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I would just respec to pyro if you were arsenal and if you wanted to do pvp. IMHO, arsenal was never that great in PvP even pre 1.2. Your dependency on tracer missile is your downfall, and it's incredibly easy to lock down and CC.
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Some people aren't going to sell-out their favourite spec for the fotm.


Lol, pyrotech has always been a good spec, there's nothing fotm about it. Even the pvp set bonuses are geared towards playing pyro. Arsenal is just crap all around, just like a full lightning sorc. If a person is being stubborn and just has to play the most immobile and defenseless spec because they can't let go of the days when "LOL TRACER SPAM" was effective at killing anyone, then they are just asking to get frustrated.

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I would just respec to pyro if you were arsenal and if you wanted to do pvp. IMHO, arsenal was never that great in PvP even pre 1.2. Your dependency on tracer missile is your downfall, and it's incredibly easy to lock down and CC.


Tryed pyro was'nt any better mean sure little more mobility but same dmg. And i don't really want to be pyro i wanna be arsenal as i've been since day one..

But as i said in post before it's not an issue that i'm arsenal thats the problem, it's what they DID to arsenal after 1.2 thats the issue for me :confused:

Edited by DEuZZ
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I...Can't...Go.....ON...LIKE.....THIS either...


I unsubed due to a mix of reasons:


1. Mercs got nerfed, stealth nerfed and now are just all around terrible

2. My server pop dropped from Standard to Light almost overnight


I have 46 days of play time left and will re-sub if they fix what they broke and if server transfers/mergers take place. Until then I have Diablo 3 to keep me company.

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I...Can't...Go.....ON...LIKE.....THIS either...


I unsubed due to a mix of reasons:


1. Mercs got nerfed, stealth nerfed and now are just all around terrible

2. My server pop dropped from Standard to Light almost overnight


I have 46 days of play time left and will re-sub if they fix what they broke and if server transfers/mergers take place. Until then I have Diablo 3 to keep me company.


I hear you man, my server also used to be 8 hours que just to get in, now on a GOOD day its medium ;\ it makes me wonder if bioware even care about all people leaving, i mean they don't reply on post's like this, and when they make changes is like they are pretty much final, but to nerf bounty hunter mercs who was even before 1.2 one of the worst classes is just a low blow, and then buff marauders who was VERY strong even before 1.2, and do no changes at all to assassin's thats most op class of em all... I fully understand people rageing etc out of this, we don't want to be in a wz and just be cannon fodder so to speak, a free kill.. :\ I used play diablo 2 before vanilla wow, so i will also be playing diablo 3, my plan was to do Swtor + diablo, but if not changes are made SOON i will just quit swtor and play diablo 3.. We are after all loyal paying customers, and they don't make any effort to listen to us, or reply to post's like tihs. It's just rude in a way for me!

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I'm going to personally blame you for the current state Arsenal Mercs are in. Good job at killing the spec.


For saying something after the nerfs already took place? Lol, sure, you go ahead and do that then.


Arsenal IS broken in PVP, I won't claim otherwise. Arsenal WAS too reliant on tracers prior to 1.2(and still is). Tracer to stack armor pen, tracer to buff heatseakers, tracer to buff rail shot, tracer to proc unloads. They made it sound like they were changing the spec to add depth to the gameplay, but where's the depth? It was just a straight damage nerf.

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For saying something after the nerfs already took place? Lol, sure, you go ahead and do that then.


Arsenal IS broken in PVP, I won't claim otherwise. Arsenal WAS too reliant on tracers prior to 1.2(and still is). Tracer to stack armor pen, tracer to buff heatseakers, tracer to buff rail shot, tracer to proc unloads. They made it sound like they were changing the spec to add depth to the gameplay, but where's the depth? It was just a straight damage nerf.


The spec was fine before 1.2. The only people to blame are the "LOL TRACER SPAM" crowd who wanted the playstyle changed.

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The spec was fine before 1.2. The only people to blame are the "LOL TRACER SPAM" crowd who wanted the playstyle changed.



As well as the PVP'ers who whined and complained because they were losing and/or weren't topping the DPS charts--I unsubbed myself even after rolling alts because it's so blatantly obvious BW couldn't give 2 spits about its player base...I'm a solo PVE'er who could not care less about DPS numbers, Rakata/Columi/WH/BM/BH gear..I wanted to play the game because first and foremost I LOVE Star Wars. Secondly I wanted to play through the SL's, with my BH I wanted to wield 2 blasters and join the Mandalorians. With my Sin starting on Korriban, getting Khem then going to Dromund Kaas gather Tulak Hord goodies then onto Balmorra--sure, we've thrown SW canon right out the window but SWTOR is simply finishing what the Clone Wars cartoon started in that regard. The IA/Sniper SL is easily the best in the game with its plot twists and turns teaming him/her with a supahfreaky anarchist companion to me was an interesting direction to go...BW wants all the classes balanced in relation to one another--the way it should be...but it's blatantly obvious the balance BW wants is vastly and markedly different from the balance we want.


