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Share the LS/DS gains that made you facepalm


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I've only completed Act 1 but every lightside choice involves something like sparing people's lives or preserving peace or curing mentally ill people instead of killing them. Either that or getting vital information without bullying the people who have it.

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Inquisitor DS choices usually are always like this: [shock him]



Mostly silly and brainless I must say.


It's actually very difficult to have a light side inquisitor. The way the story is structured, you're just supposed to be dark side.

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I've only completed Act 1 but every lightside choice involves something like sparing people's lives or preserving peace or curing mentally ill people instead of killing them. Either that or getting vital information without bullying the people who have it.


Most dark side choices for Councilor involve interfering with the affairs of others (i.e. helping dying people), exposing corrupt officials, aiding peace talks with The Sith or doing some small personal courtesy for someone (forming attachments).

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As above, Jedi are not supposed to get into romances and such.


That quite simply is not true.


Both the Male Knight, and both genders of Consulars can go though their whole romance arc and never get a single DS point. How and when you do it decides if you get DS points or not.

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This one is similar to the Senator's quest above; you are taking away the woman's right to choose for herself whether she wishes to endanger herself. You earn Light Side points for letting her choose, and Dark Side points for taking away her right to choose.


Well OK, that makes sense, but the thing is, I know the game forces you to be mean to her about it but are you really in a position to force her to do anything? All you actually do is to encourage her to do one thing or the other.


Plus there's another quest in the Tatooine Bonus series where you get to decide if a militia gets to help you fight off some geonosians or not. the Lightside option is to tell to leave and get patched up while you handle the fight by yourself. It didn't seem that different to me. The only difference is there are people begging you to do both, so I'm always forcing someone to do something they don't want.

Edited by OldVengeance
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Most dark side choices for Councilor involve interfering with the affairs of others (i.e. helping dying people), exposing corrupt officials, aiding peace talks with The Sith or doing some small personal courtesy for someone (forming attachments).


O_o Wha? I don't recall a single dark side option for the Consular that falls into the categories that you listed.Do recall the planets these choices took place on? From what I recall at least 50% of the Consular's dark side options were based on killing someone that you culd have otherwise saved.

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O_o Wha? I don't recall a single dark side option for the Consular that falls into the categories that you listed.Do recall the planets these choices took place on? From what I recall at least 50% of the Consular's dark side options were based on killing someone that you culd have otherwise saved.


Sometimes even that was ridiculous - Some of these people really needed to be killed. This wasn't law enforcement, it was war. Sometimes you need to kill your enemy in war and not let them go to make things worse.


And really, Typhon and Corescant especially should have been enough to fit into every category I just mentioned.

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Killing someone whether they deserve it or not is a darkside option. Letting them go is always a lightside option even if it isn't the right thing to do.


Mercy = lightside. That's pretty straightforward.


Tython and Coruscant's consular moral choices have none of what you mentioned. When was saving someone from dying a darkside choice on either planet? When was negotiating a darkside choice on either planet? When was helping someone a darkside choice on either planet? I cannot think of a single example of anything you mentioned on Coruscant or Tython. I don't remember any corrupt officials even appearing in the Jed Consular class quest on the first two worlds.


What war are you talking about?


On Tython the Jed Consular quest is about beating Nalen Raloch to the Fount of Rajivari. He does this because he is desperate to find a way to protect his people from the Flesh Raiders. The Jed weren't at war with the Twilek pilgrims. Killing him or any of his followers = darkside. Sparing him so he can be redeemed = Lightside. Even his followers are reluctant about his path.


On Coruscant it's about fighting through criminals to reach the Noetikons. The darkside options are threatening a gand with information about one of them and cutting another one out of an injured man without regard for his safety. The Lightside option is doing it gently so he won't be hurt as badly.

Edited by OldVengeance
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I bring this one up quite a bit whenever I talk about LS/DS oddities, it happens on Republic Taris..



You come across a Republic Outpost that states it's regular monthly supply run never showed up and is a few days late, fearing the worst you are sped off to search for anything that could shed light on what happened. In the events that follow you discover that the squad assigned to this particular run were too scared to continue, because they had been overworked (I think) and spent more tours than what they thought was fair here. While I feel for their suffering, they deliberately ignored orders and in their own selfishness brought on suffering to a whole outpost. The Lightside option is to get the AWOL soldiers transport off Taris, IIRC and let them keep the supplies. Darkside is telling them to return to their superiors, which would probably end up in court martial and dishonorable discharge. I was flabbergasted when I came across this, cause what it's telling me is that going AWOL and causing the suffering of others is rewarded and that taking responsibility for your actions is a selfish or evil act.


