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Prioritizing Sentinel Augment Stats


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Str, surge, acc, crit, power. in that order for all 3.


Why would you think combat would want power?


They want surge for those 100% crit blade storms, and extra crit chance ataru procs as well.


Granted the exact value of each stat with vary by level.

if your combat, you wont have the force crit chance early. although you will get 100% crit blade storm at 27.

Focus gets that force crit, AND slash crit chance early, so really likes surge early.

Edited by MBirkhofer
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  • 3 months later...
Does strength over power hold for high levels of strength? I have augment slots on all my gear now so would love to know why we go strength over power or vice versa. I had read that strength is .2 for damage and power is .23 but that strength gives a tiny addition to crit
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Go with Power Augments, STR give .2 per point with a small amount to crit while Power gives .23. Surge should already be at a point that it will only give .15 per point after 76% and STR hits .15 per point after 1500 so if you have that as well which you should in full rakata or columi then stacking Power is the obvious choice in either spec.
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i don't know why you would pick anything over power. i'm sure people are taking crit and surge etc, but i dunno, i prefer a more base line dmg increase to everything, with sents you get a lot of auto crit stuff happening, so stacking crit isn't that effective, surge more so then crit I say but power over all the others.
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Depending on your spec, Watchmen like Power since it increases all your damage, and they already have very decent crit rate thanks to talents.


Wrong. It's simple - the more you crit with burns the more you heal. Watchman is all about the burn:heal utility. Crit more, get bigger burn damage, and more heal procs.

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Wrong. It's simple - the more you crit with burns the more you heal. Watchman is all about the burn:heal utility. Crit more, get bigger burn damage, and more heal procs.


Wrong. Zen gives you auto crits on your burns, so you don't need to stack crit. Sure maybe you'll crit a couple extra times outside of Zen, but really the majority of your burn healing comes from Zen.


For Watchman your general priority should be Strength>Power>Surge>Crit.

(I don't put Accuracy in there because I've seen many conflicting arguments on how much you need or don't need).


The main reasons why you want to stack Power most of all is:

-It adds damage without diminshing returns. With Crit/Surge, you'll hit a point where it takes more and more of each stat in order to achieve the next 1 percent. For Power, you get an extra point of damage for about each 4 points of Power, whether you have 4 points or 400 of it.

-Since you get auto-crits from Zen, you're better off increasing the overall average damage of the rest of your skills instead of just focusing on your burns.


I suggest maybe increasing your Surge about 100 points or so to boost your crit multiplayer a bit before the diminishing returns start to set in, then focus the rest into Power. The only place you should really put Crit is for your lightsaber crystals, since you'll get more benefit out of that than having two Endurance crystals.

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Wrong. Zen gives you auto crits on your burns, so you don't need to stack crit. Sure maybe you'll crit a couple extra times outside of Zen, but really the majority of your burn healing comes from Zen.


For Watchman your general priority should be Strength>Power>Surge>Crit.

(I don't put Accuracy in there because I've seen many conflicting arguments on how much you need or don't need).


The main reasons why you want to stack Power most of all is:

-It adds damage without diminshing returns. With Crit/Surge, you'll hit a point where it takes more and more of each stat in order to achieve the next 1 percent. For Power, you get an extra point of damage for about each 4 points of Power, whether you have 4 points or 400 of it.

-Since you get auto-crits from Zen, you're better off increasing the overall average damage of the rest of your skills instead of just focusing on your burns.


I suggest maybe increasing your Surge about 100 points or so to boost your crit multiplayer a bit before the diminishing returns start to set in, then focus the rest into Power. The only place you should really put Crit is for your lightsaber crystals, since you'll get more benefit out of that than having two Endurance crystals.


I tend to agree mostly say for the saber thing (depending on PvP or PvE). Yes, you want to stack crit a lot still until it reaches DR. But u can do so without augments. Because I do want to heal OUTSIDE of Zen and have my burns crit. Can't merely rely on your Zen.


