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Why Assault Spec is the best PvP Template Option at the moment IMO.


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As the title says this is my opinion.


Gunnery Spec has a higher DPS rate than Assault, however in PvP post 1.2 Assault spec is the more viable PvP template.


The reason being is that the most undervalued feature of assault is its strongest. Thats mobility.


To stay alive post 1.2 you need to keep moving and try and ensure you are behind your enemy. So that they dont see you and therefore target you. You want to be staying at range and constantly on the move.


As Gunnery you need to stand and deliver to get your vortex debuff on the enemy, Stand in the one spot for to long and you'll have a Glow Stick welder leap to you and stuff up your day. Wheres as assault you can keep moving and apply your dots. Also you can throw out some of your bigger hitters while moving.


Gunnery can also throw out there bigger hitters as well while moving, however you cant apply your vortex debuf while moving. It can not be said enough, that constantly moving is a requirement to staying alive and not being noticed.


Hammer shot is a so important as it can be used on the run and as Assault you get the bonus from Plasma cell. Which will allow you to kite glow sticks should they notice you. Also using a crit relic and this can be a good finisher.


People say you can remove the dots of assault, which is true. But you can't remove them as fast as we can reapply them while we also throw some incendiary round, plastics and HIB into the mix. So once a target starts removing dots you will win the war of attrition while circle strafing them or kiting them through your mates AOE.


After 1,2 we get absolutely smashed when glow sticks target us and start unloading. Being able to apply larger sums of damage while kiting the enemy allows you a far better chance of survival than having to stand and deliver to set up your big damage hitters. Also assault disen't suffer as badly from line of site issues that the smarter enemy will play.


You have far more versatility with assault currently today than Gunnery, if played correctly.


Anyway, this post is purely my opinion and Im not saying you can't play Gunnery, just I feel assault is a better option currently for PvP.

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I enjoy my 10-49 with Assault now. It's mobile and easy to hande. You can always be on the move, DoTing people and finishing them off with HiB, grenades and stockstrike. And you still keep your knockback and healing abilities. I top DPS charts and burst is satisfactory, too. Sometimes I feel like I can kill people just by spamming my free Hammer Shot. Much more fun than gunnery, imo.

Also, following Forex'es advice and setting sith robes ablaze is fun. Burn baby burn.

However, I have some trouble managing my ammo, if anyone can give any advice on that (aside from just spammin HS more often) I would be grateful.

Edited by Shadenuat
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Best commando in the game is a marauder.


Commando in any spec is a junk against any other classes. Call me a class you can beat in a duel taking into account same gear and skill lvl. NONE! The end of your story, sorry.

Edited by dejavy
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Yes dear OP, assault spec is the best pvp spec for commando. However commando, even in assault spec, remains the worst dps advanced class [along with mercenaries] in the game as far as PvP goes. And even with assault spec, if you wanna proc your HiB, you have to either cast Full auto [3s channel] or charged bolts [2 or 1.5s cast].


Also there is pretty much no reason to go assault commando when you can go assault vanguard.

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Yes dear OP, assault spec is the best pvp spec for commando. However commando, even in assault spec, remains the worst dps advanced class [along with mercenaries] in the game as far as PvP goes. And even with assault spec, if you wanna proc your HiB, you have to either cast Full auto [3s channel] or charged bolts [2 or 1.5s cast].



Full Auto will proc HiB from the moment you use it, so you don't have to channel for 3 secs if you are under pressure.

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Best commando in the game is a marauder.


Commando in any spec is a junk against any other classes. Call me a class you can beat in a duel taking into account same gear and skill lvl. NONE! The end of your story, sorry.


Which part of Team do you not understand.


1 V 1 is not how you should judge a class.


But hey good luck, I certainly wouldn't want you in my team because you want to be able to solo other classes.

