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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Can someone please answer this - Regarding Bioware & Ranked WZs


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So we should just blindly hand over our money? Why does an unsatisfied customer who was not delivered a product that was promised = "a 4-year old who isn't getting his/her way in a candy/toy store"? It seems like your very pro BW stance makes any reasonable customer sound like they are anti BW and want to see the company colapse and the game fail. I like BW and I want to see the game succeed, however im still entitled to be unhappy with the service, right?


This is right on...lets not forget biowares last comment on pvp. It went something like "we never intended for tor to be a pvp game". Funny huh?

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Yes, perhaps BW should have foreseen rated warzones being pulled from the 1.2 release. Why? They don't have any PTS premades or transfers for anyone to test content at 50 pvp so any metrics they could have on it are limited or useless at best. They don't have an infastructure yet for cross server queues which will have to be implemented for rated warzones. If you don't know why cross server queues are necessary, here's a few reasons: player pool without having massive queues to log into the server, meaningful rating system, deterrent to wintrading on backwater servers, counters monopoly of rating on backwater servers.


Then your argument is that 6 or 12 hours before 1.2 is released they encounter this massive problem and negative player feedback that meant they couldn't keep rated warzones in the release of the patch. They need more time to refine it. Here we are now "unsure if it will be released in 1.3" because BW has quite hush hush on the release date. So you're telling me that despite having no grounding for rated warzones and the fact that now we have 0 idea of what is going on (they probably didn't either) or when it was going to be released that they literally only knew of this very shortly before release. Did it not occur to you that rated warzones was very likely not ready for 1.2 but was just in the promotion anyway? I'm not implying there's a huge conspiracy theory here but maybe there needs to more effective communication across the board.

Edited by ChaosDogg
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