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SPOILERS!!! Darth jadus question


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Has anyone been able to beat him with the "Cannot See Target" bug? I've tried 15 times so far as a 32 operative. I can't land my interrupts, so he tears me apart. This needs to get fixed, immediately. I can't advance my storyline.


I was able to beat him last night, after a gazillion tries and almost 50k worth of repairs.


Granted I probably couldn't do it again, as the effin fight kept bugging all around, not just the los bug, but also some sort of AI problem with Jadus's paths.


Anyhoo, came down to the wire on the first fight, I actually died after I killed him because of some DoT he cast on me, and when I saw that I had to fight him all over again (3 times btw) I almost broke the damn keyboard.


Alas, I succeeded and beat his *** 3x with K (just because she could endure more damage).


Stupid thing is, effin Jadus gets stronger in each fight...


As previous posters said, it comes down to interrupts and LoS him.


So, until the fix that retarded los bug try it, but be prepared for it to be more of a game of chance than skill.

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Has anyone been able to beat him with the "Cannot See Target" bug? I've tried 15 times so far as a 32 operative. I can't land my interrupts, so he tears me apart. This needs to get fixed, immediately. I can't advance my storyline.


I'm so happy to read that I wasn't the only one to have troubles with thsi fight. I did it at level 32/33. as I'm frapsing my storyline for a video-serie, I tried to fight him without UI. I obviously get so severly owned that I gave up for the evening, trying again the morning. I think I spend 48 000 credit in repairs. I finaly gave up my idea to play without UI, and continued the fight with a undergeared Vector, and my weird Lethality spec. I also got that stupid "Cannot see target bug". It's only when I sarted to get severly depressed by my unability to overcom this encounter that I managed to kill him. And then my biggest frustration : I didn't had any space left on my computer to fraps his last speech. Impossible to reset the quest. Cheery on the cake, I lose +300 affection with Vector, and passed Darkside II (while I was heading to neutral - soft darkside)


I was close to give up everything and had to take a two days break from my character. I can say that I ended my chapter I in tears! Wich quite fit the story, afterall!

Edited by Elloa
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Stupid thing is, effin Jadus gets stronger in each fight...


As previous posters said, it comes down to interrupts and LoS him.


So, until the fix that retarded los bug try it, but be prepared for it to be more of a game of chance than skill.


If that happens then reset the phase and start killing all the mob through the hall's till you get to jadus and as I said in my earlier post start with flash and so on.... I did it in one run without running from his sight....

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I'm terribly sorry if this matter has already been discussed, but HOW do you bring other people to Artus System?..

it would seem that it can only be accessed by Agents, and Agent cannot enter the phase you're in.

I'm at a loss.

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pretty sure you can bring them on your own space ship if worse comes to worse. i do know the fight is bugged and you can only hit him at range on the rare occasion. lord knows how many times i died but finally made it with the help of an endurance stim and trauma medpack. i spent too much money to beat him...
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Here's one to put in your pipe and smoke it.


I could not hit him unless I was standing right next to him. Plus he would have to hit me first.

The phase was bugged and with a mad LOS bug, so that no matter where I was I would get a message in red telling me that the target cannot be seen.


So yeah, defeat Darth Jadus at point blank range. Died a few times but I got it together with interrupts and stuns + Vector.


Still, I couldn't stop laughing at the bug. I think it epitomizes the state of Sniper in the current game. Thank God I didn't have input lag as well, that would have been insane.



Anyone else experience this bug?

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I posted this in another thread about this problem. Here's my technique:


I managed to beat him with a level 32 Sniper Engineer and Vector. Getting Shield Probe helped me a lot when my interrupts and stuns were in cool down.


To get him to attack me I went behind him on the platform as far as I could without breaking LOS (next to that circular terminal behind his guardians.). I used Portable Cover + Entrench and then Suppressive Fire (That's what got him to attack without me being right on top of him). When he charged me I used Cover Pulse and attacked him as normal. You have to time your interrupts perfectly to get him. I died a couple of times, but the fight was more manageable, especially with Shield Probe because it absorbs damage for bit if you cant interrupt.


Hope it helps

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Here's one to put in your pipe and smoke it.


I could not hit him unless I was standing right next to him. Plus he would have to hit me first.

The phase was bugged and with a mad LOS bug, so that no matter where I was I would get a message in red telling me that the target cannot be seen.


So yeah, defeat Darth Jadus at point blank range. Died a few times but I got it together with interrupts and stuns + Vector.


Still, I couldn't stop laughing at the bug. I think it epitomizes the state of Sniper in the current game. Thank God I didn't have input lag as well, that would have been insane.



Anyone else experience this bug?


I had this. It was more frustrating then I have words for. I had to be right on top of him to aggro him, and then after that, anytime he was on the raised platform and I was lower then him I had no LOS. I had to pull so far back to get him off the platform my health would get obliterated or Vector already half dead.

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Actually did this fight last night, at level 29 with Victor. Like others this is hard but ultimately if you like a challenge fun (I do), took be about 6 goes. But in the end I got him. After you beat him the first time the others are easier. Like folks say a combo of kiteing him and interrupts works, I had to heal for my life but made it. Its really is a test to see if you mastered what all your spells because you need most of them. Nearly gave up but pleased I didn’t.


