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Maurader,Three healers and


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Any class that can throw a guard up is almost unkillable when they are premades myself and three guild mates went toe to toe against two premades that were like this for a few hours last night and we tried everything and we couldnt even bring anymore than two down whether it be a healer or one of the Mauraders because by the time one healer went down and working on the next he was back.


Granted we didnt have any sent or a class that could throw guard up,but we did have three very good healers and a mix of DPS that were well geared but it didnt matter.


Lastly im not whining or anything,i mean good for them that they group up to maximize themselves,but two sets is impossible of these guys and its becoming the norm and what it means to be able to winn you will have to carbon copy that mix in some form,but i thought we were supposed to overcome such scenarios in PvP WZ's if the effort is there and well played,i just dont see how its possible.

Edited by Sathid
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I used to be one of the only healers in PVP on Rep side on Hidden Beks, when I returned after a 'break' from the game (Got peed off) but last night I was thrown into Warzones with 80% worth of healers on our side... we had no DPS what so ever... it made things difficult but we were indestructable lol
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Uh nope,but i knew a comment like yours was sure to come.


What do you expect?


You are posting you can't kill these players and expect anything else? My comment still stands. Proper Teamwork and Focusing the targets will break that comp pretty easily.


The other team just out played you.


You weren't asking for advice in the original thread, you were merely whining they were un-killable. If you were asking for advice I'd be more than happy to give you a lot of good advice on breaking various compositions or classes.

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I used to be one of the only healers in PVP on Rep side on Hidden Beks, when I returned after a 'break' from the game (Got peed off) but last night I was thrown into Warzones with 80% worth of healers on our side... we had no DPS what so ever... it made things difficult but we were indestructable lol


Wait til you come up against a premade of Mauraders with atleast three healers and throw in someone that can move Guard around alot,trust me there is no way,it is hopeless,add a sniper to put icing on the cake and i dont care if its Alderann or Void you aint getting squat.

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What do you expect?


You are posting you can't kill these players and expect anything else? My comment still stands. Proper Teamwork and Focusing the targets will break that comp pretty easily.


The other team just out played you.


You weren't asking for advice in the original thread, you were merely whining they were un-killable. If you were asking for advice I'd be more than happy to give you a lot of good advice on breaking various compositions or classes.


No no no,you were not there, you have no clue about my team, you are assuming and like i said we tried a few different strats,yes they are good players but so are we but this was faceroll.


We know a few ways to maybe do it and that a BIG maybe but we lacked the clases to counter,that is unless your some genius that knows everything there is in PvP and you never lose,think about it.

Edited by Sathid
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Im not even sure what your are complaining about, if you are complaining. If you are stacked in healers, odds are you are going to be hard to kill but take forever to bring down opponents. If your opponent is stacked heals, good luck taking them down quick enough to circumvent respawn timers.


So, working as intended for odd group makeup?

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Im not even sure what your are complaining about, if you are complaining. If you are stacked in healers, odds are you are going to be hard to kill but take forever to bring down opponents. If your opponent is stacked heals, good luck taking them down quick enough to circumvent respawn timers.


So, working as intended for odd group makeup?


Well it's not just stacking healers,it's Guard with the healers and Mauraders,even with the amount of burst we had and heals it was almost impossible to get a rythm going and take key ones down,it's just too hard and the other four are ofcourse PUG so Voice isnt an option.

Edited by Sathid
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Wait til you come up against a premade of Mauraders with atleast three healers and throw in someone that can move Guard around alot,trust me there is no way,it is hopeless,add a sniper to put icing on the cake and i dont care if its Alderann or Void you aint getting squat.


what gear did your premade have?

what gear did their premade have?

did you focus the healer?

did you stunlock each person as you killed them?


too many questions about the scenario and your post was nothing but a whaaaaambulance and french cries. learn to kite marauders.

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Il add this,i know people in Test were saying this but i havent seen it until recently to where the team with say two people that can guard three healers and the rest whatever class but more often than not now are Mauraders it makes it impossible to take down anymore than one healer or one heavy armor wearer at a time,i forsee very long drawn out fights like they said if this is carbon copied,because that is the only way from what we deducted to remotely have a chance to win,is to copy.
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Wait til you come up against a premade of Mauraders with atleast three healers and throw in someone that can move Guard around alot,trust me there is no way,it is hopeless,add a sniper to put icing on the cake and i dont care if its Alderann or Void you aint getting squat.


Contradictory statement contradicts itself? Unless I am mistaken, you can still only group queue, not 8-man. A premade of Marauders (plural) would mean at least two Marauders, and then there would only be room for two healers. And then you're "throwing in" a guard character and a sniper. So based on your composition, at least two marauders, three healers, a guard tank of any AC and a sniper...that's seven characters. So you're pretty much just saying "this is my nightmare opponent makeup in a WZ." And you know what, it is. Your problem isn't the Marauders, your problem is the three healers and your team not focusing and CCing them. If everyone isn't methodically killing them off, all on one at the same time, they'll keep each other up all day.


