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A little adjustment to assault spec to make it on par with vanguard


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Either make charged bolts apply plasma cell [if present]




Remove the alacrity talent in assault tree and put 50/100% chance to trigger plasma cell with charged bolts [if present].


There, DPS wise on par with vanguards with less, or should I say different utility

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Either make charged bolts apply plasma cell [if present]




Remove the alacrity talent in assault tree and put 50/100% chance to trigger plasma cell with charged bolts [if present].


There, DPS wise on par with vanguards with less, or should I say different utility


Since Plasma Cell procs on weapons attacks, wouldn't charged bolts have a chance to proc your plasma cell? Also, don't forget about Hammer Shot. Hammer Shot is actually 7 individual attacks. With this in mind, you have 7 chances to proc plasma cell. With a 16% chance to proc plasma cell (when talented), you should usually proc 1 out of every 6 attacks on average. So Hammer Shot should give you a huge chance to proc.

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charged bolts = 16% per cast

hammer shots = 16% per cast

Vanguard's Ion Pulse = 100% per cast



i'd like to see a talent in assault tree making charged bolts = 100% per cast

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charged bolts = 16% per cast

hammer shots = 16% per cast

Vanguard's Ion Pulse = 100% per cast



i'd like to see a talent in assault tree making charged bolts = 100% per cast



So it's no like each individual hammer shot has a chance to proc P. Cell?

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In general I agree that some sort of change would be welcome, and that Weapon Calibrations (currently +Alacrity) is a good candidate for the change. Instead of using Charged Bolts though I'd rather see a chance to proc with a skill that has no induction. Perhaps replace the current functionality on Weapon Calibrations with...


2 Point Talent

- Reduce the ammunition cost of Explosive Round by 0.5 / 1

- Reduce damage of Explosive Round by 25% / 50%

- Each use of Explosive Round has a 50% / 100% chance to trigger your Plasma Cell if active.


The general idea would be to create the same sort of play style as Vanguard with a mobile, zero induction skill proc'ing your Plasma Cell 100% of the time. The damage reduction is intended bring it in line with the damage dealt by Ion Pulse, so adjust the 25% / 50% as necessary to achieve that goal. The ammo reduction is meant to bring the skill, which would be used regularly, in line with the 2 ammo cost of Ion Pulse.



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In general I agree that some sort of change would be welcome, and that Weapon Calibrations (currently +Alacrity) is a good candidate for the change. Instead of using Charged Bolts though I'd rather see a chance to proc with a skill that has no induction. Perhaps replace the current functionality on Weapon Calibrations with...


2 Point Talent

- Reduce the ammunition cost of Explosive Round by 0.5 / 1

- Reduce damage of Explosive Round by 25% / 50%

- Each use of Explosive Round has a 50% / 100% chance to trigger your Plasma Cell if active.


The general idea would be to create the same sort of play style as Vanguard with a mobile, zero induction skill proc'ing your Plasma Cell 100% of the time. The damage reduction is intended bring it in line with the damage dealt by Ion Pulse, so adjust the 25% / 50% as necessary to achieve that goal. The ammo reduction is meant to bring the skill, which would be used regularly, in line with the 2 ammo cost of Ion Pulse.





I like it. The less channels/cast times the better.

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In general I agree that some sort of change would be welcome, and that Weapon Calibrations (currently +Alacrity) is a good candidate for the change. Instead of using Charged Bolts though I'd rather see a chance to proc with a skill that has no induction. Perhaps replace the current functionality on Weapon Calibrations with...


2 Point Talent

- Reduce the ammunition cost of Explosive Round by 0.5 / 1

- Reduce damage of Explosive Round by 25% / 50%

- Each use of Explosive Round has a 50% / 100% chance to trigger your Plasma Cell if active.


The general idea would be to create the same sort of play style as Vanguard with a mobile, zero induction skill proc'ing your Plasma Cell 100% of the time. The damage reduction is intended bring it in line with the damage dealt by Ion Pulse, so adjust the 25% / 50% as necessary to achieve that goal. The ammo reduction is meant to bring the skill, which would be used regularly, in line with the 2 ammo cost of Ion Pulse.



I would support this 100%
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In general I agree that some sort of change would be welcome, and that Weapon Calibrations (currently +Alacrity) is a good candidate for the change. Instead of using Charged Bolts though I'd rather see a chance to proc with a skill that has no induction. Perhaps replace the current functionality on Weapon Calibrations with...


2 Point Talent

- Reduce the ammunition cost of Explosive Round by 0.5 / 1

- Reduce damage of Explosive Round by 25% / 50%

- Each use of Explosive Round has a 50% / 100% chance to trigger your Plasma Cell if active.


