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Subs down 25%


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but they did promise an mmo that would go up against wow


its a shame all it did in that regard is attract its horrible playerbase


I hope it can get more subscribers than Aion, how much does anyone know went into making that game?

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The fact that 25% of the subscriber base left after only a couple months is a cause for reevaluation of the game's direction.


Not really. Especially given the transitory nature of many game players in 2012 (I credit the FPS market for bending the habits of the MMO community, mostly by attracting FPS players into the market).


EA made a point of saying they were happy with it's progress, that numbers were in line with their plan, and that they had specific plans to continue to promote the product through fiscal 2013.

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He is also being WAY too overdramatic. It is no where near as radical of a change as he claims. It's really not even that bad. But some people....


Overdramatic? Yeah, me and about 900,000 other people! It obviously is that bad or people wouldn't be abandoning this game faster than the Titanic!

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They also said it was stable and profitable.


i wonder if this was before or after the announcement of subs dropping 25 percent


call me crazy here,but i wouldnt consider a game stable and profitable that just got there subs dropped 25 percent.but meh,maybe bioware thinks investors are as stupid as there players are.gonna be sad when reality hits them and they relize that investors are a bit smarter then your average player

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Rift has barely been out a year and its at 250k and you think its a good thing? how soon before its 150k then 50k then f2p just like this game will be and im also pretty sure rift didnt cost almost 300 million to make.


Actually, Rift is seen modest growth in their second year. It's true that they launched with a peak of ~600K, and then dwindled into the low 200k range. If you follow their forums, they are getting a notable number of re-subs.

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So you are saying that it's acceptable for a company to completely change a class without any testing whatsoever and anyone who doesn't like it shouldn't play the games in the first place?


AND..... we are back to off topic exaggeration and hyperbole it seems.


Really, nobody tested the class changes on PTS over a period of month? No feedback was given to developers? No adjustments by developers was made, ever, at any level?


Bubble talk, IMO.

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What was RIFT's budget? Does it have a big-name IP behind it?


I guess what people are trying to tell me is that SWTOR is too big to fail. :rolleyes:

If I remember well Rift budget is around $60 millions so TOR budget is over 3 times RIFT one.


Apart the lack of a well know IP behind it, there's also another difference: RIFT launched from a totally unknown studio while TOR capitalized also on BioWare fame.


Considering all the above and how polished RIFT was at launch and how unevenly polished was TOR... well you get the picture.

Edited by Deewe
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Overdramatic? Yeah, me and about 900,000 other people! It obviously is that bad or people wouldn't be abandoning this game faster than the Titanic!


you are honestly saying 900k people left because of class balance in 1.2 ? Yeah you are being over dramatic. If that was true there wouldn't be any healers left in the game.

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Apart the lack of a well know IP behind it, there's also another difference RIFT launched from a totally unknown studio while TOR capitalized also on BioWare fame.


bioware fame?


and that would be?,all ive heard about bioware games is how crippled with bugs they are

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You assume that the changes they make are ones that you want, not ones they feel is best.


They're not, never have been, never will be. I've heard all of these arguments before, usually from the "Its my $15 a month wahhhh i want my way" crowd


Yep Yep.


I've been reading this silly spittle laced "they nerfed my class" rubbish since the early days of MMOs.

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i So you are saying that it's acceptable for a company to completely change a class without any testing whatsoever and anyone who doesn't like it shouldn't play the games in the first place?r



1.2 was on the test server for almost an ENTIRE MONTH!!

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but they did promise an mmo that would go up against wow


its a shame all it did in that regard is attract its horrible playerbase


ROFL what makes you think it isn't going against WoW? By that very definition by being a MMO that is actually competing for subscriptions with WoW is going against it.


In fact WoW has even admitted that they lost a lot of players to SWTOR.

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Another MMO that failed with PVP. The PVP crowd like myself have left because there is nothing of interest.


Two points:


1) ALL MMOs fail at PvP. The cause is reason number 2 below.


2) PvP players are probably the most impatient, demanding, and venomous segment of the MMO community. There is literally no pleasing them. Even in the much touted DAOC, they hated on the game and gnashed at the developers every sunrise.

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2) PvP players are probably the most impatient, demanding, and venomous segment of the MMO community. There is literally no pleasing them. Even in the much touted DAOC, they hated on the game and gnashed at the developers every sunrise.


i think you need to replace pvp players with casuals


but hey,judging a games pvp community off forums is cool right? its to bad theres probably alot more people in game that are happy and cool that pvp then there are whiney kids on forums


the swtor pvp forums arent a very good accurate way of judging sw tor's pvp community as a whole

Edited by CrunkShizzle
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EA left Mythic alone on WAR and that was not a good thing, incompetance and mismanagement took a massive IP with an epic foundation and ran it into the ground.


Non sequitur.


All that said they would only have to do something simple to get me to resub again - Jawa player class.


Interesting, because even in the much worshiped SWG, you could not be a Jawa. So I guess we won't be seeing you return then.

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And for RIFT, almost two million bought/received the game with 250k left, and it's considered successful.


exactly. 1.3 million subscribers is a huge hit. Aside from WoW no other western MMO has been able to do this.


Now lets see what happens a year from now.

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It will be costing them more now the game is live than when it was in development so they were banking on this being successful and without some stimulus I cannot see the trend reversing from a 25% decline. I want to see SWTOR succeed!



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i wonder if this was before or after the announcement of subs dropping 25 percent


call me crazy here,but i wouldnt consider a game stable and profitable that just got there subs dropped 25 percent.but meh,maybe bioware thinks investors are as stupid as there players are.gonna be sad when reality hits them and they relize that investors are a bit smarter then your average player


Dude..... the stable and profitable statement was made concurrent with the sub numbers statement.....you know.. in the same earnings call.... read from the same exact prepared set of notes for said call.

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Dude..... the stable and profitable statement was made concurrent with the sub numbers statement.....you know.. in the same earnings call.... read from the same exact prepared set of notes for said call.


Why are you trying so hard to white knight right now?


Wishful thinking on transfers 6-8 weeks from now. Just like Ranked warzones would be in 1.2 after 3 months of development, right?

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