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What companion do you use?


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Some have pointed out that, companions that complement your own skills go as follows:


Guardian = Sgt Rusk


Sentinel = Scourge


as a sentinel, you will want to be behind the target most of the time, if not all the time, hence the tank. for guardians, a dps companion that stands at ranged, blasting everything to pieces is nice. this "theory" of course takes for granted that you can take a beating as a guardian. If that is not the case, you use doc.


on my dps juggernaut, I use Jaesa & Quinn (Kira & Doc). But this is mostly because of my play style, I'm sure, a geared Vette (Sgt Rusk) kicks butt too.


Too bad there is no ranged force-user companion in game, smth like dps sage or sorc. I would really like to have one.


there is one.... Xalek :)


If you stick him in dps mode, he uses lightning and that sort of thing a lot, even if he is an assassin tank.

Edited by Fallerup
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there is one.... Xalek :)


If you stick him in dps mode, he uses lightning and that sort of thing a lot, even if he is an assassin tank.


Only problem is he is on imperial side :)

Btw, does Xalek fight in melee range or from range like sage/sorc when he is in dps mode?

Problem with melee companion is that some story bosses (elites) do nasty AoE and it hits both companion and your char, so ranged dps char is more welcome in that case.

Edited by Ghostius
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Kira all the time. Manange your threat level and she's brilliant. She says some funny stuff sometimes too. Only problem i've found is that enemies who deal internal damage can be a bit rough. But nothing gamebreaking. Edited by i_am_sancho
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funny how few of you use Rusk.

Full tank guardian. It's my job to take the aggro - not my companions. So at lvl 50 dailies, I use Rusk for pure damage while I hold everyone in one place and dish it out myself but keep him out of melee range to minimize damage to him. IF someone pulls away, it is a nice force jump at end of fight to clean up the one that Rusk pulled.

Using Reusable command Stim and the Drink from the cantina inreases his hit points by I think 2000 which is nice.

Just seems way more efficient for killing as I don't need Doc anymore - as I have a reusable me+companion med pac, I just pop that during or after the fight and there is no downtime which is why I had been using Doc.

I think there is something to using a different damage type as well that might be useful.


My favorite is T-7 but the guy just doesn't cut it for me at lvl50. Scourge is definately my second choice as I am dark jedi but when doing dailies I space bar through conversations and will end up getting negative affection. Kira most of the way to 50 but now is just a bit lame since she tried to get into my pants.

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Kira most of the way to 50 but now is just a bit lame since she tried to get into my pants

and what exactly is wrong with that? a cute redheaded jedi girl who does whatever you tell her to do and wants to get into your pants is the best thing ever


Just seems way more efficient for killing as I don't need Doc anymore

Agree totally, Doc is more than useless if you're doing any kind of damage at all. It's just not necessary.

The reason i don't use Rusk is i'm not a tank so i can't afford to be constantly taking all the hits.

Edited by i_am_sancho
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Simple question, what companion do you use and why?


I'm a sentinel and ever since I got Doc that's all I have ever used. For PVE dailies, is it worth it to gear up any of my other companions? I was thinking Kira, but I wasn't sure if geared her DPS was worth it.


I mostly switch between T7 and Doc. The droid for speedier killing-time and Doc when I want to relax more. Usually have more fun if I switch around a little during an evening.

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