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SWTOR Is Dying


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Well if you dont like the game go back to your childish fantasy mmo, and if not SHUT UP AYA FACE


Not... sure if that comment is directed at me or the OP, but I would have respectfully say "No". BioWare owes the Star Wars community more than the current treatment of our favorite IP.

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Not talking about 8 players, I'm talking about whoever gets the opener usually wins. Although heals mitigate this quite a lot, focused healers who used to be able to stand their ground long enough to be moderately effective now find themselves dead as soon as 2 or more focus them.


On the note of adding roots to resolve immunity, I find it absurd that we should even have to discuss it. Roots are CC, if you have a system that grants CC immunity it should grant it to ALL CC, IMO.


Thats because you play melee. Roots should not affect resolve in any way, or eveyrone will have a full meter most of the time.

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To people saying they messed up by "caving in" and releasing too many servers:-


That is unfair since they responded to people complaining about queing for 45 mins and made servers bigger and released more servers inline with demand at the time. They were damned either way on that one. They have made mistakes sure since they are new to mmos, but server population problems are not new to this mmo alone.


They need to merge them now though, I agree with that. Don't want to see this game tank because for all its problems I still love it.

Edited by PloGreen
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Thats because you play melee.


Right. Hence, root is CC for Melee classes and as such should be affected by resolve. And Yes, it would give people resolve bars more often thus mitigating the over-abundance of CC in this game... which would solve a big problem.

Edited by OpenSorce
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Actually no it doesn't, only the ones that end up going free to play or dying a slow death, WoW was increasing for years and years. There was also another site showing no MMO has lost so many customers on such a fast rate over such a short time, go figure eh?


Since WoW, the only mmo's that have seen growth 6months from launch are eve and wow the rest see a steady (or sometimes very sheer drop), rift lost nearly 1/3 of their subs in the first 6 months, atm their is only 1 mmo with more subs than swtor and that is wow, 1.3 million still makes it the 2nd most popular sub based mmo in the world


And no mmo has lost this many subs in a short time? Not true, AoC went from over 700k k tyo just over 100k in less time ans WAR lost 500k in less

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To people saying they messed up by "caving in" and releasing too many servers:-


That is unfair since they responded to people complaining about queing for 45 mins and made servers bigger and released more servers inline with demand at the time. They were damned either way on that one. They have made mistakes sure since they are new to mmos, but server population problems are not new to this mmo alone.


They need to merge them now though, I agree with that. Don't want to see this game tank because for all its problems I still love it.


That is naive fanboy talk.


They made a horrible choice by making more servers. Noone demanded it or asked for it. We asked for LARGER server population caps. The population caps that were in place at launch and the ones that still exist are a JOKE (and even that is being nice) for ANY MMO.


If you take the budget the game had, and size of the companies involved, there is NO excuse as to why they did not have servers with the population caps similar to WoW, or any other mmo for that matter, even if they were fewer in total number.


Honestly, as much as they "claim" to have spent on the game (budget) I am willing to put major money on the table and stand by that a huge chunk if not half of that budget at least went into overpaying executives, or big-shot bonuses (being in the budget, just being a way to make them look better).


The fact that they still have NOT addressed ( quietly said they notice it but not fixing it) the issue of server transfers/merges, only shows further lack of their ability to learn from their mistakes, and show some sort of attachment to the life of this game. The only thing they are doing is tieing SWTOR to the trailer hitch, and dragging it into F2P land.

Edited by Balor
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Although most people knew this the fanboys are always in denial, but finally here is the solid proof.




Lost 400,000 people since Feb, although like I said you can tell this easily by the ghost servers that are all out there, BW released this game way to early, way to buggy and just well the pvp seems to be not only bad but getting worse, release was more balanced than it is now, the game ran better also, patches seem to be wrecking the game more than they are fixing, and people are leaving or left, oh yeah also their customer service is amoung the worst I have ever experienced.


