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Breach of trust and empty promises


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And people like you think you're a special snowflake.. This can actually be traced to 99% of the worlds issues as well.


I'd say people who cowardly say things like this have a severe superiority complex which imho is more responsible for world problems than someone who wants to be treated with fairness and honesty.


Seriously, you come onto these forums and type to people in a manner you would never get away with speaking directly to someone.


People respond inside quote to make it harder to requote but I will anway.


2.) If you really want to go play Rift please do, exit quietly and go play a game where boring Hybrids rule. (Soul system was one of the most terribly designed class creation in any game I can think of to date. Not the concept their execution of it.


Of course you're not going to slam the idea of it because the legacy system is a lite meaningless version of the soul system. I also like how hybrids have to be boring to validate your cheesy arguments.

Edited by Vlaxitov
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You can only level up for so long, and in this game, it's about a week or two, a month max.


This is the crux of the problem: If you are the sort of player who goes from level 1 to 50 in "about a week or two", then you are zerging through the content and will end up bored and disillusioned. This is quite understandable, really. But do not for a minute assume that you represent anything close to the average SWTOR player.

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The guild summit PR events seem selective and the weekly dev. reports nit-pick at silly questions when they should be addressing serious problems in the game.




this is the main part i agree with (not that i dont agree with the rest) but it seriously PI**** me off when i read through some of the questions on the weekly BS and see a question get answered cause someone is too stupid to realize the mission rewards from crew skills are random. and see plenty of well thought out questions get over looked.


then we have the devs them selfs that post crap like this...


At first I was like :rak_02: and then I was like :rak_09: . Finally, I was all like :rak_03:


sry but if i was this persons boss you would be fired on the spot for being so unprofessional.


i refuse to go back to WoW and if this ship keeps sinking i may be done with MMO's all together.

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Truth in advertising is a Must!


It's semantics - but I don't want truth... I want honesty. Advertising is all about truth. There are legal requirements in place so that advertising have to be truthful. But that's not the same as honest.


"This is our best shampoo ever". It's still crap, but it's better than the last one we made.


"This car does 85 miles to the galleon". As long as you never accelerate or brake and never exceed 48 miles per hour.


"All these legacy rewards are accessible by high legacy OR a large amount credits". Except these other ones that we specifically aren't mentioning that are high legacy AND a huge amount of credits


"Here are the answers to this week's Q&A session". Well, the hand picked questions we were willing to answer at least. There were some much more popular questions that the community keeps asking. But we won't acknowledge those, because we we only want to give positive, encouraging answers.


I want what we saw occasionally at the guild summit. "Gamers for gamers". Though even there, the strangulating influence of telling a specific truth rather than being honest was still evident.


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Dunno why that when I hear (or see) the words "breach of trust", I think of things far more serious than a video game. I think that there are folks here that need a dose of perspective.
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What I do not understand is why people will hate a game and continue to hang out on and post on said game's forums.


I was burned pretty hard by Aion. I left that game (and forum) and have not been back since. What drives people to stick around to rant and cry?


Maybe they really liked and/or wanted the game to be great? Not all the people who post these threads are haters or were not 2 months or 3 months ago.

Some people are upset because they want this game to be great and succeed and that's not happening right now.

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Maybe they really liked and/or wanted the game to be great? Not all the people who post these threads are haters or were not 2 months or 3 months ago.

Some people are upset because they want this game to be great and succeed and that's not happening right now.


Those people write constructive criticism. There is plenty of well-written criticism on this forum. I am talking about the "ZMG FAIL!", "I TRUSTED U!" and "WTH BIOWARE? REALLY? REALLLLLY?????!!!!!!" types of overly-dramatic posts that are more than not filled with hateful and condescending posts.

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Or... is your point that they should never have to make a decision like that and always just have to deliver something 100% perfect and on-time. If you believe it is even possible in a multi-person project (which homework is not I might add) in a complex situation like an already running software, delivering 100% perfect products at all times throughout the lifetime of a product.. Then I really want to know what kind of reality you live in, because I want some of that unrealistic-expectations-always-being-met stuff too!


Thank you for your interesting answer, my friend :) .


In the reality I live in I rank the different companies I purchase services from. I will use this example:


1-Good company (nothing out-of-the-universe extraordinary, mind you): Here you have the ranked WZs bug-free (or 97% workable) and on time!


2-So-so but trustful company: Look, mate...errr....our ranked WZs are full of bugs and we will not deliver them on time. But, we will deliver them bug-free on second week May (and they deliver!)


3-So-so company but not very trustful: (Few days before deadline) WZs are coming pre-season etc etc. (Day of deadline) Errrr our ranked WZs are so full of bugs they are not coming and we don´t have a deadline yet. Sorry mate! That´s life in the internetz!


4- The archvillain company (SPECTRAWARE): Hahahaha! Fool customers!! Here you have your coveted ranked WZs!! Sorry they have more bugs than Arachnophobia movie! DIE DIE DIE!


5- The dissapearing company: Which ranked WZs? I do not remember nothing of that...


I think BW is placed midground between 3th and 4th position, not very high in my ranking.

I really hope they improve, I am the last Jedi wanting this game to fail...

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Well stated.


If you take the entirety of the post written here, you will see that it represents less then 1% of the player population. The other 99% seem to be happily enjoying the game.


It is just one more example of the vast sea of logical fallacies we swim through each time we begin to read these boards.


1%?? lol your INSANE all u have to do is look to http://www.tor-status.net and look at the overall loss for the week which is at this very moment -11.49 so its losing people playing the game left and right i dont disagree that there are people who like this game but saying that 99% happily enjoy this game is FALSE you sound like one of those people hired by EA to troll forums and make them look good.:rak_03:

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Agree 100% with you.

