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The Prophecy of Vader


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So Vader is supposed to bring ballance to the force, or at least Anikin was.


- Since the Sith got wiped out, does he bring balance when he wipes out all the Jedi except Yoda and Obi-Wan?




- Does he bring balance when he turns on the emperor and throws him into that vast pit? Thereby saving Luke and disolving the "darkness" that blinded the Jedi.


What are other ppl's thoughts? Does anyone know the answer?

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I always took it more that when he killed Darth Sidious. (Who was said the most powerful Sith Lord..*coughbollockscough*) it was to bring balance to the force as he killed so many others, including planets ect ect.. & the modern Jedi Council. But I'm sure some hyper canon addict will have something to contradict what is said on the OP & this reply.
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I look at it that the Jedi had become a light side force that was too 'bright' (so to speak), so a 'darkness' came into the galaxy to combat it, but in terms of balance, there was too much on the dark side of the scale. Then Anakin killed The Emperor and brought the Force back into balance with Luke as the balance point.
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To put it more into perspective, Sidious and Plageuis tried to create another Sith'Ari and the force replied with **** you and created Anakin Skywalker to destroy the Sith, who had become way too powerful, eventually though, if the Rule of Two was allowed to carry on with an undamaged Vader, Abeloth would have been sent to reset the galaxy.
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Lucas himself said that the sith pervet the force and put it out of balance. Sith being destroyed so they dont mess up the balance of the force is what anakin does by killing the emperor and himself.


Think of the force as a pond. when it is calm it is in balance with itself, but when someone (dark side users including the sith) skip rocks over it, it causes ripples and disturbs the balance.

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That's not always the feel I get from the EU stories and movies themselves, especially TOR. It feels more like the Jedi tend to Well Intentioned Extremists and can be just as bad as the Sith at times in the name of "the greater good".

Edited by Halinmonk
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That's not always the feel I get from the EU stories and movies themselves, especially TOR. It feels more like the Jedi tend to Well Intentioned Extremists and can be just as bad as the Sith at times in the name of "the greater good".



Lucas trumps EU.

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BALANCE, REAL BALANCE SHOULD require an even number of Jedi & Sith. An even power level, ratio of light to dark.....but no.


Yet again: "ZOMG teh 'good' guys must wins all the dodz or else I can't sleep at night...."


your thinking balance as in a scale. Its the force, see my pond analogy.

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Not necessarily.


Personally speak I think that "Rule Of Two" was what really ****ed up the balance of the Force (and thusly ironically Revean who strived to be that very balance) and that as things stand right now in the TOR universe aren't to bad.

oh yeah that can totally happen but being that the creator already explained how it works he trumps the EU.




even if Lucas dies he has already established how the universe works and will hand down his legacy to his kids (I think his daughter) who then will replace george in that line up. She can then change it but the line up will be the same.

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Your misunderstanding what I'm saying.


Death of the Author is a concept from the field of literary criticism which holds that an author's intentions and biographical facts (the author's politics, religion, etc) should hold no weight when coming to an interpretation of his or her writing; that is, that a writer's interpretation of his own work is no more valid than the interpretations of any of the readers


I'm not saying that Gorge Lucas will just die and that will be that, I'm saying that his opinion is void as any fans, and thusly worth no more then my opinion since I am the reader.

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Your misunderstanding what I'm saying.




I'm not saying that Gorge Lucas will just die and that will be that, I'm saying that his opinion is void as any fans, and thusly worth no more then my opinion since I am the reader.

that doesnt make any sense.

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Your still not getting what I'm saying, in that case her opinion would still have no more value then the random Joe Bob that reads or watches the series and it's materials. The whole point of "Death Of The Author" is not the actual death of the author, but rather their ability to dictate how their universe is interpreted. The author may say something is meant as X but if the fan interprets it as Y then it's Y. Edited by Halinmonk
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Okay I understand where your coming from, and it is Lucas's fault (see pliketts reviews of the prequels on this) the whole balance of the force thing is never really explained just stated repeatedly. The Auther did offer clarification on what it is and Kenobi re-enforced what the author stated in Episode 3


"You were the Chosen one! You were to bring balance to the force, not destroy it!"


and Mace also mentioned it in Episode 3

"Do you mean the prophecy of the one who will bring balance to the force and destroy the Sith?" That is in text.

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But see the problem with both of those quotes is that they come from biased sources: the Jedi that are assured they soundly in the right as much as the Sith are, they assume that "balance" means "eradication of the Dark Side" and they have every reason to believe that, but I don't agree either with them or the author.


See in my opinion what REALLY through The Force out of whack was "The Rule Of Two" and that Anakin restored balance by equally reducing the Jedi, then by destroying the "Rule Of Two" order through killing both himself and Palpatine.

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But see the problem with both of those quotes is that they come from biased sources: the Jedi that are assured they soundly in the right as much as the Sith are, they assume that "balance" means "eradication of the Dark Side" and they have every reason to believe that, but I don't agree either with them or the author.


Plinkett did mention that


"What prophecy? who foretold this? what does it mean? what is balance with he force?"


But based on the quotes from the movies, they seem to support the "Pond Theory." We don't know who said it, what their ideology/interpretation was and how it got passed down in the jedi order. Nothing in the movies disprove the "Pond Theory" either.


I see your "Rule of Two" theory and it doesn't account for the quotes. However I do find it interesting as it went from thousands of jedi and 2 sith (tyrannus/maul/vader and sidious) to then 2 jedi (kenobi and yoda) and 2 sith (vader and sidious) that we see in the movies. Even later kenobi dies and luke becomes a jedi (Luke and yoda keeps the rule of 2) but by the time of RotJ there is only one jedi and no sith. So vader being the chosen one and bringing balance to the force may be about the prequel movies and most of the original trillogy but in the end of the movies it would not make sense about the even amount of jedi and sith as the sith are all gone.


With the "Pond Theory" and the quotes above then Anakin as the chosen one would be complete by then end of the entire Saga.

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Lumiya was a still alive after Siduos and Vader offed each other, leaving it 1:1. After that with the "New Jedi Order" things get muddy again since the Jedi become much more Grey then the previous order and the balance was all out of whack again. (Darth Cads etc.)

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Lumiya was a still alive after Siduos and Vader offed each other, leaving it 1:1. After that with the "New Jedi Order" things get muddy again since the Jedi become much more Grey then the previous order and the balance was all out of whack again. (Darth Cads etc.)



That's the EU, it has no bearing on the movies or the source material.

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See that's your opinion but since you brought up literary criticism, then the EU which is from a different media and authors outside of the source material, would not apply to the source material being discussed.


That would be like examining a story about the 3 little pigs and then bringing into the review "The True Story of the Three Little Kids" as a counter point to the story you all are reading/reviewing. Although it may borrow from the source material it would not be used in literary criticism of the original story.

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However those two are not consistence and canonical to one another, the EU is completely in line with the main movies.


Devil's advocate mode: They seem canonical to me. They both match up perfectly in story with the same characters.

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