny is its probably going to be a while before it arrives. I love this game, but it needs help and I've lost patience.

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NO single patch is going to make a game all better.. While there are the " dead server " issues others still remain. But cancelling your subs in mass is not going to change the way the game is. If the devs have no incentive why would they change it.. If we show some solidarity here we might be able to effect change and make the experience more enjoyable for all. Then people will come back and play the game.. and then there would be no dead servers.


I'm also among the people whose guild disbanded I rerolled found another guild 247 members strong by last count.. in case your wondering im on the harbinger... 120-130 fleet pop on both sides at prime time..

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I resubbed for 1.2 to check out Legacy, saw how pointless it was, got caught in the free 30 days stuff and now I have 20 days left on my account. I imagine a lot of people fall into this category (conveniently just before the quarterly report). 1.3 will not be a savior patch because 1) a server restricted LFG tool will be useless on dead servers, and 2) server transfers aren't going to fix the problem of dead servers.


It's not even up for debate. On a scale of 1 to 10, 1.3 will be a meh. And what's funny is its probably going to be a while before it arrives. I love this game, but it needs help and I've lost patience.


To me 1.3 is adding all the stuff that should have been in 1.2 and 1.2 was mostly stuff that should have been in at launch in the first place.

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While I think 1.2 was big for Bio and it fell flat, I still hold to the belief that if 1.3 comes out and even gets close to expectations then they could actually stop the bleeding and pick up some subs.


Ranked Warzones. Give those pvp'ers something to do and something to brag about. Tera doesn't really have pvp so if you can get it rolling an maybe even work on some kind of instanced RvR with the guys from Mythic you might have a chance to bring the population back.


Group Finder well this is going to be huge! If it's not cross server you wasted your time. Giving everyone the chance to use this tool is the best way to make it happen. Take a page from Rift they released it as server only and it flopped. That is really the best part of being a DEV now is you can see what has been successful for other companies and model after it. Cross server is the only way to make a group finder work. That being said it should look for people on your server first then fill in the gaps. I love logging into Rift any time of the day on a character of any level and being able to pvp and do instances even though the server I am on is completely dead.


It's great that changes like augment kits and things re coming to the game but it wont matter if some of these simple things fail.

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Well, I paid already the same amount of gametime as i paid for the game itself. So tbh there should have been some updates with a lot of new content already.


Although the game has some really good things. I found it lacking having to do dailies to get from level 48.5 to 50 as the content kinda ended all of a sudden.


At level 50 theres loads to do, just no one to do it with lol

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1.2 was BW's chance to keep this thing going and they blew it. Just killing time until D3 takes another chunk out of it and then GW2 puts the final nail in the coffin. So much potential, yet so much fail.


That's exactly right. Diablo 3 took a huge chunk of swtor's now disillusioned population and GW2 is going to finish the job. It's not because these games are going to be good, it's because SWTOR simply isn't.


I unsubbed today, and will be installing diablo 3 tongiht and playing with my mates who alreadty left swtor to play D3. This games done, nothing can save it now.


I'll give you an example of the sort of lazy sloppy decisions that kill games. There was a bug with the party bomb, apparently some vague pvp exploit. What do bioware do? Fix the bug? No, delete the party bomb. That's just one example, there are endless others. These guys have no clue what they are doing and it shows.

Edited by vermura
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If 1.3 does not have cross server lfg, warzones, or ranked warzones and bring this game up to date with current mmo standards then it's R.I.P.. Really this should have been in day one.
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Doesn't need a savior to me, I'm enjoying it the way it is. I look forward to new material, but I'd stay even if nothing much changed. I am on a great server and personally PVP isn't important to me.
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Patches are a common (yes sometimes annoying) fact of MMO life, people really should be used to it now. Software is not like it was 20 years ago. Sure it was simpler back then, but bugs virtually didn't exist for most games and there was no internet to get the patch. When they released it - it had to be as close to perfect as they could get it and hope for the best and MAYBE release a patch.


but this is 2012... Software developers know they can eliminate 90 percent of testing staff and get you guys o do it for free and not really care about bugs because they can be fixed and people notified immediately.


MMO's... Some patches are good, some patches are great! , some patches break things and some patches fix things.


Thats life.


Im Derryn Hinch, goodnight.

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I don't see any way they can make one patch a savior patch. Sure they can finally get their ducks in a row and patch the game to get rid of most of the bugs and add new content, the problem is people have already left and there are several high profile games around the corner that will draw away some more TOR players.


I think people are expecting way to much out of 1.3. ...1.2 Should have have been 'the savior' patch and it was nothing but an utter disappointment. 1.3 will be more of the same.