If this is all you run into however, I'm sorry there are only sixteen people PVPing on your server.

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what gear did your premade have?

what gear did their premade have?

did you focus the healer?

did you stunlock each person as you killed them?


too many questions about the scenario and your post was nothing but a whaaaaambulance and french cries. learn to kite marauders.


Kite a maurader? around a node or door? c'mon man.

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Contradictory statement contradicts itself? Unless I am mistaken, you can still only group queue, not 8-man. A premade of Marauders (plural) would mean at least two Marauders, and then there would only be room for two healers. And then you're "throwing in" a guard character and a sniper. So based on your composition, at least two marauders, three healers, a guard tank of any AC and a sniper...that's seven characters. So you're pretty much just saying "this is my nightmare opponent makeup in a WZ." And you know what, it is. Your problem isn't the Marauders, your problem is the three healers and your team not focusing and CCing them. If everyone isn't methodically killing them off, all on one at the same time, they'll keep each other up all day.


If this is all you run into however, I'm sorry there are only sixteen people PVPing on your server.


Ok i will type this slowly,,,YOUUUU CANNNTTTT take the healers out when someone is throwing guard around like can be done,sure you can get one but by that time has elapsed you just lost two of your own team and the cycle continues.

Edited by Sathid
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No no no,you were not there, you have no clue about my team, you are assuming and like i said we tried a few different strats,yes they are good players but so are we but this was faceroll.


We know a few ways to maybe do it and that a BIG maybe but we lacked the clases to counter,that is unless your some genius that knows everything there is in PvP and you never lose,think about it.


a.) premade= 4 people, if you have found a reliable 100% working way to queue with more you are amazing.

b.) so we take a premade of 4 constisting of healer,tank and 2 dps. On the other hand we have your premade, which seems to be 4 dps. Or 3 dps and a healer. Regardless, if all three of you focus the healer, the guard doesn't matter.

The healer will go down, if you time your interrupts he will even faster, at the same time the tank goes down as the damage recieved via guard is not migrated. Or one of your premade simply pulls the tank from the healer and keeps him busy while the rest of you kill the healer.


If you think that queing with 4 people is enough to beat a premade that actively plays together with good focus, cc sequences and situational awareness sry.

You got outplayed.

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Ok,i see where this is going i wish i never started this thread,and this is why i am debating quitting gaming all together because the playerbase has dropped so far so fast i just cant stomach it any longer really,ive had a good run over 10 years of MMO's.


You cant post in the forums anymore because of these types and heaven forbid you speak in General chat,the good days of MMO's are gone.the utter lack of maturity and critical thinking is so scarey i sometimes wake up at night fearing for my golden years (They are not too far off) that these people will be leading this country.



Dont worry about responding im logging.



And MOD's you may delete this thread too.

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Ok,i see where this is going i wish i never started this thread,and this is why i am debating quitting gaming all together because the playerbase has dropped so far so fast i just cant stomach it any longer really,ive had a good run over 10 years of MMO's.


You cant post in the forums anymore because of these types and heaven forbid you speak in General chat,the good days of MMO's are gone.the utter lack of maturity and critical thinking is so scarey i sometimes wake up at night fearing for my golden years (They are not too far off) that these people will be leading this country.



Dont worry about responding im logging.



And MOD's you may delete this thread too.


Uhm, instead of trying to find counters to that comp (which are not hard to find), you ran to the forums and stated that they are op. People didn't flame you but listed arguments WHY you are wrong and even ways to beat them (simple).

Instead of reading those and adjusting your playstyle you claim that again everyone is lacking- beside you.

Maybe you should climb down from your high horse a bit?

Edited by Twor
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Ok i will type this slowly,,,YOUUUU CANNNTTTT take the healers out when someone is throwing guard around like can be done,sure you can get one but by that time has elapsed you just lost two of your own team and the cycle continues.


Type it slower and louder, you're still wrong. You absolutely can. I came up against a group of the best healers on my server last night and we got 0 kills. Not I got zero kills, the entire team. **** happens. But we've got some really good tanks and heals and DPS on the server and they're beatable even in a group makeup like this.


Change your tactics, talk to your team about who you're killing and in what order. Or just unsub, since that seems to be what you want to do anyway.

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I'm not on OPs corner but this: "kite a marauder? common man" is quite accurate. Unless the marauder doesn't know his arse from a hole in the ground you can't really kite them. It's like the old saying "you can run but you can't hide" SWTOR version. Yeah you can run from it but eventually it'll catch up with you. I'm not talking about dudes that play mara/sent w/o knowing what resolve is or how to use it . Equal gear and equal skills I'm putting my money on the Mara/Sent vs any other class right now. In group scenarios with careful CCing a mara/sent could be neutralized while u deal with his mates. But that's not easy to achieve either.


This is all opinion so don't go bashing on me with your opinions. Heh WTH bash away :p.

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