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Open world PvP concept - collection of ideas!


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To: OP

Great IDEAS, Very interesting.. they all sound nice.. and could give BIOWARE the stepping stone they need towards the fixes we want/need


If you played SWG gcw back in the old days before 2005, you would know it is kickass :)

check this out for example


To : Robotkar

Great nostalgia VIDS there to prove them point of how NPCS and base busting are a big role in Great pvp.



Dude, they tried open world PVP. It was called Ilum. It was broken when released and they killed it with subsequent patches. Patch 1.2 was the final nail in the coffin, when Bioware removed the Daily/Weekly quests relating to Ilum and didn't bother to warn anyone beforehand.


You have interesting ideas, but I'm sure Bioware would like to pretend Open World PVP doesn't exist after their failed experiment with Ilum.


To: Rjkishida

BW didnt just ninja OW PVP and act like it never happened. They specifically Told us before hand that they were removing ilum and the dailies and going back to the drawing board. They are working on it.. and hopefully if we all continue to keep posting up decent ideas it will help to expedite their progress.

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and hopefully if we all continue to keep posting up decent ideas it will help to expedite their progress.


decent ideas?


yeah,the communitys ideas i wouldnt really call decent.95 percent of the ideas ive seen the community are ones that think are great,but in reality.would just like putting trash ontop of more trash


as far as open world pvp goes.the zones(at least on my server)dont really have enough people in them for a decent world pvp expierance anyway,i never really considered ilum real world pvp.its basically a glorified warzone like how world vs world vs world or whatever is in guild wars 2.but i dont really think arenanet are claiming that as world pvp anyway(im not trying to turn this into a gw2 vs sw tor discussion.i just used the thing there doing in gw2 as a example)


at least bioware did one thing right in terms of pvp in this game though.they made the daily be 3 games or whatever played instead of won.now i can lose every game for a couple hours cuz of bads on imperial side on my server and still get the daily done at least

Edited by CrunkShizzle
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decent ideas?


yeah,the communitys ideas i wouldnt really call decent.95 percent of the ideas ive seen the community are ones that think are great,but in reality.would just like putting trash ontop of more trash


as far as open world pvp goes.the zones(at least on my server)dont really have enough people in them for a decent world pvp expierance anyway,i never really considered ilum real world pvp.its basically a glorified warzone like how world vs world vs world or whatever is in guild wars 2.but i dont really think arenanet are claiming that as world pvp anyway(im not trying to turn this into a gw2 vs sw tor discussion.i just used the thing there doing in gw2 as a example)


at least bioware did one thing right in terms of pvp in this game though.they made the daily be 3 games or whatever played instead of won.now i can lose every game for a couple hours cuz of bads on imperial side on my server and still get the daily done at least


I myself came from SWG before SWTOR there were no warzones. all pvp was OW and it was along these lines with pvp zones and bases and random encounters or pre-planned engagements between the two factions or being hunted by a bounty hunter. People claim things are bad because they lose in a warzone due to imbalance. I dont understand that. WZ's are always 8 vs 8 regardless of how many players are on the server or in the faction its 8 vs 8. I play on the most populated server since Before launch on the Repub side.. always outnumbered yet myself and my guild manage to win 75-85% of the time.


Having said that ... rewarding the weak and mediocre may not be ideal for everyone but who cares. Item progression shouldnt be based on how you win in pvp anyways. You should be able to gear yourself to the teeth before having ever stepped into a pvp encounter VIA Crafting , PVE , Etc.. then when you step on the battlefield you know that You are going up against the other teams best creation of a pvp toon and you will hopefully have the best battle you both can put forth. They don't tell people in the military go fight a few battles with this M9(pistol) then we'll give you a M16. Or you have to earned a Purple Heart before we give you a IBA (Interceptor Body Armor).

Edited by prodigyqnz
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I think all that needs to happen is to have some sort of reward for killing players of the opposite faction in the open world.


I agree this is the best return on effort change they could make. It was my one wish on the "If you could change one thing in PVP" survey thread. I'd still rather see territorial control play but that takes a lot more work and I'd settle for what is doable.

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Great ideas coming together here. I'd love to see more of these types of threads. If the PvP community could ban together and make more suggestions, we may get the Open World PvP we want. Just because we all PvP, doesn't mean we have to constantly fight on the forums too.


I doubt that the devs would even notice this, or even if they did, they would care at all

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I doubt that the devs would even notice this, or even if they did, they would care at all


More likely is the "not invented here" syndrome and pride would prevent them from using any outside suggestions.

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Although I like the fact of objective based open world pvp I think what needs to happen first is just plain old fashion, free flowing open world pvp. If I'm on TAT, alderaan or any planet and see a player from the enemy faction I should be able to get something for killing them. I don't even care if its valor or commendations.


Then start worrying about objective based pvp. Now I know this game isn't swg but I loved their pvp system. They had open world pvp and object based pvp. IMO they are two different things. In swg u worked toward title and ranking like private, corparal , general etc. if you didn't pvp u would start losing that rank and be demoted. I think the valor rank means nothing in this game. It doesn't prove that your good it just proves you do a lot of WZs but that's a different subject.


Bases are a great idea maybe. Have bases on each planet the more the faction owns maybe they get a small buff to thier stas. But then let's take it a little further take one planet like illum, open it back up and make an epic war twice a day. Similar to rf onlines chip war was. The winning faction gets a boost to valor gained in OW, credits from missions, materials gathered, speed boosts etc until the next faction war.