BTW the UI lack of spell slots is doing my head in, I can’t get all my spells in the slots, as healer I have top, bottom and right all stacked and I’m struggling to take spells out when I get now ones. Bioware you need to add a 3rd row in front or free form addin something like Bartender. How did beta testers ever not tell bioware you need spell slot count to = spell available

Edited by Harrygo
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Me and my Guildie did this fight, him being a lvl 28 Inquis and I was lvl 29 with Vector. We just kept nuking him while my guildie did his heals on our companions who were distracting Jadus the whole time. I never tried the fight by myself.
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I was able to aggro kite/los him. I had to run up and melee attack him to get him to engage. Then as I was running away, I would use flashbang right off the bat to give me time to set up. I set up, popped every cooldown I had in order to lay down some burst damage. Once I was out of protection from the cooldowns and all interrupts were also on cooldown, I had a pretty good chunk of his life taken away.


At this point, there was no way Vector was going to pull aggro off of me, so I ran around the computer screens that are on the right if you are on the path leading up to his stage. You can use these to break los for his ranged attacks. Vector pretty much beat on him while he tried to attack me. Vector got aggro one time and it opened the door for me to do some more damage.


Fun fight.

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I'm terribly sorry if this matter has already been discussed, but HOW do you bring other people to Artus System?..

it would seem that it can only be accessed by Agents, and Agent cannot enter the phase you're in.

I'm at a loss.


I did this alone but in other imp agent phases I've seen that only one agent can be in this kind of a phase but I may be wrong.

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**** this quest, I know it can be done, Ive done it as a MM sniper, but the *********** stupid quest cost 25k credits while I tried working around the numerous bugs. I can't believe they wouldn't fix this **** the problem was identified in BETA. Way to fail on this one Bioware.
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Did it as a medic, took a long longtime but just kept corrosive dart on him and ran around the terminals, if he caught up I'd use debilitate or flash bang to cc him and get a cheeky snipe on him.... occasionally i would use sever tendon to slow him as well.... just keep running around the terminals and he cannot harm you, if he does get sneaky and try to corner you c.c. him fight is relatively easy if you take you time and do not panic.
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Wait a min, am I missing something? I thought he died in the shuttle? I didnt have to fight him and im almost 20.


well you just spoiled the story, but at about lvl 29 you find that just before Jadus died, he got into an escape pod and ejected at 88mph, then travelled back in time to just before the explosion and stopped the terrorists.

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I used the computer terminals around him. everytime he cast something i would just go behind it and he would just cancel it. I just made sure I had aggro over Kaliyo. She pretty much was just wailing on him while i off healed if i had too.


THis did the trick for me too.

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I have real problems doing this boss as an Marksman sniper. even with some of the best equipment and stims at my level (34), he keeps killing me in his second phase :/ He seems way too hard when you dont have anything else but one heal during the fight. :mad:
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I have real problems doing this boss as an Marksman sniper. even with some of the best equipment and stims at my level (34), he keeps killing me in his second phase :/ He seems way too hard when you dont have anything else but one heal during the fight. :mad:


I had some troubles with him aswell, but here's how I did it;

First I set up across the room, and I had Kaliyo run up and hit him and then I called her back which made her instantly teleport to me because of the distance, so Jadus start running towards us and the line of sight bug is no longer an issue at that point. Then I put up all my DoT's and debuffs while Kaliyo dies pretty quickly. When it's just him and me I just nuke as much as I can while maintaining enough energy to not starve myself, and more importantly I use Distraction, Debilitate, Flashbang and Cover Pulse to interrupt his most dangerous casts.


And as some of the guys above said, you can also line of sight his spells. That didn't occur to me and I guess that would've helped a bit aswell when all my interrupts was on cd.


Hope this helps!


PS. I was lvl 32 when I defeated him.

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I'm level 31 sniper and I am unable to even attack him unless I'm literally right on top of him, I can be right in front of him, nothing at all in between us, and it says, "Cannot see target", is this a well known bug?! He pretty much wipes me out right away once I get on top of him to attack and he finally aggros!
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I'm level 31 sniper and I am unable to even attack him unless I'm literally right on top of him, I can be right in front of him, nothing at all in between us, and it says, "Cannot see target", is this a well known bug?! He pretty much wipes me out right away once I get on top of him to attack and he finally aggros!


Yep, it's a known bug. I'll repost my answer from the last page. :)




I had some troubles with him aswell, but here's how I did it;

First I set up across the room, and I had Kaliyo run up and hit him and then I called her back which made her instantly teleport to me because of the distance, so Jadus start running towards us and the line of sight bug is no longer an issue at that point. Then I put up all my DoT's and debuffs while Kaliyo dies pretty quickly. When it's just him and me I just nuke as much as I can while maintaining enough energy to not starve myself, and more importantly I use Distraction, Debilitate, Flashbang and Cover Pulse to interrupt his most dangerous casts.


And as some of the guys above said, you can also line of sight his spells. That didn't occur to me and I guess that would've helped a bit aswell when all my interrupts was on cd.


Hope this helps!


PS. I was lvl 32 when I defeated him.

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