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I've had to put myself on probation with ToR


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I guess they have 45 days to renew my faith in the game in some way. Even if its simply getting ranked warzones too us, perhaps with a few more bugs/balancing issues ironed out. This isn't a statement of "i've cancelled my subscription and now i demand that in the next 45 days things changed drastically", i'm more hoping that they start fulfilling the promises they make fully, perhaps with a little more collaboration with the community.


^^ I am still optimistic that there's things they've got planned to impress the community, but the game feels like its getting off to a bit too slow of a burn. Before someone screams "All this X content was added", i'm aware, i have 2 50's and a level 28, i've experienced a lot of it myself too. But aside from the excitement of the rakghoul event (which was hilariously fun, but infuriating that i never got to turn in my DNA, but those things happen, it was my own fault for not knowing exactly when the event finished). I would love to see more of this sort of thing, its certainly something else that'd keep me interested, but for now, i'll concede my patience has been knocked a little by disappointments like ranked war zones not making it into 1.2, but apparently its a fantastic idea to add the gear.

Oh and i cant say i was overjoyed to find out the weekly pvp reward is the same as daily as of a few weeks ago, but again, these things happen, it doesn't make me not want to play, no particular reason does, its more the culmination of various reasons of which people have complained about so far.


TL;DR? - I hope SW:ToR's patch notes are bit more impressive, if not even just a bit lengthier in the coming weeks.

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Im the same, I pulled my CC so they cant reup automatically and as of now count myself as cancelled but I still play out my remaining time!


If they at least start to address the real issues of the game (no social/community/interaction building content) I will probably reup (mostly as the upcoming games hold no interest for me) but till then im also on a count down.


Im not even that worried about new bugs created from patchs, that happens in all MMORPGs so why think it be different here (though the way testing done is a huge black mark on EAoware for those patchs)


But I have to see something happening to address the real issues to validate reuping when that time comes.


Because simply put, this game cant survive long term the way it sits now as players will eat up content and leave (as any credible person seen happening already). MMORPGs are about communities and this game doesnt currently have the tools to aide in building those communities.

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Well i'm not gonna give up on this game atm, but I gotta say I had more fun in SWG. I know I gotta let go of the past and move on to the future.


One of the main issues I am having with this game is my low pop server like many other ppl are having problems with. If patch 1.3 comes out before these server transfers then I really need to consider what to do with my subscription.

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Im the same, I pulled my CC so they cant reup automatically and as of now count myself as cancelled but I still play out my remaining time!


If they at least start to address the real issues of the game (no social/community/interaction building content) I will probably reup (mostly as the upcoming games hold no interest for me) but till then im also on a count down.


Im not even that worried about new bugs created from patchs, that happens in all MMORPGs so why think it be different here (though the way testing done is a huge black mark on EAoware for those patchs)


But I have to see something happening to address the real issues to validate reuping when that time comes.


Because simply put, this game cant survive long term the way it sits now as players will eat up content and leave (as any credible person seen happening already). MMORPGs are about communities and this game doesnt currently have the tools to aide in building those communities.


At your statement, I have to concede that TSW caught my eye, and i'm not one to even research/investigate upcoming mmo's. I quit WoW 5 years ago and said 'that's it no more mmo's for me'. Then ToR came along, and I decided to revive the old habit. Now that the nostalgia of being back in an mmo environment has warn off, I find myself still seeking a game to play, but I don't think ToR was the one for me. Again this isn't set in stone, there are many things I love about the game, I mean it is 5 months later nearly and i'm still playing. But i'm not as crazy about it as I was by any means.

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Well i'm not gonna give up on this game atm, but I gotta say I had more fun in SWG. I know I gotta let go of the past and move on to the future.


One of the main issues I am having with this game is my low pop server like many other ppl are having problems with. If patch 1.3 comes out before these server transfers then I really need to consider what to do with my subscription.


