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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

If you're a PT and end a WZ with 0 Protection. You're a noob

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It takes two seconds to scan for an ally being attacked and snap off a taunt.


It's not uncommon for me(a full Pyro) to top both damage and protection.


While someone isn't necessarily a bad PT DPS for not using their taunts, they certainly arent reaching their maximum usefulness if they arent taking that extra second or so to snap off taunts, especially considering they don't follow the global cooldown.

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I would agree about zero protection, but I've done that a few times myself after long breaks of playing other classes or just being too tired to remember to use it, that said low numbers don't always mean it wasn't used enough.


In organized pvp saving your taunts for certain times is way smarter than using them on CD and not having them when needed. keeping that runner alive just a bit longer or giving your healer a chance to recover is crucial vs premades. When rated warzones come out people who just spam their taunts without planning will be doing their team a disservice.


Pugs on the other hand are a different story. Sure you can save them still, I do, but if you just want the protection points its easy to spam them and rack up points. That doesn't mean you're really helping all that much by using it though if you don't have it ready when you need to actually protect a person. Shooting an aoe taunt at a group of people pummeling that 1 non-essential to the objective dude gave you some protection medals sure, but who did it help again?


Now yes, taunt doesn't have a super long cooldown so you should be using it a LOT, but that doesn't mean it needs to be fired constantly or that big protection numbers always equals better use of taunts.

Edited by Mordeguy
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Loving the fact that this thread, whilst stating mostly the obvious.. has become a bashing of ones peer's... when it could be merely an informational piece for those lesser learned Bounty hunters.


Nice job OP.. real life suck for you right now? :D

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The problem with the PT taunt is that it is harder to use. yes it is ranged but you have to depend on your opponent to stand in the right place. jugs and sins have it much easier. that said a PT without protection points really need l2p
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None taken. I believe that's assuming non-keybinders would perform better memorizing their keybind positions instead of making visual links on the screen. I'm willing to bet that if someone is experienced with doing the mouse thing in MMO's over the key thing, they perform just as well as anyone else.


Anyways, it's a bit off track. I'm still sticking by the fact that if you are hitting taunts at the wrong time or using them when they aren't needed, it's hurting your performance. There's only so much a specific player can do in a given time. Conclusions about how easy it is to hit two buttons in 1.5 seconds or similar things aren't the whole picture.


If you mean perform as well as other doing the same mouse thing sure else just NO!.

Its like the old myth about console controllers vs mouse+keyboard, there is no controller that can compete in fps.


Everytime you get a new skill you have to think about when it might be good to use? does it help your team? Does it delay my own actions?


Taunt is probely one of the most underrated skill in the game and you have 2 of em that give a very very nice edge to your team and being off gcd you have no reason not to use it.


Hotkey it and you will eventually learn to use it without thinking about it so its profit for your team aswell as yourself(end score).



Im just gonna repeat the very important part of this ITS OFF GCD, there is 0 reason not to use it.

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The problem with the PT taunt is that it is harder to use. yes it is ranged but you have to depend on your opponent to stand in the right place. jugs and sins have it much easier. that said a PT without protection points really need l2p


I really have no idea what you mean by that. In fact I think PTs have the best taunts. Both are "Targeted" taunts. Neither depend on opponent standing anywhere.

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