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Does huttball need to be removed?


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This really isn't the case. Every single class has its uses. I've made slinger work to a thing of beauty. It's always the player, not the class.


Yeah, 'slinger. I love Huttball, but my heart really goes out to operatives/scoundrels. Especially the ones who aren't healers.

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This really isn't the case. Every single class has its uses. I've made slinger work to a thing of beauty. It's always the player, not the class.


It's also the game. I can be effective without it being fun. I mean, you can help a team of people out by fetching them coffee but that doesn't mean that's what you want to do. As a scoundrel/operative you can be "effective" but *NEVER* as effective as a marauder or powertech or assassin. It's wrong of Bioware to slot you into a very limited playstyle depending on what class you rolled as for a game like Huttball. It'd be like having soccer as a PVP game and making it so that commandos could only be goalies and then dropping in a bunch of classes that are still better at being goalies.


What they *SHOULD* do is give some classes Huttball-only skills that can make them be as heroic as your typical Jedi Guardian in Huttball. Sniper could get something like 'shoot ball' that resets the ball off the ball carrier on a long cooldown (3 minutes or so). Operatives could get "deceptive speed" which lets them intercept the ball when it gets thrown by vanishing and appearing at the spot and intercepting if they time the cast properly. Commandos/BH could get some sort of short distance (15m or so) targeted leap where they could target the ground and rocket boost themselves to that location. Etc. And that would help to even out the experience between the classes.

Edited by dcgregorya
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Yeah, 'slinger. I love Huttball, but my heart really goes out to operatives/scoundrels. Especially the ones who aren't healers.


Anyone that can heal on the move in huttball is an asset, so yeah that isn't really the issue. Concealment operative probably is the hardest class to play well in huttball because of lack of mobility and utility. Their utility is their burst. Also, part of their rotation fills resolve, which sucks because pullers don't like when you do that to a ball carrier.


I would say the roll of a conceal op is to target healers supporting the ball carrier, they also have a 12 second 50 percent slow I believe, which they can put on the ball carrier.

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It's also the game. I can be effective without it being fun. I mean, you can help a team of people out by fetching them coffee but that doesn't mean that's what you want to do. As a scoundrel/operative you can be "effective" but *NEVER* as effective as a marauder or powertech or assassin. It's wrong of Bioware to slot you into a very limited playstyle depending on what class you rolled as for a game like Huttball. It'd be like having soccer as a PVP game and making it so that commandos could only be goalies and then dropping in a bunch of classes that are still better at being goalies.


People that complain about commando have never played with a good one. There is one on the fatman I have been getting in games with who drops 500k + a match. He dropped 350k in a 6 0 huttball that only took a few minutes. They have the best back to back AOE burst in the game and have a massive knockback. He routinely killed 2 to 3 people in the fire with it like I like to do w/ my slinger.

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I love huttball still. I just wish they'd implement 3-5 variations on the map design. It would be more fun because you would have to run different styles of gameplay based off the variation of the map you got.


This post reflects my feeling. I love Huttball, but I would like to play it on different maps besides "The Pit" Give us varied maps for Huttball in 1.4!

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People that complain about commando have never played with a good one. There is one on the fatman I have been getting in games with who drops 500k + a match. He dropped 350k in a 6 0 huttball that only took a few minutes. They have the best back to back AOE burst in the game and have a massive knockback. He routinely killed 2 to 3 people in the fire with it like I like to do w/ my slinger.


You could have a billion damage and it isn't as fun/heroic as being able to intercept the ball with a sentinel, leap to an enemy on the ramparts, pop guarded by the force and transcendence and run it through the fire for a clinch victory, then camo away to grab the health pack.


Some classes just have better tools for Huttball that make the game more *fun*. As a sentinel I can literally win games for my team with transcendence and leaps and such. As an assassin/sorc/jugg/PT the same thing. As an operative or commando I can shoot at people and kill them which is a double edged sword anyway since they respawn in the endzone.