I'm on the PVE Oceanic server, recently transferred, so i should be greatful in reality, but even still, i raided this week for the first time in 3 months, and first and second night gained most of my columi set, and next night we started doing HM's i got loot of basically every boss, and am now 4/5 rakata, with implants/earp columi/tionese mixture. It all happened a bit too quick, a bit too easily, and now that I have that raid gear, it seems all its good for is to make dailies go quicker. Not to mention i cant customize back to my favourite white sniper jacket because you cant transfer set bonuses with the first tier of raid gear. Ultimately I probably sound selfish, as i HAVE gotten what alot of people on low pop servers desire, being able to raid/have a functioning guild, but these things were only fulfilling in the short term, and now that the novelty has warn off, I finding myself seeking other activities to fill my time... Which are quickly running out/becoming boring. Before someone say's "I'll never be satisfied with the game", that isn't true at all, it's more the fact that the satisfaction is quickly wearing off. It's the same for others, if it isn't for you.. and you need to consider that there may be a 'yet' to add to the end of that, even if your completely in love with this game now.

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On a sidenote from the main gist of this thread, it's not "ToR", but rather "TOR". Each letter is significant in "The Old Republic".


Carry on your discussions now please :)


Haha my apologies :p If it weren't 7am and bedtime, i'd probably amend it!

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On a sidenote from the main gist of this thread, it's not "ToR", but rather "TOR". Each letter is significant in "The Old Republic".


Carry on your discussions now please :)


Lol fixed it.

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Well i'm not gonna give up on this game atm, but I gotta say I had more fun in SWG. I know I gotta let go of the past and move on to the future.


One of the main issues I am having with this game is my low pop server like many other ppl are having problems with. If patch 1.3 comes out before these server transfers then I really need to consider what to do with my subscription.


If your server population is low, and it is adversely impacting your enjoyment of the game, re-roll on a server with a more healthy population! It's a really simple concept. Legacy level, items, credits, PvP rank? It all means nothing if you quit, so if this is the only thing keeping you where you are, but you are otherwise enjoying the game, RE-ROLL! A simple, immediate solution to the 'my server is dead' problem for people who are otherwise enjoying the game.


Why people can't see this is simply beyond me....

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If your server population is low, and it is adversely impacting your enjoyment of the game, re-roll on a server with a more healthy population! It's a really simple concept. Legacy level, items, credits, PvP rank? It all means nothing if you quit, so if this is the only thing keeping you where you are, but you are otherwise enjoying the game, RE-ROLL! A simple, immediate solution to the 'my server is dead' problem for people who are otherwise enjoying the game.


Why people can't see this is simply beyond me....


Being on a populated server does improve your game experience, but it's a quick fix, as I said, once the novelty of being on a populated server wears off, all the other issues are still there.

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If your server population is low, and it is adversely impacting your enjoyment of the game, re-roll on a server with a more healthy population! It's a really simple concept. Legacy level, items, credits, PvP rank? It all means nothing if you quit, so if this is the only thing keeping you where you are, but you are otherwise enjoying the game, RE-ROLL! A simple, immediate solution to the 'my server is dead' problem for people who are otherwise enjoying the game.


Why people can't see this is simply beyond me....


Yes, give up everything you've spent the last few months working for because Bioware has dragged it's feet about correcting the population issue. I believe it makes people think, "If it's taking them this long to fix what seems to be a rather simple problem, how long will it take to fix the rest of them?".


They are eroding people's faith in their problem solving ability. Why would anyone want to pour all that effort to gaining back what they already have when the next problem that crops up may force them to leave anyway?

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Yes, give up everything you've spent the last few months working for because Bioware has dragged it's feet about correcting the population problem. I believe it makes people think, "If it's taking them this long to fix what seems to be a rather simple problem, how long will it take to fix the rest of them?".


They are eroding people's faith in their problem solving ability. Why would anyone want to pour all that effort to gaining back what they already have when the next problem that crops up may force them to leave anyway?


I've been following this game for as long as anyone, and I've been playing it since the beta. I haven't seen the massive issues people are reporting. Perhaps I'm not a 'power gamer' anymore, maybe I'm getting more relaxed in my old age, but for me I'm enjoying the game for the story.


