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The only exception I'm finding to this so far is Jorgan, he's in trooper gear and it all looks good on him. Granted I just kept chucking him my femTrooper's castoffs but hey... it worked.


if i had my way... a blue ribbon collar, tied in a bow, with " mittens" or some other indignifying cat name on it, and a little bell..and not much else

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I totally agree with getting the "right" clothing/armor for your companions, especially if they're the ones you end up running around with all the time. I liked Vector when I got him but had to hold off on swapping his gear because just about EVERYTHING that dropped or was a quest reward put him in a damned skirt. Complained about this out loud and my husband asked me why I didn't just goto Dromound Kass and get the social gear for him :o

My problem with clothing Vector isn't the skirts. I am down with a man in a dress. It's the tops. They are all awful or hooded. I hate him in a hood. I hate the sithy tops that look like they should have giant astronaut/hazmat suit style helmets attached to them. I just want a nice shirt that looks like a nice shirt. The little capelet thing on the formal jacket is so unflattering to his behind, but it's still the best that I have been able to find for him.
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My problem with clothing Vector isn't the skirts. I am down with a man in a dress. It's the tops. They are all awful or hooded. I hate him in a hood. I hate the sithy tops that look like they should have giant astronaut/hazmat suit style helmets attached to them. I just want a nice shirt that looks like a nice shirt. The little capelet thing on the formal jacket is so unflattering to his behind, but it's still the best that I have been able to find for him.


heres him in hoth top/voss bottom

i usually have him in alderaan social top


*is patiently waiting for manslave gear* :D

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if i had my way... a blue ribbon collar, tied in a bow, with " mittens" or some other indignifying cat name on it, and a little bell..and not much else




*quickly hugs her Jorgan, "it's ok hun... you can keep your regular armor .. it's ok..."*

Besides, the stupid bell would drive me insane while I'm trying to sleep. My RL cat had a bell on a collar, we had to take it off so we could sleep at night.




It's not that I have anything against the skirts, they just looked wrong on him especially with the choices in tops *shudder*. Besides, my hubby plays male JC and he's all up in a robe and everything XD

Edited by Kalterien
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*quickly hugs her Jorgan, "it's ok hun... you can keep your regular armor .. it's ok..."*

Besides, the stupid bell would drive me insane while I'm trying to sleep. My RL cat had a bell on a collar, we had to take it off so we could sleep at night.




It's not that I have anything against the skirts, they just looked wrong on him especially with the choices in tops *shudder*. Besides, my hubby plays male JC and he's all up in a robe and everything XD


i like to pretend it's a kilt... worn in traditional fashion ( commando :D)

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Vector is a giant fashion travesty if you go with the quest rewards. He should not look like an inquisitor. How about those MASKS? I think that was the final straw for me. He's following me around in this freaky faceless mask, telling me he "lives to serve" and it was starting to take on this...ahem...weird kinky vibe that I was not into. Nooooo...those masks give me nightmares. The skirts and tops didn't help either.
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Vector is a giant fashion travesty if you go with the quest rewards. He should not look like an inquisitor. How about those MASKS? I think that was the final straw for me. He's following me around in this freaky faceless mask, telling me he "lives to serve" and it was starting to take on this...ahem...weird kinky vibe that I was not into. Nooooo...those masks give me nightmares. The skirts and tops didn't help either.


...vector in a gimp mask... mmm...

nope. suits quinn more.

imagine getting him the gear that

jadus' little goonies were wearing..that would be creepy


but yes... we need more clothes for our guys :D

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I'm not ashamed to admit that sexy male companions are my in-game Ken dolls. My gals deserve to have guys who's pants match their shirt. ;) I gladly grinded tons of extra Warzone comms to get Torian in the Raptor set (level 40 BH PVP gear), because now he looks Mandalorian AND he matches my BH. :D


The only exception I'm finding to this so far is Jorgan, he's in trooper gear and it all looks good on him. Granted I just kept chucking him my femTrooper's castoffs but hey... it worked.


My goal when I hit 50 is to put all of Havoc Squad in the level 40 PVP set that Troopers have. It's white and black and then they'll look like a real squad. :)


My problem with clothing Vector isn't the skirts. I am down with a man in a dress. It's the tops. They are all awful or hooded. I hate him in a hood. I hate the sithy tops that look like they should have giant astronaut/hazmat suit style helmets attached to them. I just want a nice shirt that looks like a nice shirt. The little capelet thing on the formal jacket is so unflattering to his behind, but it's still the best that I have been able to find for him.


I think Vector looks yummy in a hood. I'm annoyed with the Darth Jadus helmets they keep giving me to put on him. *grumble* I have him helmet-less for now, until I find a good headband or something for him.


I'm still on a quest for a good headband for Quinn as well. He's wearing some orange Imperial looking chest/pants, but the best headgear I could find for him was from the comm vendor on Nar Shaddaa, and it covers his pretty eyes. :( BioWare needs to give us Hide Helmet options for companions very badly.

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Ah, I went to Kaas City as soon as I got Vector and bought the male only, social 1 shirt and pants for him. And so far I've kept him in tiara style head gear because I like to see his face. I don't mind a man in a skirt but that social set looks really good on him, "right" even. Well not the hat. I put that hat on Corso and just laugh and and laugh.
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I think Vector looks yummy in a hood. I'm annoyed with the Darth Jadus helmets they keep giving me to put on him. *grumble* I have him helmet-less for now, until I find a good headband or something for him.


