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Sith Titles


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Lord is lower than Darth.



According to SI storyline that is. Because Zash gets promoted from lord to Darth.


I see. It just gets confusing, because in the movies the jedi call sidious a sith lord. However, Sidious promotes vader to darth, so...

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Vader is promoted by Darth Sidious/Emperor Palpatine. Darth's beget Darth's, and they are the highest rank of the Sith. The Emperor is a political rank, ruling over the Imperial forces, including the Sith. Sidious happened to become both.


Emperor > Darth > Lord > Apprentice > Initiate

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no no no lol u getting it wrong they full name of Sidous is Darth Sidous Dark Lord of The Sith.

while vader is simply Darth Vader. With some soldiers using "Lord Vader" to simply designate their submission to him.


When someone calls you Lord, doesnt mean ur lord, just that they are speaking to you from below* figuratively.

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Lucas doesn't give 2 $&*%'s about what happens in the EU. But yeah, as some else pointed out, in this era Darth is a higher rank than a regular Sith Lord. Its like a Jedi Knight being called "Master" even though they are not the official rank of Master.


This is a misconception. Lucas cares a lot about what happens in the EU. It's why he hired Leland Chee, told writers what characters they can or can't touch, and has even told writers to change their story ideas or "use this one." as is the case with the dark empire series. He doesn't really read the EU but he does get ideas from it and inspiration and there are rules the writers must follow.

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wihtout getting into the origin of the 2 titles, i'll just interpret it as simple as possible.


Acolytes and apprentice = padawan

Lord = jedi knight

Darth = master


The history of the 2 titles come from the fact that originally 30,000 years BBY the sith had Sith lords and the Dark Lord of the sith title. Sith lords were any sith in-charge of his tribe, while the Dark lord of the sith referred to the ruler of all sith.


Darth title was introduced by the dark jedi heresy from the tython wars of 28,000 bby. The defeated dark jedi were exiled found korriban and ruled over the native sith. They created the darth titles as a means to 1.) start clean without the ties to their past, being stronger than any sith lord they created the term Darth from the korriban remains of the rakata people darr tah means victory over death. 2.) they needed a title to which the natives could easily incorporate into their already socially castes society.


As time went on,the term Darth became a sign of what is equivalent to the Jedi council member, a sign that greater importance and power to a jedi master. A Darth under the sith regime was when a Sith lord had reached a level of power representing their physical, political and power of the force so great they could easily change the empire on their own.

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Its more than being a Master though. It's a symbol of understanding of the ways of the force, the true meaning of the Sith.


In the time of Darth Bane, the Darth title had fallen into disuse after Revan disappeared. Darth Bane was the first one to actually take the title when the Brotherhood of Darkness was done with. Of course, he was also the Sith'ari.

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Master Jedi is not a Jedi Master. The same can be said when referring to one as Lord. Its a proper way to speak to someone of higher stature, much like using ma'am, or sir. It conveys respect.


Sith Lord however is equivalent to that of a Jedi Knight. They both are given missions to undertake by a higher power and they are able to take on apprentices and padawans.

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Vader is promoted by Darth Sidious/Emperor Palpatine. Darth's beget Darth's, and they are the highest rank of the Sith. The Emperor is a political rank, ruling over the Imperial forces, including the Sith. Sidious happened to become both.


Emperor > Darth > Lord > Apprentice > Initiate


what about 'Dark Lord of the Sith'?

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To make the hierarchy clear in SWTOR:


The Sith Emperor = THE Dark Lord of the Sith


Darth "Somebody" = A Dark Lord of the Sith


Lord "Somebody" = A Sith Lord - equivalent to Jedi Knight


Acolyte "So and So" = equivalent to a Jedi Padawan



After Darth Bane instituted the Rule of Two, it was as follows:


Darth "Somebody"(Master) = THE Dark Lord of the Sith


Darth "Somebody"(Apprentice) = A Dark Lord of the Sith


Until, of course, the Apprentice killed that Master. :)

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cannon is what George lucus says... this is expanded universe


George Lucas himself was the one who first thought of Darth Bane, and the Rule of Two, and the Battles of Ruusan 1,000 years before the movies, etc etc etc.


He gave the bare bones of the story to the novelist of The Phantom Menace, and then LucasArts for the original Dark Force: Jedi Knight game.

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George Lucas himself was the one who first thought of Darth Bane, and the Rule of Two, and the Battles of Ruusan 1,000 years before the movies, etc etc etc.


He gave the bare bones of the story to the novelist of The Phantom Menace, and then LucasArts for the original Dark Force: Jedi Knight game.


Where did you get the information on him knowing about Ruusan and Bane?



All I hear is he(George Lucas) was the one who came up with the idea of two Sith. And other writers made it more...interesting, just like the did with all of the movie characters. He makes them up, and leaves it to other writers to make em interesting.

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George Lucas himself was the one who first thought of Darth Bane, and the Rule of Two, and the Battles of Ruusan 1,000 years before the movies, etc etc etc.


He gave the bare bones of the story to the novelist of The Phantom Menace, and then LucasArts for the original Dark Force: Jedi Knight game.


Where did you get the information on him knowing about Ruusan and Bane?



