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Let's Get a fix to resolve


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As most have stated resolve doesn't work. I have in the last 50 games I have been in, been constantly CC'd with a full resolve bar. This is getting old. I know most like myself are annoyed by this and I would like to see a fix to this.

If you agree this needs to be fixed keep this thread alive and at the top.


Please fix resolve

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in all the games i have played I dont remember one instance where i had full resolve bar and then got stunned/kb etc..

are you certain that the stun you mention was what filled your resolve bar and when you glanced at it you thought hang on how am i stunned when my bar is full?

the only %100 way to confirm this is with some footage

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As most have stated resolve doesn't work.


Resolve works fine.



I have in the last 50 games I have been in, been constantly CC'd with a full resolve bar.


You are lying.



This is getting old. I know most like myself are annoyed by this and I would like to see a fix to this.

If you agree this needs to be fixed keep this thread alive and at the top.


You're right. It is getting old. L2P issues like these should not be coming after this much time after launch.



Please fix resolve


Why fix something that's fine?

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The only thing I see, is that with full resolve a Knight/Warriors leap ability still roots you for a second every time. Is that intended tho?


Roots/snares are not effected by resolve. It's intentional.


Otherwise, you can kiss all the Snipers and Gunslingers and any non-melee classes bye-bye from WZs.

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Resolve works fine.

No it doesn't read below




You are lying.

Sorry not lying. As it just happened most recently in a Novare Coast. Flash banged (instant full resolve), Then get force chokes (full resolve still) so I break out to be hit by an operative with debilitate (4 sec stun w/ still full resolve) Make it out pop a WZ med, Whirlwinded (8 sec immobilize), Which I am left alone at that time and Resolve almost gone but bar still white, which is suppose to mean immune. Then look debilitated again and stunned again just as the white resolve ticks away the last bit. So as you can clearly see in this instance it did not work. As during the time that the resolve bar is white you are suppose to be immune to stuns.




You're right. It is getting old. L2P issues like these should not be coming after this much time after launch.

Except it isn't a L2P issue, as you read above




Why fix something that's fine?


Why cause look at the sticky on resolve guide. Half the posts are about this issue.

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Sorry not lying. As it just happened most recently in a Novare Coast. Flash banged (instant full resolve), Then get force chokes (full resolve still) so I break out to be hit by an operative with debilitate (4 sec stun w/ still full resolve) Make it out pop a WZ med, Whirlwinded (8 sec immobilize), Which I am left alone at that time and Resolve almost gone but bar still white, which is suppose to mean immune. Then look debilitated again and stunned again just as the white resolve ticks away the last bit. So as you can clearly see in this instance it did not work. As during the time that the resolve bar is white you are suppose to be immune to stuns.


Like I said, you are lying.


Now, you actually might believe things happened in that way, but unfortunately, memory tends to be usually selective when it comes to matters concerning self-justification. The system does not allow CCs at the immunity period. It's why it is called "immunity" in the first place.


As per Occam's rule, the simplest and most likely answer to this mystery is "you saw things wrong".



Except it isn't a L2P issue, as you read above


I learned to play. I don't have issues with CCs and/or Resolve.

You have issues with CCs and/or Resolve, and therefore, you probably don't know how to play.


Again, simple logic.



Why cause look at the sticky on resolve guide. Half the posts are about this issue.


That only proves half of the posters in this forum have serious L2P issues. The rest of us learned folk, have no problems, and are enjoying the game.



I'll tell you what. If "getting CCd at full resolve/immunity duration" is such a big and common problem as you claim, you should have no problems whatsoever in presenting hard evidence. The people who put up that "half of the posts" should also have no problems whatsoever.


Except, the funny thing is, us skeptics have been issuing this challenge since half a year ago.


Nobody came up with anything so far. This beast called "resolve" must be residing at Lake Loch...

Edited by kweassa
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Still have yet to see a single vid of anyone getting stunned with a full resolve bar. Most of the time people get stunned, then look at their resolve bar and see that it is full and think it is broken. Or they are melee and wanting to move and are rooted/snared and consider that to be a stun.


What is broken is either your idea of how resolve works or your observational abilities.