Nar Shaddaa has a diadem style light armor helmet.


Here's the item itself, the Rumination Headgear.


And, since that's tiny, I can say that it appears to be a crimson and silver recolor of this non-moddable helmet.

Edited by bright_ephemera
quote trimming, link fix
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The Formal Wear hats are just silly looking for me. That being said, I think I have Vector in one of those "Man in the Iron Mask" type things right now and I can't stare at his pretty face.


Quinn on the other hand still has that silly microphone headset piece from Tatooine and he's at max level. I couldn't handle having something hide that pretty set of pixels either. I don't know if I'll have the patience to grind everything I need to outfit Havoc to look like an actual squad, maybe I'll just go make some stuff for them later.


I love that we're given the opportunity and for the most part the means to outfit our companions and characters in the way of our choosing. Just need a.. mankini for the boys at some point....

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*love* the second one, so hot.


poor vector.... he'd need all the stims and adrenals lokin could mix up to keep up with my agent if she could have him wear that all day :D



what, i mean to keep him alive in battle with all that exposed flesh... yeah....... :jawa_angel:


cant they give us just a peeeek at what manslave gear ideas theyre tossing around?

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Nar Shaddaa has a diadem style light armor helmet.


Here's the item itself, the Rumination Headgear.


Woot, that looks excellent! I remember browsing the comms vendor on NS for some headband you can get on the Republic side (it's a white headband, I put it on Corso), only to be disappointed that the same piece on the Imperial side looks like a breather mask. It never occurred to me to look at the Light armor stuff. *rubs hands together* Quinn and Vector will be getting some Sailor Moon-esque headgear soon... and they will like it. :D

Edited by Ellyria
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ok, heres the headsets i have


current one... doesn't hide anything, gotten on belsavis. yes it's a slave collar ;)


forget if this is the voss one or not


this ones from hoth


another circlet


all moddable

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Are those all pieces of social gear?




social x here... i've vowed to never do another black talon AGAIN


edit- i just realised... imagine if irl were like these threads


" i love my husband soooooo much that i'm gonna try and persuade other girls to form a harem for him!

hmm? she says that guy's pretty good... i'll get a part time job at his office when i'm not at my husband's full time job ..just to try it out"

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ok all you crazy cat ladies have persuaded me into rolling a trooper to get my fix of meow mix


i still wish he had a full lion's mane.... i'd pet and scritch and burrow my face in it all day. that little fuzz they have for the mod does not cut it


Well goodness me, this forum has been active whilst I have been asleep (Aussie here, sleeping whilst all the normal people are playing, right? ;)).


You rolled a trooper! Yay! Kitties rule! Right. Rules are this: He doesn't like wearing a collar with "Mittens" on it. I tried. It didn't go down well. I am a strong woman but...well when a cat is cranky you ain't going to win that fight.


I used one of the stripey mods for him on one of my troopers. Its awesome.


But /signed for the full lion's mane. :D


@Hoyden yes that line in my spoiler had me laughing for a good while, chuckling to myself at my computer screen and my husband is like...'what is so funny?' 'Oooh nothing dear, just Aric. Go back to your raid'. Also for

the R&R quest where you er...fade to black. And he says 'That was...productive." lol! Productive. More flustered Aric quests, please Bioware.



Yes! Another Aric hijack! I love this thread.

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I don't have a Quinn! My husband does though, maybe I should play around on his account and see what all this Quinn adoration is about. Or I could just roll a SW myself, but I am just so busy with my troopers ;) Not enough time in the day. Sigh. :)
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Yes! Another Aric hijack! I love this thread.


don't let this get to your head, i'm still the queen of the vector fangirl swarm <3

(thank goodness he's not the jealous type)


and as for the collar... i have plenty of scars from when i was a child, and would make our farm cat rescue do the most indignifying things. bungee cords in abundance help a LOT when it comes to getting a cat to sit in a stroller while in a doll dress and sunglasses... he was orange too.... i have a very soft spot for orange tomcats.... prolly why jorgan is calling my name :D

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don't let this get to your head, i'm still the queen of the vector fangirl swarm <3

(thank goodness he's not the jealous type)


and as for the collar... i have plenty of scars from when i was a child, and would make our farm cat rescue do the most indignifying things. bungee cords in abundance help a LOT when it comes to getting a cat to sit in a stroller while in a doll dress and sunglasses... he was orange too.... i have a very soft spot for orange tomcats.... prolly why jorgan is calling my name :D


I have a big orange Maine Coon kitty and another Maine Coon that is a silver tabby. I love those cats, big friendly purr machines. Hmmm, maybe that's where my unhealthy obssession with fur comes from. Haha.

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Less Aric hijacking and more like some of us going on about our romance options in general. Vector and Aric have been getting a lot of love here lately. Whereas ... Poor Quinn....




I dunno, Quinn got pages 8 and 9. I could go on for a very, very long time about how much I like him, but I also hate him and want him dead, so...it may be tactful to quit while he's ahead :p

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Actually, come to think of it Quinn does get a lot of separate threads just for him... Not necessarily "love" per se but a fair amount of attention devoted to Captain Protocol.


Iresso on the other hand.... no love there....

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