Server population is a secondary issue for me as I haven't failed to find a group for any heroic or flashpoint I have wanted to do. Granted I've had to be creative, whispering people directly who are around the level and class needed. But I get it done.


What's the biggest issue you have, besides population?

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I've been following this game for as long as anyone, and I've been playing it since the beta. I haven't seen the massive issues people are reporting. Perhaps I'm not a 'power gamer' anymore, maybe I'm getting more relaxed in my old age, but for me I'm enjoying the game for the story.


Server population is a secondary issue for me as I haven't failed to find a group for any heroic or flashpoint I have wanted to do. Granted I've had to be creative, whispering people directly who are around the level and class needed. But I get it done.


What's the biggest issue you have, besides population?


i am in the same situation as you..i have a core group i play with so server issues are not a problem

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I've been following this game for as long as anyone, and I've been playing it since the beta. I haven't seen the massive issues people are reporting. Perhaps I'm not a 'power gamer' anymore, maybe I'm getting more relaxed in my old age, but for me I'm enjoying the game for the story.


Server population is a secondary issue for me as I haven't failed to find a group for any heroic or flashpoint I have wanted to do. Granted I've had to be creative, whispering people directly who are around the level and class needed. But I get it done.


What's the biggest issue you have, besides population?


Well -


1) They explicitly said ranked warzones would be released with 1.2, only to issue a retraction of the statement at the release of 1.2. Seeing as it was a hook that kept many playing till that point, I see it as false advertising, which is a pet hate of mine.


2) If i wanna go way back to the beginning, the so called 'global release', which featured approx. 6 countries. When they launched pretty much in select parts of EU, and then only the U.S, it left many belly-aching about how they were neglected. SO Bioware was 'quick' (3 months?) in pushing the launch in Oceanic region, which of course left all the dedicated Australian's belly-aching that they were stuck on U.S Servers, and could not play with their friends. SO THEN damage control set in and they quickly hurried those people over to their desired servers through way of character transfer. Which is great, but THEN, U.S servers were left empty, because it turns out that the .. i think it was 900,000 subscriptions gained from Australia, or sales made or something, alot of them made up of U.S server populations (This is the case for SOME servers, not ALL serversi i'm trying not to generalise i promise ^^). So now we have U.S users belly-aching and claiming neglect, which they are completely within their rights too.


Now to break this wall of text up a bit, continuing with number 2: After doing ALL those things, more damage control was needed. So they announced that they were releasing the game in 38 countries simaltaneously, and within a few weeks, made it happen, and the game became available to purchase in many previously restricted regions. It is my view this is the first attempt to increase the population numbers on all servers across the board (as not everyone opts for their local server, some EU players like to play U.S, and vice versa, or Asia Pacific playing on EU or US is equally common. So by that logic, many of these new users will end up on the servers that are 'dying'. But that won't fix it. Which brings me to 3!


3) Surging in thousands of new players was not the answer to the server population problem, nor does it help the current situation of the game in any other way except for the obvious profits to be made. The fact is that unless that money is put towards hiring either new team leaders, and bolstering teams with more members, (not enough customer support rep's, not enough mod's on the forum to allow for anything but bot messages most of the time, whatever team works on week to week maitenance is FAR too small, and heavily disorganised. I used to play Heroes of Newerth, and although the game was arguably far far more simple then TOR, the point is that at the point where i played a patch would come out every 4-7 days, and the notes were a mile long. Complete laundry list of little tweaks they'd made, even if they were rather arbitrary. Some weeks in 5-6 hour maitenances, I've seen literally one-two things accomplished. I'd rather the game go offline for 12 hours, and see some actual work done. Hell take it down for a week, and fix EVERYTHING WRONG WITH IT. If they believe a regime of 5 hours a week, with results adding up to anywhere between 1 and 10 changes in that 5 hours, THEN SURELY, in 176 hours (one week) They could ... you know... Fix just about every issue that people have brought up, if not make a serious dent in it.