Pwr is just good all around with not DR. I find I have crit without augs enough where it's at/near DR and more just doesn't do much. I'd rather have Pwr and Surge in there and of course Str. (remember talking what's best for AUGMENT, not overall stat debate).

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Are all of you who are saying "Power" quite certain that this holds true after 1.2? One of the most fundamental changees they announced for 1.2 was that they were revising the stats/combat system specifically to fix the fact that some stats had diminishing returns and others didn't. I assumed (incorrectly?) that this meant Power would have diminishing returns post 1.2.
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Are all of you who are saying "Power" quite certain that this holds true after 1.2? One of the most fundamental changees they announced for 1.2 was that they were revising the stats/combat system specifically to fix the fact that some stats had diminishing returns and others didn't. I assumed (incorrectly?) that this meant Power would have diminishing returns post 1.2.


Hmmm, hadn't thought to check. I'll have to take a look when I get home this afternoon.

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So many opinions and none clarify.


Ok there 2 kind of augments that sould be the best for sentinels. Strenght and Power. Power gives 0.23 to damage and Strenght gives 0.2 plus crit. since strengh is giving 2 bonuses i think you should go to str until you reach 2000. after 2000 you will begin to have diminished returns from that stat and at that point you sould go to power.

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It's going to be expensive but we need someone to DPS parse this. Call it all orange gear with augments, outfit all with might augments (level 22) then swap out and do all power augments (level 22).


My gear is all orange augmented with 80% rakata mods and a mix of might and power augments, I could do it but am too low on cash to remove all the augments and I don't know how to use the combat dummies yet :)

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So many opinions and none clarify.


Ok there 2 kind of augments that sould be the best for sentinels. Strenght and Power. Power gives 0.23 to damage and Strenght gives 0.2 plus crit. since strengh is giving 2 bonuses i think you should go to str until you reach 2000. after 2000 you will begin to have diminished returns from that stat and at that point you sould go to power.


DR's kick in before 2k on the crit you get from Strength..However the bonus damage is always .2


If your over 1500 Strength..stack power.. Sentinels have built in auto crits and Critical Damage.

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It's going to be expensive but we need someone to DPS parse this. Call it all orange gear with augments, outfit all with might augments (level 22) then swap out and do all power augments (level 22).


My gear is all orange augmented with 80% rakata mods and a mix of might and power augments, I could do it but am too low on cash to remove all the augments and I don't know how to use the combat dummies yet :)


the difference probably won't be noticable. I have Full Rakata mod'd the way I want with the exception of having the war hero main hand. Removed the expertise crystal and put in a +41 power though.


So now we have 7 additional slots that can have Augments. +126 Power or Strength...


Strength Augments: 25.2 Bonus Damage + some crit rating...

Power Augments: 28.98 Bonus Damage


Maybe before when Augments gave +28 Strength/Power there might be a debate.


But hey, if you got the credits to waste then by all means.

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it really depends what stats you already have and what spec you are running...


str and power do not have diminishing returns, and since columni level gear is high enough to pretty much get crit and surge well into diminishing returns I highly recommend choosing between str and power. Str adds a little bit less bonus damage but adds a small amount to crit. I find the str usually wins out due to the crit rate boost as a watchman since most of my damage doesn't come from abilities already forced to crit. I don't think you can really go wrong with str or power though. if I ran focus I would lean more towards power for extra strong sweeps.

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Imo go with power if your strength is above 1500, if its below 1500 go with strength. Assuming end game gear you should have enough crit and surge to have hit the desired caps/DR points and therefore power is whats going to give you the most bang for your buck as it were per augment slot.
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People strength has diminishing returns. Stop saying that don't have. Although they come later and in slow pace.


yes the crit rate from strength has diminishing returns but you wont ever really have enough strength for that to change much of anything, you can match it pretty close to a linear fit for under 2k strength.

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