So you have WZs, smaller battles on planet bases, and epic wars 2 times a day that gives you faction a advantage in game play.. Hopefully taking something like this and combining into space. Siege warfare in space. You guild ships standing off with the enemy guild ships firing cannons at each other while personal space craft launch from the bays. Picture the opening scene of episode 3. The game is based off of star wars. Key words being STAR!!!! WARS!!! Goosebumps just think about launching from my guild ship and trying to land on an opposing ship to destroy the hyperdrive in order to blow the ship up. But that's another post

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Oh and one thing that is a lot of fun!!!! Same faction guild wars. Say you wanna have a little fun and fight a same faction guild. You would go to a terminal located near the guild banks and request a war with another guild. The recieving guild would either accept or deny the request for a guild war. If accepted the two guild would be locked in a constant battle. Anywhere anytime those players would be attackable even on the fleet. One last point Guild valor!!! Used to buy guild items. Special ships, maybe a guild hall with training rooms and the ability to que up in practice WZs
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Make Mandalore as a PvP only planet. Three factions. Imperials, Republic, and Mandalorians themselves. Contextualize either with a plotline involving a rogue Mandalorian warlord or even Mandalore himself opening hostilities against the Empire and Republic now that the war has broken out again.


Two possible routes to choose from to deal with balancing:


1. Have significant amounts of Mandalorian NPCs at critical control points on the map. Have them attacking Republic and Empire bases, important fronts. Give minor rewards (commendations, etc) for defeating Champion level Mandalorian commanders. Give major rewards for defeating raid level, unique Mandalorians. Put these on a long cooldown so they are not farmed but keep the lower NPCs present always to add chaos to the battle. NPCs attacking both Empire and Republic players as they traverse the battlefield.


2. Upon entering the zone, having players "declare" a side. Either their own faction or the Mandalorians. Incentivize fighting for your faction with unique gear appearances and titles (alongside dailies for capturing outposts), encourage play for the Mandalorians with lucrative daily "mercenary" quests. Basically, fighting for your faction and controlling outposts granted certain factional/player boons, playing for the Mandalorians grants a different type of reward path. Keep the zone inhabited with NPCs from all "factions" fighting it out.


In either of the above instances, players fight for control of various outposts and bases. Command centers, once captured, might boost the health of factional NPCs in the area by a slight percent. Capturing Mandalorian mines might give access to resources (something such as "refined Mandalorian iron") and a merchant who will sell Mandalorian armor in exchange for these resources much like commendations. Have it balance out. Capturing outposts gives certain benefits and pathways to unique content or rewards but having less outposts also gives a "Hold the Line!" buff that gives the underdog a fighting chance as well.


So while capturing outposts might give you avenues for unique looking armor, merchants to spend "Mandalorian Campaign Commendations" for gear, titles for certain battlefield achievements, minor buffs to Valor gain and the like being disadvantaged also places the undermanned side in a position to bounce back through, say, a stat boost or even the presence of certain special NPCs to aid in battle. Imagine playing as an Imperial, pressing forward in the zone and getting a message on your screen that reads "Satele Shan has arrived on the battlefield. Republic forces are rallying!". Or to be a member of either faction, be in the middle of a battle and hearing that "Mandalore has rallied his troops!". It would make the battle seem dynamic and also (and this is key) important.


This is a preliminary and off the cuff notion of such a zone but the idea can be adjusted as needed. But it's just one of many ideas.

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Make Mandalore as a PvP only planet. Three factions. Imperials, Republic, and Mandalorians themselves. Contextualize either with a plotline involving a rogue Mandalorian warlord or even Mandalore himself opening hostilities against the Empire and Republic now that the war has broken out again.


Two possible routes to choose from to deal with balancing:


1. Have significant amounts of Mandalorian NPCs at critical control points on the map. Have them attacking Republic and Empire bases, important fronts. Give minor rewards (commendations, etc) for defeating Champion level Mandalorian commanders. Give major rewards for defeating raid level, unique Mandalorians. Put these on a long cooldown so they are not farmed but keep the lower NPCs present always to add chaos to the battle. NPCs attacking both Empire and Republic players as they traverse the battlefield.


2. Upon entering the zone, having players "declare" a side. Either their own faction or the Mandalorians. Incentivize fighting for your faction with unique gear appearances and titles (alongside dailies for capturing outposts), encourage play for the Mandalorians with lucrative daily "mercenary" quests. Basically, fighting for your faction and controlling outposts granted certain factional/player boons, playing for the Mandalorians grants a different type of reward path. Keep the zone inhabited with NPCs from all "factions" fighting it out.


In either of the above instances, players fight for control of various outposts and bases. Command centers, once captured, might boost the health of factional NPCs in the area by a slight percent. Capturing Mandalorian mines might give access to resources (something such as "refined Mandalorian iron") and a merchant who will sell Mandalorian armor in exchange for these resources much like commendations. Have it balance out. Capturing outposts gives certain benefits and pathways to unique content or rewards but having less outposts also gives a "Hold the Line!" buff that gives the underdog a fighting chance as well.


So while capturing outposts might give you avenues for unique looking armor, merchants to spend "Mandalorian Campaign Commendations" for gear, titles for certain battlefield achievements, minor buffs to Valor gain and the like being disadvantaged also places the undermanned side in a position to bounce back through, say, a stat boost or even the presence of certain special NPCs to aid in battle. Imagine playing as an Imperial, pressing forward in the zone and getting a message on your screen that reads "Satele Shan has arrived on the battlefield. Republic forces are rallying!". Or to be a member of either faction, be in the middle of a battle and hearing that "Mandalore has rallied his troops!". It would make the battle seem dynamic and also (and this is key) important.


This is a preliminary and off the cuff notion of such a zone but the idea can be adjusted as needed. But it's just one of many ideas.


I like the idea, but it takes too much time for Bioware to implement. Too much work, too much design. The last pvp related patch brough a T4 set to every class and 1 more WZ, nothing else..and it took months to implement :) How much time do you think it will take to implement a new planet :)

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