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ReRoll Guild Questions


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Hello all, I'm not sure if this is the best place to post this. I have come back to SWTOR. Upon joining a new server and leaving my Sith 50 behind I noticed I wasn't the only one doing this. I have run into many player who have rerolled on a new server after leaving the home server due to "dead servers". We read that sometime (hope soon) server transfer will be a open to us to use, I have also heard that these could be free if we go to a server on a list that BW has put together. So here is my question, Is there anyone who would like to form a guild on one of the servers that will allow free transfers ? I was GM of <Severed Ties> at launch and was going great until the snowball started to roll and people left the game. I will have a voice chat program and we can pick what is best to suit the guild. I will also have a website, Guild name can also be something that is picked by the founding members of this guild. I would just like to see the server transfers as a new start for me. At this time I am playing Republic side. Just wanted to see some of that content also. You may PM me or post a reply here. Hope we can find many looking to form and see the same vision I do with this. I'm going to keep this short for now and see the interest in this, Thanks for your time in reading this thread.
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Hello all, I'm not sure if this is the best place to post this. I have come back to SWTOR. Upon joining a new server and leaving my Sith 50 behind I noticed I wasn't the only one doing this. I have run into many player who have rerolled on a new server after leaving the home server due to "dead servers". We read that sometime (hope soon) server transfer will be a open to us to use, I have also heard that these could be free if we go to a server on a list that BW has put together. So here is my question, Is there anyone who would like to form a guild on one of the servers that will allow free transfers ? I was GM of <Severed Ties> at launch and was going great until the snowball started to roll and people left the game. I will have a voice chat program and we can pick what is best to suit the guild. I will also have a website, Guild name can also be something that is picked by the founding members of this guild. I would just like to see the server transfers as a new start for me. At this time I am playing Republic side. Just wanted to see some of that content also. You may PM me or post a reply here. Hope we can find many looking to form and see the same vision I do with this. I'm going to keep this short for now and see the interest in this, Thanks for your time in reading this thread.


I'm sorry but that's a bit funny. :)

Edited by Brimmer
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I'd be interested, for sure. I haven't been able to find a consistent guild since I've started playing SW:TOR. I've been forever alone soloing the game so far or randomly joining up with strangers because my server is beyond dead. :(


Anyway, if you do form up, let me know!

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I like what you are attempting to do, I really do, but here is my question for you.


You left behind your previous character... so what do you plan on doing with it?


When the server transfers/merges come, do you honestly think Bioware is going to open the gates to any server of your choosing? I am quite sure the servers with already booming populations are going to be OFF LIMITS.


The reasoning behind this is, everyone and their mom will roll to either the highest popuplated PVP, PVE, or RP server. Leaving 3-4 servers the only viable solutions. The people that do not transfer at this time, or roll new characters at the time will then be screwed over by lack of population.


The more likely scenario of events will be that Bioware takes set groups of servers, and offers them 2-3 servers to transfer to. What if your server is not on this selected list? That is when the payed transfers will come into play, but that will probably be a few months after the initial free transfer/merge.


Now, All I am saying is, the appeal for me to re-roll onto a more populated server is definitely there, but I refuse to give up my 3 50s, and 85 million I have accumulated so far. So, I twiddle my thumbs and wait for the information to come from bioware.

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I plan to move my 50 to a server that is allowed by bioware. I plan to set up guild there. this is something I can not answer right now cause I dont know what server BW is going to allow us to me to. This is something we will talk about at that time and try to pick one that we think will be best for us.
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Personally, I just moved to a new populated server and started over. Why? Because I wanted to play. I have no desire to sit around and wait for transfers. Why would I pay not to play? Now I do play my level 50 Sent from time to time during prime time hours. I last played him during the Rakghoul Event. He's on Giradda the Hutt and I am willing to bet, that will be one of the transfer to servers. It's still a viable server during primetime but is dead during the day. So I would say it's a middle of the road server.


I guess what I am trying to say is just pick a high pop server and start your guild now. It would be hard to start one on a transfer to server. Especially since they may decide to transfer people from a specific server to specific server. So you may not be able to collect people from multiple servers to join your guild. You know the more I think about it, BW may just take everyone from server A and put them on server B without any options. It would be a lot easier for them.

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As stated I re rolled on a new server also. This server is full of re rolls and sure it will clear up when transfers come up. But that dont not mean I want to build a guild or call this server home.
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