What needs to be done is just get the current game fixed without making promises that they WILL fail to deliver on yet again. Just fix all the crap that is wrong then work on an expansion, the only thing high profile enough IMO to draw people back and garner more interest will be a proper expansion, but if the core of the game is not fixed before then, then whatever. I enjoy this game, but not enough to spend time here when certain games come out, certain games which have BETA's that are more polished than a 200 million dollar game that has almost been out 6 months now.

Edited by Fallensbane
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My server still has over 100+ people on the fleet alone during the evening, thats for both sides.


I'm in guild that does several hardmode operations per week. I have alot of friends to group with and do


my dailies.


So I won't be going anywhere, I'm happy

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Bioware has delivered what i expected from this game.So much so , that ill be resubbing another 6 months once we get a server transfer.If for whatever reason ,server transfers wont go live for technical reasons ill just reroll on a more lively server and still resub.


Logic dictates...LOL!

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Swtor is not the problem. No one sems to get what the real problem is now. The problem is simple people are bored. What is the reason for this? Swtor like every other mmo now caters to casual players. If you do not have a social life and you want to stay in and play a mmo all day, I hate to tell you this you will be disappointed with every single current and future mmo. Companies have realized that the casual player is there primary customer base. Face reality here. The only cure to your problem in your complaints is to get a social life. Play your favorite im emo with your down time any won't complain anymore. Even the main new mmo that all the buzz is about GW2 is more of a casual players game. The old school games like eve and vanilla/BC wow that we are all used to and could play all day without getting bored went the way of the Dodo bird. The only reason world of warcraft still has so many players is because it's what they started with. It is all they know. From now on every new mmo will cater to the casual player. What happened with star wars what happen with every mmo. It is inevitable. Examples... Rift,GW, aion, soon to be D3, and gw2... my point here get a social life become a casual player then you will have fun in these mmos agian.if you are totally antisocial and that is out of the question to you play 3 different mmos dean a casual player to each one of them. of them. This will accomplish the same thing and you will be happy once again. Edited by Zergnaut
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So after read a lot of threads about how much the game fail in many aspects and how BW as fail to deliver

and make all happy (witch is impossible)

the truth is that still lose 24% of they population is not good, doesnt matter how much many argument is okay.

any business is not fine with losing clients.


but i have read more anger and complain threads and more people unsub.

so i wonder what you guys think?


will 1.3 bring and become what the game need for keep the interest of people and start making some come back and get a new set of customers? or

Will it become the last many will see, since may not bring something that turn the table for BW favor?



Note. forget my poor english!


Neither for me


1.3 conveinently skips past the real problems and gives us once again a patch work job of well patchwork.


So I have no dellussions that 1.3 will solve this games issue and thus dont really put weight to it on either end of spectrum!


For me its easy, I have so many days left, FIX (not patch, FIX, they have already been told 100000000000000 times over in closed beta and retail now how to fix it) the lack of socialization, interaction, lack ofcommunity in game or when time runs out, it runs out!


Pretty simple really!


Cause as ive said in other threads, if the socialization, interaction, community issues not addressed, come Dec there probably wont be allot of players left (paying, who knows how many times we get free 30 days for investor reports to keep numbers up).


Heck, just show you understand these are issues and Id be happy.


As of right now they have not and even gone so far to say its not in their forseeable future plans.


1.3 is just big hype, little substance. Least 1.2 brought out the Legacy (that should have been in place at launch) system

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Dead server


Yeah, kinda sucks for you. But hey! At least there are LOTS of plenty of alive servers you'll be able to transfer to soon. ;)


Dead pvp


Well, at least transfers and X-server PvP queuing is coming soon.


Dead silence from developers!


Err... really? How the hell do you think we know about server transfers, LFG, and X-server queuing coming? Little birds told us?


Dead GAME!!


I can see how you would think it looks like that from the narrow window of a dead server only. ;)

Edited by JeramieCrowe
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I've left plenty of games that didn't measure up to my standards (STO and Age of Conan) without bothering to leave "here's why I left" thread


I did with STO and BOY DID IT FEEL GOOD. After the year long content drought, endless game breaking patches, crappy ship designs, the initial war between micro-transactions and in-game free content, missed deadlines when they said they'd launch new content/missions - launches I took time off work for/worked from home for, the actual shocking state of some launches - new Earth Space Dock - that needed a systems restart, no consideration for EU players so they'd down servers at 12pm GMT on a Thurs, (Fri and weekend on some occassions) and the fact that the previous 12.3 AMD drivers weren't compatiable with their engine so instead of solving the issue they simply didn't respond, the solution? Wait a month until AMD launch the 12.4 drivers!


So more than a year or so of disgusting service. It was cathartic to leave a "I am leaving thread".