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Yes dear OP, assault spec is the best pvp spec for commando. However commando, even in assault spec, remains the worst dps advanced class [along with mercenaries] in the game as far as PvP goes. And even with assault spec, if you wanna proc your HiB, you have to either cast Full auto [3s channel] or charged bolts [2 or 1.5s cast].


Also there is pretty much no reason to go assault commando when you can go assault vanguard.


You just don't get it, do you. PvP in SWTOR is a TEAM based game. Not a who can solo who.


In a good team, they use focus fire and therefore the commando can play a vital role.

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I'm sorry people but the team game is true up to a point.


A healer alone may fend off some attackers, may die to others. A healer with a tank is much more powerful than the two players alone. Same goes for the tank.


Tank + dps is better than either one alone, and the same goes for dps + healer.


2 dps are better because 2 burst combined will be too much for most targets to endure.


Now that this is all clear and understood, here's the problem:


there's no class, atm, that cannot fulfill the same objectives as a commando dps BETTER than a commando dps. That's what the 1 vs 1 means. All things being equal, another class doing the work of a commando will have better results. OFC YMMV, but the fact stands.


Truth is, even in a team, the commando will be easily neutralised and/or killed, with no significant amount of damage dealt.


And so as to avoid confusion, I'm an Assault Commando (used to be Gunnery for pvp before 1.2, and have played all 3 specs both in pvp and in pve), with multiple pieces of war hero gear (I think I'm sitting on 5 right now). I often play with guild premades with similarly geared people, some of them widely regarded the best players of the server, and we, ofc, use TS communications. It can hardly be any more "hardcore" than that.


The added mobility from assault right now is not "nice", it's mandatory, and yet ultimately ineffectual. The low proc chance for our slow, combined with the multiple gap closers and slows the "kitable" classes have, means that you're just delaying the inevitable. The best you can hope for is for your attacker to lose interest and go for a faster kill (Which, admittedly, does happen, but it normally means that you're no threat)

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You just don't get it, do you. PvP in SWTOR is a TEAM based game. Not a who can solo who.


In a good team, they use focus fire and therefore the commando can play a vital role.


Sure it's a team game and not about who solos who. It's just when you have a commando solo defending a turret in alderaan, you will lose the turret unless there is another char babysitting the commando. Other classes do not require babysitting. Also other ranged dps can play a vital role too and, do not be surprised, do it better than a commando.

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I'm sorry people but the team game is true up to a point.


A healer alone may fend off some attackers, may die to others. A healer with a tank is much more powerful than the two players alone. Same goes for the tank.


Tank + dps is better than either one alone, and the same goes for dps + healer.


2 dps are better because 2 burst combined will be too much for most targets to endure.


Now that this is all clear and understood, here's the problem:


there's no class, atm, that cannot fulfill the same objectives as a commando dps BETTER than a commando dps. That's what the 1 vs 1 means. All things being equal, another class doing the work of a commando will have better results. OFC YMMV, but the fact stands.


Truth is, even in a team, the commando will be easily neutralised and/or killed, with no significant amount of damage dealt.


And so as to avoid confusion, I'm an Assault Commando (used to be Gunnery for pvp before 1.2, and have played all 3 specs both in pvp and in pve), with multiple pieces of war hero gear (I think I'm sitting on 5 right now). I often play with guild premades with similarly geared people, some of them widely regarded the best players of the server, and we, ofc, use TS communications. It can hardly be any more "hardcore" than that.


The added mobility from assault right now is not "nice", it's mandatory, and yet ultimately ineffectual. The low proc chance for our slow, combined with the multiple gap closers and slows the "kitable" classes have, means that you're just delaying the inevitable. The best you can hope for is for your attacker to lose interest and go for a faster kill (Which, admittedly, does happen, but it normally means that you're no threat)


Absolutely. But what do you do now you have invested that much time into your commando?


I have never said we dont need fixing, just that the class is still playable. The guild environment with TS is how I play and I still provide reasonable support. We are a little more robust than people will like to admit, however it dose require us to burn all our cool downs and should the DPS start in you at full health, then yes we are dead.