All I hear is he(George Lucas) was the one who came up with the idea of two Sith. And other writers made it more...interesting, just like the did with all of the movie characters. He makes them up, and leaves it to other writers to make em interesting.




Ruusan existed before Lucas thought of Bane and the Rule of Two.

Previously it was just known as The Valley of The Jedi, from the first Jedi Knight game and named Ruusan in the accompanying books about Kyle Katarn and his journey toward becoming a Jedi.

Lord Kaan and the Brotherhood of Darkness, Lord Hoth and the Arm of Light, and most of what was used in the EU to create the New Sith Wars and what lead to Bane and the Rule of Two was already in existence before as well.


After Lucas had created his back story for the Sith, this caused major conflicts of lore between "his vision" and the EU.

Lucas had the Sith only coming into existence two thousand years before the films, started by a Dark Jedi who took the name Darth Ruin. The last of these Sith was Bane who created the Rule of Two, which all following Sith were trained under - Only two Sith, one Master and one Apprentice.


When AoTC was released, Lucas contradicted Obi-Wan Kenobi's previous words to Luke in ANH - "For over a thousand generations, the Jedi Knights were the guardians of peace and justice in the Old Republic" - by having Chancellor Palpatine say "I will not let this Republic which has stood for a thousand years..." showing that Lucas intended the Republic to have only existed for a thousand years, instead of thousands of generations. Also, that the Republic had no unified military force of any sort until the Grand Army of the Republic was created.


To fully correct the conflict between what Lucas created for the first two prequels, the EU underwent a massive change to one part of it, to help bring it in line with G-Canon.

Darth Ruin's founding of the Sith was changed to being The Fourth Great Schism (of the Jedi Order).

The New Sith Wars (Fourth Great Schism onwards until Bane's creation of Rule of Two) was expanded on, with the end of it giving rise to the Ruusan Reformation. This changed the position and role of the Jedi Order within the Republic to their being under the supervision of the Republic's Judicial Department and the Supreme Chancellor, with the Order renouncing titles such as Jedi Lord and no longer being able to raise an armed force to defend the Republic.

The Fourth Great Schism itself was to allow the conflict between the EU's already established history of the Sith to mesh with what Lucas had created as his back story for the Sith.


The interesting thing I find, is that when Timothy Zahn had wanted to make the Noghri the original Sith species, Lucasfilm had flat out said no.

Later the Sith species was created, and allowed to exist in the lore.

Since these kinds of things go before Lucas for his approval/disapproval, I do have to laugh at how he's smart enough to allow profit to flow from his IP, then liberally piss over important sections of it whenever he pleases.

My hat goes off to the people who've worked hard at keeping the EU in line with the movies (as best as can be done) and even Dave Filoni and the other people who work on TCW, for trying to keep "the madness of King George" in check and not step on too many toes in the process.

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the title Darth is also an offence to other sith's that the title carrier sees him self better than the others and he looks forward to see the others trying to kill him.


its all explained in the 1st darth bane book.


Darth = highest ranking + making him self challangable for others.


in the kaan dynasty, kaan removed that title from the order of the sith since he didnt want his fellow sith killing eachother =). (weakling i didnt like that kaan... good bane owned him :D)

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The Acolyte/Apprentice system does not perfectly translate to the Padawan system, essentially Acolytes are the draft pool much like in professional sports. Except with a much higher mortality rate.


Those that make it through the selection process(ie the ones that don't die) are assigned to Sith Lords(or potentially Darths) and become Apprentices, unlike the one Jedi one Padawan system Lords can have multiple apprentices.


Lords seem to either directly serve under Darths or act independently of them(going by the Revan novel). But Darth's are clearly higher ranked than them. And there's a set number of them, I don't know if you can only be a Darth if you're on the council is still true, but going by what i remember of the Inquisitor storyline it seems the only way to become a Darth is if an existing Darth is removed(normally by dying, as I think that's the only real way of being demoted in the Sith).


Naturally the Emperor is above them all, and the Emperor's Wrath is an independent entity answering only to the Emperor, much like how the Commissars of warhammer 40k are outside the normal chain of command.


this only applies to SWTOR time period Sith naturally(and presumably all the way back to the Hyperspace wars, with the occasional fallen Jedi claiming the Darth title here and there, ie Revan and Exar Kun). Sometime between now and Darth Bane's time the current Sith Empire has been dissolved, the true blood Sith have been wiped out, and the title Darth was done away with to promote unity(ie stop everyone from killing everyone) with the Brotherhood of Darkness organization. Darth Bane resurrected the Darth title, created the rule of two, and that goes all the way through the movie timeline.

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  • 3 months later...

a acoylite and apprentice are two very different things , here are the ranks : (they are in jedi ranks and normal ranks)

Acoylite= Youngling,is the lowest rank

Apprentice= Padawan, is the 2nd lowest rank

Sith = Jedi knight and 3rd from lowest and highest rank

Lord = is just a form of speech showing how you are a higher rank of someone

Darth = Jedi master, 2nd best rank

Dark lord of the sith = there is no offical rank for jedi but i guess you could say it is like yoda , is the highest rank of the sith

Emperor = is in politics and it literary just means the emperor (this only comes in if the it is a Empire or galactic Empire

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