I will add a few things as to why I just cancelled.


*** is up with having to charge 45k per mod to pull stuff out of end game gear. It already has cost you a TON of TIME and money to just get the item. It should not cost anything once you have said item to pull mods out. It discourages diverse outfits and gameplay. It's just poorly designed.


*** is up with the GTN. It still sucks when it comes to searching. The person or team that created it ,, they have HUGE DENTS in there heads. Fired.


*** is up with biochem. First it was red goo now it's radioactive paste. You cannnot get that stuff for anything. I have a whole bank FULL of smart cells. That are totally worthless. Whoever designed ALL the crafting has ROCKS in there head.


PVP . Honestly it's the only reason you have anyone still playing. Not because it's good and balanced. But because it's the only thing to do. You should stop trying to NERF, BUFF,NERF, BUFF every damn class and concentrate on balance through chaos, it's a hell of a lot easier that way.


STORY. What a waste of money that was. You should have just done class story and not bothered with all the side quest horse crap. That's what it is. Horsecrap. Such a HUGE waste of money. No one that plays more then 1 time through will ever bother with those. It's a spacebar fest. I do not understand how a game with so much potential and money behind it could FAIL so badly.


Honestly, a book could be written about all the design flaws and poor decisions that were made and built into this game. But I doubt anyone there even cares. This game will linger on for a few years and DIE.


Good riddance to this uninspired ,, lukewarm,, dirty bathwater of a mmo single player RPG.

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Wish you the best in Rift.. I did enjoy the game while I was there.. But those Dev's completely and utterly obliterated my trust with their FoTM every other patch.. They quite honestly need to learn how to use a calculator.. But the big deal breakers for me were the initial security flaw where people could get access to your account without having any of your logon information, and the theft of the customer database. I'll never trust that Dev team again regardless of how many times they apologize for the mistake.
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This game has no chance of survival until the community can be shown that the devs behind the game can be trusted and loved.


Because everyone loves ghostcrawler or kalagan and doesn't want them to die in a fire, right?




If you think that a popularity contest between game devs decides who pays 15 bucks and month and who doesn't you are delusional.


blizzard is notoriously abusive toward its fan base and they are astronomically successful.

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Oh and I do want to point out if this persons sole intent was to mainly demoralize they would have posted and left, and not continued to replay. I bet they even have this thread subscribed.


Basically evverything you said and answered, thank you for putting this idiot in his place


People like the original poster is whats wrong with the gaming community nowadays, they are spoiled little kids who do not get what they want and ***** about it, then try and drag as many people down into their despicable mindset as they can.


Its pathetic, so far out of all the MMOs iv played, SWTOR has been the best for being so new. Its developers has also been communicating with the community, if you do not read the forums you have NO RIGHT TO COME ON HERE AND COMPLAIN ABOUT NOT KNOWING SOMETHING WHEN THERE ARE POSTS EVERYWHERE EXPLAINING THE SITUATION




With that said, its like ************ and wondering why you didnt get a raise at your job when you only show up 50% of the time to work, then try and get every employee onboard with your plan to unionize even though the managements fair and great

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I notice the use of the word "promise" a lot in the OP's post, yet nothing that he mentions was ever actually "promised" to anyone, weird.


Their stance on promises has been to not announce or tell us that we were getting something that they could not deliver. The only thing that comes close to them breaking a promise was that rated warzones were cut from 1.2. Nevermind that their best effort to have them in for 1.2 was put forth but they just did not have them working right in time.


The haters like to call that a broken promise.

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The one thing I was (and still am) annoyed with is where BioWare led us to believe that in 1.2 we could transfer our Tionese/Columi/Rakata set-bonus to custom gear. But now they claimed that they can't do it because it was attached to the shell and not the armoring...


But the armoring was locked pre-1.2, so they could have simply applied their 'new tech' in order to attach the set-bonus to the armoring and then unlock it in 1.2; allowing people to transfer them to gear. But no, what we got was political word-games and later some vague references to 'old tech' and 'new tech'.

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Basically evverything you said and answered, thank you for putting this idiot in his place


People like the original poster is whats wrong with the gaming community nowadays, they are spoiled little kids who do not get what they want and ***** about it, then try and drag as many people down into their despicable mindset as they can.


Its pathetic, so far out of all the MMOs iv played, SWTOR has been the best for being so new. Its developers has also been communicating with the community, if you do not read the forums you have NO RIGHT TO COME ON HERE AND COMPLAIN ABOUT NOT KNOWING SOMETHING WHEN THERE ARE POSTS EVERYWHERE EXPLAINING THE SITUATION




With that said, its like ************ and wondering why you didnt get a raise at your job when you only show up 50% of the time to work, then try and get every employee onboard with your plan to unionize even though the managements fair and great


It's the self esteem generation.


In the 90s psychologists made a huge blunder by believing that self esteem promoted self efficacy (scholastic and social). This correlation, and that's all it is, was found to be disjointed and likely caused by a mix of variables. It should be noted that self efficacy leads to healthier life styles and less neurosis whereas self esteem leads to narcissism. In the past decade we have seem a dramatic increase in narcissism amongst most western cultures but primarily in the united states, which fully embraced the feel good message of self esteem. We are going to have to deal with this for a generation or two.


I... am not looking forward to it.

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Hey there!


While we appreciate all feedback, whether positive or negative, we'll be going ahead and closing this thread.


For general feedback and discussion related to this topic, please feel free to join in here:


What's Killing SWTOR?


Additionally, please note that we do have our Suggestion Box where players can leave specific, focused feedback regarding things they'd like to see implemented into Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ or expanded upon.


Finally, we thank you for taking the time to leave us your feedback and concerns as we are constantly reading all areas of the forums.


May the Force be with you!

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