Edited by HelinCarnate
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Resolve may be fine but the CD on the CC break is not. The immunity time for a full resolve bar sucks also with it being way to short. I would rather see a 25, 50, 75 100% resolve bar that actually gives you the ability to resist at 25, 50, 75, with the 100% immunity lasting about 15 sec. As it stands now you can be hit given a full resolve bar but you 2min CD for CC break is so long you can die from stun lock twice before it is up.


The OP is right about 1 thing people are getting real tired of the amount of stuns and time stunned in this game.

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@ kweassa

I will gladly post up screen shots when I take them the next time I am in a warzone. Showing this happening. Then at when you see it then you can take your talk of me not knowing how to play, and that it can't happen and shove it.


By the way I have 2 soon to be three lvl 50s two of which are batlemasters pre 1.2 when valor was hard to get.

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@ kweassa

I will gladly post up screen shots when I take them the next time I am in a warzone. Showing this happening. Then at when you see it then you can take your talk of me not knowing how to play, and that it can't happen and shove it.


By the way I have 2 soon to be three lvl 50s two of which are batlemasters pre 1.2 when valor was hard to get.


this is something you cannot screenshot. you must record footage.

the issue is not if your resolve bar is full while you are stunned, its about whether it was full BEFORE you were stunned, a screenshot cannot show that it must be recorded.

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I have never seen anyone who is not yet stunned and has a full resolve bar be stunned. In this sense I disagree with the OP.


BUT, honest question -

Let's say you are not stunned and your resolve is almost full. Now someone stuns you - full resolve, and you are hard stunned for the next 2-4 seconds (your cc breaker isn't up). What happens if someone stuns you now? Say you are electrocuted, you are immobilised for 4 seconds, what if someone starts force choking you 3 seconds in? Does this second stun time stack on the first (so you would now have a total of about 6 seconds immobilised)?


The reason I ask is that I often find myself in this situation, I have a partially full resolve bar, and then I am electrocuted, filling my resolve bar. Then force choke, debilitate etc while still immobilised, usually until dead. It always feels as though I am immobilised for longer than the initial stun, but I have never taken the time to calculate it and was just wondering if anyone knew the underlying mechanics?


Advise - always save your stunbreaker for when your resolve bar is full, or risk only ever having resolve up at the respawn point. (although as a squishy sorc healer this is often the case even though I use my cc-breaker responsibly :()

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I have never seen anyone who is not yet stunned and has a full resolve bar be stunned. In this sense I disagree with the OP.


BUT, honest question -

Let's say you are not stunned and your resolve is almost full. Now someone stuns you - full resolve, and you are hard stunned for the next 2-4 seconds (your cc breaker isn't up). What happens if someone stuns you now? Say you are electrocuted, you are immobilised for 4 seconds, what if someone starts force choking you 3 seconds in? Does this second stun time stack on the first (so you would now have a total of about 6 seconds immobilised)?


The reason I ask is that I often find myself in this situation, I have a partially full resolve bar, and then I am electrocuted, filling my resolve bar. Then force choke, debilitate etc while still immobilised, usually until dead. It always feels as though I am immobilised for longer than the initial stun, but I have never taken the time to calculate it and was just wondering if anyone knew the underlying mechanics?


Advise - always save your stunbreaker for when your resolve bar is full, or risk only ever having resolve up at the respawn point. (although as a squishy sorc healer this is often the case even though I use my cc-breaker responsibly :()


this comes onto a very interesting bug, it seems when someone is stunned AND someone does a whirlwind (specifically that ability haven't noticed any other) on them at the same time they are stunned for a very very long time and will take hella damage while still spinning in the air for full duration of the supposed mez. first time I saw this I thought it was a one off, seen it enough times to think it must be repeatable


in addition ot what you mention re sorc/sage i dont think it could hurt tooo much if they were given some kind of extra damage reistance specificlaly whilst stunned. something really minor e.g heavy armour gets %1 damage res whilst stunned, and %2/3 for med and light. just to reflect some clases are much more vulnerable to dying while stunned then others.


then again this could inadvertently nerf stun reliant classes, and slightly buff classes that dont need it. ah balancing ideas are all fun an games huh :D

Edited by Gigabolt
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I think the resolve is broken as well. I was in hutt ball and was frozen, came out of it and was in a whirlwind thing, bar was full, and i got frozen in the fire pit while crossing it and eventually died.


