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Whats your WZ average DPS on your Merc


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Just been talking to a guild mate about our WZ DPS and we both have Almost full BM gear ( short 2 items each) but none of us have broken the 300k damage mark yet, my best i 288k in VS and my average DPS is about 220k.


just wondering what numbers other people are putting out.

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Just been talking to a guild mate about our WZ DPS and we both have Almost full BM gear ( short 2 items each) but none of us have broken the 300k damage mark yet, my best i 288k in VS and my average DPS is about 220k.


just wondering what numbers other people are putting out.


Ive done over 400k a few times during voidstar (ideal map for this) but its just not helpful to a pvp team the way mercs have to go about it. I tab through targets putting dots on everybody and look for groups to aoe thats about it. But what we really need to do is focus healers but we die pretty quick and dont have what i would consider burst damage needed in a fluid pvp environment. We have to stand still and our burst dps comes with long cast times. I really dont enjoy merc at all and have more fun on my marauder. Maybe one day they will let us change adv class. Pt has much more utility for pvp....

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usually hover around 350k-400k, top, if not most, kills, and 2-3 solo kills


most ive gotten since 1.2 is close to 600k in a full length voidstar


pyrotech spec, mostly single target with a few well placed DFAs (this boosts numbers by id say about 50k)


for as lacking as we are in group utility and overall usefulness (killing people can only go so far), i have more fun playing my mercenary than i do my assassin tank (its so boring with how ridiculous the tank spec is, going around 1v3ing people gets old, there's practically no challenge compared to playing my mercenary)

Edited by rotatorkuf
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usually hover around 350k-400k, top, if not most, kills, and 2-3 solo kills


most ive gotten since 1.2 is close to 600k in a full length voidstar


pyrotech spec, mostly single target with a few well placed DFAs (this boosts numbers by id say about 50k)


for as lacking as we are in group utility and overall usefulness (killing people can only go so far), i have more fun playing my mercenary than i do my assassin tank (its so boring with how ridiculous the tank spec is, going around 1v3ing people gets old, there's practically no challenge compared to playing my mercenary)


At first i thought 600k? No way. But it has been a long time since ive seen full lenghr voidstar. Usually very lopsided games. We do howevever get tons of "kills" but very few solo kills. I just cant say it enough how unhelpful i feel in pvp...

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I have never seen anyone hit 500k on my server, and I'm Valor 56. I don't recall a 400k, either, but I guess I can't be sure. I only break 300k on Voidstar, and when I do, I'm either top damage or second place. I have no idea what's going on on you guys' servers.
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I have never seen anyone hit 500k on my server, and I'm Valor 56. I don't recall a 400k, either, but I guess I can't be sure. I only break 300k on Voidstar, and when I do, I'm either top damage or second place. I have no idea what's going on on you guys' servers.


Most mercs are terrible that's why. Seriously as a class we have the worst pvpers around, it's embarrassing and they drag our name through the mud :(



the best i have seen on red eclipse (not me im around 200-330K) is 401,000.... Thats the best ive seen since 1.2 from a Mercenary.

Hey whaat I'm red eclipse! Maybe you just never got in my game before :cool:



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Most mercs are terrible that's why. Seriously as a class we have the worst pvpers around, it's embarrassing and they drag our name through the mud :(




Hey whaat I'm red eclipse! Maybe you just never got in my game before :cool:




Savz i love you Braw and i meet you in PVP alot you even helped me when i changed to healer :)


But lets be fair I have seen you hit 250k a lot more times more than seing you hit 400k (which i have seen:)


You and filik are actually some of the BH's i look up to but truth be told you are both down on the numbers since 1.2 noone can argue against that ;)

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Just been talking to a guild mate about our WZ DPS and we both have Almost full BM gear ( short 2 items each) but none of us have broken the 300k damage mark yet, my best i 288k in VS and my average DPS is about 220k.


just wondering what numbers other people are putting out.