However during a warzone there are numerous times where melle will jump you and will have burnt some of there cool downs and you can take them down. In the perfect scenario we should have some more survivability skills or higher DPS.


However the crying that Commando's completely useless dose us more harm than good. Detailed analyses with backed up facts are the only way we are going to get some love. Just screaming that the class is broken beyond repair is plain wrong and dose not help anyone.


Personally I would like to see our class get the following:

1. Added resistances/damage mitigation to all types of damage, we currently melt way to fast for a heavy armour wearing class.

2. An interrupt. Currently we have to burn our knock backs as an interrupt. Possible make stock strike and interrupt.


If we are able to survive longer when being targeted by a single glow stick welding class then we will be able to still contribute to our class. Our DPS is not as bad as it is being screamed in these forums, however our ammo management needs to be adjusted ever so slightly so that we can continue to provide DPS. We dont weld a bug *********** cannon for nothing.

Edited by FrogSkin
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You just don't get it, do you. PvP in SWTOR is a TEAM based game. Not a who can solo who.


In a good team, they use focus fire and therefore the commando can play a vital role.


I like how you defend commando class but it seems to me you just want to be unique in your point of view not claiming the class as a piece of shi*t OR your commando isn't your main.


The truth is - commando sux after 1.2 in comparison with any other class. Solo kill is kind of indicator of your capability against certain classes. If a class is unable to kill ANYONE solo (usually there must be at least 1 anticlass you're good against) it means that on the battlefield you'll be only a supporter, nothing else. You can only run arround and pew pew people making enemy healer's life a bit more complicated. In commando case, he's a bad supporter coz he can support only with his damage which is damn bad if you're not in assault. Even with assault tree in the end of the match you find yourself on the 5th line of top damage dealers if you played with good players. Is it fun to play? - for me it's not. If i'm a supporter, i need more tools but i don't have them because the class been planned as a DAMAGE DEALING one!!!


Think about any other class and who they are good against.

- Marauder: good against any other class.

- Jugger: good against any other class.

- sniper: perfect against rangers, good against melee, not so good against stealthers.

- operative: good against all classes in right hands (i know a guy who can kill solo anyone)

- sorc: more or less good against any other class.

- powertech: damn good against anyone.

- assasin: same with operative but much better in certain situations.

- Merc: well....


If commando is focused by a SINGLE player in BM gear - you're dead, no matter what you do (except running ofc, in most cases it won't help btw). If it's ok to your mind - i wish YOU good luck playing this trash and keep defending it telling people L2P and it's a team play game.


Oh, and try Gunslinger to compare abilities and utility, you'll be surprised ;) This is what any ranger must have in his arsenal, not the shi* our lovely commando has.

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Absolutely. But what do you do now you have invested that much time into your commando?




Oh don't get me wrong, I love my commando, I play him every day, at the very least for the pvp daily and the scheduled guild raids... But it's in a sad position.


Like I said elsewhere, the fault does not lie only on the commando itself... It's also the meta game that has changed, and the lots of marauders and in general melee dps that are around are very effective in killing us.


But, we still are the worse dps class now, though others are in a bad shape too, mostly concealment operatives (but they are so annoying to everybody I don't really complain and at least they *can* kill a healer on their own)


I'm not one to give in to "The sky is falling" attitude, but it's quite frustrating playing my commando right now.


I tried everything, I will be forced to respec to biochem to compete, something I always strongly opposed. But that's just to give me an edge... Because it's really sad when an assault vanguard, which, in the Devs plans, should pull off similar feats, manages, without a support group behind and with worse equipment, to do DOUBLE or more your damage... Skill can only help so much. [Edit: and, please, don't pull the "damage isn't everything" card on me. I've been playing in competitive multiplayer games at least for the last 12 years. I know all about team efforts.]

Edited by GeckoOBac
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