Edited by dcgregorya
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You could have a billion damage and it isn't as fun/heroic as being able to intercept the ball with a sentinel, leap to an enemy on the ramparts, pop guarded by the force and transcendence and run it through the fire for a clinch victory, then camo away to grab the health pack.


Some classes just have better tools for Huttball that make the game more *fun*. As a sentinel I can literally win games for my team with transcendence and leaps and such. As an assassin/sorc/jugg/PT the same thing. As an operative or commando I can shoot at people and kill them which is a double edged sword anyway since they respawn in the endzone.


That's fine, then play your sentinel. My point is that if you want to play another class you can be extremely effective if you are smart and understand how the game works.


For example, you don't get to kill 4 people at once, You can't root someone from 35 meters away into the fire without putting yourself at risk. You can't drop massive AOE's to shepard people where you want them to go. You can't use your finisher from 35 meters as someone is about to cross the goal line. You can't use an AOE 8 second stun from 30 meters away on everyone getting out of their respawn so they can't mess with your ball carrier.


Every class has their roll, if you enjoy sentinel that's great, it's fun as hell. But don't say other people aren't having fun on their class, that's silly.

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Huttball is amazing. Of course, you need to be on a team where at least 6 out of the 8 ppl know what they're doing. But most of you already know this XD.


Anyways, I've read a few posts in this discussion about new huttball maps. If you're interested in new maps, I encourage you to check out this thread that started yesterday: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=472950


One of the posters had a really great map idea, huttball over the sarlaac pit. I think he mentioned it on pg. 3. The OP put this in the suggestions forum so hopefully this gets to the Dev's. Let's give this idea some support! Have a read, rate the thread, make some creative map idea contributions of your own and let's make it happen!

Edited by Aaroneus
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if you hate Huttball because you PUG it, then it's not Huttball you hate but, in fact, PUG'ing. Huttball in and of itself is a unique and fun wz. ALL of the wz's suck when you PUG them with people who don't understand objective based pvp.


Yes, I'm looing at you 'You mean Civil War has cap points and isn't about 1v1'ing people in ***** end of nowhere?' people I seem to constantly que with.


I agree completly with the above ^

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I hate huttball. Does anyone else? i think it should be in its own queue. that way the people who dont want to play that idiotic, lousy excuse for a warzone, can not worry and just play the other awesome warzones!


I love huttball but hate novare coast. Does anyone else? i think it should be removed from the game.


Acutally I understand why you can't choose the WZ you are queuing for, but I would like the possibility to queue for any WZ but one. DarthFourTwenty would choose every WZ but huttball and I would choose every WZ but Novare Coast, and I know quite a lot of people that would queue for any but alderaan

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As a rather new-ish player I absolutely hate this WZ.


For starters it's terrible for a healer. With too many obsticles/traps and people spread out all over the place.


Second, it seems to favor certain classes for ball handlers. More so the ones that can negate the snare. Sprinting,leaping, charging....etc. Kinda stupid when an important mechanic is removed from the match with cheap gimmicks, which I have a feeling if you like this WZ you're one of them abusing the hell out of them.


Easiest thing I can think of is to disable abilities for the ball carrier except the 2-min get out of CC one.

Edited by sumuji
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Personally, I would remove Voidstar if I could, such a snorefest... :p


As a gunslinger, I consider my role in Huttball to be the following:

- Explode enemy ball carrier or people harassing my ball carrier

- Root people who aren't near the ball (Leg Shot)

- Punt people into the pit with Pulse Detonator


That third point is actually really important. I usually camp out on one of the elevated platforms, and when the enemies come to me, rather than killing them I put them far away from the action (and with a five second root, to boot). Sometimes more than one enemy! That's WAY better than killing them and having them respawn in front of your ball carrier. And just when the root has worn off, a flash grenade keeps them out of it for another 8s. Trolololol.

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I love huttball still. I just wish they'd implement 3-5 variations on the map design. It would be more fun because you would have to run different styles of gameplay based off the variation of the map you got.


