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shock collar


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we have all seen what vette does when you remove her shock collar. what future storyline will bioware do if the shock collar is not removed? can wee see a scene where vette tries to escape or eventually broken? since there are romance options do you think we will be alowed slave options?
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Better yet... When will we be allowed to place a shock collar on Quinn.

Killing companions will never be an option, yet selecting one to wear the collar might be fun.


Considering we cannot kill Quinn for betraying us to Baras, we should be allowed more then the current cut scene... "Quinn you are a bad boy but I need a pilot so I must let you live"


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Better yet... When will we be allowed to place a shock collar on Quinn.

Killing companions will never be an option, yet selecting one to wear the collar might be fun.


Considering we cannot kill Quinn for betraying us to Baras, we should be allowed more then the current cut scene... "Quinn you are a bad boy but I need a pilot so I must let you live"


I like this idea. A LOT. Alternately where can I get one for my kids? Particularly my son right now lol.

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Better yet... When will we be allowed to place a shock collar on Quinn.

Killing companions will never be an option, yet selecting one to wear the collar might be fun.


/signed times infinity.


Having [shock Quinn] as my third option in every conversation for the rest of my career will ensure my SWTOR loyalty and subscription for years to come.

Edited by bright_ephemera
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Better yet... When will we be allowed to place a shock collar on Quinn.

Killing companions will never be an option, yet selecting one to wear the collar might be fun.


Considering we cannot kill Quinn for betraying us to Baras, we should be allowed more then the current cut scene... "Quinn you are a bad boy but I need a pilot so I must let you live"

Belsavis social gear. Hat. That is all I am saying.

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we have all seen what vette does when you remove her shock collar. what future storyline will bioware do if the shock collar is not removed? can wee see a scene where vette tries to escape or eventually broken? since there are romance options do you think we will be alowed slave options?


Unfortunately, once you get to a certain affection level with Vette, you are FORCED to remove her collar and can't progress past that conversation until you do.

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Takes Social V. How many points is that from, er, two?


I'm not really sure how or when my Warrior got two social points. But I have a sudden desire to grind out as many as it takes.

A good bit, unfortunately, but worth it? Maaaaaaaybe.

Wait, I never paid attention to the social gear in Belsavis, what is the hat?

It is a prisoner's collar.

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I doubt the game will be allowed to enslave new npcs, unless they already came that way like Vette did, if only for the amount of backlash BW would get for allowing something like that. They got enough crap for having the slave Vette as it was.


The "look" of the slave collar is cool, too bad it doesn't do anything, like actually let you shock people *shrug*

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The "look" of the slave collar is cool, too bad it doesn't do anything, like actually let you shock people *shrug*

It lets you feel better about having people on your ship that you don't want there. My BH really wants one for Skadge.

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