Hi, before 1.2 i did 700k+ dmg as arsenal spec with top gear of course, now i have FULL war hero gear (Augmented even) my gear is as good as it can be! and now i do MAX 400k dmg.................! a laughing joke............... They totaly destroyed our class, nerfed it WAY to much. I though since we have so little mobility etc, we was suppose to have DPS to overcome that! but they just removed our dps.!

But yeah, so at this point i think i will unsub, IF they don't wake up soon and fix our class! i mean are millions post's about people not happy with bounty hunters merc, but they just don't seem to care! and they used to have 1.7 million subs, now they have 1.3 million, and dropping..! they really need wake up and listen more to people.. I feel they are pretty arogant, also never reply on post's people write too.

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Just been talking to a guild mate about our WZ DPS and we both have Almost full BM gear ( short 2 items each) but none of us have broken the 300k damage mark yet, my best i 288k in VS and my average DPS is about 220k.


just wondering what numbers other people are putting out.


short matches 300k. long matches(full time) 400-550k average. (SS available upon request).


*EDIT* with BM armor/gats and recruit jewelry.

Edited by T-Assassin
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As a pyro merc (valor 82, BM + 4 pcs WH), my average is around 275k single target. Games rarely last the full length. If full length, damage is anywhere from 350 to 450k. The difference between me and other mercs is that I don't use AoEs as often or DOT random people up. Dotting random people doesn't really help your team because it saturates your damage. I usually go after targets that have low expertise or healers. I stick on them like glue even if they are being cross healed because that means that I'm distracting 2 people.


When I see an arsenal merc, they're for the most part a joke. Just keep damaging them, and they'll move from their spots. Once they move, their damage output is abysmal.


If I can distract 2 people even half the time, that means my team has an advantage of 7 on 6 now.

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250k-350k. 350k being a rarity and only on longer matches. Every Merc I have seen in the game is within these ranges. It varies a bit for the Biochems. People saying 400-700k are full of um.. Nevermind


Full of what? Just a few of my screenshots are on the bottom of the last page.

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Full of what? Just a few of my screenshots are on the bottom of the last page.


Before you post screen shots of your DPS you might want to check the date on them. If the screen shots were recent then you would have had a minimum of 140 commedations for the matches, so either they are old or altered. Too funny. lol


Hint. It starts with an S.

Edited by MrSIlverSurfing
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Savz i love you Braw and i meet you in PVP alot you even helped me when i changed to healer :)


But lets be fair I have seen you hit 250k a lot more times more than seing you hit 400k (which i have seen:)


You and filik are actually some of the BH's i look up to but truth be told you are both down on the numbers since 1.2 noone can argue against that ;)


From a fellow player.


You crazy guys and your forum stories.. Its cool I beef up my uberness on the boards too. I love the merc, but the rotations are very simplistic. Most geared mercs will put up similiar numbers unless they are afk or from another planet. The numbers that your friend is seeing you put up is about the range I'm seeing as well. With around 1300 expertise with the PVP gear I'm seeing the same DPS range that every other person who posted here sees.

Edited by MrSIlverSurfing
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I havent had a match (full game, joining late doesn't count) below 300k dmg since 1.2. Pyrotech with the new expertise gradient (more damage than damage reduction) is pretty ridiculous...


My average is around 420-450k on short games, ranging up to 700k on a long voidstar or alderaan.


(I have almost full war hero now, only missing the offhand and belt/bracers)

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As a pyro merc (valor 82, BM + 4 pcs WH), my average is around 275k single target. Games rarely last the full length. If full length, damage is anywhere from 350 to 450k. The difference between me and other mercs is that I don't use AoEs as often or DOT random people up. Dotting random people doesn't really help your team because it saturates your damage. I usually go after targets that have low expertise or healers. I stick on them like glue even if they are being cross healed w.


Very similar to how I play. (although I also target enemies that a melee class is working on as well), you have similar gear as well and I find my numbers to be about the same. Average about 250 to 300. Full length average about 400. My highest damage total was 585K in a full length viodstar.