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It's a "darkside" option because

you're throwing them back into the fire even though they were broken down enough by it to want to dessert in the first place. But I do understand where you are coming from.



The thing is I think that you shouldn't try to look at "Lightside" as necessarily the "right" choice and the "darkside" as the "evil" choice. Very often that is how it works out, but generally Lightside just means more merciful. I'm a very lightside player but there are several points where I can consider a "darkside" option either arguably or definitely the more correct choice.

Edited by OldVengeance
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Sometimes even that was ridiculous - Some of these people really needed to be killed. This wasn't law enforcement, it was war. Sometimes you need to kill your enemy in war and not let them go to make things worse.


And really, Typhon and Corescant especially should have been enough to fit into every category I just mentioned.


There are no exposing corrupt officials in the JC story on Tython or Coruscant....I'm not even sure you encounter any political officials on either of those planets as part of the JC story(unless you coun the Jedi Council). I guess if a JC is your only Republic character you might be including the Coruscant world quessts that all classes have access to as there is one LS/DS decision that is arguably about a corrupt politician, but exposing her was the LS decision. There is also a world quest on Coruscant that is arguably about a potential peace treaty with the Empire, but the DS option there is to attempt to disrupt the talks.


I know there is a JC quest on Coruscant where there are people suffering because they had items surgically implanted in them to smuggle them off world. I don't remember if there is a LS/DS decision, but if there was the LS decision was to help them. Same with the Gand who trapped behind a barricade on Coruscant, I don't remember if there was a LS/DS decision with them or if it was just dialogue, but if there was a LS/DS decision the LS decision was to help them out and the DS option would have been to kill them.


At this point I seriously have to ask, do you maybe have the LS/DS symbold mixed up? Because your prior post seems to be citing LS actions and claiming they were DS option.


As for the sensibility of the killing options, LS/DS isn't determined by whether it is the more sensible thing to do or not. LS is supposed to be the idealistic philosopher perspective. DS is supposed to be more selfish and or cruel. Sometimes strategically the crueler choice is the more compelling choice. Being more stretegically sound does not make it LSed though.

Edited by Ranadiel_Marius
Changed my language choice for describing the DS choices in the last paragraph.
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When you earn 50 DS/LS points then its more of a gray area (most of the time). Though when u earn 150 DS/LS points then its pretty clear what is evil and not.


With this being said on my trooper I make those decisions that makes the most sense to me (greater good etc) and I'm natural. =~ (DS=6400, LS=6600)

Good and evil is fictional things, the world is only gray, decisions are rarely good or bad they are relative.


I accept this when i play and I think think the points makes sense most of the time. LS points seems to be naive sometimes and DS points are sometimes just unnecessary cruel.


Just my thoughts on the matter :)

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It's a "darkside" option because

you're throwing them back into the fire even though they were broken down enough by it to want to dessert in the first place. But I do understand where you are coming from.



The thing is I think that you shouldn't try to look at "Lightside" as necessarily the "right" choice and the "darkside" as the "evil" choice. Very often that is how it works out, but generally Lightside just means more merciful. I'm a very lightside player but there are several points where I can consider a "darkside" option either arguably or definitely the more correct choice.


That makes sense, but it was still jarring at the time which made me facepalm.

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That quite simply is not true.


Both the Male Knight, and both genders of Consulars can go though their whole romance arc and never get a single DS point. How and when you do it decides if you get DS points or not.


Oh, I am aware. However, you are not supposed to, according to the lore and such (Jedi are forbidden to form attachments).



Most dark side choices for Councilor involve interfering with the affairs of others (i.e. helping dying people), exposing corrupt officials, aiding peace talks with The Sith or doing some small personal courtesy for someone (forming attachments).





The thing is I think that you shouldn't try to look at "Lightside" as necessarily the "right" choice and the "darkside" as the "evil" choice. Very often that is how it works out, but generally Lightside just means more merciful. I'm a very lightside player but there are several points where I can consider a "darkside" option either arguably or definitely the more correct choice.


This. Light Side is idealistic, and often naive and doesn't take into account future consequences, because in order to make things better later you still have to do bad things now.

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