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What happened during development!?


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If there's one thing Elder Scrolls games do right, it's SANDBOX. Hopefully they maintain that huge open world feeling. If they go the linear rollercoaster route, I could see the game flopping.


I agree if Elder Scrolls online goes Theme Park it's DOA..... pretty much any Theme park game is going to tank because everyone is pretty much tired of it.... What they need to do is create a Sandbox world but add a few theme park rides in the middle of it....

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If there's one thing Elder Scrolls games do right, it's SANDBOX. Hopefully they maintain that huge open world feeling. If they go the linear rollercoaster route, I could see the game flopping.


Theres no sandbox without sand, but they've promised Skyrim kind of free-roam game.

Edited by BlueFromMoon
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I agree if Elder Scrolls online goes Theme Park it's DOA..... pretty much any Theme park game is going to tank because everyone is pretty much tired of it.... What they need to do is create a Sandbox world but add a few theme park rides in the middle of it....


Hybrid is the future - how much of each is going to hit the sweet spot is I guess the big quesiton.

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Theres no sandbox without sand, but they've promised Skyrim kind of free-roam game.


As much as I love playing "Skyrim".


The mmo is going to utilize the "Hero Engine"...

* The same engine that swtor uses...

* My interest in the game went from 9/10 to 1/10

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As much as I love playing "Skyrim".


The mmo is going to utilize the "Hero Engine"...

* The same engine that swtor uses...

* My interest in the game went from 9/10 to 1/10


That and "they" are already predicting its going FTP soon after launch.




What no one seems to be doing is listening to us. We are tired of the same 'ol same 'ol. Nothing is new. We are bored with these games. That's why folks are quitting so soon after purchase.


Why can't these "gaming" companies see this? They need to take the "business" out of gaming and make a real game. Then, and only then, will they make us happy and them rich.


Gaming companies... ruin games.

Edited by Muldaak
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Publishers... ruin games.


Fixed it up for you and yeah I totally agree. These publishers spend huge amounts of money on these games so they feel the need to micromanage developement when they don't know *** they are doing. So they don't end seeing the return they would like and they are perplexed and end up blaming its on a bunch of scape goats. My favorite excuse is that xyz genre is dead, tim schafer and kickstarter clealry proved that ******** wrong.

Edited by BoomstarPrime
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That and "they" are already predicting its going FTP soon after launch.




What no one seems to be doing is listening to us. We are tired of the same 'ol same 'ol. Nothing is new. We are bored with these games. That's why folks are quitting so soon after purchase.


Why can't these "gaming" companies see this? They need to take the "business" out of gaming and make a real game. Then, and only then, will they make us happy and them rich.


Gaming companies... ruin games.


Well, no-one doesnt believe that its same as EA's analyst saying this game has 1.3mill subs, didnt they say they reach 10 mill during first year, before launch. They dont get 10 mill even they go F2P. F2P doesnt help if your game is ****, its not the answer. ;)

Edited by BlueFromMoon
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please clarify? there's only 2 successful MMO's out there that are still pay to play





WoW is almost dead, EvE is still going strong, one is a themepark, the other is a sandbox.


sandbox games have dominated the MMO market, the only really successful themepark was WoW but WoW only got its success because it opened up a niche gaming genre to pre-teens, girls and cry babies.


WoW is almost dead? They still have 10 mil active subs, even if it was half that many, it would still have quite some time to go before it died.


EvE has 300,000 http://trial.eveonline.com/en/freetrial.aspx?aid=103316&gclid=CMej5-CG_a8CFS1a7AodjDJiSg

less than both SWTOR and Rift.


Really not proving the sandbox thing here guy.

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it was all about the voice overs.


Bioware made sure SWTOR had what other MMOs didn't have.




Story is important in SWTOR unlike most other MMOS.


SWTOR goes so far to focus on story, it completely forgot about the rest of the game.

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So much investments in the story in swtor just to see The secret world doing a better job with hell of alot less cash investment. Sorry, but the secret world totally went ahead of you (bioware) & went back to the old days with more depth and complexity.


Anyways, had my share of fun in the game for awhile, but time to move on for my part.


Hope you guys who plays swtor will enjoy it more then I did at least. ;)

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So much investments in the story in swtor just to see The secret world doing a better job with hell of alot less cash investment. Sorry, but the secret world totally went ahead of you (bioware) & went back to the old days with more depth and complexity.


Anyways, had my share of fun in the game for awhile, but time to move on for my part.


Hope you guys who plays swtor will enjoy it more then I did at least. ;)


Umm Secret World is done by Funcom... so yeah after the Age of Conan disaster I don't have much faith in that company anymore..... Good Luck playing it tho.....

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WoW is almost dead? They still have 10 mil active subs, even if it was half that many, it would still have quite some time to go before it died.


EvE has 300,000 http://trial.eveonline.com/en/freetrial.aspx?aid=103316&gclid=CMej5-CG_a8CFS1a7AodjDJiSg

less than both SWTOR and Rift.


Really not proving the sandbox thing here guy.


EvE is from a time before WoW look at it's generation and how successful or not other MMORPGs have done, it's doing ok.


It's also a pretty harsh game, much, much more so than WoW, an easy sandbox game? Well that'd be Minecraft I guess, which isn't doing so bad.

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Maybe there was a problem with development not being motivated.


For example dragon age is a mature rated game that is about providing for a certain demographic, but swtor becomes a larger crowd and certain compromises have to be made which probably caused the devs not to care as much hurting development of the game.

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