The general idea would be to create the same sort of play style as Vanguard with a mobile, zero induction skill proc'ing your Plasma Cell 100% of the time. The damage reduction is intended bring it in line with the damage dealt by Ion Pulse, so adjust the 25% / 50% as necessary to achieve that goal. The ammo reduction is meant to bring the skill, which would be used regularly, in line with the 2 ammo cost of Ion Pulse.




It looks like ion pulse does elemental damage and explosive round does kinetic, so my initial thought would be that lowering explosive round that much would make it very weak.


I had a similar thought but instead of proc'ing plasma cell, just add a 15s dot to the ability such that it would be effective for both gunnery and assault (thinking a little more for assault since it could proc all the other abilities). Would slightly increase their overall DPS (which IMO would bring them closer in line with other classes), give them something to manage which would make them slightly harder to play (not all that much mind you), and make one of the useless skill worthwhile.

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Yeah, the damage type means it gets reduced by armor where elemental from Ion Pulse does not. I wouldn't mind even if it was a little weaker damage though. It's got 30m range vs. 10m for Ion Pulse and a small splash damage. No DoT proc from the splash though as I think that would be OP.


Ideally, in my mind, you'd tune the numbers so that it's approximately the same damage on lightly armored targets as Ion Pulse. If that means heavy armor targets reduce more of the damage than you'd see by using Ion Pulse I think it's a worthwhile trade in order to get a guaranteed Plasma Cell proc. More DOT uptime and the ability to snare on demand is what's important.

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In general I agree that some sort of change would be welcome, and that Weapon Calibrations (currently +Alacrity) is a good candidate for the change. Instead of using Charged Bolts though I'd rather see a chance to proc with a skill that has no induction. Perhaps replace the current functionality on Weapon Calibrations with...


2 Point Talent

- Reduce the ammunition cost of Explosive Round by 0.5 / 1

- Reduce damage of Explosive Round by 25% / 50%

- Each use of Explosive Round has a 50% / 100% chance to trigger your Plasma Cell if active.


The general idea would be to create the same sort of play style as Vanguard with a mobile, zero induction skill proc'ing your Plasma Cell 100% of the time. The damage reduction is intended bring it in line with the damage dealt by Ion Pulse, so adjust the 25% / 50% as necessary to achieve that goal. The ammo reduction is meant to bring the skill, which would be used regularly, in line with the 2 ammo cost of Ion Pulse.




It's a start, but there's still the armor penetration disparity, along with Full Auto having a longer CD than Stock Strike.


Something I'd really like to see for assault commandos is something like Hold the Line, maybe with a longer-lasting effect.


...Come to think of it, that's the sort of thing every commando spec needs.

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It's a start, but there's still the armor penetration disparity, along with Full Auto having a longer CD than Stock Strike.
30m vs 4m range. I'll take it. I would prefer the damage output be instant instead of channeled but that would probably be OP.


Something I'd really like to see for assault commandos is something like Hold the Line, maybe with a longer-lasting effect.


...Come to think of it, that's the sort of thing every commando spec needs.

I would be unstoppable.

My survivability is already great. This would put me over.

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I don't know what makes you think last place in survivability is "great" ...
Oh, was there a competition?

How does one rank survivability?

10s stun usable in combat from 30m, 4s stun, knockback w/ slow, talentable 0 cost 50% slow, adrenaline rush (can be talented to reduce CD), 25% DR shield (can be talented to break snares/roots, make immune to interrupts, increase healing received by 20%), heavy armor... I can't see what else you want.

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Uh... some of the defenses you listed their are mutually exclusive.


And I'm pretty sure concussion round lasts 6 seconds.


And just about every class has similar cc/knockback abilities.


And as far as I know the only damage reduction that's smaller than 25% lasts nearly twice as long.



I said last place and I meant it. The only class I can think of with worse defenses is maybe scoundrel, but afaik they're supposed to stealth and avoid fair fights. Would you care to point out a class our defenses are superior to?

Edited by Arzoo
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Explo round does already about the same damage of hammer shot. Hammer shot does ofc less damage, but it's free. If you consider that hammer shot gets damage boosted by the high level talent if hitting burning targets, reducing explo rounds damage makes even less sense.


I'd rather get a higher proc rate on hammer shots alone... not 100% but higher. Charged rounds would force us to stay still, proccing the slow with a casted skill makes it quite useless.

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30m vs 4m range. I'll take it. I would prefer the damage output be instant instead of channeled but that would probably be OP.


Well, if we get a guaranteed Plasma Cell proc at range, I'll accept the lower damage HiB. Still, I really think something needs to be done about the commando 75% HiB proc rate ability (Full Auto) having nearly twice the downtime of the Vanguard equivalent (Stock Strike).


Then again, instead of reworking the Full Auto thing, a fix could be to simply buff Plasma Grenade, perhaps by inserting a talent that would decrease its cooldown and ammunition cost.


I would be unstoppable.

My survivability is already great. This would put me over.