Each class should be fairly even with another--sure a concealment Op is going to have a different skillset than a Jedi Guardian but at the end of the day when all the dust and the smoke clears, with equal gear for the class and players of equal skill the damage dealt should be fairly even, within BW's stated 5%...but what we are actually seeing is a consistent pattern of this not being the case, not even close.


When skilled PVP'ers are saying something is wrong, PVP'ers whom have ground to 50 and have gear, medals, valor and commendations coming out of their ears, there's something wrong...these people know how to play the class, they know how to play their toon....so when some company hack of a dev posts some numbers based off of a super secret formula, this fish ain't bitin and I'm callin B.$. ...it shows BW does not at all care, they don't care about the class, they don't care about paying subs who want to play Mercs and be competitive doing so. If "working as intended" means fighting with one arm tied behind our backs and on one leg, then yeah its working as intended. As Ive said, these devs don't play the game the way we do, they don't play the class so they don't know how the class truly functions--anyone can cook the numbers so figures say what we want them to say, our governments do that to and for us on a daily basis...but numbers don't tell the whole story...and me personally, I believe the growing mass of people who say the Merc is broken, and we're broken and gimped because BW wants us broken and gimped

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The spec was fine before 1.2. The only people to blame are the "LOL TRACER SPAM" crowd who wanted the playstyle changed.


Yet the tree is just as dependent of Tracer Missile like before. They just messed up the damage of Arsenal, and left all skills bound to Tracer Spam...

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Never heard so my rubbish in all my life Bodygaurd in pvp is rubbish now works ok in pve but in pvp




coz u sux? Bg win games! not ops not sorc healer. ops can't die but cannot keep ppl up. sorc die too fast when get focused.

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Yet the tree is just as dependent of Tracer Missile like before. They just messed up the damage of Arsenal, and left all skills bound to Tracer Spam...


Which wouldn't have happened if BW hadn't catered to the Tracer spam whining.

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If you want to play solo, you're forced to roll with a gimp high damage, low kills spec in pyro.


After switching to pyro to test it out I disagree with the notion it has to be a "low kills" spec compared to Arsenal. If you're playing it like Arsenal (stand around, hammer single target) then yeah you won't kill much. I have found the strength is in being mobile and playing the finisher in group fights. TD+RS+UL+Fusion missile can throw a lot of damage on a lower HP target and frees up your main attackers to team up on the remaining opponents. Its also nice to apply damage without standing out as an immobile turret.


Out of around 40 games played in the spec I always do over 200k damage and come out top 3 in kills. I see a lot of the same survivability issues as I did with the Arsenal spec, but at least you get the mobility to actually make a difference. Solo we suck, but I think a pyro merc brings vastly more to the team than Arsenal.

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Tryed pyro was'nt any better mean sure little more mobility but same dmg. And i don't really want to be pyro i wanna be arsenal as i've been since day one..

But as i said in post before it's not an issue that i'm arsenal thats the problem, it's what they DID to arsenal after 1.2 thats the issue for me :confused:


Damage was definitely not the same. In PvP it's all about mobility damage since you're always on the move. Why else are powertech pyros doing so much damage? However it does suck that they screwed with arsenal, but if you think about it you shouldn't be that surprised by the changes. Most arsenal mercs I've seen only spam tracer missile over and over. You interrupt it, and they stand there like a dunce and not know what to do.

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I play bounty hunter merc arsenal, it's my main char... I mean srsly when you look on other classes, sorc, marauder, assassin to name a few they have EVERYTHING! and they can out play all classes if played correctly.




I HATE the ninja nerf on death from above should be renamed to "can't hit anything anymore from above" OR "tickles from above"...



I don't like they FORCE changed the Animation of tracer missile!


Ok... You say "Look at other clases, they can out play all classes if played correctly". This is same contradiction of Unstoppable force meets Immovable object. times 11.


Next, you say "Ninja nerf on death from above". Powertechs it was nerfed for. Mercenaries still have a workaround, just throw out fusion missile before raining explosive death. Sure, it doesn't kill everyone if they're spread out far enough, but so what? It's still the best trash mob clearing power of ANY class.


About the only thing I agree with was the animation change of tracer missile, but that's because I prefer Fusion Missile launched from the hand, as opposed to the back attack. No biggie.


Sure, Mercs are underpowered at the moment. But Marauder's weren't overpowered UNTIL everything got nerfed, so they no longer sucked, and then bads started playing it like a FOTM and found plenty of exploits in the powerset especially when rolling an 8X marauder team.

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Ok... You say "Look at other clases, they can out play all classes if played correctly". This is same contradiction of Unstoppable force meets Immovable object. times 11.


Next, you say "Ninja nerf on death from above". Powertechs it was nerfed for. Mercenaries still have a workaround, just throw out fusion missile before raining explosive death. Sure, it doesn't kill everyone if they're spread out far enough, but so what? It's still the best trash mob clearing power of ANY class.


About the only thing I agree with was the animation change of tracer missile, but that's because I prefer Fusion Missile launched from the hand, as opposed to the back attack. No biggie.


