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Please put prises back where they were.


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Just leveled a new BH and went to Voss to get the same speeder I have on my other character. OMG they cost 3 times what they use to. The speeder I went to get use to cost 99k it now cost 300k omg what a rip off.


Your guys took a wrecking ball to pvp and now this to pve? No wonder my guild has lost around half its number to unsubs. As a pvp player mostly I never seen the damage you have done to pve till now. Lower rewards and higher cost to players is not a way to keep players happy.

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Too be fair, the suggestion only requests that prices be returned to previous levels. The OP never asks that Speeders be given away.


no, but it is implied with his last sentence. sacrificing long term health for short term "happiness" is a lot of whats went wrong with wow and several other franchises.

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no, but it is implied with his last sentence. sacrificing long term health for short term "happiness" is a lot of whats went wrong with wow and several other franchises.


How does jacking up speeder prices contribute to long term health, exactly?


It's not like speeders have any effect on the combat or economy of endgame or any other part of the game; they're a convenience for players having to travel further and more often.


To be honest, I think all speeders need a slight shift up in speed given their pricetags... For their price, they can be quite feeble really.

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How does jacking up speeder prices contribute to long term health, exactly?


It's not like speeders have any effect on the combat or economy of endgame or any other part of the game; they're a convenience for players having to travel further and more often.


To be honest, I think all speeders need a slight shift up in speed given their pricetags... For their price, they can be quite feeble really.


because you are not only getting speed for that price, but also additional protection from being knocked off.


also, while the actual price of the speeder was increased (money sink) the cost of the licenses was decreased, over all it was actually about a 5% cost reduction. plus you also got the bonus of cybertech speeders being made boe, and craftable for much less than the current price of speeders (a little cheaper than what they were at before, server depending) which actually increased the profitability of cybertech and kept the over all price cheaper while funneling excess money out of the economy. this was a very well handled change by bioware.

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It's all about keeping people grinding for credits. I honestly think the devs think this is what will keep subs up.


after 50, almost nothing can be bought, all are BoP, so no reason for cred gring

just stand in fleet and spam lfg lfg all the time

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