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Yeah, the giant casino just NE of the Promenade, accessible by its own speeder route.


Right... Ok.. Well.. I am almost there on my Jedi Shadow.. So We will see.. But I have been in there nosing around on both my Sentinel and my Gunslinger.. I did it last just after 1.2 was released cause I waned to see if anything worked or changed.. I will double chack, but I don remember seeing any phases there..

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Right... Ok.. Well.. I am almost there on my Jedi Shadow.. So We will see.. But I have been in there nosing around on both my Sentinel and my Gunslinger.. I did it last just after 1.2 was released cause I waned to see if anything worked or changed.. I will double chack, but I don remember seeing any phases there..
They are there. I ran the Trooper mission last week. The Warrior mission a couple of months ago.
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Oh I don't know, maybe having fun playing a game?


the fun is not in o i dont know playing the game..its in winning something for playing the game......people enjoy doing ops and pvp but without rewards they are not going to play

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Credit sellers prey on the irresponsible player who is too lazy to earn his credits and would rather take a shortcut. If a guy will spend real money for in game currency, it becomes a bigger problem, especially if it's to gamble online. Then it becomes a serious offense, as this game is rated T for Teen and certain states have very serious online gambling laws concerning minors. We don't need for some uptight group of parents saying that Bioware encourages kids to gamble. The suggestion can add hours of fun, but it can have possible complications. Besides, playing for fun is....well fun. I think by taking away the possibility of winning currency and spending currency, it keeps Bioware out of the legal doghouse.


Completely and utterly moot. The player breaks the terms of service when engaging in credit buying and thus renders any complaints about simulated gambling completely frivolous. The games rating is T for teen.

Note the ESRB rating concerning T for Teen:


Titles rated T (Teen) have content that may be suitable for ages 13 and older. Titles in this category may contain violence, suggestive themes, crude humor, minimal blood, simulated gambling, and/or infrequent use of strong language.


So that kills the "encourages children to gamble" bs.


People can and will sue anyone for any reason. Hell, people tried to sue Bioware for Mass Effect 3's ending. We don't need another frivolous lawsuit on our hands, do we?


You're right people can and will sue people for any reason at all. But the worst thing people can do is stop commerce or improving simply because they are afraid of a lawsuit or legal troubles. EA retains a huge legal department and there is no reason for them to be afraid of adding simulated gambling to a game that is rated to have simulated gambling. Especially since gambling in star wars is such a huge piece of lore.

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Completely and utterly moot. The player breaks the terms of service when engaging in credit buying and thus renders any complaints about simulated gambling completely frivolous. The games rating is T for teen.

Note the ESRB rating concerning T for Teen:



So that kills the "encourages children to gamble" bs.




You're right people can and will sue people for any reason at all. But the worst thing people can do is stop commerce or improving simply because they are afraid of a lawsuit or legal troubles. EA retains a huge legal department and there is no reason for them to be afraid of adding simulated gambling to a game that is rated to have simulated gambling. Especially since gambling in star wars is such a huge piece of lore.


There is a difference between simulated gambling and actual gambling and that difference is when actual money is lost. And just because EA has a huge legal department doesn't mean people are not going to stop blaming EA for their own idiotic actions. It causes bad press against Bioware, and EA has no problem with shutting down game companies if the problem costs them more than they make back. Seeing as how Bioware is already on thin ice with ME3 and their artistic integrity costing EA the chance at charging for ending DLC, I don't think EA would be sticking their neck out anytime soon. EA would rather shut down Bioware, absorb the most successful I's and produce the games themselves than bail them out a second time.


Gambling may have a huge place in Star Wars, but we do not live in Star Wars. We live in the real world, and in the real world, teens gambling real money is against the law. The second some fool out there in the world inputs his credit card data onto a Chinese currency farmer's website and receives 500,000 credits for $50, it's a problem. When some kid does it, it's a big problem. When some kid does it because he was gambling in a video game, it's a huge problem. And when a kid flushes his parents life savings down the toilet gambling online and his mother finds out, who do think the parent will blame? Keep in mind the fact that there are parents out there who tried to have a certain free roam crime based video game banned because they were too stupid to realize that rated M did not mean "Most kid friendly game on the market".


No one takes personal responsibility anymore. If a kid messes up in school, it's the school's fault for not making the curriculum easy. If a person dies from lung cancer due to smoking, it's the cigarette company's fault for making them. If a girl gets pregnant, it's the birth control's fault because it didn't magically slap her in the face and tell her the guy was lying to get in her pants.


The game can support any mini-game the universe has. Pazaak can be added at anytime. Casinos can be fully playable. But unfortunately, we live in an age when an idiot can do the dumbest thing imaginable and someone out there will claim it was not his fault. If you want to enjoy anything anymore, it has to be 100% idiot proof.

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does every person that gets lung cancer also win millions of dollars sueing marlboro.......we can go on forever about this.........children watch saw on the tele no one gets in trouble for ect ect.........when someone drives drunk and kills someone they dont get to blame coors and sue them......the game lets your MURDER people
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i dont just think think a nar shaddaa casino would be awesome but it would bring more people back....and maybe even more new players.......ok i have 4 million credits bought the expensive mounts did my ops for the week....im gonna go to the casino for some fun...and why the hell does a 12 year old have access to his parents credit card......those kids are playing wow anyway lol
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does every person that gets lung cancer also win millions of dollars sueing marlboro.......we can go on forever about this.........children watch saw on the tele no one gets in trouble for ect ect.........when someone drives drunk and kills someone they dont get to blame coors and sue them......the game lets your MURDER people


Exactly! That is what a smart person would say. "This has no real impact on my life. My actions are my own. If I do something wrong, it is my choice and I will accept the consequences."


Unfortunately, we happen to be sharing the planet with people who think that reality television is a respectable career, that it's okay to exploit your toddlers in beauty pageants as long as you pick up a happy meal on the way home, and that if a person slaughters millions of people with no mercy, it's not his fault if he happens to own a copy of Saints Row The Third.


I love this idea, I truly do. I love it enough that I don't want it taken away because one guy ruined it for the rest of us.

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lol well EA is a trillion zillion dollar company their lawyers will win every case and everyone can go back to smoking drinking while we get to enjoy playing pazaak and sabac for some credits...stupid people can not be allowed to dictate the way of the world
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off topic but my matrix cube relic has vanished...wth


"You take the blue lightsaber – the story ends, you keep your relic and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red lightsaber – you stay in Korriban and I show you how deep the Empire goes."

Edited by Darth_Moonshadow
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"You take the blue lightsaber – the story ends, you keep your relic and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red lightsaber – you stay in Korriban and I show you how deep the Empire goes."


lmao ill take both and see what happens

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