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200-270k for me as a Merc Pyro. I don't spend much time trying to DoT everybody and instead bounce around and try to use IM+TD+RS+UL+RS combo to snipe people with lower health in a melee. I get a fair number of kills (more than I did as Arsenal) but I fully admit many of them are assists.
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From a fellow player.

You crazy guys and your forum stories.. Its cool I beef up my uberness on the boards too. I love the merc, but the rotations are very simplistic. Most geared mercs will put up similiar numbers unless they are afk or from another planet. The numbers that your friend is seeing you put up is about the range I'm seeing as well. With around 1300 expertise with the PVP gear I'm seeing the same DPS range that every other person who posted here sees.


I'm not even sure who that guy is tbh, he has probably been in around 1% of my games since 1.2. If I've only done 250k damage, it will be because it's a short game and the next closest person will be on like 150k.


Before you post screen shots of your DPS you might want to check the date on them. If the screen shots were recent then you would have had a minimum of 140 commedations for the matches, so either they are old or altered. Too funny. lol


Hint. It starts with an S.


Those screenshots are all from the past week or 2, maybe a little earlier but all after 1.2.


We can still do as much damage as ever, I did 500k 3 times last night alone.


They are not old or altered. You are quite clearly bad and don't want to believe it's possible to do higher numbers with our class, instead crying about nerfs and how broken we are whilst burying your head in the sand.


Next embarrassing comment?

Edited by Sinsavz
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Yay we can do damage herpa derpa weeeeeeeeeeeee...And when someone decides to focus you,dead.That is for arsenal.....I see all of you speaking about dps as if it the main purpose of the bg.Let me tell you a little secret(and yes i am an arsenal 73 rank 3 wh pieces,hadnt been for health issues id be full but w/e thats not relevant).Damage isnt what wins games in huttball,voidstar,civil war,novare.Things that win games are:


1)Strong 1v1 potential(defending key points such as civil war points,voidstar doors,novare panel)

2)If you are a healer,strong kiting,losing ccing capability to keep yourself alive AND ur team(however,arsenal cant kite despite the fct that hes ranged or dps,cant say for sure what a healer can do because i havent played merc healer at wz)

3)The ability to BURST a target(such as a healer,or tank to break the guard on healer).you want an example of a burst class that is tons useful?PT Pyro

4)The ability to mass cc in order to capture points(such as mass fear or flashbang in order to get voidstar doors).There we have our knockback and stun and potentially with power surge the concussion.But in no way we have an aoe cc :/


So to sum it up:

1)Definetly not strong 1v1 potential unless ur playing vs a braindead zombie

2)NO whatsoever ability to kite since our dmg demands us to be static

3)Good burst,ill support that but EASILY interruptable(meaning that we arent reliable to a team)

4)Minor to medium CC capability(which becomes major capability at Huttball)


All in all,our aoes and good use of knockbacks are beautiful but is that all we offer on the table?

P.S:Before some brainiac say "omg pyro merc is so imba BBQ tralalalalala" pyro merc is good yeah,but ur brother pyro PT does what u do faster,better,harder,stronger.If you want to play a tree where you will always know that your riding a horse with 3 legs in comparison with ur brother riding a ferrari then be my guest.Sure you will get to your destination sometime and somehow,someone else though will be already there faster and with style.

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I'm not even sure who that guy is tbh, he has probably been in around 1% of my games since 1.2. If I've only done 250k damage, it will be because it's a short game and the next closest person will be on like 150k.




Those screenshots are all from the past week or 2, maybe a little earlier but all after 1.2.


We can still do as much damage as ever, I did 500k 3 times last night alone.


They are not old or altered. You are quite clearly bad and don't want to believe it's possible to do higher numbers with our class, instead crying about nerfs and how broken we are whilst burying your head in the sand.


Next embarrassing comment?


I think it might depend on what server you play on. In the last week (prob 40 games for me) I have seen one 500K damage game from ALL of the players combined. So a sample size of over 600 and just one player with 500K damage. There are some servers where those types of crazy numbers just do not happen on.

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