4) They barely work in tandem with their community. Q&A Events, the Guild Summit, and all things alike, did give the illusion of this for a while, but those efforts died away. Some months you'll see about 3-4 things appear on the 'news' section of the main webpage over the duration of that month. Thats pathetic. Like I honestly wonder what takes up alot of these peoples 9-5 workdays. Playing the game themselves? Enjoying it while it last?


5) Yes i'm rather frustrated with this game at the moment, and as i said, i will soak up my last 45 days, and if they renew my faith within that time, then sure, i will keep playing most likely, but if not, I foresee a future where I begin researching the next mmo that i feel will i can immerse myself within.

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I guess they have 45 days to renew my faith in the game in some way. Even if its simply getting ranked warzones too us, perhaps with a few more bugs/balancing issues ironed out. This isn't a statement of "i've cancelled my subscription and now i demand that in the next 45 days things changed drastically", i'm more hoping that they start fulfilling the promises they make fully, perhaps with a little more collaboration with the community.


^^ I am still optimistic that there's things they've got planned to impress the community, but the game feels like its getting off to a bit too slow of a burn. Before someone screams "All this X content was added", i'm aware, i have 2 50's and a level 28, i've experienced a lot of it myself too. But aside from the excitement of the rakghoul event (which was hilariously fun, but infuriating that i never got to turn in my DNA, but those things happen, it was my own fault for not knowing exactly when the event finished). I would love to see more of this sort of thing, its certainly something else that'd keep me interested, but for now, i'll concede my patience has been knocked a little by disappointments like ranked war zones not making it into 1.2, but apparently its a fantastic idea to add the gear.

Oh and i cant say i was overjoyed to find out the weekly pvp reward is the same as daily as of a few weeks ago, but again, these things happen, it doesn't make me not want to play, no particular reason does, its more the culmination of various reasons of which people have complained about so far.


TL;DR? - I hope SW:ToR's patch notes are bit more impressive, if not even just a bit lengthier in the coming weeks.


I'm sorry you feel that way and even though you clearly state that you're not demanding anything I've seen too many "If they don't do X, I quit" etc posts that after reading the first sentance my mind pictures a little kid threatening to hold it's breath unless he/she gets candy/icecream.

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If your server population is low, and it is adversely impacting your enjoyment of the game, re-roll on a server with a more healthy population! It's a really simple concept. Legacy level, items, credits, PvP rank? It all means nothing if you quit, so if this is the only thing keeping you where you are, but you are otherwise enjoying the game, RE-ROLL! A simple, immediate solution to the 'my server is dead' problem for people who are otherwise enjoying the game.


Why people can't see this is simply beyond me....


Why should people be forced to re roll because their server is dead? Bioware isnt helping so why should people leave their characters behind and start all over while still paying Bioware?

People also have lives and cant invest the time to do the same thing again.


Why people cant see this is simply beyond me....

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I'm sorry you feel that way and even though you clearly state that you're not demanding anything I've seen too many "If they don't do X, I quit" etc posts that after reading the first sentance my mind pictures a little kid threatening to hold it's breath unless he/she gets candy/icecream.


): Sadly euphemism's doesn't change the way many people feel. But kudos on the witticism ^^.

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Ummm for the poster saying he's doing a 'market analyses', I think I stated in the first post, but TOR is the first MMO i've indulged in around 4 years. Perhaps even 5. Back then I used to play several MMO's, but didn't quit due to dislike of the game, and i actually very very briefly played the Matrix Online right after I quit WoW, but I quit for the same reason I quit WoW. I Couldn't justify the time i was spending playing the game.


Thats what I love about TOR. Many people don't like the fact it doesn't take long to get to 50, but I personally enjoyed the ease. It allowed for casual playing that still leveled me quite rapidly through continuous accumulation of rested. I had, and still have realistic expectations for this game, and although I hate the attitudes on the forums that people take, attacking the developer's intelligence directly, or insulting the company etc, but I also hate the attitude of "Well I enjoy this game, so to complain about it, is to be a self entitled brat". That's a terrible attitude to have. Even in the least constructive argumentative discussions, people still come out with inspired ideas and suggestions, but it'll rarely make a difference.

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