3 wouldn't work very well... if my jugg got the ball I could make it to the ball line almost every time if I only had 3 people to contend with...

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As a rather new-ish player I absolutely hate this WZ.


For starters it's terrible for a healer. With too many obsticles/traps and people spread out all over the place.


Second, it seems to favor certain classes for ball handlers. More so the ones that can negate the snare. Sprinting,leaping, charging....etc. Kinda stupid when an important mechanic is removed from the match with cheap gimmicks, which I have a feeling if you like this WZ you're one of them abusing the hell out of them.


Easiest thing I can think of is to disable abilities for the ball carrier except the 2-min get out of CC one.


It's because your not playing your class right for the game. If you want a game where everyone is equal and is just as good at ball carrying then others this isn't your game.


As a healer you should be following the ball carrier and healing him, forget everyone else your his pocket healer.


Some classes have utilities better suited to huttball. Jugs have leap and are arguably the best ball carriers with huge mitigation ability for that fine dash over the last flame pit.

Sorc's can leap th acid pit to get the ball early and leap over and through the flame pits, pull people up onto the cat walks.

Assasins can pull people to them onto flame pits, into the pit, into the acid. sprint over flame and acid, stealth on the ball line and await a throw your a jugg intercede

Power techs can leap, make good carriers pull their enemies onto the obstacles.

snipers can push and snare people running across flame pits from 30M.

ops can stand on the ball line and wait for a throw or follow the carrier and heal him or team members attacking the enemy ball carrier.

Mercs can push people into the pit onto obstacles heal team members,


Every class has a utility they can use to help the game. I think 3 the best are sprint pull friendly and leap followed by push and pull enemy.

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I believe every class has a roll. Jugs and assassins are great and running the ball. Sorcs are great for getting into good positions and aggressively moving the ball forward or clearing the way with kbs. Your Heavy DPS control the middle and snipers on Defense can be a nightmare for advancing the ball. Opertives are great for getting people out of position, stealth waiting for goal line passes.


The real problem comes when people want to do something they are not good at (i.e. the mercenary who grabs the ball from the middle and tries to run it all they way without any intention of passing) or when you are one a team with poor team balance. Premades have a huge advantage in this map (based on their ability to mostly eliminate the team balance portion and to coordinate via VOIP) and the best way to combat a premade is to form your own..

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Some classes are much stronger in Huttball but every class has a role unless your enemy consist solely of all the best classes for Huttball. For example a Sniper is probably best as turret support in the map, but if you don't got a Sniper on your team you'll still take a Sorc or a Merc just because nobody else can do it. Even dedicated Huttball teams back when this map was played 80% of the time on Empire side usually cannot cover every single role in a Huttball match so you'll have to plug the gap with whatever you can get.
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Acutally I understand why you can't choose the WZ you are queuing for, but I would like the possibility to queue for any WZ but one. DarthFourTwenty would choose every WZ but huttball and I would choose every WZ but Novare Coast, and I know quite a lot of people that would queue for any but alderaan


D.E. said (Mos Eisley Radio appearance in May) that they need cross server queuing to be implemented before they give folks more control over which WZ they want.

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I don't like it myself but I know others that do like it. On my main I just hate the running game because I'm vulnerable outside of cover, and all the good stuff I can do I have to be immobile. Its a lot more fun on my commando.
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I love huttball on my gunslinger. I set up in the rafters and kill people at will.


Occasionaly someone will come and try to attack me, and get concussion charged to the ground while I continue to kill people at will. Its not like I never die. But huttball is GREAT for cover classes.


Its takes them a long time to get back to you if you knock them off a ledge and they cant leap to you in cover.


I only usualy have a problem with snipers.

Edited by Smuglebunny
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I wish huttball was seperate from wz's and had a variety of maps. I know its pvp, but I like how it feels more like a game. Just wish they had championships every week with 5 or so maps. It would be nice to have the huttball championship trophy displayed on fleet with the name of the team that won the tourney.
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