Sure, Mercs are underpowered at the moment. But Marauder's weren't overpowered UNTIL everything got nerfed, so they no longer sucked, and then bads started playing it like a FOTM and found plenty of exploits in the powerset especially when rolling an 8X marauder team.


First learn what your talking about before you talk, you clearly don't play a bounty hunter nor understand how the class works or how the spells are at the moment.

Edited by DEuZZ
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Damage was definitely not the same. In PvP it's all about mobility damage since you're always on the move. Why else are powertech pyros doing so much damage? However it does suck that they screwed with arsenal, but if you think about it you shouldn't be that surprised by the changes. Most arsenal mercs I've seen only spam tracer missile over and over. You interrupt it, and they stand there like a dunce and not know what to do.


Reguardless i don't want to play a spec i don't want to. I don't want to be forced to either play different spec OR different class. Like i said i've been Arsenal since beta, and it's what i enjoy, and like i also said BEFORE 1.2 i had no issues at all with my bounty hunter and arsenal, the only thing i felt missing back then was an interrupt.

I play to have fun, i need to enjoy my class and spec i'm doing... I'm sure you understand!

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bodyguard still the best healer out of 3.


This pretty much shows you've never played merc healer.


As someone said in a post just below yours, its ok for PvE (and in my opinion, *only* ok at best) but diabolical in PvP. Bioware really cocked up Merc healers big time, along with the various other programmatic blunders others are reporting regarding bounty hunters since 1.2


Even in Warhammer Online, Mythic never cocked up a class to this degree and in terms of muppetry that is setting the bar extremely high.


Most people I know have unsubbed already and are only still playing because of the freebie time that Bioware gave out.

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Level 70 Valor Full BM / WH gear Arsenal Merc here. I tried pyro, its just boring to me and arsenal makes me feel like I am hitting people with a wet paper towl. Someone actually /say'd me the other day while I was trying to kill him just to tell me I hit like soft pillows. He literally had time to type that out while I was attacking him.


I rerolled and now have a level 50 sniper. In full recruit gear its rough but I out DPS my merc all day.


I love my arsenal merc, I just want him to be competetive again :( I was havintg so much fun with heatseekers after 1.2, but afer that second "bug fix" its just been downhill ever since.

Edited by Elboc
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BH Merc is my primary class. I played a successful, appreciated and happy Healer until the beginning of March, then I switched to Pyro and recently switched to Arsenal. Since patch 1.2 I have no reason to play healer anymore as the guild only wants OP/SORC healers.


For PvP I prefer Pyro. As the guild wanted to run HM/NMM FPs/OPs, I have played Arsenal. I have tried to run Arsenal in PVP, but as others have said, unless you are real careful to stay behind a pack, you get shut down pretty quick. As a Pyro in PvP, if I had a solid healer like Snooj, I could fight, fight, fight non stop as a Pyro and be extremely effective.


If we had Dual Spec or no cost respec, I'd be having more fun. I say this because I would be playing both PvP and PvE equally hard. Instead I tend to play more PvE and have slacked on PvP because I don't want to respec every day.


I have several alts but no real interest in rolling any of them to 50, let alone gear grind them to be competitive in PvE or PvP. In this regard, the game has become it's own worst enemy. The Devs nerf classes, possibly in an effort to make players roll alternate classes, then make gear progression a slow grind. I don't have the time to play alternate classes that hard, so the game has quickly become an unbearable grind with the real possibility that no matter what class you chose as an alternate, it might nerfed into the ground next. That's not a fun gaming experience IMHO.


I too have unsubscribed and have a little over a month + the 30 day free period left. I also feel the BH Merc/Commando classes were overly nerfed and I don't plan on resubscribing unless the BH Merc/Commando classes are fixed. Given rumors of 1.3 release are for the end of June and 1.3 will not have dual spec, I am almost certainly going to be gone from the game.


Honestly, if it were not for my guild friends, I might not be playing at all. Kinda sad considering how long I lived in anticipation of this game.

Edited by ShadowAxx
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So many have read this post now, and most of you guys agree that merc arsenal, or heal even are really broken right now, but bioware seem to just ignore this post, like they do all the other post's we write.. Well if i don't get a feedback of any sort from bioware saying "ok we will look into bounty hunters merc" or something, i'm unsubbing. I will NOT play a game that lost ALL the fun since our class is DESTROYED! if it is like a other guy here said that Dev wants us to reroll other classes to keep the "game alive" or what not, then the game is DEAD to me!

You would think with ALL post's written on bounty hunter forum, suggestion and general that they start taking this serious, but it sure looks like they don't.

Over 1500 ppl looked this post, and seems MOST of you bounty hunters (merc) has even taken your time to talk how YOU feel about the class, yet bioware just "ignore" us again, no reply like it takes more then a second to write something back, I guess they really don't care about losing players..... If they did they would do something, and fast!

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I agree with the OP for the most part. We need an interrupt just to be balanced with all the other classes. We needs our dps scaled to equal Power Tech's, after all we are suppose to be dps not fodder.


And give us 1 utility with our jet packs to be able to speed run or jump or something to allow an escape.

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