Edited by Chaoskyx
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The post suggesting explo round proccing plasma cell made me think a bit and I think they should change plasma grenade altogether to be our plasma cell proc move. Who the hell uses plasma grenade as it is now anyway - 4 ammo, 1.5s cast with no pushback reduction talents.


Here is the thing:

Ammo cost reduced to 2 [same as Ion Pulse]

No cast time - instant

No cooldown

Single target skill


Cut it's damage to 1/3. Right now it deals about 1100 kinetic damage on impact and 1300ish dot over 6s. I could see this doing 400 dmg on impact with 500 dmg over 6s dot with the same gear. This would still be weaker than vanguard's Ion Pulse damage wise, but at least we could use it from 30m range. Also make this skill reset HiB instead of damn Full Auto [the same % as vanguard]


Even with this chage the vanguard assault spec would still be better due to better talents they get in other trees but this would make at least one DPS tree commandos have useful in pvp. Because right now [dps] commando is the worst pvp class in the game with less utility than other DPS, less damage and less survivability.



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fire effects need to be uncleansable, same a sorc/sage dots.


Those are not uncleansable, they just need a force user to cleanse them. In truth we kinda get the shaft because our dots can be cleansed by 2 classes and we don't get a cleanse protection like the scoundrel. OTOH assault is not a full dot spec either, since it's heavily based on plastique and hib for the actual killing, with dots doing (usually) most of the damage but lacking completely burst.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've been leveling through pvp with assault specialist since right after the end of chapter 2. Was 43 then, now right around 46, half a notch from. I really love assault spec, I'm, while not always on the top through today's pvp out of all the matches I played I was top or next to top with either the most damage or top 3, 75 pct of the time.


There are Only two classes I hate going against, because I usually won't win, sniper and dps power tech. The sniper I just can't do enough to and they can just burst own me. The power tech though man, it just feels like, at least with an equally skilled played that I just can't compete with their damage.


I would love a 100 pct pric and guh get rid of that useless alacrity, we should have an equatable skill, not ion charge that gives us the 100 pct proc burn, it just makes sense, also give assault plastique either a snare or root it's supposed to freak enemies out and while it's nice, is way too easy to heal through or just basically ignore.

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assault is not a full dot spec either, since it's heavily based on plastique and hib for the actual killing, with dots doing (usually) most of the damage but lacking completely burst.


An assault doing a proper rotation will do about 1/3 of their damage with burns.




And if you think Assault lacks burst you don't know the class, it does more spike damage than Gunnery.


As for Alacrity, you can choose 4% of that or 2% health.


I'm a DPS with over 19100 health, I took the faster casting. Couple of hundred health is irrelevant on me.

Edited by Gyronamics
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Hey, was rereading over this post and one thing caught my eye I didn't say in my last post. I would love if they reworked plasma grenade to be assault specs 100 pct chance proc, Lower the damage and make it an insta cast that costs 1-2 ammo, maybe talent to get it to use less ammo and maybe a 30 sec cd? That could be reduced by crit dot hits maybe? Plasma grenade makes such good sense as commandos version of vanguards pulse, also could possibly make each mutually exclusive skills ie. vang only on pulse and commando only on plasma grenade.


Maybe it's just me not taking in the full breadth of my advanced class but I never use ion pulse. And honestly I never use plasma grenade as its tooled now, 4 ammo? 1.5 second cast for a mobile spec? Uhh... Nope!


My personal pvp rotation is incen round, assault plast, hammer shot till the plastique blows up, hib, then hammer shot till hib and plastique are up again, ill try to throw a stock strike in if i get close enough to them, which i usually am because all I do is run big circles around people haha. If they're tough a thing I've been wan to do as of late is get them to 40 pct or so cryo Grenade em and charged burst instantly followed by hib, it's a nice spike, combo attack I like using.


On that note I really prefer charged burst over full auto for this build, I really hardly use full auto as it auto breaks the cc on first shot vs charged burst that's one spike shot.

Edited by Macabakur
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An assault doing a proper rotation will do about 1/3 of their damage with burns.




And if you think Assault lacks burst you don't know the class, it does more spike damage than Gunnery.


As for Alacrity, you can choose 4% of that or 2% health.


I'm a DPS with over 19100 health, I took the faster casting. Couple of hundred health is irrelevant on me.


That's completely NOT what I wrote.


I said DOTS lack burst, at least on an assault spec commando, smugglers and consulars have dmg improvement for dots directly which makes the dots themselves bursty.


So to repeat what I said in clearer words:


Dots do a lot of damage, but it's HIB and Assault plastique that do the killing.


About the alacrity... Your choice. It's quite pointless for assault commandos any way. You are casting charged rounds in 1.44 seconds instead of 1.5 secs. Good luck noticing the difference. 300 ish hp may not be much, but 0.06 seconds is less than human reaction times IIRC.

Edited by GeckoOBac
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