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Powertech leveling build?


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Just moved to a new server and started the game all over as a bounty hunter so I can play with a real life friend of mine. I'm curious what people are using in 1.2 for powertech leveling. From the research I have done it sounds like shield tech is the way to go, but I'm not sure if the info I'm seeing is the same for 1.2. Thanks in advance for any help!
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Just moved to a new server and started the game all over as a bounty hunter so I can play with a real life friend of mine. I'm curious what people are using in 1.2 for powertech leveling. From the research I have done it sounds like shield tech is the way to go, but I'm not sure if the info I'm seeing is the same for 1.2. Thanks in advance for any help!


Pyro or ST. ST you can solo many of the heroic quests. Pyro you'll blow things up faster. AP isn't viable until around 40.

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So ST is viable for soloing? The server I am on (Kath Hound) is a smaller population, so builds I can solo with are ideal. Do you have a link to a specific build? I'm not lazy but I would like a build that I can tweak a bit over winging it.
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So ST is viable for soloing? The server I am on (Kath Hound) is a smaller population, so builds I can solo with are ideal. Do you have a link to a specific build? I'm not lazy but I would like a build that I can tweak a bit over winging it.


I solo'd many 2 man heroics in ST with mako healing and a couple 4 man heroics, but those are harder.


Nah sorry I haven't been ST since leveling. Just get all the mitigation talents and gear for def/shield/absorb.

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I really think every PT should level up as an ST. Not only is it the easiest leveling tree, but everyone should start out with a good perspective on tanking IMO.


I agree with learning to tank while leveling.

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I switched from ST to Pyro and went after a few Champions, I need to break LoS and let Mako heal but it can be done. Heroics I took too much damage as I have no hard CC and I heat up to fast.
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I leveled as a ST as well. At 49 I rolled out a DPS set of gear and changed to a Parakeet build *sniff, I miss you CP* but until then it was full ST with tanky gear. You can do pretty much any Heroic2 you come across solo, and there's a couple 4s you can handle alone as well. It's by far the better early level spec when everything dies quickly.


Once you have enough points to get to PPA (L27) you can start to seriously consider leveling as Pyro. That gives you the punch you really need to blow through mobs fast enough to start offsetting the survivability you get as ST. Of course L27 is also when you can cap out Flame Shield and start using Rocket Punch a whole lot more, so ST picks up some steam then as well.


Either is fine. I preferred ST, especially at early levels before PPA, but they're both viable. If you want to solo heroics go ST; for less soloing potential but leveling as fast as you can go Pyro.

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I can give you my leveling experience as a Shield Tech. I recently hit 50 and then also recently finished my class story line (Just got sent to Ilum yesterday).


To start with, going ST with Mako was pretty easy - she kept me healed up and occasionally would shoot things and help with DPS.


Once I got Gault, I played around with keeping Mako around, but found that I was still needing to recharge/reload between fights whether or not I had Mako or Gault out, but with Gault, stuff died faster. I also had a lot more trouble surviving the fights with Mako instead of Gault if there were multiple mobs.


Once I got Torian, I stuck with him exclusively. With him, I could handle larger mobs as he would help take out the trash a lot quicker than Gault. I tried Mako again somewhere in there (well, you have to use someone else at one point in your story where Torian is unavailable - I had Mako for that fight, and she did keep me alive, but again, it was a close call).


I tried using Blizz/Skadge when I got them. I just wasn't impressed with their DPS - and it seemed the fight took longer, and I still had to rest between each fight, so I just went back to Torian - stick with what you know, right?


Anyway, I was generally speaking 4-5 levels above the mobs I was killing for class/planet quests. It seemed to be going okay, but I noticed I would occasionally have problems with things that didn't seem right. If there were 2 strong mobs in a fight, there was a high chance Torian would not survive the fight, and possibly even me. I made sure to keep mine and my companions gear up to date, but usually if I saw 2 strongs together, I knew to stay away (In comparison, I had level a sith sorcerer up to 27, and didn't seem to have this problem so far with that character). Also, I tried to fight a couple of champions a couple of times. That didn't go well at all. I had a hard enough time with Elites that were 4-5 levels above me (I had to send Torian in first, let him take the first few hits, then I could join in, and taunt the mob before it killed Torian).


As I got closer to 50, and subsequently mobs got closer to my level for the class/planet quests, things got harder. I had a very hard time actually finishing my final 2 class quests, as everything was of equal level. Had I not spent about 500k on the GTN the day before to get a few mod / gear upgrades, i don't think I would have been able to finish them at all.


It makes me wonder if I was doing it wrong, and should have gone DPS like some others have suggested at about 27 or 30.


Here's the talent build i went with - http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#301G0GrdoroGRZMcbZ0c.1

(I had at one point dropped oil slick since I didn't seem to be using it much, but went back to this after reading a few guides/suggestions).


Also, I never did do any heroics solo on my BH. I did seem to be able to do the lower level ones at least on my sorcerer. I wonder if I might go get a boatload of gear for Mako and try them out now on my BH, with me as ST, and her just on medwatch..

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  • 2 months later...
That's interesting, I've got a 45 ST and I leveled almost exclusively with Mako (just finished her companion quest line earlier tonight). When I played with other companions I had a very hard time staying alive because I had become so used to Mako keeping me patched up. But like you said, stick to what you know.
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