Also, while it may be "intended" that the jedi/sith leap ability can freeze you for a second even w/ resolve up, I think they should fix it so that it can't. When you have 3 jedi on you and you're near the goal area in HB, 3 leaps = 3 seconds of stun = long time, relatively speaking. Either fix that or give troopers something (like our knock-back back w/ stockstrike)

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As most have stated resolve doesn't work.

Most people who've just started in the 50s bracket think Resolve doesn't work.


Most people who've PvPed 50s for a while know it does and how it does.




I think the resolve is broken as well. I was in hutt ball and was frozen, came out of it and was in a whirlwind thing, bar was full, and i got frozen in the fire pit while crossing it and eventually died.


Also, while it may be "intended" that the jedi/sith leap ability can freeze you for a second even w/ resolve up, I think they should fix it so that it can't. When you have 3 jedi on you and you're near the goal area in HB, 3 leaps = 3 seconds of stun = long time, relatively speaking. Either fix that or give troopers something (like our knock-back back w/ stockstrike)

Those are roots. Trooper Vanguards get one attached to Storm. Edited by flem
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Its not 100% broke. it works sometimes, and other times it does not. so neither are wrong. the people that say L2P are just stuck on themselves and think they know everything. Op you better bow down to them or they will L2P you to death.


I have to agree since 1.2 it feels worse in the sense that its taking more to fill up fully now. so it feels like a chain stun. feels worse than it ever did and this game is by far the king of WAY TO MUCH CC. i thought WAR was bad, this takes the cake.


But then again thats what happens when you hire someone from WAR.........

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Most people who've just started in the 50s bracket think Resolve doesn't work.


Most people who've PvPed 50s for a while know it does and how it does.




Those are roots. Trooper Vanguards get one attached to Storm.


Call it what you want, it's still super lame when you're playing a team full of guys who leap like Lebron James.

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I think the resolve is broken as well. I was in hutt ball and was frozen, came out of it and was in a whirlwind thing, bar was full, and i got frozen in the fire pit while crossing it and eventually died.


Also, while it may be "intended" that the jedi/sith leap ability can freeze you for a second even w/ resolve up, I think they should fix it so that it can't. When you have 3 jedi on you and you're near the goal area in HB, 3 leaps = 3 seconds of stun = long time, relatively speaking. Either fix that or give troopers something (like our knock-back back w/ stockstrike)

Resolve does not stop roots. When you break a cc with your cd you should be immune to all effects for a few seconds. Edited by Mahrdol
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1. It generally works as intended

2. The system is pretty stupid since half the time you get killed before you are even out of stun lock, and the bar goes back down after you die.

3. If the resolve bar fills while you are stunned, it does not break the current stun. The bar if maxed will start going down while you are still stunned.

4. I am 99% positive that it occassionally bugs out and will allow you to be stunned when the bar is full, but it's certainly not all the time.


Problem would be fixed if current stun was broken when your resolve bar got full. Current system, someone can wait until your bar is near full and hit you with a long stun. That maximizes the length of time you can be CC'd and makes you lose time on your resolve on the back end.

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1. It generally works as intended

2. The system is pretty stupid since half the time you get killed before you are even out of stun lock, and the bar goes back down after you die.

3. If the resolve bar fills while you are stunned, it does not break the current stun. The bar if maxed will start going down while you are still stunned.

4. I am 99% positive that it occassionally bugs out and will allow you to be stunned when the bar is full, but it's certainly not all the time.


Problem would be fixed if current stun was broken when your resolve bar got full. Current system, someone can wait until your bar is near full and hit you with a long stun. That maximizes the length of time you can be CC'd and makes you lose time on your resolve on the back end.


Well put. And like I said, its not all the time it happens; I just noticed it didn't operate correctly the other night.


Sidenote: *** is with the sound system constantly screwing up? I never heard "jet engines" like they said. Instead, the voices break up from the announcer or I can't hear abilities being performed.

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