Compared to that tripe this game is a revelation. The moderators are active, the customer service team does reply and despite the solutions are complex at least they go through every problem (even when it's clearly the same problem they solved for another user moments prior) in a systematic and tested process. And its clear that every update is being tested prior to beta testing and launch - which is why it is probably taking longer to see updates.


I get irked by threads of this game is fail. The game is still too new to fail yet, there are still too many people willing to see where it is going. If it's going to fail it will fail in its second year when players can fully review the games progress, development, how things (problems) are handled and have a clearer idea of where the game is heading.


And to put things into perspective Star Trek Online, a game rushed to launch, did not fail.


So to all I'd say reserve judgement for a year at least.

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I really don't think SWTOR is going to die anytime soon simply because I played DC Universe Online from beta until TOR came out and even with all it's problems it's still being played by lots of people. TOR is doing a lot better out the gate which means it'll do better when it hits the year and a half mark as well. Edited by AzraelCales
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Im basing this on what we "know" of 1.3 at the moment so i could be wrong, but...


- The LFG tool is needed, but for people that actively do ops, its only for alts - a couple of KP/EV runs will have you kitted out in gear much faster than grinding FPs. So if you're looking at this as a way to gear up, its not going to help. I cant see myself using my main on it at all, and maybe an alt every so often. If you love the FP content, then its great - but i genuinely cant see too many people hitting 50 just to muck about in FP's all day....


- Not being a bit pvp'er i cant say i have a strong feeling on ranked warzones, but making pvp cross server simply HAS to happen - my server is hideously imbalanced from a pvp perspective in favor of republic, simply because the bigger guilds on their side DONT RAID - you end up with a constant stream of pre-made groups going up against ill organised pugs. I'm not saying cross server warzones will change this, but it will hopefully level the playing field a bit. You'll also get less of the rather crass and stupid comments from people on their daily valor farm: "why do imps suck on this server...blah blah blah"


- The augment slot thing i look at as a double edged sword. It is annoying to have to grind up to BM just to get your hands on usable gloves and boots with an augment slot, so im glad thats going away. Relying on the gods of RNG for a crit on gear irks me a bit, but i accept it. The problem with it as i see it is the effect it will have on the GTN - augmented custom gear is really the only thing i ever buy (and maybe crafting mats) - the GTN just doesnt feel "alive" in the same way it does in WoW - the GTN is built on the community that sells on it - if make everyone capable of crafting the same stuff, that dies. At least keeping RNG involved in the crafting of top level gear creates demand, which is essential for a MMO economy which is realistically still in its formative stages.


- The legacy unlocks are good in some cases - field respec is definately something i could do with on my powertech dps main, but most of them arent going to revolutionize anything. Faster alt levelling? Do we really want that given the number of people that say they out level a lot of content anyway???


- The lack of any new content scares me. My guild recently cleared EC hard mode, and while its a stretch to say we have it on farm, its fair to say we're close. Whats left for us now? We're all waiting in hope for at least nightmare mode to appear with some more challenging encounters, but until then we're just farming a 4 boss op with a raid team that is slowly losing interest - if we have to go through another x weeks/months before any new content i can see some of the team dissappearing. Id imagine thats not an unfamiliar story.


The trouble right now with the game, as i see it, is t doesnt *quite* do either levelling or end-game as well as it should. Levelling is very linear apart from the story missions, as much as you can try and approach things differently (bonus series, pvp levelling etc) its pretty samey at its core. End game despite there being a good 3 hours per day of dailies to do (between space, black hole, ilum and belsavis) and ops and hardmode flashpoints, it still feels like there isnt enough. Story modes are a cakewalk, as are all the flashpoints apart from perhaps Lost island, and you can get a set of raid worthy gear in less than a day. The issues with lvl 50 pvp warzones are well known.


To say that 1.3 is going to have to save the game is probably jumping to conclusions but it needs to arrest the slide in subs numbers, and i have to confess i dont think there is enough there to do it.Im sure if you ask 20 players who are thinking of quitting they'll have 20 different reasons - BW need to be listening and making sure the most recurring complaints are being addressed, and as much as 1.3 seems like its an attempt to do that, i dont think its enough. I generally only login to raid nowadays, spending much of the rest of my game time playing D3, and without more content i cant see that changing. The game isnt dead but you need to take an objective look at whats wrong and a lot of posters may have jumped to conclusions a bit. Im not unsubscribing for now, as i still enjoy ops with my guild. But if that dies due to a lack of new content, i might have to.

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Unless 1.3 includes cross server LFD and ranked warzones, it's RIP TOR big time. I think they realize this and is why they're so quiet right now.


True story! We need a cross server LFG tool.

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