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Consider Tarro Blood


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I wanted to promote our server, Tarro Blood, to gain some exposure. While we are all waiting to see how transfers will work, we sould prepare for anything. One possibility, considering that our server is ranked 25th overall for East Coast servers, or about 50th overall for US servers, is that BW may point people in a certain direction. Being in the top 50 or even the top 25 for EST, it is possible that it may be a target server which would only be a win/win for everyone.


The server is very friendly and mature. We are Empire heavy but what server isn't? lol The big thing is we have room to build on a very solid foundation. There has been events involving pvp, games, ect.. We have a number of guilds looking to help with transitions. Be that you are looking for a new guild or just need help with setting up your own, we are willing to do what we can to assist you.


Unless the server drops due to mass exodus, which we will be ready for as well, then at least you should consider Tarro Blood for your next home.

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Can i steal this idea for my server? We are a PvP server, so we wouldn't be competing with yours too much:D


Of course you can. Even if you were on a PvE server, ya gotta try to represent your home right? :D


While I hope we can see Tarro Blood get an injection of players, it remains to be seen how BW will run with transfers. It is pretty simple, we either get a good amount of players to help us, or we leave to other servers. I prefer staying but I will be ready fot anything. :D

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After talking to a few guilds on the server, it looks like we are going to try and stay hoping people come to us. It is a great server and just needs more people to help round out the population. It is a mature, friendly server and has room so you dont run into log in queues.


/waveshand *You want to come to Tarro Blood* :D

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Most people are trying to get off a dead server, not join another dead server like Tarro Blood. No offense.


Tarro Blood isn't really a dead server, it has a decent population...at least on the Empire side, the Republic side is a little dead.

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Most people are trying to get off a dead server, not join another dead server like Tarro Blood. No offense.


No offense taken. You do have a point, but if you look at where we are now population wise, then factor how it would look with people coming here, you can see we won't get locked in log in queues yet will have a very healthy base for everyone.


Unofficially, we are ranked 25th of all the east coast servers. There are about 120 est servers so you figure people would like to look at the top 25. Those looking at the top 3 have eyes wide open because of all the people there already, but when that log in queue starts, you then start to wonder about the other servers again.


Perhaps our server is not right for you, but at least you looked and considered it. :D

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Most people are trying to get off a dead server, not join another dead server like Tarro Blood. No offense.


This is one thing people need to consider. Tarro Blood is not dead (from my understanding), but "People do not want to transfer to another dead server." mindset is what is killing other lower populated servers. everybody is running to the Fatman and other Heavy/Full servers causing over population and queue times, instead of looking at other servers. my server, Sword of Ajunta Pall, has a small population, but it is a very friendly and close community. It is not "dead" in terms of activity. If everyone decides to transfer to Fatman, Tomb of Fredon Nadd, or Jedi Covenant, then that is going to cause the servers to be over populated and upset more people (i have seen a few threads complaining about Fatman's queue times) but if lets say, 100 people decide to transfer to Tarro Blood and 100 to Sword of Ajunta Pall, then those servers will gain big spike in population and therefore making a decently populated server:eek: People need to realize that they are not the only ones transfering to another server, so a lower populated server has the potential to become a standard/heavy populated. but hey, if everyone wants to jump to the BIG servers when the transfers come; enjoy your queue times. I will be enjoying my no planet queue's and minimal WZ queues (even less when cross server WZ queueing comes into play):D


I just hope BW implements a system to where you have at least two categories: "Specific servers authorized to transfer from (servers on the chopping block)" and "Specific servers authorized to transfer to (not highest populated servers causing over population)"


P.S.: before anyone starts flamming over the numbers i used, i just used them as an example to get my point across. They are not actual figures to base what makes a population go from light to standard to heavy.

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Heres my thing. I reserved a bunch of names on a few servers that I thought would be populated. One of them was The Fatman, but I did want to join a RP server. After a few rounds of rerolling on different servers due to lack of population, I like almost everyone else, caved into The Fatman. I'm not gonna reroll a 4th time thats for sure. If the fatman dies out, well thats it for me.
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Heres my thing. I reserved a bunch of names on a few servers that I thought would be populated. One of them was The Fatman, but I did want to join a RP server. After a few rounds of rerolling on different servers due to lack of population, I like almost everyone else, caved into The Fatman. I'm not gonna reroll a 4th time thats for sure. If the fatman dies out, well thats it for me.


Fatman is surely a good choice for population. It is tops overall so you should have plenty of people to play with. It remains to be seen if BW will allow more people to go there or not. Either way, you should be set there I would expect.


Of course I am not asking anyone to reroll, unless that is what you are thinking to do. I am just trying to bring some attention to a good server that can grow into something great. We all have choices. Looking at us real fast, just to see what if, won't hurt ya one bit. :D

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I would give the server a go, but don't really feel like re-rolling for the fifth time :( Some quests once is enough let alone 5 times lol


I completely understand. Maybe make a toon to test the waters, factor in growth from incoming people (hoping lol) and then make a choice on transfering a toon or running one up. If you do end up there, be it even part time, let me know and I can help ya as much as possible. :D

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I think server transfers will give the not-so-heavy populated servers a chance to live on. But if re-rolling is the only option to get off a truly dead server, no one who has invested a ton of time in characters on a dead server is going to take the risk that their next server also dies off. so a server like Fatman becomes the only real option for people who are re-rolling. at least that's how I perceive it


- Veela to Fatman re-roller

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I think server transfers will give the not-so-heavy populated servers a chance to live on. But if re-rolling is the only option to get off a truly dead server, no one who has invested a ton of time in characters on a dead server is going to take the risk that their next server also dies off. so a server like Fatman becomes the only real option for people who are re-rolling. at least that's how I perceive it


- Veela to Fatman re-roller

Good point. It has been something I have considered and to be honest, until we know more details on how BW will allow this or that, we can only guess on things.


I checked yesterday and Tarro Blood is ranked 49th of all US servers. It has actually grown over the last month or so. I could see this being a great go to server to avoid long queues and have a friendly, mature population.


My guild and I will be ready to move if we think things will go that way, but I feel the need to fight for our server as well. :D

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I would like to see this also, we currently have a very active guild on tarro blood and it is far from dead i would say avg of 100-200 ppl in imp fleet at primetime not counting those raiding or pvping. It has a great atmosphere not a lot of the general troll and while i think it is healthy now more ppl never hurt!


Moorgalus From Viral

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I use this site http://www.torstatus.net/ to check on things. It is NOT official, but it has been a great gauge for me thus far. You can use the different server regions and break down a 24 period and all that. :D


I'm confused by the indexing on this list: http://www.torstatus.net/shards/us/stats


If 1=light volume, how are there servers indexed at below one (all the ones listed at 0.98)? Do these servers often have zero people on them?


Also, the fact that my server is ranked as high as it is... doesn't seem good necessarily. Not that it's hard to get a group or that the market is completely terrible, but I remember WoW servers being packed comparatively. As it is, it can take time for pvp queues to pop, and that's before whatever impact ranked warzones will have on queues.


I blame the people on the Republic side.

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