The free month was nice but was a very minor substitute for dishing out (I bought collectors) for how much money I've spent on this game and how bad (bugs, terrible performance, ability lag, fps etc etc could go on all day) it is.


Oh there was mention in another thread about AV type warzone etc, I was thinking this would probably be in at release but now I know why, the way this game is coded and designed (and the engine it uses) this will NEVER happen, the game just cannot handle it, you have to have such a high end machine to just get WARZONES running smoothly (even then some don't just this game also, no other games, JUST this one) people with these machines also were effected just as bad as others in Illum so unfortantly if you are hoping for something like this, might as well add to the number above and leave, as you are just paying money to wait and become dissapointed down the track.


there is more pvp players than there is pve it seems and as pvp is seriously in need of a tuning right now swtor lost most of its playerb ase because of it.


we need to kick bioware in the bum and hope they wake up to the tragety that swtor before it becomes to bad to fix.

because i for one do not want to see another great game that has loads of potential go down the toilet.

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Nice analysis OP. It shows you clearly have no knowledge about this stuff. A decline in subs after the first few months happens in every MMO. Nothing to talk doom and gloom about.




A decline in subs in every MMO DOES NOT occur in the first few months.


Starting from the creation of MMO's here are some of the bigest MMO's in history

Ultima Online



Eve Online

Second Life

World of Warcraft



ALL had steady increase in subs from release.


Yes some failed like these 2 big titles


Age of Conan


But your blanket statement is clearly untrue.





Edited by Stavroz
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Someone needs to just come out and say this ... "Idiots if SWTOR was really dying the way you all cry about it you would NOT be here to tell us it was dying you would be on the great new MMOs boards talking about how great that new MMO is".
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Let's not kid ourselves here. When was the last time EA has actually had a successful MMO? I don't know if any of you have been following EA's MMO history here but it hasn't been a successful one. Let's not mention UO since that was originally from Origin. Earth and Beyond, anyone remember that? It started off STRONG then felt a little light like SWTOR then EA finally closed the doors.


You'd be a idiot to think that the population in SWTOR is strong or even in those 1.3 numbers. I know what 1.3 million subs looks like and it isn't on any of the servers. 400k sounds about right, if not less. What's really angers me is how this game is going down the tube. Such a beautiful game dying like this pisses me off.

Edited by kuromeru
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Since WoW, the only mmo's that have seen growth 6months from launch are eve and wow the rest see a steady (or sometimes very sheer drop), rift lost nearly 1/3 of their subs in the first 6 months, atm their is only 1 mmo with more subs than swtor and that is wow, 1.3 million still makes it the 2nd most popular sub based mmo in the world


And no mmo has lost this many subs in a short time? Not true, AoC went from over 700k k tyo just over 100k in less time ans WAR lost 500k in less


aion has more than 1.3 and i guarantee you 1.3 is also misleading by a guess of 200-350k (thats being nice btw). I mean this because a lot of people have the 30 free days they gave (like myself) and others are the 3,6,12 month plans that don't/hardly play anymore. Also, aion still has something like 1.2 million people playing it (world based) like you said. With D3, a new wow expansion, and gw2 coming out, Swtor is going to lose quite a bit more of that. Check back in june/july to see the numbers (if they release them) beause anything over 250k subs would be very good. But the way they treat this game...it'll degrade faster than warhammer.

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We have 2 data points...


Anyone who attempts to form any conclusions based on only 2 data points is, quite simply, a complete fool.


If you want to defend or attack this game please choose a different avenue as nothing you can say with regard to the weakness or strength of the game can be supported at this time.

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Someone needs to just come out and say this ... "Idiots if SWTOR was really dying the way you all cry about it you would NOT be here to tell us it was dying you would be on the great new MMOs boards talking about how great that new MMO is".


No that's not true. We come here and moan just because we believe this game has great potential. But they still keep doin their best to ruin it.

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